गरीब जिये या मरे, उससे बाजार और राजनीति का क्या!
एक्सकैलिबर स्टीवेंस विश्वास
गरीब जिये या मरे, उससे बाजार और राजनीति का क्या!बाजार का तंत्र मुनाफा केंद्रित है। जिन पांच हजार व्यापारी परिवारों के खातिर विदेशी निवेश का विरोध हो रहा है, वे भी बाजार में शामिल हैं और उनका कारोबार मुनाफा कमाने के लिए नहीं है, ऐसा बी कहा नहीं जा सकता। मुद्दा यह है कि गरीबों का हाड़ मांस चूसते रहने का ेकाधिकार किसे हो। राजनीतिक लड़ाई इसी वर्चस्व को लेकर है। बहिष्कृत निनानब्वे फीसद जनता के खिलाफ अश्वमेध के पुरोहित सभी हैं। बाजार और राजनीति से जुड़े तमाम लोग।कारपोरेट लालच के खिलाफ विश्वव्यापी शेयर बाजार कब्जा करो आंदोलन का कोई असर भारत में नहीं पड़ा। न बाकी विश्व में साल भर में ही इसकी कोई खबर बन रही है। राजनीति बाजार के विरुद्ध नहीं है। राजनीति में रहने के लिए, वोट के लिए बाजार के खिलाफ बोलना जरूर पड़ता है। व्यापारियों की हड़ताल हो गयी।भारत बंद भी हो गया। पर विदेशी निवेश के किलाफ राजनीतिक सक्रियता महज बयानबाजी और खबरों तक ही सीमित क्यों है?अभी अभी संसद का मानसून सत्र प्रधानमंत्री के इस्तीफे की भाजपाई मांग की वजह से धुल गया। तो अल्पमत सरकार को गिराकर जनविरोधी बाजार के खिलाफ जिहाद छेड़ने में राजनीति को परहेज क्यों है? संसद के विशेष अधिवेशन की मांग क्यों नही हो रही?
हालांकि देश के शेयर बाजारों में सोमवार को गिरावट का रुख रहा। प्रमुख सूचकांक सेंसेक्स 79.49 अंकों की गिरावट के साथ 18673.34 पर और निफ्टी 21.55 अंकों की गिरावट के साथ 5669.60 पर बंद हुआ। बम्बई स्टॉक एक्सचेंज (बीएसई) का 30 शेयरों पर आधारित संवेदी सूचकांक सेंसेक्स सुबह 3.48 अंकों की तेजी के साथ 18756.31 पर खुला और 79.49 अंकों या 0.42 फीसदी गिरावट के साथ 18673.34 पर बंद हुआ। दिन के कारोबार में सेंसेक्स ने 18811.13 के ऊपरी और 18650.43 के निचले स्तर को छुआ।रिटेल में एफडीआई को लेकर उठे सियासी तूफान के बीच प्रधानमंत्री मनमोहन सिंह ने एक बार फिर इसकी जबरदस्त वकालत करते हुए इसे मौजूदा वक्त की जरूरत करार दिया है। मनमोहन ने कहा कि देश में विदेशी निवेश के लिए बेहतर माहौल बनाया जाना चाहिए। प्रधानमंत्री ने इसके लिए सुधारों से जुड़े कुछ और फैसले जल्द ही लेने के भी संकेत दिए। उन्होंने कहा कि मौजूदा कंपनी कानूनों को अंतरराष्ट्रीय मानकों के अनुरूप बनाने के प्रयास किए जा रहे हैं। इसके लिए सरकार जल्द ही संसद में नया कंपनी विधेयक पेश करेगी।
सब राजनीतिक स्थिरता का राग अलाप रहे हैं। राजनीतिक स्थिरता की वजह से जनता के प्रति प्रतिबद्धता खत्म हो गयी अभी तो आर्थिक सुधारों से विदेशी निवेशकों की आस्था पाने के बाद बूम बूम बाजार है। रेटिंग संस्थाएं दबाव बना रही है। अमेरिकी विदेश मंत्री हिलेरी क्लिंटन के बाद भारत स्थिक अमेरिकी राजदूत ने भी कोलकाता में राइटर्स बिल्डिंग में जाकर दीदी से मुलाकात कर ली। संसद को निष्क्रिय बनाकर मंत्रिमंडलीय फैसलों और अधिशासी आदेशों के जरिये दूसरे चरण के आर्थिक सुधारों की जमीन बनाने वाले संसद का विशेष सत्र बुलाकर अनास्था प्रस्ताव लाने और कोलगेट वाली आक्रामकता जारी रखने में परहेज क्यों कर रहे हैं?सरकार से समर्थन वापसी के बाद ममता बनर्जी ने प्रधानमंत्री पर पहला और सीधा निशाना साधा है। ममता ने फेसबुक पर एक चिट्ठी डाली है। ये चिट्ठी मनमोहन सिंह ने 2002 में लिखी है, जब वो राज्य सभा में विपक्ष के नेता थे। ममता का कहना है कि ये चिट्ठी बताती है कि उस वक्त मनमोहन सिंह भी एफडीआई के विरोधी थे।
तृणमूल कांग्रेस प्रमुख ममता बनर्जी ने कहा कि वह एक अक्तूबर को दिल्ली के जंतर मंतर पर पार्टी के प्रदर्शन की अगुवाई करेंगी और खुदरा में एफडीआई, डीजल के दामों में बढोत्तरी और सब्सिडी वाले एलपीजी सिलेंडर की संख्या सीमित करने के 'जन विरोधी' फैसलों को वापस लेने की मांग केंद्र से करेंगी।
फेसबुक पर एक पोस्ट में उन्होंने कहा, 'लड़ाई को हिम्मत और एकता से लड़ें. लोकतंत्र में जनता सर्वोच्च होती है। हमारी आवाज जनता की आवाज है। हमें अपनी आवाज तेज करनी चाहिए ताकि सरकार इस पर विचार करे।'
ममता ने कहा, 'हम इन मुद्दों को रेखांकित करने के लिए उपस्थित रहेंगे और केंद्र से जन विरोधी फैसलों को वापस लेने का आग्रह करेंगे।' पार्टी प्रमुख ने कहा कि आम आदमी के मुद्दों के लिए पार्टी की लड़ाई 'मां , माटी और मानुष' की मदद से पूरे देश में जारी है।उन्होंने सोशल नेटवर्किंग साइट के माध्यम से अपने फेसबुक प्रशंसकों को कहा कि वे अपने दोस्तों को प्रदर्शन में शामिल होने के लिए कहें।
केंन्द्र सरकार की ओर से खुदरा कारोबार में विदेशी प्रत्यक्ष निवेश की हरी झंडी मिलने के साथ ही रिटेल क्षेत्र की दिग्गज बहुराष्ट्रीय कंपनी वालमार्ट ने भारत के खुदरा बाजार में उतरने के लिए कमर कस ली है।वालमार्ट एशिया के अध्यक्ष और मुख्य कार्यकारी निदेशक स्काट प्राइस ने एक निजी टेलीविजन चैनल से साक्षात्कार में कहा कि वह भारत में अपने रिटेल स्टोर खोलने के लिए भारती के साथ बनाए गए संयुक्त उपक्रम में कुछ बदलाव करेगी और इसके बाद अगले कुछ हफ्ते के अंदर सरकार के पास आवेदन भेजेगी।प्राइस ने कहा कि भारती के साथ संयुक्त उपक्रम बनाना हमारे लिए काफी अच्छा अनुभव रहा है। यह संयुक्त उपक्रम आगे भी जारी रहेगा लेकिन एफडीआई की शर्तो को देखते हुए इसमें कुछ बदलाव की जरूरत पड़ रही है। उन्होंने कहा कि एफडीआई की शर्तों के मुताबिक दस लाख से ज्यादा की आबादी वाले शहरों में रिटेल स्टोर खोलने के लिए राज्य सरकारों से भी अनुमति लेनी होगी ऐसे में भारती के साथ मिलकर हमे सारी योजना बनाने के बाद संयुक्त रूप से सरकार के समक्ष आवेदन करना होगा।उन्होंने भारत में खुदरा क्षेत्र में विदेशी निवेश को लेकर उठ रहे विवाद पर कहा कि इसे लेकर इतना परेशान होने की जरूरत नहीं है। वालमार्ट के स्टोर में जो भी सामान उपलब्ध होंगे उनमें से 90 प्रतिशत सामान वालमार्ट स्थानीय कारोबारियों से ही जुटाएगा। उन्होंने कहा कि हम किसानों और उत्पादकों से सीधे संपर्क साधेंगे और इसके लिए अपनी लाजिस्टिक सेवाओं को मजबूत बनाएंगे।आम लोगों को कम कीमत पर अच्छी चीजें मिल सकेंगी। उन्होंने कहा कि स्थानीय किराना दुकानों को वालमार्ट से कोई खतरा नहीं होगा। बड़े और छोटे बाजार दशकों से एक साथ चलते रहे हैं यह कोई नई व्यवस्था नहीं है।
मध्यावधि चुनाव हुआ तो बीसेक हजार रुपए खर्च होंगे? कोलगेट और स्पेक्ट्रमघोटालों में कितने लाख करोड़ हजम हो गये? बाकी घोटालों का उल्लेख न भी करें! विदेशी बैंकों में कितना कालाधन जमा है? उद्योगपतियों को हर बजट में कितने लाख करोड़ की छूट दी जाती है? क्या नया जनादेश इससे भी मंहगा है?
क्या बाजार को या फिर राजनीति को कृषि संकट और उससे होने वाली भुखमरी और आत्महत्याओं की कोई चिंता है? सरकार ने खरीफ फसलों के उत्पादन पर अपना पहला पूर्वानुमान जारी किया है। सरकारी आंकड़ों के मुताबिक इस साल खरीफ की पैदावार में करीब 10 फीसदी की कमी आ सकती है।इस साल पिछले साल के 9.15 करोड़ टन के मुकाबले करीब 8.5 करोड़ टन चावल की पैदावार होने का अनुमान है। दलहन की पैदावार में करीब 15 फीसदी की कमी आ सकती है।वहीं तिलहन की पैदावार भी 2 करोड़ टन के मुकाबले 1.88 करोड़ टन रहने का अनुमान है। साथ ही कपास की पैदावार पिछले साल के 3.5 करोड़ गांठ से घटकर करीब 3.34 करोड़ गांठ रहने का अनुमान है।
अरुण शौरी विनिवेश कार्यक्रम को अमली जामा पहनाने वाले हैं और वे खुलकर मनमोहनी सुधारों के हक में है। ममता बनर्जी केंद्र सरकार से समर्थन वापसी के बाद दिल्ली में जनांदोलन शुरू करनेवाली हैं, पर उनका वित्तमंत्री विदेशी निवेश के सबसे बड़े प्रवक्ताओं में हैं जो अर्थशास्त्री होने के अलावा बाहैसियत फिक्की भारतीय उद्योग जगत के प्रतिनिधि भी हैं। तो क्या राजनीति जनता के लिए बाजार के खिलाफ खड़ी हो सकती है?सनद रहे, विदेशी पूंजी का अबाध प्रवाह सुनिश्चित करने के बाद सामाजिक योजनाओं में सरकारी खर्च बढ़ाकर बाजार का विस्तार अगला सरकारी कार्यक्रम है।हर हाथ में मोबाइल है और अब दूरसंचार मंत्री कपिल सिब्बल ने कहा है कि मोबाइल फोनधारकों को अगले साल से रोमिंग शुल्क नहीं देना होगा। उपभोक्ताओं की बल्ले-बल्ले!सरकार ने करीब 80 लाख केंद्रीय कर्मचारियों और पेंशनभोगियों को राहत देते हुए महंगाई भत्ते में 7 फीसदी बढ़ोतरी का ऐलान किया है। इस योजना से केंद्र सरकार के खजाने पर सालाना करीब 7,408 करोड़ रुपये का बोझ बढ़ेगा। महंगाई भत्ते में बढ़ोतरी 1 जुलाई 2012 से प्रभावी होगी। एक सरकारी अधिकारी के मुताबिक केंद्रीय कर्मचारियों का महंगाई भत्ता अब 65 फीसदी से बढ़कर 72 फीसदी हो गया है। इससे 55 लाख कर्मचारियों को फायदा होगा।साथ ही सशस्त्र सेना कर्मियों के लिए पेंशन से जुड़े प्रस्तावों को मंजूरी दे दी। कर्मचारियों के महंगाई भत्ते को बढाकर मूल वेतन का 72 प्रतिशत किया गया है। सरकारी बयान में कहा गया है कि महंगाई भत्ते में यह वृद्धि एक जुलाई 2012 से प्रभावी होगी।सरकार जिनके जरिये काम करती है, वे खुश रहें, तो बाकी लोगों की परवाह क्यों? शहरों में आवास की समस्या से निपटने में सरकार काफी हद तक कामयाब रही है। आवास एवं शहरी गरीबी उन्मूलन मंत्रालय की एक रिपोर्ट के मुताबिक शहरों में 2012 तक घरों की कमी सिर्फ 23 फीसदी रह गई है। वहीं 2007 में ये आंकड़ा 37 फीसदी पर था।आवास एवं शहरी गरीबी उन्मूलन मंत्रालय के मुताबिक चुनौतियां अभी बाकी है और आने वाले 5 सालों में करीब 2 करोड़ घरों की कमी होगी। इस में सबसे ज्यादा घरों की जरूरत बहुत कम आय वाले लोगों के लिए होगी।कर्ज भले ही सस्ता हो गया हो पर आपका हेल्थ इंश्योरेंस जल्द महंगा होने वाला है। देश की बड़ी इंश्योरेंस कंपनी में से एक ओरिएंटल इंश्योरेंस ने कहा है कि हेल्थ इंश्योरेंस का प्रीमियम जल्द ही 15 फीसदी तक बढ़ सकता है। इसके लिए कंपनी ने इंश्योरेंस सेक्टर रेगुलेटर इरडा से इजाजत भी मांगी है।ओरिएंटल इंश्योरेंस के मुताबिक पिछले 6 साल से हेल्थ इंश्योरेंस के प्रीमियम नहीं बढ़े हैं लेकिन कंपनियों की लागत लगातार बढ़ रही है। हेल्थ इंश्योरेंस मार्केट में ओरिएंटल इंश्योरेंस का हिस्सा 60 फीसदी है।
जमीन अधिग्रहण बिल पर मंत्रियों के समूह (जीओएम) की बैठक 27 सितंबर को होगी। इस समूह में 12 सदस्य होंगे और इसकी अध्यक्षता कृषि मंत्री शरद पवार करेंगे।
जमीन अधिग्रहण बिल की कुछ शर्तों पर 5 मंत्रियों के असहमत होने के बाद कैबिनेट ने ये बिल जीओएम को भेजा है। अगर जरूरत हुई तो जीओएम इस बिल की शर्तों में बदलाव करने पर सुझाव देगा।
सरकार संसद के शीतकालीन सत्र में जमीन अधिग्रहण बिल को पारित कराना चाहती है। इस बीच सूत्रों से मिली जानकारी के मुताबिक वित्त मंत्रालय ने अतिरिक्त सरकारी जमीनों की बिक्री के लिए ई-ऑक्शन करने की सिफारिश की है। सरकारी जमीन की बिक्री के देखरेख के लिए समिति गठित की जाएगी। ये समिति पीएसयू की जमीनों की बिक्री की भी निगरानी करेगी। सरकारी जमीन की बिक्री को लेकर नीति बनाने के लिए कैबिनेट नोट जारी कर दिया गया है।
सरकार ने जमीन अधिग्रहण बिल के तहत जिन शर्तों को जोड़ा है वो इस प्रकार हैं। जमीन अधिग्रहण बिल के मुताबिक जमीन अधिग्रहण के 3 महीने के भीतर किसानों को मुआवजा देना होगा। जमीन अधिग्रहण बिल के तहत यूज ऑफ लैंड को बदला नहीं जा सकता है मतलब जमीन जिस मकसद से अधिग्रहण की गई है उसे किसी और प्रोजेक्ट में इस्तेमाल नहीं किया जा सकता है।
अगर जमीन का इस्तेमाल रेल, हाइवे जैसे लीनियर प्रोजेक्ट के लिए किया जाना है तो एक से ज्यादा फसल वाली जमीन का भी अधिग्रहण किया सकता है। मौजूदा बिल के मुताबिक अगर जमीन का इस्तेमाल 10 साल तक नहीं होता है कि उसे जमीन के मालिक को लौटाने की बजाय राज्यों के लैंड बैंक में शामिल कर दिया जाएगा।
शिव सेना प्रमुख बाल ठाकरे ने सोमवार को प्रधानमंत्री मनमोहन सिंह का मजाक उड़ाते हुए कहा कि यदि मनमोहन सिंह ममता बनर्जी जैसे अपने सहयोगी को खुदरा में प्रत्यक्ष विदेशी निवेश (एफडीआई) पर नहीं समझा पाए तो इस बात की बिल्कुल संभावना नहीं बनती कि वह जनता को समझा लेंगे।'सामना' के मुखपत्र संपादकीय में ठाकरे ने कहा है कि 21 सितंबर को प्रसारित प्रधानमंत्री का राष्ट्र के नाम संबोधन सबसे हास्यास्पद और अभूतपूर्व था। उन्होंने कहा कि खुदरा में एफडीआई के कदम ने देश के व्यापारिक समुदाय को नाराज कर दिया है।ठाकरे ने कहा है कि इसके अलावा डीजल कीमतों में वृद्धि ने भी आम आदमी को ज्यादा पीड़ित किया है। इससे गरीबों के घर का चूल्हा बंद हो जाएगा। इसके बावजूद प्रधानमंत्री लोगों से आह्वान करते हैं कि वो उनका हाथ मजबूत करें। ठाकरे ने जनता को यह बताने के लिए मनमोहन सिंह की खिल्ली उड़ाई है कि 'रुपये पेड़ों पर नहीं लगते'।ठाकरे ने कहा कि जहां प्रधानमंत्री अत्यधिक वित्तीय संकट में होने की बात करते हैं, वहीं वह दरियादिली भी दिखाते हैं। ठाकरे ने मुस्लिम अल्पसंख्यकों को दी गई रियायतों , खाद्य सुरक्षा पर सरकारी खर्च पर और मनरेगा पर सवाल खड़े किए। ठाकरे ने अनुमान जाहिर किया कि हम नहीं कह सकते कि प्रधानमंत्री का हाथ कितना मजबूत हुआ है। लेकिन देश की जनता मजबूत है और निश्चित रूप से कांग्रेस को सत्ता से बाहर फेंक देगी।
देश में निवेश को आकर्षित करने और कई सुधारवादी कदम उठाने के बाद सरकार ने आज बिजली वितरण कंपनियों के कर्ज पुनर्गठन प्रस्ताव को हरी झंडी दिखा इस क्षेत्र को बड़ी राहत दी है। करीब एक दशक पहले भी केंद्र सरकार इसी तरह की पहल करते हुए राज्य बिजली बोर्डों के बकाया के लिए एक बारगी निपटान योजना लाई थी। आर्थिक मामलों की कैबिनेट समिति ने बिजली वितरण कंपनियों (डिस्कॉम) के कर्ज पुनर्गठन प्रस्ताव को मंजूरी दे दी।
वैसे चीनी की कीमतें पहले ही आसमान छू रही हैं, उस पर अंदेशा यह है कि राशन की चीनी भी महंगी हो सकती है। यानी आम आदमी की थाली से सब्जी की तरह चाय में से शक्कर गायब होने की नौबत आ सकती है। कुल मिलाकर महंगाई विकराल रूप धारण करने को है!सरकार अब राशन की दुकानों पर मिलने वाली सस्ती चीने के दाम भी बढ़ाने की तैयारी कर रही है। सरकार के मुताबिक शक्कर की कीमत 13.20 रु से बढ़ाकर 25 रु किलो करने का प्रस्ताव है।सोमवार को होने वाली केन्द्रीय कैबिनेट की बैठक में सार्वजनिक वितरण प्रणाली की कायापलट हो सकती है। सू्त्रों के मुताबिक मौजूदा वितरण प्रणाली में लगभग 62 प्रतिशत का रिसाव है। चीनी के तेज़ी से बढ़ते दामों की जांच करने के लिए अब सरकार सार्वजनिक वितरण प्रणाली में 42,000 करोड़ रुपए खर्च करेगी। नई प्रणाली में उपभोक्ताओं को एसएमएस के द्बारा राशन स्टाक की जानकारी दी जाएगी।
इसी के मध्य साख निर्धारण करने वाली अंतर्राष्ट्रीय संस्था स्टैंडर्ड ऐंड पूअर्स ने मौजूदा वर्ष के भारत के सकल घरेलू उत्पाद (जीडीपी) के अनुमान को पहले के 6.5 प्रतिशत की तुलना में एक प्रतिशत घटाकर साढ़े पांच प्रतिशत कर दिया है।सी रंगराजन के मुताबिक सुधार के संकेत दिख रहे हैं और 6 महीनों में अर्थव्यवस्था की हालत सुधरेगी।संस्था ने सोमवार को अपने बयान में कहा है कि हालांकि साल के दौरान एशिया प्रशांत के क्षेत्र में विश्व की अन्य अर्थव्यवस्थाओं की तुलना में मजबूत रफ्तार रहेगी। स्टैंडर्ड ऐंड पूअर्स ने इसी साल अप्रैल में भारत की साख को स्थिर से घटाकर नकारात्मक किया था।गौरतलब है कि चालू वित्त वर्ष की पहली तिमाही में एक तिमाही पहले के 5.3 प्रतिशत की तुलना में थोड़ा सुधार नजर आया था और यह 5.5 प्रतिशत की रफ्तार से बढ़ी थी। संस्था ने चीन की जीडीपी को भी आधा प्रतिशत घटाकर 7.5 प्रतिशत और जापान की दो प्रतिशत की है। दक्षिण कोरिया की जीडीपी ढाई प्रतिशत, सिंगापुर की 2.1 प्रतिशत और ताईवान की 1.9 प्रतिशत रहने का अनुमान व्यक्त किया गया है।क्रिसिल पहले ही भारत के जीडीपी अनुमान को 6.5 प्रतिशत से घटाकर 5.5 प्रतिशत कर चुका है। एचएसबीसी ने भी जीडीपी अनुमान कम किया है। योजना आयोग ने हाल में संपन्न अपनी पूर्ण बैठक में 12 वीं पंचवर्षीय योजना के दौरान जीडीपी के अनुमान को पहले के नौ प्रतिशत की तुलना में कम कर 8.2 प्रतिशत किया है।
रिटेल में एफडीआई, महंगे डीजल और सब्सिडी वाले एलपीजी सिलेंडरों के मुद्दे पर केंद्र से समर्थन लेने वाली ममता बनर्जी अब सरकार के निशाने पर आ गई हैं। कड़वी गोलियों जैसे सख्त आर्थिक सुधार के फैसले ले रही सरकार ने अब कहा है कि यह काम पहले ही शुरू हो जाता, लेकिन ममता बनर्जी की तणमूल कांग्रेस और उसके जैसी अन्य पार्टियों की वजह से ऐसा नहीं हो सका।
केंद्रीय मंत्री गुलाम नबी आजाद ने रविवार को कहा कि यदि ममता बनर्जी के नेतृत्व वाली तृणमूल कांग्रेस जैसी पार्टियों का दबाव सरकार पर नहीं होता, तो रिटेल में एफडीआई, डीजल मूल्य वृद्धि और सब्सिडी वाले घरेलू गैस सिलेंडरों पर नियंत्रण जैसे आर्थिक सुधार के फैसले पहले ही हो जाते। उन्होंने कहा, 'ये निर्णय पूरी तरह से अर्थव्यवस्था को मजबूत करने वाले हैं। यदि आर्थिक सुधार के ये फैसले पहले ले लिए गए होते, तो अब तक इनका असर दिखाई देने लगता।'
उन्होंने दावा किया कि यूपीए सरकार को किसी तरह का खतरा नहीं है। कांग्रेसी नेता ने कहा, 'हमारी सरकार पूर्ण बहुमत में है और लोकसभा में इसके पास तीन सौ से ज्यादा सांसदों का समर्थन है। इनमें उन पार्टियों के सांसद भी हैं, जो यूपीए को बाहर से समर्थन दे रही हैं।' उल्लेखनीय है कि 545 के सदन में सरकार को स्थिर बने रहे के लिए 273 सांसदों की आवश्यकता है।
एक कार्यक्रम के बाद आजाद यहां पत्रकारों से बातचीत कर रहे थे। उन्होंने सरकार द्वारा लिए जा रहे फैसलों का पूरी ताकत से बचाव किया और कहा कि ये कदम अर्थव्यवस्था को मजबूत बनाने के लिए जरूरी हैं। आजाद ने कहा, 'प्रधानमंत्री पहले ही स्पष्ट कर चुके हैं कि यदि ये प्रसास नहीं किए गए तो 1991 के जैसे आर्थिक संकट उत्पन्न हो सकते हैं जब देश का सोना तक गिरवी रखने की नौबत आ गई थी।' उन्होंने कहा, 'ऐसे समय जबकि पूरी दुनिया आर्थिक मंदी का सामना कर रही है, भारत ने अपनी अर्थव्यवस्था को कामयाबी के साथ संतुलित रखा है।'
सरकार के समर्थन में शौरी
भाजपा भले ही डीजल की कीमतों में वृद्धि और रिटेल में एफडीआई का जमकर विरोध कर रही हो लेकिन उसके वरिष्ठ नेता और पूर्व केंद्रीय मंत्री अरुण शौरी ने इन्हें जायज ठहराते हुए वक्त की मांग बताया है। उन्होंने यहां पत्रकारों से बातचीत में कहा कि डीजल की कीमतों में बढ़ोतरी समय की जरूरत है। शौरी के अनुसार रिटेल में एफडीआई पर हो रहा हंगामा बेकार है क्योंकि इससे न किसी को नुकसान होगा और न फायदा। उन्होंने प्रधानमंत्री मनमोहन सिंह की यह कहते हुए तारीफ की कि 'पहली बार उन्होंने ने अपनी ताकत दिखाई है।
Monday, September 24, 2012
Provided Mamata is honest enough to lead anti FDI crusade, she should discard her own finance minister Amit Mitra first who was imported from USA and represents industry via FICCI. Because corporate elements, the extra constitutional elements making
Provided Mamata is honest enough to lead anti FDI crusade, she should discard her own finance minister Amit Mitra first who was imported from USA and represents industry via FICCI. Because corporate elements, the extra constitutional elements making policies are most responsible for economic ethnic cleansing. If Mamata is committed to Ma, Mati Manush, she must begin charity at home.
Indian Holocaust My father`s Life and Time, Chapter: Nine Hundred Seven
Palash Biswas
Mobile: 919903717833
Skype ID: palash.biswas44
Email: palashbiswaskl@gmail.com
Trinamool Congress chief Mamata Banerjee today announced that she would lead a party demonstration at Jantar Mantar in Delhi on October 1 to urge the Centre to withdraw "anti-people" decisions on FDI in retail, cap on subsidised LPG and diesel price hike.As the Marxist chose an opportune time to pull of irrespective of consequence while Indo Us nuclear deal was operationalised. Didi almost followed her rivals as economic policies never did lose the direction , only the implementation was in the pipeline.Provided Mamata is honest enough to lead anti FDI crusade, she should discard her own finance minister Amit Mitra first who was imported from USA and represents industry via FICCI. Because corporate elements, the extra constitutional elements making policies are most responsible for economic ethnic cleansing. If Mamata is committed to Ma, Mati Manush, she must begin charity at home.
On the other hand,US ambassador Nancy Powell's meeting with Trinamool Congress chief and West Bengal chief minister Mamata Banerjee, barely a couple of days after the latter quit the UPA government at the Centre, has sparked off speculation within political circles.Times of India reprts.
US Ambassador to India Nancy Powell met West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee here Monday. Powell called on Banerjee at the West Bengal secretariat and held talks with her for about 40 minutes.
Both Mamata and Powell remained tight lipped over their meeting!
According to sources, Powell was keen to know more of the reservations that Mamata has against Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) in retail in the meeting that lasted nearly 45 minutes.
It was Mamata's opposition to FDI in retail that prompted her decision to quit the UPA. "US companies will be the beneficiaries if FDI is allowed in retail.
There is strong belief that the Manmohan Singh government took the decision to allow FDI in retail under pressure from the US. Mamata's objection to the decision and the subsequent pullout from the government at the Centre, came as a shot in the arm for parties in the opposition like the BJP and the Left.
Powell may have wanted to know the exact issues that has led to this opposition. This would help to develop a strategy through which undue fears within the general population may be allayed," a source revealed. The UPA is also planning to bring the insurance and pension bills in Parliament soon.
US companies are likely to be stakeholders if these bills get passed. With the US realising that any reforms of this kind are likely to face stiff opposition in India, it is likely to formulate a different strategy to try and help the Centre in its attempts to bring about economic reforms. This is not the first time that Powell has met Mamata.
A meeting between the two was convened earlier this year before US secretary of state Hillary Clinton's visit to India. "After that meeting, Powell had heaped praise on Mamata and commended her coming to power in the state.
Even Hillary had met Mamata during her visit to India and discussed the possible areas that can be explored for better economic ties. Mamata and the Trinamool has always held a certain level of importance in US-India policy, particularly after the Left was trounced. The US wouldn't want Mamata to step into the shoes of the Left as the biggest US-baiter in India," the source added.
Meanwhile rating pressure continues to mount up. It is quite impossible for Dr. Manmohan singh and his government to go back reverse gear. You may not delink with US economy under global compulsion which seem to be greater than political compulsion.Global ratings agency Standard & Poor's, which has threatened to downgrade India to junk status, today lowered its 2012 GDP growth forecast for the country to 5.5 per cent citing the weak monsoons and investor sentiments.The lower growth estimate of 5.5 per cent is down by about one percentage point from the earlier one, it said in a note. In the revised estimates published today, the agency has also forecast lower growths for many other countries, including China. Mraket is quite apolitical. it has no sympathy with the common man. since you adopted or supported market economy, you have to to do everything in the interest of the market captured by foreign investment institutions. The rating fluctuate in accordance with foreign capital inflow. Political equations may not change this reality.The politician seem not to care for Aam Aadmi stranded and seized within disaster after disaster because the economy has denied agrarian identity of the nation. Expansion of market is the only destination earmarked. Hence social sector is opened up for government expenditure to pump in cash to empower the rural world with purchasing power. The sustenance of the rural world is linked to agrarian crisis, it is never considered.Service sector and construction happen to be indicators of economy, and indiscriminate urbanisation and industrialisation are the priorities without addressing agrarian crisis or the fundamentals of production system.
Only political anti FDI crusade may not solve the problem at all. Yes, mamata`s next venture may boost her image as prime minister material for her populist tsunami! However the Aaam Aadmi is ensured for another starving season ahead as Country's foodgrains production is projected to decline by 10 per cent in the kharif season of this year at 117.18 million tonnes due to deficient monsoon and drought in some states.However, the government expects to make up for the decline in output during the Rabi season (winter sown crop).
"Let us fight the battle boldly and unitedly. In a democracy, people are supreme. Our voice is the voice of the people. We must raise our voice, so that the government must reconsider," Banerjee said in a post on Facebook.She said, "We all will be present to highlight these issues and request the Central government to withdraw the anti-people decisions."
Banerjee said the party's fight for the cause of common people continued with the help of 'Maa, Mati, Manush' throughout the country.
"I am thankful to all of you for supporting our persistent protest against the unethical decisions on price hike of diesel, restriction of LPG cylinders, increase in fertiliser prices and permission of FDI in retail, which are not in the interest of the common people," she said.She also requested her Facebook fans to tell their friends to join the demonstration at 1:00 PM on the day.
TMC, which has 19 members in the Lok Sabha, withdrew support to the Congress-led UPA government and pulled out its six ministers from the government on September 21 on these issues.
Foreign capital inflow enveloping Indian economy is not a brand new phenomenon. It began with green revolution and had been sustained during Indira and Rajiv regime.Dr. Manmohan Singh worked as a booster only. Moreover, real liberalisation got momentum with resurrection of Hindutva and the NDA government set the ball running. Mamata worked as Railway minister in NDA as well as UPA government. She may not disown the responsibility for all that happened during these years.She had been an advocate for private public partnership!
For example, after declining for three consecutive months, foreign direct investment (FDI) in India increased by about 60 per cent to USD 1.76 billion in July. In July 2011, the country had received foreign investment worth USD 1.10 billion. However, according to latest data of the Reserve Bank of India (RBI), during April- July 2012 the FDI inflows dipped to USD 6.18 billion from USD 14.6 billion in the same period last year.Mamata and her party witnessed foreign capital boom all these years.

FICCI Secretary General, Amit Mitra has joined the Trinamool Congress and is contesting the 2011 West Bengal Assembly Election from Khardah. He was also appointed as the chairman of Railway Expert Committee by the Trinamool Supremo and India's Railway Minister. This blog features Mitra's politico-ideological inclinations and pose some questions to the Trinamool Congress on these issues. (Attached photo captures Amit Mitra with US Ambassador Timothy J. Roemer, courtsey: Flickr & Google Images).
Amit Mitra's political training in RSS' student wing ABVP:
"FICCI secretary general Amit Mitra had his early grounding in the BJP-affiliated Akhil Bharatiya Vidya Parishad (ABVP) and can call a number of BJP leaders as his friends"
(The Financial Express, 14th May, 2004): Click Here
Q: Why has Trinamool Congress nominated a person like Amit Mitra, who has 'early grounding' in ABVP and is politically close to BJP?
Amit Mitra opposed the agitation against Tata Motors Plant in Singur:
"The Tata project could have brought about a major change in the industrial scenario in the state. This was not a one-off auto project, but would have given a boost to a host of ancillaries as well."
(Rediff.com, 4th October, 2008): Click Here
Q. Has Amit Mitra changed his position vis-à-vis Singur OR has the Trinamool changed its position?
Amit Mitra supports FDI in Retail:
"FICCI Secretary General Amit Mitra suggests ushering in retail FDI with a stipulation that large retailers will procure a major part of their supplies locally and work closely with farmers in imparting better knowhow."
(India Today, internet version: 11th April, 2011): Click Here
"To increase the share of organised retail…Ficci has advocated a multi-pronged strategy that includes relaxing the foreign direct investment norms, grant of industry status to retail, simplification of the tax structure, upgrade of manpower skills and a check on counterfeiting…'Archaic laws and regulations should be done away with' said FICCI president Amit Mitra."
(Business Standard, 23rd April, 2007): Click Here
Q. Why has Trinamool nominated a supporter of FDI in Retail when it stated in its 2009 Lok Sabha Manifesto that it is opposed to the entry of MNCs in retail trade?
Amit Mitra advocates SEZs:
"A few land agitations or a few denotifications sought by a handful of developers cannot and should not detract from the success of the SEZ policy in the country. Besides, while there may be agitations in Bengal or Orissa, there are absolutely no agitations in Tamil Nadu or Gujarat over SEZs."
(The Telegraph, Kolkata; 28th June, 2009): Click Here
Q. Why has an ardent supporter of SEZs been nominated as a candidate of the Trinamool, which claims to be the 'anti-SEZ' party according to its 2009 Lok Sabha Manifesto (p. 33, p. 35)? Has Trinamool now become a pro-SEZ party?
Amit Mitra supports Hire and Fire:
FICCI's position on Labour Reforms: "by flexible labour laws, FICCI did not just mean freedom to hire and fire labour, but also enabling contract labour."
(Business Line, 21st January, 2001): Click Here
"Amit Mitra, secretary-general of the Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry, said labour reforms were a must to give a thrust to Indian economy."
(Rediff.com, 10th September, 2001): Click Here
Q. Why has Trinamool nominated a candidate who wants to push anti-labour changes in labour laws?
Amit Mitra is a Neoliberal Hawk:
A Duke University Newsletter report titled "Mitra Urges Indian Liberalization" reported that he had set up a 'think tank' whose purpose was "to push the government of India to liberalize the Indian economy."
(Economics at Duke Newsletter, Vol. 14, No. 2, Summer 1993): Click Here
Q. Does the Trinamool share Amit Mitra's vision of liberalization and neoliberal reforms?
Amit Mitra batted for Enron:
"You will be happy to know that I personally went on CNN and condemned the cancellation of the Enron deal" (Rediff.com, 1st November, 1996): Click Here
Q: Why is Trinamool backing a supporter of a fraud company like Enron?
Amit Mitra is close to the American establishment:
" 'We know Bush is good for India. But in Kerry's case we would have been hopeful that he would be good for India', says Amit Mitra, secretary-general, FICCI"
(India Today, 15th November, 2004): Click Here
"We have political comfort with the Bush administration."
(Rediff.com, 30th September, 2005): Click Here
Q. Is Amit Mitra the link between the Trinamool and the US administration?
When asked about the reason for increase in FDI in July, an official in the Commerce and Industry Ministry said these numbers are fluctuating in nature.
"But the recent decisions like allowing foreign direct investment in multi-brand retail and civil aviation would help in boosting investments in the country," the official added.
The Centre has also allowed foreign airlines to buy 49 per cent stake in the domestic carriers, besides permitting 49 per cent FDI in power exchanges.
It has also increased foreign equity cap to 74 per cent in services like teleports, DTH, Multi System Operators (MSOs) operating at national, state or district level which were involved in digitisation and mobile TV and mobile TV.
Foreign inflows in April, May and June dipped to USD 1.85 billion, USD 1.32 billion and USD 1.24 billion compared to USD 3.12 billion, USD 4.66 billion and USD USD 5.65 billion respectively, in the a year-ago period.
Sectors which received large FDI inflows in the month under review include services, pharmaceuticals, construction and power.
India received maximum FDI from Mauritius, the Netherlands, the UK, Singapore and Cyprus.
The inflows had aggregated to USD 36.50 billion in 2011-12 against USD 19.42 billion in 2010-11 and USD 25.83 billion in 2009-10.
"The lack of monsoon rains has affected India, for which agriculture still forms a substantial part of the economy. Additionally, the more cautious investor sentiment globally has seen potential investors become more critical of India's policy and infrastructure shortcomings," it said.
The lowering of the growth estimate comes even as the government under new Finance Minister P Chidambaram has taken a slew of reform measures and stated its commitment to do more on the reforms front.
The measures, which have run into political controversy, included hike in diesel prices, putting a cap on the number of subsidised cooking gas cylinders a family can use, liberalising foreign holding norms in aviation, multi-brand retail, non-news broadcasting and power exchanges sectors, and divesting its stake in five companies.
"At this stage it is still uncertain whether these measures can be implemented," S&P, which had downgraded its outlook on the country's sovereign rating to negative and then threatened to junk it in June failing concrete measures from the Government, had said in reaction to the reform measures.
Foodgrains output stood at 129.94 million tonnes (MT)in last year's Kharif season. The production of rice – a major Kharif crop – is expected to fall to 85.59 MT compared with 91.53 MT in the last Kharif (summer crops).
"As per the first advance estimate, total foodgrains production is expected at 117.18 million tonnes in the kharif season of 2012-13 crop year, lower than the last year but higher than the average production of 113 million tonnes in the last five years," Agriculture Minister Sharad Pawar told reporters here.
"Whatever shortfall we have seen in kharif season will be covered in rabi," the minister said.
Pulses production is estimated at 5.26 MT in Kharif this year against 6.16 MT during the year ago period, he said, adding the production of coarse cereals is estimated to fall to 26.33 MT from 32.26 MT.
Deficiency of monsoon stands at 5 per cent so far. Karnataka, Maharashtra, Gujarat and Rajasthan have declared drought in over 390 taluks.
Asked if fall in foodgrains output will impact prices, Pawar said: "Last year's stock position of wheat and rice is extremely good. There is no problem. I am worried prices of wheat, atta and sugar are going up in the market. I do not understand the reason because we have good crop".
Pawar said he would speak to the Consumer Affairs Minister on this issue. "More quantity of sugar and wheat need to be released in the market to check prices".
Releasing the first advance estimates of kharif season for 2012-13 crop year (July- une), Pawar said oilseeds output is estimated at 18.78 million tonnes from 20.78 million tonnes in Kharif last year.
"Production of soyabean is encouraging and will offset decline in groundnut," he added.
Cotton production is estimated to fall to 33.4 million bales (of 170 kg each) as against 35.2 million bales during last year, while sugarcane production is pegged at 335.3 million tonnes against 357.6 million tonnes last year.
"This year, we have witnessed delay in onset of monsoon. The first estimates are better than expected. These are preliminary estimates and final estimates will be better than this," Pawar said.
This Times of India story is very interesting!
Bengal loses aid package by whisker
TNN Sep 21, 2012, 02.25AM IST
NEW DELHI: The suspense over what Trinamool chief Mamata Banerjee would do after her deadline for a rollback of reform measures expired, saw her finance minister Amit Mitra wait till late on Tuesday morning before calling off his scheduled meeting with finance minister P Chidambaram in Delhi.
Mitra received no word about what he was to do as the hour of his appointment neared. But when he finally conveyed his regrets to Chidambaram, the financial package Mamata had been waiting for so long also went up in smoke. Hours later, on Tuesday evening, the West Bengal chief minister announced her withdrawal of support to the Manmohan Singh government.
Keen to ensure safe passage of its reform initiatives, the Centre had worked hard to frame the package Mamata had demanded so that the diesel price hike, cooking gas subsidy cut and FDI in retail pill could be sweetened. The fiscal lifeline was to be the subject of Mitra's cancelled meeting with Chidambaram.
Mamata's hard line on the Centre's desperate bid to avert a looming downgrade of the economy meant that the package denied to her as long as Pranab Mukherjee - prior to his becoming President - was finance minister, slipped out of grasp just as it was to be delivered.
The slip between the cup and the lip apart, the late hour at which the appointment was cancelled reflects the uncertainty over how Trinamool would respond to Congress refusing to cow down to Mamata's demands. The tensions culminated in a prolonged party discussion that ended in Trinamool snapping ties with UPA.
Speaking in hindsight, political sources admitted that there was an air of inevitability to the events. Mamata would not relent on her populism and the Centre found itself in a dire situation on the economic front. As Chidambaram explained to the Congress leadership, the government had run out of options. But the lack of leeway meant Congress had no room to negotiate, dooming efforts of peace makers.
It's a little less than six months after Ficci's former secretary-general Amit Mitra took over as the finance minister of West Bengal. Of late, he has got into a war of words with his predecessor, Asim Dasgupta, over nuances of the budget documents. In a telephonic conversation, Mitra explains to Namrata Acharya how the state is reeling under a huge debt, a "legacy" of the Left government. Excerpts:
Asim Dasgupta claims that (chief minister) Mamata Banerjee has presented misleading data to the Centre for garnering more funds. According to him, the state is left with 26 per cent of total revenues as development fund, and not six per cent as represented by Banerjee at the NDC (National Development Council) meeting.
The data Banerjee presented is absolutely correct. See, there are three components to the projected receipts of the state government: a) non-plan grant by the Centre, b) grant for central plans and schemes and c) grant for centrally-sponsored schemes. Now, the problem is, these three grants cannot be used for payment of salaries, pension, interest and repayment of debt. After deducting them, from the total revenue, the state is left with Rs 59,462 crore. Now, if we divide the total expenditure of the state in these, (pension, salaries, interest and repayment), which is Rs 56,031 crore, with the total revenue (Rs 59,462 crore), and multiply by 100, the ratio which come is 94.23 per cent. Thus, the state is left with six per cent of the revenue for other expenditures.
I will also give the break-up of some of the grants given by the Centre. The non-plan grant of 14th Finance Commission is Rs 2,254 crore. This cannot be transferred to local bodies. So, we cannot use that for giving salaries, pension or interest repayment. The second grant is a Rs 240-crore Government of India scheme for centrally-planned projects. This is also a pass-through; it cannot be used for committed expenditure. The third is grant for centrally-sponsored planned scheme; again, it's obviously a pass-through.
How urgent are the central government funds for the state government?
It is crucial. For, if you don't pay pension, it will be a massive problem. How can you deny anyone pension?
When can West Bengal expect funds from the central government?
The CM had earlier written to Prime Minister Manmohan Singh for funds. Subsequently, after a long discussion, (Union finance minister) Pranab Mukherjee had written back that some amount can be borrowed above the FRBM (fiscal responsibility and budget management) limit. The Left Front government never followed the FRBM Act, while all other states — except Sikkim — had passed it.
This is the cause of a huge build-up of debt. The debt Rs 1.92 lakh crore was built up partly because the state government had no restraint on borrowing. The earlier regime was allowed to borrow any amount it wanted — till July 2010. They were borrowing at a massive rate, for whatever political objectives.
Now the problem is a huge build-up of interest. That needs to be paid. So what Pranab Mukherjee said was that in addition to the FRBM limit, the state could borrow Rs 2,706 crore. Our FRBM limit is Rs 17,028 crore.
However, the problem in borrowing more that the limit is that we have to pay interest on that. The only other resource that the central government had offered that time was backward region grant fund. One cannot use this fund for interest, repayment, salaries or pension. They had offered us Rs 8,750 crore, which was a grant for backward district.
So how is the state going to pay salaries for the next few months?
I am not going to answer that question. We will find ways of doing so, I am confident. Please remember that the earlier finance minister had stopped payment of bills in November last year. Of the Rs 17,828 crore that we can borrow, he (Dasgupta) had borrowed Rs 5,213 crore in one-and-a-half months. Then he left, with uncleared bills of Rs 3,000 crore.
So, if you take that in consideration, he had borrowed Rs 8,213 crore. So now, the state is left to borrow just Rs 9,616 crore over 10 months. It comes to only Rs 961 crore a month. In contrast, if you look at the earlier government, by borrowing Rs 5,213 crore in one month and 20 days, their average comes at Rs 2,600 crore a month.
Dasgupta had been saying that the huge debt of the state is on account of small savings schemes of the government, and its burden should be shared with the central government.
My question is this: who built up small savings? That debt of Rs 1.92 lakh-crore also includes small savings. Why didn't he (Dasgupta) do anything to reduce the burden of small savings? In fact, there is no written document that shows he sought to restructure small savings.
Is the present government doing anything to restructure debt from small savings?
What the CM had asked for was liquidity infusion grant. We have an outgo of Rs 21,000 crore on interest payment and repayment. One cannot have a moratorium on interest payment or repayment to small savers. The only thing you can do is to get a grant from the Centre, so that once the finances are better, the state can manage this aspect on their own.
The huge debt he (Dasgupta) left on the government because, he never passed the FRBM Act and merely borrowed and borrowed. No other state could do this. If I were him, I won't even talk. He has to answer the basic question: didn't you realise that one day you have to pay interest on borrowings?
Dasgupta has also suggested that West Bengal should ask for coal royalty and cess worth Rs 5,000 crore.
Of course, we will ask about coal royalty. We will also ask for it. But we have to go through a process. The Centre will say that no state in the country gets both cess and royalty. If you take only royalty, the quantum will be less. We will always ask.
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Amit Mitra (Bengali: অমিত মিত্র, Hindi: अमित मित्रा) is an Indian economist and politician representing All India Trinamool Congress and the current Finance Minister of the Indian state of West Bengal. He is the incumbent MLA in the West Bengal state assembly from the Khardaha state assembly constituency. Cited as a giant killer in the West Bengal state assembly election, 2011 defeating Asim Dasgupta, the former West Bengal Finance Minister.[1][2][3] Mitra previously served as the Secretary general of the Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry (FICCI).
He joined the Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry and rose to be its secretary-general.[4] He resigned as secretary-general of FICCI on May 18, 2011 upon his election as state assembly representative. [9] During his tenure, he transformed FICCI into a professional organisation to research and formulate India's policy during its economic liberalisation. The number of conferences organised by FICCI rose from 10 to 500 between 1994 and 2011 and its revenues saw an increase from Rs 3 crore to Rs 110 crore during the period Dr. Mitra presided over its activities.[9]
He served as an Additional Director of Steel Authority of India Ltd from March 25, 2003 to March 24, 2006. At the request of Mamata Banerjee, the railway minister, he headed a panel to draw up business plans for the public-private partnership projects of the railways. He has been on the government's advisory committee on the World Trade Organisation and the National Manufacturing Competitiveness Council. He was associated with Planning Commission as a member of the expert group on equitable development.[10][11] He has also been appointed a member on the Board of Air India-National Aviation Company of India Ltd. (NACIL). He is also on the Board of IL&FS –CDI, a hundred per cent subsidiary of Infrastructure Leasing & Financial Services Limited (IL&FS) which is one of India's leading infrastructure development and finance company, Also on the Board of Delhi Mumbai Industrial Corridor Development Corporation (DMICDC).
Dr Mitra was also a Member on the Advisory Board of the India Fund of the Unit Trust of India (UTI), Member, Advisory Board of Microsoft Corporation (India) Pvt. Ltd., a marketing subsidiary of Microsoft in India, Member, Central Listing Authority, established by the Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI), Member, Life Insurance Council, Member of the 'Eminent Persons Group' established by the UNCTAD Secretary General on Non-Tariff Barriers (NTBs)- 2006, Member, Consultative Group set up by the Inter-State Council Secretariat (ISCS), Member, Committee on Public-Private Partnership in the area of Defence (2004–2005), Member, Advisory Committee on Competition Advocacy for advising Competition Commission of India, Member, Expert Committee to formulate energy Policy by Planning Commission (2005–06), Member of the "India-China Eminent Persons Group" from the Indian side, and Member, Advisory Committee to Union Commerce Minister of India on International Trade (WTO), and Member of the "Indo – EU Roundtable" from the Indian side (initiated by Government of India and the EU). He is a Member of the Joint Study Groups set up between the Governments of India-China, India-Japan, India-Israel, India-Korea & Indo-Russia. He is also represented on various sectoral Committees/Sub-Groups constituted by the National Manufacturing Competitive Council and the Planning Commission, Member of the 'Expert Group on Equitable Development' set up by the Planning Commission for preparing the Eleventh Five Year Plan. He was also Trustee of India Brand Equity Foundation. He was appointed in the two-member committee by the Department of Revenue, Ministry of Finance, Government of India for suggesting Alternative Scheme of Collecting Excise Duties.
Amit Mitra was sworn in as a minister on May 20, 2011 and was given the Finance and Excise portfolio.[14][15]
Dr. Amit Mitra is in the Executive Council of Vivekananda International Foundation, (VIF) is a New Delhi-based think tank set up with the collaborative efforts of India's leading security experts, diplomats, industrialists and philanthropists under the aegis of the Vivekananda Kendra.
The left front scoffed at Amit Mitra as not merely being a candidate contesting on a Trinamool Congress ticket. They reflected, "He represents the real neoliberal face of TMC hidden under the garb of populist demagogy."[19]
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Indian Holocaust My father`s Life and Time, Chapter: Nine Hundred Seven
Palash Biswas
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Trinamool Congress chief Mamata Banerjee today announced that she would lead a party demonstration at Jantar Mantar in Delhi on October 1 to urge the Centre to withdraw "anti-people" decisions on FDI in retail, cap on subsidised LPG and diesel price hike.As the Marxist chose an opportune time to pull of irrespective of consequence while Indo Us nuclear deal was operationalised. Didi almost followed her rivals as economic policies never did lose the direction , only the implementation was in the pipeline.Provided Mamata is honest enough to lead anti FDI crusade, she should discard her own finance minister Amit Mitra first who was imported from USA and represents industry via FICCI. Because corporate elements, the extra constitutional elements making policies are most responsible for economic ethnic cleansing. If Mamata is committed to Ma, Mati Manush, she must begin charity at home.
On the other hand,US ambassador Nancy Powell's meeting with Trinamool Congress chief and West Bengal chief minister Mamata Banerjee, barely a couple of days after the latter quit the UPA government at the Centre, has sparked off speculation within political circles.Times of India reprts.
US Ambassador to India Nancy Powell met West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee here Monday. Powell called on Banerjee at the West Bengal secretariat and held talks with her for about 40 minutes.
Both Mamata and Powell remained tight lipped over their meeting!
According to sources, Powell was keen to know more of the reservations that Mamata has against Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) in retail in the meeting that lasted nearly 45 minutes.
It was Mamata's opposition to FDI in retail that prompted her decision to quit the UPA. "US companies will be the beneficiaries if FDI is allowed in retail.
There is strong belief that the Manmohan Singh government took the decision to allow FDI in retail under pressure from the US. Mamata's objection to the decision and the subsequent pullout from the government at the Centre, came as a shot in the arm for parties in the opposition like the BJP and the Left.
Powell may have wanted to know the exact issues that has led to this opposition. This would help to develop a strategy through which undue fears within the general population may be allayed," a source revealed. The UPA is also planning to bring the insurance and pension bills in Parliament soon.
US companies are likely to be stakeholders if these bills get passed. With the US realising that any reforms of this kind are likely to face stiff opposition in India, it is likely to formulate a different strategy to try and help the Centre in its attempts to bring about economic reforms. This is not the first time that Powell has met Mamata.
A meeting between the two was convened earlier this year before US secretary of state Hillary Clinton's visit to India. "After that meeting, Powell had heaped praise on Mamata and commended her coming to power in the state.
Even Hillary had met Mamata during her visit to India and discussed the possible areas that can be explored for better economic ties. Mamata and the Trinamool has always held a certain level of importance in US-India policy, particularly after the Left was trounced. The US wouldn't want Mamata to step into the shoes of the Left as the biggest US-baiter in India," the source added.
Meanwhile rating pressure continues to mount up. It is quite impossible for Dr. Manmohan singh and his government to go back reverse gear. You may not delink with US economy under global compulsion which seem to be greater than political compulsion.Global ratings agency Standard & Poor's, which has threatened to downgrade India to junk status, today lowered its 2012 GDP growth forecast for the country to 5.5 per cent citing the weak monsoons and investor sentiments.The lower growth estimate of 5.5 per cent is down by about one percentage point from the earlier one, it said in a note. In the revised estimates published today, the agency has also forecast lower growths for many other countries, including China. Mraket is quite apolitical. it has no sympathy with the common man. since you adopted or supported market economy, you have to to do everything in the interest of the market captured by foreign investment institutions. The rating fluctuate in accordance with foreign capital inflow. Political equations may not change this reality.The politician seem not to care for Aam Aadmi stranded and seized within disaster after disaster because the economy has denied agrarian identity of the nation. Expansion of market is the only destination earmarked. Hence social sector is opened up for government expenditure to pump in cash to empower the rural world with purchasing power. The sustenance of the rural world is linked to agrarian crisis, it is never considered.Service sector and construction happen to be indicators of economy, and indiscriminate urbanisation and industrialisation are the priorities without addressing agrarian crisis or the fundamentals of production system.
Only political anti FDI crusade may not solve the problem at all. Yes, mamata`s next venture may boost her image as prime minister material for her populist tsunami! However the Aaam Aadmi is ensured for another starving season ahead as Country's foodgrains production is projected to decline by 10 per cent in the kharif season of this year at 117.18 million tonnes due to deficient monsoon and drought in some states.However, the government expects to make up for the decline in output during the Rabi season (winter sown crop).
"Let us fight the battle boldly and unitedly. In a democracy, people are supreme. Our voice is the voice of the people. We must raise our voice, so that the government must reconsider," Banerjee said in a post on Facebook.She said, "We all will be present to highlight these issues and request the Central government to withdraw the anti-people decisions."
Banerjee said the party's fight for the cause of common people continued with the help of 'Maa, Mati, Manush' throughout the country.
"I am thankful to all of you for supporting our persistent protest against the unethical decisions on price hike of diesel, restriction of LPG cylinders, increase in fertiliser prices and permission of FDI in retail, which are not in the interest of the common people," she said.She also requested her Facebook fans to tell their friends to join the demonstration at 1:00 PM on the day.
TMC, which has 19 members in the Lok Sabha, withdrew support to the Congress-led UPA government and pulled out its six ministers from the government on September 21 on these issues.
Foreign capital inflow enveloping Indian economy is not a brand new phenomenon. It began with green revolution and had been sustained during Indira and Rajiv regime.Dr. Manmohan Singh worked as a booster only. Moreover, real liberalisation got momentum with resurrection of Hindutva and the NDA government set the ball running. Mamata worked as Railway minister in NDA as well as UPA government. She may not disown the responsibility for all that happened during these years.She had been an advocate for private public partnership!
For example, after declining for three consecutive months, foreign direct investment (FDI) in India increased by about 60 per cent to USD 1.76 billion in July. In July 2011, the country had received foreign investment worth USD 1.10 billion. However, according to latest data of the Reserve Bank of India (RBI), during April- July 2012 the FDI inflows dipped to USD 6.18 billion from USD 14.6 billion in the same period last year.Mamata and her party witnessed foreign capital boom all these years.
Thu, 2011-04-07 23:52 — MaidulFICCI Secretary General, Amit Mitra has joined the Trinamool Congress and is contesting the 2011 West Bengal Assembly Election from Khardah. He was also appointed as the chairman of Railway Expert Committee by the Trinamool Supremo and India's Railway Minister. This blog features Mitra's politico-ideological inclinations and pose some questions to the Trinamool Congress on these issues. (Attached photo captures Amit Mitra with US Ambassador Timothy J. Roemer, courtsey: Flickr & Google Images).
Amit Mitra's political training in RSS' student wing ABVP:
"FICCI secretary general Amit Mitra had his early grounding in the BJP-affiliated Akhil Bharatiya Vidya Parishad (ABVP) and can call a number of BJP leaders as his friends"
(The Financial Express, 14th May, 2004): Click Here
Q: Why has Trinamool Congress nominated a person like Amit Mitra, who has 'early grounding' in ABVP and is politically close to BJP?
Amit Mitra opposed the agitation against Tata Motors Plant in Singur:
"The Tata project could have brought about a major change in the industrial scenario in the state. This was not a one-off auto project, but would have given a boost to a host of ancillaries as well."
(Rediff.com, 4th October, 2008): Click Here
Q. Has Amit Mitra changed his position vis-à-vis Singur OR has the Trinamool changed its position?
Amit Mitra supports FDI in Retail:
"FICCI Secretary General Amit Mitra suggests ushering in retail FDI with a stipulation that large retailers will procure a major part of their supplies locally and work closely with farmers in imparting better knowhow."
(India Today, internet version: 11th April, 2011): Click Here
"To increase the share of organised retail…Ficci has advocated a multi-pronged strategy that includes relaxing the foreign direct investment norms, grant of industry status to retail, simplification of the tax structure, upgrade of manpower skills and a check on counterfeiting…'Archaic laws and regulations should be done away with' said FICCI president Amit Mitra."
(Business Standard, 23rd April, 2007): Click Here
Q. Why has Trinamool nominated a supporter of FDI in Retail when it stated in its 2009 Lok Sabha Manifesto that it is opposed to the entry of MNCs in retail trade?
Amit Mitra advocates SEZs:
"A few land agitations or a few denotifications sought by a handful of developers cannot and should not detract from the success of the SEZ policy in the country. Besides, while there may be agitations in Bengal or Orissa, there are absolutely no agitations in Tamil Nadu or Gujarat over SEZs."
(The Telegraph, Kolkata; 28th June, 2009): Click Here
Q. Why has an ardent supporter of SEZs been nominated as a candidate of the Trinamool, which claims to be the 'anti-SEZ' party according to its 2009 Lok Sabha Manifesto (p. 33, p. 35)? Has Trinamool now become a pro-SEZ party?
Amit Mitra supports Hire and Fire:
FICCI's position on Labour Reforms: "by flexible labour laws, FICCI did not just mean freedom to hire and fire labour, but also enabling contract labour."
(Business Line, 21st January, 2001): Click Here
"Amit Mitra, secretary-general of the Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry, said labour reforms were a must to give a thrust to Indian economy."
(Rediff.com, 10th September, 2001): Click Here
Q. Why has Trinamool nominated a candidate who wants to push anti-labour changes in labour laws?
Amit Mitra is a Neoliberal Hawk:
A Duke University Newsletter report titled "Mitra Urges Indian Liberalization" reported that he had set up a 'think tank' whose purpose was "to push the government of India to liberalize the Indian economy."
(Economics at Duke Newsletter, Vol. 14, No. 2, Summer 1993): Click Here
Q. Does the Trinamool share Amit Mitra's vision of liberalization and neoliberal reforms?
Amit Mitra batted for Enron:
"You will be happy to know that I personally went on CNN and condemned the cancellation of the Enron deal" (Rediff.com, 1st November, 1996): Click Here
Q: Why is Trinamool backing a supporter of a fraud company like Enron?
Amit Mitra is close to the American establishment:
" 'We know Bush is good for India. But in Kerry's case we would have been hopeful that he would be good for India', says Amit Mitra, secretary-general, FICCI"
(India Today, 15th November, 2004): Click Here
"We have political comfort with the Bush administration."
(Rediff.com, 30th September, 2005): Click Here
Q. Is Amit Mitra the link between the Trinamool and the US administration?
Mamata's decision to leave UPA-II a 'moral stance': Amit Mitra
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- West Bengal Finance Minister Amit Mitra has justified TMC chief Mamata Banerjee's decision to walk out of the UPA saying it was done to ...
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Mamata's integrity is impeccable: Amit Mitra
- IBNLive.com-18-Sep-2012
- Trinamool Congress member Amit Mitra on Tuesday lashed out at the UPA saying its integrity was steadily on the decline. Tweet ...
Bengal loses aid package by whisker
- Times of India-20-Sep-2012
- ... minister Amit Mitra wait till late on Tuesday morning before calling off his scheduled meeting with finance minister P Chidambaram in Delhi.
- Centre, Left to blame for Bengal's financial mess: Amit Mitra NDTV
- Mamata's pullout may cast shadow on Bengal finance Business Standard
- Zee News - The Hindu
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West Bengal Finance Minister Amit Mitra to head GoM on Haldia ...
- Economic Times-30-Aug-2012
- KOLKATA: West Bengal Finance Minister Amit Mitra has been assigned to head the group of ministers that has been formed to look into the ...
Sales tax amnesty scheme fails to find takers in Bengal
- Hindu Business Line-14-Sep-2012
- THE HINDU 'Last chance': Finance Minister Amit Mitra, while presenting the State Budget 2012-13, had said that unregistered dealers would be given a "last ...
Bengal's credit-deposit ratio to surpass national average: Mitra
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- Bengal's credit-deposit ratio to surpass national average: Mitra ... the all-India average within two years, state Finance Minister Amit Mitra said ...
Mitra to meet PC in delhi, talks on bailout likely
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- State finance minister Amit Mitra would hold meetings with Union finance minister P. Chidambaram in New Delhi on Thursday and Friday.
- Bengal finance minister to meet Chidambaram on debt bailout Times of India
- Mitra to meet PC for funds Daily Pioneer
- Hindu Business Line - Oneindia - IBNLive.com - indiablooms
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Shapoorji Pallonji keen to invest in West Bengal, Mitra says
- Hindu Business Line-26-Aug-2012
- The Mumbai-headquartered group, which is the largest stakeholder in Tata Sons, has in a letter to the State Finance Minister Amit Mitra expressed interest in ...
- Shapoorji reiterates mega biz plan in state Times of India
- Shapoorji Pallonji keen on investing in W. Bengal The Hindu
- Economic Times - Kolkata Newsline - mydigitalfc.com
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West Bengal Finance Minister to miss date with Chidambaram
- Business Standard-17-Sep-2012
- West Bengal Finance Minister Amit Mitra will not attend a meeting with Union Finance Minister P Chidambaram in New Delhi tomorrow when ...
West Bengal FM to miss date with Chidambaram
- Rediff-17-Sep-2012
- West Bengal [ Images ] Finance Minister Amit Mitra will not attend a meeting with Union Finance Minister P Chidambaram [ Images ] in New ...
When asked about the reason for increase in FDI in July, an official in the Commerce and Industry Ministry said these numbers are fluctuating in nature.
"But the recent decisions like allowing foreign direct investment in multi-brand retail and civil aviation would help in boosting investments in the country," the official added.
The Centre has also allowed foreign airlines to buy 49 per cent stake in the domestic carriers, besides permitting 49 per cent FDI in power exchanges.
It has also increased foreign equity cap to 74 per cent in services like teleports, DTH, Multi System Operators (MSOs) operating at national, state or district level which were involved in digitisation and mobile TV and mobile TV.
Foreign inflows in April, May and June dipped to USD 1.85 billion, USD 1.32 billion and USD 1.24 billion compared to USD 3.12 billion, USD 4.66 billion and USD USD 5.65 billion respectively, in the a year-ago period.
Sectors which received large FDI inflows in the month under review include services, pharmaceuticals, construction and power.
India received maximum FDI from Mauritius, the Netherlands, the UK, Singapore and Cyprus.
The inflows had aggregated to USD 36.50 billion in 2011-12 against USD 19.42 billion in 2010-11 and USD 25.83 billion in 2009-10.
"The lack of monsoon rains has affected India, for which agriculture still forms a substantial part of the economy. Additionally, the more cautious investor sentiment globally has seen potential investors become more critical of India's policy and infrastructure shortcomings," it said.
The lowering of the growth estimate comes even as the government under new Finance Minister P Chidambaram has taken a slew of reform measures and stated its commitment to do more on the reforms front.
The measures, which have run into political controversy, included hike in diesel prices, putting a cap on the number of subsidised cooking gas cylinders a family can use, liberalising foreign holding norms in aviation, multi-brand retail, non-news broadcasting and power exchanges sectors, and divesting its stake in five companies.
"At this stage it is still uncertain whether these measures can be implemented," S&P, which had downgraded its outlook on the country's sovereign rating to negative and then threatened to junk it in June failing concrete measures from the Government, had said in reaction to the reform measures.
Foodgrains output stood at 129.94 million tonnes (MT)in last year's Kharif season. The production of rice – a major Kharif crop – is expected to fall to 85.59 MT compared with 91.53 MT in the last Kharif (summer crops).
"As per the first advance estimate, total foodgrains production is expected at 117.18 million tonnes in the kharif season of 2012-13 crop year, lower than the last year but higher than the average production of 113 million tonnes in the last five years," Agriculture Minister Sharad Pawar told reporters here.
"Whatever shortfall we have seen in kharif season will be covered in rabi," the minister said.
Pulses production is estimated at 5.26 MT in Kharif this year against 6.16 MT during the year ago period, he said, adding the production of coarse cereals is estimated to fall to 26.33 MT from 32.26 MT.
Deficiency of monsoon stands at 5 per cent so far. Karnataka, Maharashtra, Gujarat and Rajasthan have declared drought in over 390 taluks.
Asked if fall in foodgrains output will impact prices, Pawar said: "Last year's stock position of wheat and rice is extremely good. There is no problem. I am worried prices of wheat, atta and sugar are going up in the market. I do not understand the reason because we have good crop".
Pawar said he would speak to the Consumer Affairs Minister on this issue. "More quantity of sugar and wheat need to be released in the market to check prices".
Releasing the first advance estimates of kharif season for 2012-13 crop year (July- une), Pawar said oilseeds output is estimated at 18.78 million tonnes from 20.78 million tonnes in Kharif last year.
"Production of soyabean is encouraging and will offset decline in groundnut," he added.
Cotton production is estimated to fall to 33.4 million bales (of 170 kg each) as against 35.2 million bales during last year, while sugarcane production is pegged at 335.3 million tonnes against 357.6 million tonnes last year.
"This year, we have witnessed delay in onset of monsoon. The first estimates are better than expected. These are preliminary estimates and final estimates will be better than this," Pawar said.
This Times of India story is very interesting!
Bengal loses aid package by whisker
TNN Sep 21, 2012, 02.25AM IST
NEW DELHI: The suspense over what Trinamool chief Mamata Banerjee would do after her deadline for a rollback of reform measures expired, saw her finance minister Amit Mitra wait till late on Tuesday morning before calling off his scheduled meeting with finance minister P Chidambaram in Delhi.
Mitra received no word about what he was to do as the hour of his appointment neared. But when he finally conveyed his regrets to Chidambaram, the financial package Mamata had been waiting for so long also went up in smoke. Hours later, on Tuesday evening, the West Bengal chief minister announced her withdrawal of support to the Manmohan Singh government.
Keen to ensure safe passage of its reform initiatives, the Centre had worked hard to frame the package Mamata had demanded so that the diesel price hike, cooking gas subsidy cut and FDI in retail pill could be sweetened. The fiscal lifeline was to be the subject of Mitra's cancelled meeting with Chidambaram.
Mamata's hard line on the Centre's desperate bid to avert a looming downgrade of the economy meant that the package denied to her as long as Pranab Mukherjee - prior to his becoming President - was finance minister, slipped out of grasp just as it was to be delivered.
The slip between the cup and the lip apart, the late hour at which the appointment was cancelled reflects the uncertainty over how Trinamool would respond to Congress refusing to cow down to Mamata's demands. The tensions culminated in a prolonged party discussion that ended in Trinamool snapping ties with UPA.
Speaking in hindsight, political sources admitted that there was an air of inevitability to the events. Mamata would not relent on her populism and the Centre found itself in a dire situation on the economic front. As Chidambaram explained to the Congress leadership, the government had run out of options. But the lack of leeway meant Congress had no room to negotiate, dooming efforts of peace makers.
Q&A: Amit Mitra, Finance Minister, West Bengal |
'Left govt's unrestrained borrowing led to the Rs 1.92 lakh-cr debt' |
Namrata Acharya / Kolkata Nov 02, 2011, 00:22 IST |
Asim Dasgupta claims that (chief minister) Mamata Banerjee has presented misleading data to the Centre for garnering more funds. According to him, the state is left with 26 per cent of total revenues as development fund, and not six per cent as represented by Banerjee at the NDC (National Development Council) meeting.
The data Banerjee presented is absolutely correct. See, there are three components to the projected receipts of the state government: a) non-plan grant by the Centre, b) grant for central plans and schemes and c) grant for centrally-sponsored schemes. Now, the problem is, these three grants cannot be used for payment of salaries, pension, interest and repayment of debt. After deducting them, from the total revenue, the state is left with Rs 59,462 crore. Now, if we divide the total expenditure of the state in these, (pension, salaries, interest and repayment), which is Rs 56,031 crore, with the total revenue (Rs 59,462 crore), and multiply by 100, the ratio which come is 94.23 per cent. Thus, the state is left with six per cent of the revenue for other expenditures.
I will also give the break-up of some of the grants given by the Centre. The non-plan grant of 14th Finance Commission is Rs 2,254 crore. This cannot be transferred to local bodies. So, we cannot use that for giving salaries, pension or interest repayment. The second grant is a Rs 240-crore Government of India scheme for centrally-planned projects. This is also a pass-through; it cannot be used for committed expenditure. The third is grant for centrally-sponsored planned scheme; again, it's obviously a pass-through.
How urgent are the central government funds for the state government?
It is crucial. For, if you don't pay pension, it will be a massive problem. How can you deny anyone pension?
When can West Bengal expect funds from the central government?
The CM had earlier written to Prime Minister Manmohan Singh for funds. Subsequently, after a long discussion, (Union finance minister) Pranab Mukherjee had written back that some amount can be borrowed above the FRBM (fiscal responsibility and budget management) limit. The Left Front government never followed the FRBM Act, while all other states — except Sikkim — had passed it.
This is the cause of a huge build-up of debt. The debt Rs 1.92 lakh crore was built up partly because the state government had no restraint on borrowing. The earlier regime was allowed to borrow any amount it wanted — till July 2010. They were borrowing at a massive rate, for whatever political objectives.
Now the problem is a huge build-up of interest. That needs to be paid. So what Pranab Mukherjee said was that in addition to the FRBM limit, the state could borrow Rs 2,706 crore. Our FRBM limit is Rs 17,028 crore.
However, the problem in borrowing more that the limit is that we have to pay interest on that. The only other resource that the central government had offered that time was backward region grant fund. One cannot use this fund for interest, repayment, salaries or pension. They had offered us Rs 8,750 crore, which was a grant for backward district.
So how is the state going to pay salaries for the next few months?
I am not going to answer that question. We will find ways of doing so, I am confident. Please remember that the earlier finance minister had stopped payment of bills in November last year. Of the Rs 17,828 crore that we can borrow, he (Dasgupta) had borrowed Rs 5,213 crore in one-and-a-half months. Then he left, with uncleared bills of Rs 3,000 crore.
So, if you take that in consideration, he had borrowed Rs 8,213 crore. So now, the state is left to borrow just Rs 9,616 crore over 10 months. It comes to only Rs 961 crore a month. In contrast, if you look at the earlier government, by borrowing Rs 5,213 crore in one month and 20 days, their average comes at Rs 2,600 crore a month.
Dasgupta had been saying that the huge debt of the state is on account of small savings schemes of the government, and its burden should be shared with the central government.
My question is this: who built up small savings? That debt of Rs 1.92 lakh-crore also includes small savings. Why didn't he (Dasgupta) do anything to reduce the burden of small savings? In fact, there is no written document that shows he sought to restructure small savings.
Is the present government doing anything to restructure debt from small savings?
What the CM had asked for was liquidity infusion grant. We have an outgo of Rs 21,000 crore on interest payment and repayment. One cannot have a moratorium on interest payment or repayment to small savers. The only thing you can do is to get a grant from the Centre, so that once the finances are better, the state can manage this aspect on their own.
The huge debt he (Dasgupta) left on the government because, he never passed the FRBM Act and merely borrowed and borrowed. No other state could do this. If I were him, I won't even talk. He has to answer the basic question: didn't you realise that one day you have to pay interest on borrowings?
Dasgupta has also suggested that West Bengal should ask for coal royalty and cess worth Rs 5,000 crore.
Of course, we will ask about coal royalty. We will also ask for it. But we have to go through a process. The Centre will say that no state in the country gets both cess and royalty. If you take only royalty, the quantum will be less. We will always ask.
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Amit Mitra
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Amit Mitra | |
* | |
Minister for Finance & Excise | |
Assumed office 2011 | |
Preceded by | Asim Dasgupta |
Assumed office 2011 | |
Preceded by | Asim Dasgupta |
Constituency | Khardaha |
Personal details | |
Nationality | Indian |
Political party | Trinamool Congress |
Spouse(s) | Meera Balakrishnan |
Alma mater | Presidency College Delhi School of Economics Duke University |
Occupation | Economist Politician |
Religion | Hinduism |
Amit Mitra (Bengali: অমিত মিত্র, Hindi: अमित मित्रा) is an Indian economist and politician representing All India Trinamool Congress and the current Finance Minister of the Indian state of West Bengal. He is the incumbent MLA in the West Bengal state assembly from the Khardaha state assembly constituency. Cited as a giant killer in the West Bengal state assembly election, 2011 defeating Asim Dasgupta, the former West Bengal Finance Minister.[1][2][3] Mitra previously served as the Secretary general of the Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry (FICCI).
The son of Hari Mitra, a former Deputy Speaker of the West Bengal legislative assembly and Bela Mitra, his maternal grand-father was Suresh Chandra Bose, elder brother of Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose. Both Suresh Chandra Bose and Haridas Mitra were part of the secret service team of Azad Hind Fauj. Bela Mitra took charge of the secret service of Azad Hind Fauj from Haridas Mitra. Belanagar, a railway station on the Howrah-Bardhaman chord line, is named after her.[4]Education
Mitra was schooled at Calcutta Boys' School and graduated from Presidency College when it was an affiliate of the University of Calcutta with a degree in Economics. During college life he was one of the best debaters in West Bengal in inter-college debate competitions.[5] Dr. Mitra secured his masters from the Delhi School of Economics and further completed his PhD in 1978 from the prestigious Duke University in the USA.[4][6] Dr. Mitra is also included in Duke University's list of distinguished alumni.[6] Dr. Mitra considers Prime Minister Dr. Manmohan Singh, Dr. Amartya Sen and K. N. Raj among his teachers.[4]Early career
He taught at Duke University and Franklin & Marshall College for over a decade before returning to India. He received the prestigious Sears-Roebuck Foundation Award for Distinguished Teaching, 1990.[7][8]He joined the Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry and rose to be its secretary-general.[4] He resigned as secretary-general of FICCI on May 18, 2011 upon his election as state assembly representative. [9] During his tenure, he transformed FICCI into a professional organisation to research and formulate India's policy during its economic liberalisation. The number of conferences organised by FICCI rose from 10 to 500 between 1994 and 2011 and its revenues saw an increase from Rs 3 crore to Rs 110 crore during the period Dr. Mitra presided over its activities.[9]
He served as an Additional Director of Steel Authority of India Ltd from March 25, 2003 to March 24, 2006. At the request of Mamata Banerjee, the railway minister, he headed a panel to draw up business plans for the public-private partnership projects of the railways. He has been on the government's advisory committee on the World Trade Organisation and the National Manufacturing Competitiveness Council. He was associated with Planning Commission as a member of the expert group on equitable development.[10][11] He has also been appointed a member on the Board of Air India-National Aviation Company of India Ltd. (NACIL). He is also on the Board of IL&FS –CDI, a hundred per cent subsidiary of Infrastructure Leasing & Financial Services Limited (IL&FS) which is one of India's leading infrastructure development and finance company, Also on the Board of Delhi Mumbai Industrial Corridor Development Corporation (DMICDC).
Dr Mitra was also a Member on the Advisory Board of the India Fund of the Unit Trust of India (UTI), Member, Advisory Board of Microsoft Corporation (India) Pvt. Ltd., a marketing subsidiary of Microsoft in India, Member, Central Listing Authority, established by the Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI), Member, Life Insurance Council, Member of the 'Eminent Persons Group' established by the UNCTAD Secretary General on Non-Tariff Barriers (NTBs)- 2006, Member, Consultative Group set up by the Inter-State Council Secretariat (ISCS), Member, Committee on Public-Private Partnership in the area of Defence (2004–2005), Member, Advisory Committee on Competition Advocacy for advising Competition Commission of India, Member, Expert Committee to formulate energy Policy by Planning Commission (2005–06), Member of the "India-China Eminent Persons Group" from the Indian side, and Member, Advisory Committee to Union Commerce Minister of India on International Trade (WTO), and Member of the "Indo – EU Roundtable" from the Indian side (initiated by Government of India and the EU). He is a Member of the Joint Study Groups set up between the Governments of India-China, India-Japan, India-Israel, India-Korea & Indo-Russia. He is also represented on various sectoral Committees/Sub-Groups constituted by the National Manufacturing Competitive Council and the Planning Commission, Member of the 'Expert Group on Equitable Development' set up by the Planning Commission for preparing the Eleventh Five Year Plan. He was also Trustee of India Brand Equity Foundation. He was appointed in the two-member committee by the Department of Revenue, Ministry of Finance, Government of India for suggesting Alternative Scheme of Collecting Excise Duties.
Political career
Amit Mitra joined All India Trinamool Congress on the invitation of Mamata Banerjee[12] and contested during the state assembly election of 2011 from the Khardaha state assembly constituency. He was attributed a giant killer after the election as he defeated state Finance Minister Asim Dasgupta by a margin of 26,154 votes.[13] Asim Dasgupta was elected from the Khardaha constituency previously five times in a row during the state assembly elections of 1987, 1991, 1996, 2001 and 2006.Amit Mitra was sworn in as a minister on May 20, 2011 and was given the Finance and Excise portfolio.[14][15]
Amit Mitra is a Padma Shree Award Winner from Government of India in the year 2008 .[16] The Japanese government conferred the `Order of the Rising Sun' on Amit Mitra in 2005 by His Majesty the Emperor of Japan. The award was presented for his contribution towards promotion of friendly relations between India and Japan.[17] He is also the recipient of highest civilian Awards conferred by President of the Republic of Italy in 2007.[8]Ideology
Amit Mitra has opined that the 'minimal capital expenditure' made over a long period by the state government has led to the state of bankruptcy. He feels that the state's financial condition can be improved with a flow of investments and expansion of the state's existing industrial units.[18]Dr. Amit Mitra is in the Executive Council of Vivekananda International Foundation, (VIF) is a New Delhi-based think tank set up with the collaborative efforts of India's leading security experts, diplomats, industrialists and philanthropists under the aegis of the Vivekananda Kendra.
The left front scoffed at Amit Mitra as not merely being a candidate contesting on a Trinamool Congress ticket. They reflected, "He represents the real neoliberal face of TMC hidden under the garb of populist demagogy."[19]
| Wikimedia Commons has media related to: Amit Mitra |
- ^ "Khardaha". Assembly Elections May 2011 Results. Election Commission of India. Retrieved 2011-05-13.
- ^ "134 – Khardah Assembly Constituency". Partywise Comparison Since 1977. Election Commission of India. Retrieved 2011-05-11.
- ^ "Statistical Reports of Assembly Elections". General Election Results and Statistics. Election Commission of India. Archived from the original on 5 October 2010. Retrieved 2010-10-15.
- ^ a b c d Purohit, Devadeep (2011-03-29). "Clash of the economics class In politics, Amit Mitra is in business". Calcutta, India: The Telegraph 29 March 2011. Retrieved 2011-05-11.
- ^ records of Presidency College, Calcutta.
- ^ a b "Distinguished Alumni". Duke University. Archived from the original on 27 May 2011. Retrieved 2011-05-18.
- ^ "Business Leadership Awards 2010 Jury Members". NDTV. Retrieved 2011-05-18.
- ^ a b "Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce & Industry Office Bearers". FICCI. Retrieved 2011-05-18.
- ^ a b "Mitra says goodbye to Ficci". The Telegraph, Calcutta, India. 2011-05-19. Retrieved 2011-05-18.
- ^ "Mamata, the business mitra". Calcutta, India: The Telegraph 10 July 2009. 2009-07-10. Retrieved 2011-05-11.
- ^ "Executive Profile:Amit Mitra". Bloomberg Businessweek. Retrieved 2011-05-12.
- ^ "FICCI's Amit Mitra joins Trinamool Congress". News One. Retrieved 20 May 2011.
- ^ "FICCI leader Amit Mitra, Kolkata mayor win". News One. Retrieved 2011-05-19.
- ^ "Mitra given Finance, Partha commerce/industries". IBN Live. Retrieved 20 May 2011.
- ^ "The Ministry". Calcutta, India: The Telegraph, 21 May 2011. Retrieved 2011-05-21.
- ^ "Mamata picks Ficci boss Amit Mitra to take on Finance Minister Asim". Express News Service, 15 March 2011. Retrieved 2011-05-11.
- ^ "Japanese honour for Amit Mitra". The Hindu Business Line 30 April 2005. Retrieved 2011-05-11.
- ^ "Amit Mitra's recipe to revive Bengal's economy". rediffbusiness 23 March 2011. Retrieved 2011-05-11.
- ^ "Who is Amit Mitra? A fact sheet". Pragoti 7 April 2011. Retrieved 2011-05-11.
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- Presidency University, Kolkata alumni
- University of Calcutta alumni
- Delhi School of Economics alumni
- Duke University alumni
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- All India Trinamool Congress politicians
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