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Unique Identity No2

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Zia clarifies his timing of declaration of independence

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Jyoti basu is DEAD

Jyoti Basu: The pragmatist

Dr.B.R. Ambedkar

Memories of Another Day

Memories of Another Day
While my Parents Pulin Babu and basanti Devi were living

"The Day India Burned"--A Documentary On Partition Part-1/9


Partition of India - refugees displaced by the partition

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Fwd: [Mazdoor Ekta Lehar] Latest - Time for the people to reclaim from Parliament the power to decide

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From: <>
Date: Sun, Aug 7, 2011 at 1:32 PM
Subject: [Mazdoor Ekta Lehar] Latest - Time for the people to reclaim from Parliament the power to decide

Latest - Time for the people to reclaim from Parliament the power to decide

Time for the people to reclaim from Parliament the power to decide

Statement of the Central Committee of Communist Ghadar Party of India, 1st August, 2011

The position of the Communist Ghadar Party of India is that the time has come to end the monopoly of legislative power held by the Members of Parliament.  The time has come to vest supreme decision-making power in the hands of the people as a whole, so that (i) absolute power is vested where it belongs, and where the toiling majority of people want it; (ii) no member of society is above the law, which is equally binding on all, and (iii) the will of the majority actually prevails. >> (Read more)

Only the Rule of Workers and Peasants Can Guarantee Development for the Toilers, with Due Care of the Environment and the Interests of Future Generations!

Statement of the Maharashtra Regional Committee of the Communist Ghadar Party of India, July 2011

"Development for whom?" >> (Read more)



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