PAAIA Condemns Violence against Iranian Protestors and Mourns Loss of Life
December 28, 2009, Washington, D.C. – PAAIA unequivocally condemns the use of violence and the killing of innocent Iranians, as well as mass arrests, during demonstrations yesterday marking the holy day of Ashura in Tehran and other cities across Iran.
Citing eyewitness accounts and postings on Iranian opposition websites, major media outlets have reported that on Sunday, December 27, Iranian government security forces opened fire into crowds of protestors gathered for Ashura, killing at least 10 people. With hundreds of others reportedly wounded in cities across the country and Tehran police confirming more than 300 arrests, yesterday's protests appear to have been the bloodiest and among the largest since June 20th in the immediate aftermath of the disputed presidential elections last Summer.
Use of indiscriminate violence against civilians exercising their universal rights to democracy, popular sovereignty and freedom of expression is unjustified and against all standards of international law and human rights. We support the inalienable human and democratic rights of the people of Iran, and demand an immediate stop to the use of violence against protestors and unarmed civilians as well as arbitrary and mass arrests.
We also extend our deepest sympathies to all Iranians, especially families that have lost loved ones, and we, too, mourn their loss.Be the one to Save a Life
Twenty-Six Year Old Iranian Woman in Desperate Need of Matching Bone Marrow Transplant
Mona Zarei, a 26-year old graduate of Sharif University and a PhD student in Florida, has been diagnosed with a rare blood disorder and is in desperate need of a bone marrow transplant to survive. So far, a matching bone marrow type has not been found and scientifically the possibility of finding a match among Iranians is higher than those of other nationalities. Please help save Mona's life by testing your bone marrow type and possibly donating some of your blood stem cells to her.
Click here to read Mona's message and for more details
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Palash Biswas
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