| | | | ![2 Quran]() | All praise is due to Allah SWT. I bear witness that there is no deity worthy of worship but Him, and the Peace and the Blessings be upon our beloved Prophet Muhammad; I bear witness that he is the final and last Messenger of Allah SWT. In this monthly newsletter, I intend to introduce to our readers comprehensive Islamic knowledge in practical terms and in action. There will be one new article, in shaa Allah, every month for each of the focus areas of Taibah Institute. These areas include:
1: Youth development and empowerment 2: Family support, counseling and improvement 3: Islamic Knowledge 4: Leadership training. In addition, there will be room for answers to your questions and your input. Please feel free to join, read, comment, and ask questions. We are here to say the Beautiful speech, help Muslims become better in every aspect of their lives. We are also humans and we love to be corrected if we make a mistake. Please feel free to let us know what you think, what you need and how can we help you. May Allah bless us all, guide us all, and grant us all knowledge and wisdom. Was Salam Shaikh Ahmed Kobeisy | ![]() | | This month, many Islamic centers and masajid are celebrating the birth date anniversary of our beloved Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him). There is no doubt that the birth of the Prophet SAAWS signaled the relief and mercy to all of the world's beings. Allah SWT asserts this fact in the Quran saying what translates to "We sent thee not, but as a Mercy for all creatures" (21:107). Allah also ordered following the example of the Prophet SAAWS and living according to his way of life. Muslim communities year after year read and hear repeatedly about the Prophet's life particularly these days more than any other day of the year. Yet, many in the Ummah is still not upholding Islam, are not exemplifying good character, are not self disciplined and are not organized or well prepared for future challenges. In order to overcome these difficulties, please allow me to suggest the following: 1. Remember Rasoul Ullah SAAWS every day of the year and every moment in every day 2. Learn about the Prophet SAAWS, his life and the lessons you can learn from his example that can be applied in our context and in our time. | How to Apply what you learn of the Prophet's life into your daily life without hesitation. He was mercy to all beings. Are you? He commanded good character? Have you? He spread peace around him to both friends and foes. Have you? To illustrate the detachments of religion from our daily lives, spreading peace is not only by saying salam to others. No it implies that our actions while walking, driving, and playing must not constitute danger to our selves nor to others. Some Islamic centers and Masajids read the Sunnah of the Prophet SAAWS and conduct their lessons about his beautiful seerah in the language of the elder generation be it Arabic, Urdu, Bengali, Turkic, or any other language. While this may be helpful to them somehow, it ignores two important factors: a. It ignores young people whose main and preferred language is English. Furthermore, it ignores the new muslims who cannot understand any of these languages. Moreover, it closes the doors in the face of anyone who is not a Muslim and may have an interest to learn about the Prophet of Islam. b. It ignores the fact that in order for people to understand the Sunnah and practice it, it must be presented to them in a way that can be practiced in their context. Most people who present the Sunnah in their own languages imagine with nostalgia as if they are living back home. This attitude creates a divide between people. "We sent thee not, but as a Mercy for all creatures" (21:107) and therefore it is our responsibility to present the Seerah of the Prophet SAAWS as is relevant to the present time. We must introduce the Prophet SAAWS in a way that makes him truly the most beloved human being which he deserves fully. This can happen by detailing his beautiful characteristics, great attributes and manners, his care for his ummah's guidance and salvation, his devotion and dedication in worship, his justice and his sacrifices. May Allah's peace and blessings be upon our beloved Prophet Muhammad SAAWS and may He guide us to the proper way to honor him, love him, support him, follow his sunnah, spread it among others and defend against attacks that are fabricated against him, the Purest. Hope you've found this newsletter helpful. Shaikh Ahmed Nezar Kobeisy Director and Resident Scholar | | | | Insha Allah Taibah Classes Starts Tonight. Limited Seats available. Youth Development Date: 3/1, 3/8, 3/15, 3/22, 3/29, 4/5,4/12, 4/19, 4/26, 5/3 Time: 8:00PM - 10:00PM (New York Time/Eastern Standard Time) Day: Monday The Parables in the Quran Date: 3/2, 3/9, 3/16, 3/23, 3/30, 4/6,4/13, 4/20, 4/27, 5/4 Time: 8:00PM - 10:00PM (New York Time/Eastern Standard Time) Day: Tuesday Tazkiyah and Tarbiyah (Purification and Discipline) Date: 3/3, 3/10, 3/17, 3/24, 3/31, 4/7,4/14, 4/21, 4/28, 5/5 Time: 8:00PM - 10:00PM (New York Time/Eastern Standard Time) Day: Wednesday | | | |
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