:: DATE ::
25th Dec 2010
10.00 A.M
:: VENUE ::
Central Office: 4765/46, 3rd Floor, Raigarhpura, Karolbagh, New
Delhi-110 005.Tel.011-28726213, 09640955020 (Hyd)
Visit at www.mulnivasibamcef.org, www.mulnivasinayak.com,
25th Dec 2010
(Saturday) to 29th Dec
2010 (Wednesday)
Inaugurato : Er. V.V. Siddharth (Software Engineer, USA)
Chief Guest : Mr. Yogendra Yadav (Well Known Election Analysist)
Special Guests : Er. Jaswant Sonara (Engineer, France)
: Mr. Arjun Barde (Australia)
: Mr Prashant Rale (Australia)
: Mr. Rajkumar Norwa (Dr. Ambedkar Mi. Society, Spain)
: Mr. Sanjay Kumar Shah (MP, Nepal)
: Dr. A.K. Biswas (Retired I.A.S)
National G.S. (Org.) BAMCEF
National G.S. (MANAGEMENT)
Chairman, Rashtrawyapi Andalon
Nirman Samiti
:: YOUR'S ::
All BAMCEF activists, cadres and Mulnivasi students, youth, women, intellectuals, social activists &
well wishers are informed that the 5 days National Convention organized by BAMCEF and RASHTRIYA
MULNIVASI SANGH will provide detailed insights into the Mulnivasi burning issues as part of its brain
storming on burning topics. We appeal to the Mulnivasi Intellectual class, youth, students and social
activists to participate whole heartedly and contribute their time, talent, money and resources for
strengthening the Nationwide Phule-Ambedkarite Movement working for the liberation of Mulnivasis
(Indigenous people of India, i.e. SC/ST/OBC and Converted Religious Minorities). - JAI MULNIVASI!!
Educate! Organise!! Agitate!!! ::: NATIONAL CONVENTION SCHEDULE :::
- 25th Dec 2010 (Saturday), (10.00 AM to 02: 00 PM)
- 02: 00 PM to 03: 00 PM and 09: 00 PM to 10: 00 PM daily
- 05: 00 PM to 05: 30 PM daily
Saturday Date: 25.12.2010 International Representative Session – 1 Time: 03.00 PM to 05.30 PM
Did the Eurasian Brahmins force upon Brahmanocracy in neighboring
country, Nepal in the name of democracy and republic? - A discussion
Today in Nepal, there is a big movement taking place. The attention of the world is on this
movement but along with it a hidden conspiracy is in progress. Nobody's attention is on that
conspiracy. Prachand, Koirala and current prime minister are all Brahmins. They are all
hardcore Brahmins. Almost all national parties and their main leaders are mostly Brahmins.
Brahmins have taken complete control of Nepal in the name of democracy and republic. To
highlight and bring world's attention towards this, this issue has been kept for discussion.
What should be done on the part of BAMCEF & NRI in order
to expand the BAMCEF'S Network at International level?
We are moving towards creation of nationwide mass movement. Keeping this in mind, it
is very important to spread the discussion of this nationwide mass movement internationally
and for this international networking is very important. How can this networking happen on a
large scale? This subject is kept for discussion to get suggestions on this
Speakers: Gour Bahadur Kapanji (Rashtriya Jan Mukti Morcha, Nepal), Kamal Chharang
(Rashtriya Jantantrik Morcha, Nepal), Mr. Kiran Deshmukh (Australia), Mr. Arasu Soman(Kuwait),
Mr. Shyamlal Shah (National President, RMS, Nepal), Mr. Bhagwan G (Gulf), Dr. Gopal Gurug
(President, Mangol National Org., Nepal) Mr. Gangadhar J. (Australia)
Saturday Date: 25.12.2010 Social Awakening Session – 1 Time: 06.00 PM to 09.00 PM
Unique Identification Number initiative is not just about denying
citizenship to the Bengali immigrants but also to keep an eye on Indian
nationals by branding them as criminals! Or
What should be done to make the Valmiki caste free from
Brahmanization & get them involved in Liberation Movement ?
Earlier the Unique Identification number allocation initiative merely seemed like a
conspiracy of denying citizenship to the Bengali immigrants. But it is our thinking now that it
is not just about denying citizenship to the Bengali immigrants but also to keep complete vigil
on all Indian nationals, specifically all mulnivasis, by branding them as criminals and threat
to the security.
Speakers: Lt. Col. Siddharth Barve (Maharashtra), Mr. A.T. Bala (New Mumbai),
Mr. V.T. Rajsekhar (Editor, Dalit Voice, Karnataka), Mr. Palas Biswas (West Bengal) prof.
Dr. L. J. Nesan ( T.N.)
Students, Youth and Advocate's ONE DAY NATIONAL CONVENTION
Sunday Date: 26.12.2010 Representative Session – 2 Time: 09.00 AM to 11.00 AM
Rahul Gandhi named RSS as a terrorist organization but
his party's complete inaction on RSS confirms the fact
that there is a secret agenda to help RSS - A discussion
During Bihar elections, Rahul Gandhi branded RSS as terrorist organization but
his own party is at the center. That central government does not ban RSS but has
banned SIMI. This shows that different rules are applied to both. By this we can
clearly see that this is a well planned hidden conspiracy of helping RSS on one hand
and on the other hand using Muslims of Bihar during elections as vote bank. Detailed
discussion on this is very necessary. That is why this topic is kept for discussion.
Speakers: Mr. Jitendra Kumar (New Delhi), Mr. Tilakraj Hitaishi (Executive, H.P.), Mr.
Narayan Garva (Gujarat), Adv. Gopal Ram (Bihar), Mr. Bhagwan Saksamudre (Maharashtra),
Mr. Dharmendra Kumar (Punjab), Dr. G.C. Singh (U.P.), Mr. Dalbir Singh Buriya (Principal,
ITI, Jharkhand), Er. Mahesh Lankesh (Jharkhand), Mr. R.R.Paswan (Jharkhand), Mr.
R.C.Sagar (Punjab), Er. Vijay Kumar Chanchal (Bihar), Mr. B.N.Dutta (Bihar), Er. L.R.Ahirwaar
(M.P.), Dr. S.P.Bhagat (Chandigarh), Mr. Gajendra Kumar Amliya (Rajasthan) Mr. Mourya Buddha (T.N.) Dr. Kamal Pasha (Professor Of History, Rted. Cochin University, Kerala)
Sunday Date: 26.12.2010 Social Awakening Session –2 Time: 11.00 AM to 02.00 PM
Lack of genuine leadership in OBC and MBC is the main reason behind non opposition of
Creamy layer and OBC census issues. ALSO, the decision of census enumeration of OBC
and MBC not happening along with national census and happening separately in middle of
June to September is a well planned conspiracy against the OBC and MBC.=== EH$ {Xdgr¶ '{hbmAmo| H$m amîQ´>r¶ A{YdoeZ ====
The population of OBCs is 52% and as per their population their basic problems are also
big and large in number. The solution for the same neither visible anywhere nor any possibility
of the solution in future. There is no voice raised against this. This is a peculiar phenomenon.
When we brain-stormed the reasons behind this we observed that the main reason behind
this is the lack of sincere and suitable leadership in OBC. But 99% of the OBCs are not aware
of this and they don't even realize this fact. That is why this subject is kept for discussion.
Speakers: Dr. Ramakant Thakur (U.P.), Dr. Mohan patel (Gajipur UP), Adv. Pavan Kumar Chowdhary
(H.P.), Mr. Ranendra Pratap Swain (Orissa), Mr. Raghunath Singh (National President, Arjak Sangh,
U.P.), Adv. Kamal Chand (Hariyana), Mr. Deviram Saini (Hariyana), Mr. Bhavarlal Parmaar (Rajasthan),
Mr. Champalal Barwar (Rajasthan),Mr. Marry Reddy (A.P.), Dr. M.Sarngadharan (Director CONSPI
Academy of Management Studies,Kerala)
Without the caste based census enumeration, OBC will not get real justice OR
nationwide mass movement is must for implementing caste based census enumeration.
Taking census enumeration of OBCs in isolation separately is cheating OBCs. Such cheating should not be allowed to take place. There is one solution for this. Census enumeration
needs to be carried out for all castes. This will help get details of all castes and according to
their population, policies can be drafted for their welfare and by doing this those castes which
are excluded from OBC list by Supreme Court also will get justice. But Brahmins, who is the
ruling caste, will not allow this to take place and may do more injustice. In these circumstances
if we want the caste based census to take place then we have no other option but to create a
nationwide mass movement. Keeping this in mind and to prepare our people for the nationwide
movement, this topic is kept for discussion.
Speakers: Prof. Jagannath Parmanik (West Bengal), Dr. Munna Singh Yadav (U.P.), Mr.
Jayesh P Chithe (Gujarat), Mr. Davleshwar Bagh (Orissa), Mr. Bajrangi Prasad (Retd. Deputy
Commissioner, Jharkhand)
The budget of India is a black document that funds alms to the capitalists.
Sunday Date: 26.12.2010 Social Awakening Session – 3 Time: 03.00 PM to 05.30 PM
The Govt. of India had provided special package 4, 18,000 crores of rupees to the capitalists
in year 2009. And again in the year 2010-11, Special Package of 5, 40,000 crores of rupees
were given to the capitalists. This proves that the budget of India is a black document that funds
alms to the capitalists. But the Indian people have no such information about this. Therefore, to
inform public & make them aware of this conspiracy, this subject is kept for discussion.
The 2010 UNDP Report which used MPI measure revealed that 8 States in
India have more starvation and poverty than 26 African countries – A Report.
Brahmins, the ruling caste in India are propagating that India will be a Super Power. UNO
published UNDP Report which used MPI measure revealed that 8 States in India have more
starvation and poverty than 26 African countries. There is no discussion on such issues in
Indian Parliament or Media. The Media is hatching a planned conspiracy to hide this
information. To bring out the truth behind this conspiracy of planning to commit genocide in
front of world, this subject is kept for discussion.
Speakers: Mr. S.S. Yadav (Economist Maharashtra), Prof. Dilip Mandal(JNU New
Delhi),Prof. Jaimini Kadoo(Editor, Kunbi Darshan, Maharashtra), Prof. Harnek Singh
(Patiala, Punjab) Adv. Arulmozhi (Sr. Adv. Chennai High Court T.N.)
Sunday Date: 26.12.2010 Social Awakening Session – 4 Time: 06.00 PM to 09.00 PM
The denial of national recognition to Most Backward Castes,
which is key for their welfare, is the conspiracy of Brahmins.
The population of OBCs is 52%. This 52% is not a homogenous group. 52% OBC consists
primarily of 4 groups which are ex-creamy layer castes, MBC castes, Tribes and converted
mulnivasis. In this, only the upper layer OBCs are recognized and other 3 groups are not
recognized. In this, ex-creamy layer, NT, DNT and VJNT are not recognized; MBCs are not
recognized, also in these there are minorities which are also not recognized. In this session
the issue of non recognition of MBCs is kept for discussion.
Speakers: Ms. Sujatha Kale (National Vice-President, R.M.M.S.), Mr. Binod Bihari
Mandal (Bihar), Mr. Hari Narayan Kamti (Nepal), Dr. R.C. Kumavat (Jaipur, Rajasthan)
D Sherin Madam (President Velicham, T.N.)
Monday Date: 27.12.2010 Representative Session Time: 09.00 AM to 11.00 AM
To continue keeping the Women helpless and weak is the
conspiracy of Brahmins to strengthen Brahminical system4
The varna-vyavastha declared Women as Shudra and did not give them any rights and
also on other hand lot of customs and restrictions were forced upon them through which the
women were made weak and helpless. This pre-meditated conspiracy was implemented by
Brahmins to convert powerful women into powerless. It is very important to expose this
conspiracy to create awareness amongst women folks.
Speakers: Ms. Deeksha Gowtham (U.P.), Ms. Krishna Tamaag (R.D.T.M. M., Nepal), Ms.
Meena Baala (Maharashtra), Ms. Jyoti Bankar (M.P.), Ms. Kalpana Kamble (Maharashtra),
Ms. Nisha Neendriya (Gujarat), Ms. Phulatai Jadhav (Maharashtra), Ms. Anita Ahari
(Rajasthan), Ms. Sushila Kasyap (U.P.), Ms. Vidya Jyoti (Bihar), Ms. Asha Bharti (Punjab),
Ms. Anamika Ingole (Maharashtra), Ms. Sheetal Pillewaan (Maharashtra), Ms. Reena Raagni
(Bihar), Dr. Sunitha Kale (Maharashtra), Ms. Sheetara Lalit (U.P.), Ms. G.R.Lakshmi (Nepal),
Prof. Meenashi Magre (Maharashtra), Ms. Nainabain Bagood (Gujarat), Ms. Resham Bahen),
Ms. Meenakshi Geethe (Maharashtra), Ms. Radha Meena (Rajasthan), Dr. M. Kalpana
(Dharmapuri,T. N.)
Monday Date: 27.12.2010 Social Awakening Session – 5 Time: 11.00 AM to 02.00 PM
Will the Women's power get really strengthened by Women's reservation? OR will
the real representation of Women be killed by this reservation?
Brahmins are propagating that the Women's power will get strengthened by Women's
reservation. But we have strong doubt that if this reservation is implemented, just like the
Poona Pact, in all fields the real representation of Women will be replaced by Brahmin
nominated representation as done for SC/ST reservation implementation. This will kill the
voice of real Women leadership. This topic is kept for discussion to discuss how this will take
place and create awareness amongst the Women about the same.
Speakers: Dr. Nomi Priya (Moradabad, U.P.), Ms. Charubain Chouhan (Gujarat), Prof.
Kanchanlata Lanjeshwar (M.P.), Ms. Poornima Kaatkar (Gujarat), Dr. Madhuri (Bihar), Dr. Asha
Indhu (M.P.), Ms. Sufiya Khatoon (West Bengal), Prof. Raagniwala (Punjab), Ms. Veena
Mahemi (Punjab), Ms. Nisha (Hariyana) Vibha Rahi (Maharashtra)
Monday Date: 27.12.2010 Social Awakening Session – 6 Time: 03.00 PM to 05.30 PM
Maa Jijavu and Shivaji Maharaj's character assassination is a Brahminical conspiracy to stop
Mulnivasis from getting inspiration from our Mahapurush i.e., James Laine is not responsible
for the Character Assassination but the 14 bandarkari Brahmins are responsible for this.
In Maharashtra, bandarkari Brahmins has started a campaign of the character assassination of Maa Jijavu and Chatrapati Shivaji Maharaj and this conspiracy of maligning may cost
Brahmins a lot. That is why, they have made a strategy to use a foreign writer, James Laine,
for this purpose and tried to spread confusion amongst the masses regarding this. This subject
is kept for discussion to clear the confusion surrounding this and to expose and make naked
the bandarkari Brahminical conspiracy.
Speakers: Ms. Sumita Patil (National President, Rashtriya Mulnivasi Mahila Sangh),
Mr. Praveen Dada Gaikwad (Head, Sambhaji Brigade, Maharashtra), Ms. Mangala Thorat
(Maharashtra), Mr. Gangadar Banbare (Maharashtra)
Monday Date: 27.12.2010Social Awakening Session – 7 Time: 06.00 PM to 09.00 PM
The decision of the Lucknow High Court on the ownership of Babri Masjid in Ram
Janmabhoomi was not based on facts but faith which is against basic tenets of Judiciary.
Judiciary has made faith as the basis for giving the decision in "Babri Masjid-Ram
Janmabhoomi" case. It has ignored the real facts and evidences and gave the decision based
on faith which is totally against constitution and against basic tenets of Justice. That is why it
is very much necessary to have detailed discussion on this. This topic is kept to have detailed
discussion on this.
Speakers: Adv. J.S.Kashyap (U.P.), Mr. Muktika Papana ( Ex Judge, High Court, Orissa),
Mr. R.K.Ankodiya (Ex Judge and Ex Member, H.R.O. Rajasthan), Dr. Virendra Kumar (Head,
Ancient Studies, U.P.), Kazi Shapad Ahmed (W.Bengal), Mr. Hashim Pasmanda (U.P.), Adv.
R.S.Aadil (High Court, New Delhi), Mr. Vijendra Singh (IPS, U.P.) Adv. Ikbal Sherif (Karnataka)
One Day NATIONAL CONVENTION for Social Networking
Tuesday Date: 28.12.2010 Representative Session Time: 09.00 AM to 11.00 AM
Brahminism is in reality Terrorism OR the real face of Terrorism is Brahminism. – A discussion
In our country, for dishonoring & condemning Muslims and to instigate the SC, ST and OBC
masses against the Muslims, Brahmins are planning terrorist attacks and misguiding the SC,
ST and OBC masses by branding them Hindu and misusing them. That is why, it is very
important to expose the real face of terrorism. To expose this real face of terrorism and to stop
the misuse of SC, ST and OBC by creating awareness in them, this topic is kept for discussion5
Speakers: Adv. Vibhuthi Bhusan Shetty (Orissa), Er. D.P.Singh (U.P.),J.C.Sehgal (Gujarat),
Mr. Govind Bhai Parmar (Gujarat), Ramesh Chandra Jena (Orissa), Nityanand Das (West
Bengal), Mr.Shersingh Boudh (U.P.), Dr. Mohanlal(Punjab), Mr.J.K.Sonkara (Gujarat), Mr. K.
Bounik (West Bengal), Mr. N.D.Sudiya (Gujarat), Syed Muksaad Hussain (Jammu Kashmir),
Dr. Nilmani Deep (Orissa), Abdul Shukoor (Karnataka),Mr. Riyazu Moosa (Kerala),K.
Madhiyalagan (Dy.Tahasildar Salem, T.N.), Mr. Sandeep Chavan (Project Manager, A.P) Mr.
M.C.Krishnan (Leader, Netaji Trade Union Erode, T.N.), Dr. V. V. Subrahmanyam (A.P. ) Dr.
D. R. Sekar (T.N),
Tuesday Date: 28.12.2010 Social Awakening Session – 8 Time: 11.00 AM to 02.00 PM
Renke Commission Report – This report was not bought for giving rights to
NT/DNT/VJNT but was bought with the aim of starting infighting between SC
and NT/DNT/VJNT – A discussion
People belonging to NT, DNT and VJNT think that government has brought this commission to solve their problems. But in a program in Pune, Chairman of Renke Commission has accepted that few representatives of government told him to write against SC
community but he has declined it. By this confession it is proved that this commission was
not brought for the welfare of NT, DNT and VJNT. In fact, this was brought to bring infighting between SC and NT/DNT/VJNT. To bring out the truth behind this conspiracy, this subject is kept for discussion.
Speakers: Mr. Ramesh Kushalkar (Maharashtra), Dr. Nilesh Rana (New Delhi), Prof.
Gangadhar Geete (Maharashtra), Mr. Subhash Rathore (Maharashtra), Mr. V.V.Jadhav
(Maharashtra), Mr. Brij Mohan (Hariyana) Mr. M. Giridhar Goud (Sr. Journalist, A.P.), Mr, K.
Murugesan (State G.S. Koravan tribles Peoples welfare Asso. T.N.)
Tuesday Date: 28.12.2010 Social Awakening Session – 9 Time: 03.00 PM to 05.30 PM
Brahmanization of Lingayat community is a conspiracy
to make Lingayats slaves of Brahminism.
Brahmins, who are in micro minority, have hinduized the SCs, STs and OBCs to show themselves as majority and by using this Hindu identity, they carried on Brahmanization of SCs, STs
and OBCs and made them part of Brahminism and enslaved them. In the similar way, Brahmins
are now trying to tell Lingayats that Lingayat religion is integral part of Brahminism. The reality
is, Lingayat religion is a separate religion of Mulnivasis and is totally against the Varna System
and Brahminism. This information was hidden from us till today. Now, this information has
started to come in front of all. That is why this topic is kept for discussion to completely expose
the Brahminical Conspiracy and to highlight the Lingayat Religion.
Speakers: Speakers: Mr. Korneshwar Appa (Lingayat Religious Leader, Karnataka), Er.
Shashikanth Urgunde (Maharashtra), Mr. Sanjay Gaikwad (Maharashtra) Adv. Nagesh Kolli
(Gulbarga,Karnataka) Adv. Rajaram (Karim Nagar, A.P.) Mr. Baswaraj (Karnataka)
Tuesday Date: 28.12.2010 Social Awakening Session – 10 Time: 06.00 PM to 09.00 PM
In different parts of the country, various great men carried out social and religious movements against Brahminism. Just like Narayan Guru, Mahatma Jyotirao Phule and Basaveshwara, Guruchandji and Harichandji also ran socio-religious movement against Brahminism.
Out of this movement, Mathuva movement emerged and people accepted Mathuva religion.
But Brahmins penetrated into this religion also and carried on Brahmanization of Mathuva
religion. Against this Brahmanization and also to create awareness amongst the Mathuva followers, this topic is kept for discussion.
Brahmanization of Mathuva Movement is the program of cheating the Thakur
Harichandji and Guruchandji Movement
Speakers: Mr. J.C.Mandal (U.P.), Dr. Sudhipat Nashkar (West Bengal), Ms. Shivani
Biswas (West Bengal), Mr. Palash Biswas (West Bengal), Mr. R.N.Meena (Hariyana)
Wednesday Date: 29.12.2010 Representative Session Time: 09.00 AM to 11.00 AM
What needs to be done to unite tribals and make them part of our nationwide
mass movement and to keep them away from the feeling of segregation.
The feeling of segregation in Tribals has been instilled in a much planned manner so
that they will not join hands with anyone to solve their problems and will not come forward
to be part of any nationwide people's movement. To expose and triumph over this conspiracy, Tribals themselves will have to come forward and to bring forward the tribals, this
topic is kept for discussion.6
Speakers: Dr. Shiv Bandari (M.P.), Mr. S.G.Damor (Gujarat), Mr. Bharat Chandra Singh
(Orissa), Mr. Hansmukh Patel (Gujarat), Ms. Sarai H.(West Bengal), Mr. Nawal Kishore
M.(Orissa), Dr. Nathi Bhai Patel (Gujarat), Mr. Doolabhai Dindor (Rajasthan), Mr. Shankarlal
Katara (Rajasthan), Mr. Shivajirao G. (Maharashtra), Mr. Khemji Maharaj (Gujarat), Mr. Himataram Boudh (Rajasthan), Dr. Swarupanand Patra (Orissa), Prof. K. Laxminarayana (A.P.),
Dr. P. Karunamoorthy( T.N.) Mr. B. Chennaiah (Nizamabad, A.P.)
Wednesday Date: 29.12.2010 Social Awakening Session – 11 Time: 11.00 AM to 02.00 PM
Operation Green Hunt – Conspiracy started by Brahmins to create fear amongst
Tribals and to gulp their land
The areas where Tribals reside are full of priceless natural mineral resources. That is why
it is not possible to possess these priceless minerals without acquiring these lands. So, to
acquire these lands, ruling castes of India i.e., Brahmins made a well planned policy. This
policy is to slander tribals by branding them as Maoists and Naxalites and to use military and
Para-military against them. By doing this they try to spread fear amongst tribals so that the
tribals in fear will either run away leaving their land or will agree to sell it to multinational
companies or Indian government. To fulfill this aim, Operation Green Hunt is started. But the
rightful people of this country are not aware of this truth. Our Mulnivasi Bahujan should know
about this pre-planned conspiracy. To create awareness amongst them, this topic is kept for
Speakers: Dr. Narayan Singh Majhi (Orissa), Mr. B.S.Rawate (Deputy Commissioner,
Chhattisgarh), Mr. Vijay Kunjoor (Jharkhand), Mr. Durga Marandi (Jharkhand), Mr. H.D.Raute
(Deputy Commissioner, Maharashtra), Dr. R.P.Bharati (ISF, U.P.), Er. Arjun Singh (Bihar), Mr.
H.N.Raikwal (M.P.), Mr. Sharadchandra Naik (Orissa), Mr. Arjun Bhai Patel (Chairman, R.A.N
S.), Somalal Koted (National G.S. (MANAGEMENT) BAMCEF, Dr. Anil Kumar (Trivandrum,
Kerala) Mr. Rojal (Karnataka)
Wednesday Date: 29.12.2010 Social Awakening Session – 12 Time: 03.00 AM to 05.30 PM
In Uttar Pradesh, to get inspiration and keep alive the ideology of our great forefathers,
Kanshiramji came with a plan to build their memorials and as part of this planning, memorials
were being developed by Uttar Pradesh government. To stop the Mulnivasi Bahujans from
getting inspiration from their great leaders, Brahmins hatched a conspiracy and they filed a case
against it in high court. Supreme Court ordered to give the judgment in four months. Four months
passed away but still the Allahabad court has not given any judgment and even today it is
pending in court. In this matter, the behavior of judiciary is influenced by Brahminical prejudice.
To create awareness in public against this Brahminical prejudice and to start nationwide agitation
for this, we want to prepare the people. That's why, this topic is kept for discussion.
In spite of the orders of the Supreme Court, no judgment has been given about
our great forefathers memorials by Allahabad high court. This is a part of
Brahminical Conspiracy.
Speakers:Adv. Aslam Javed Siddhiqui (Lucknow, U.P.), Er. R.K.Ram (U.P.), Adv. Ashol Basotra
(Jammu & Kashmir), Adv. Basant Kumar Mahanto (Orissa), Mr. Harikishan Sampla (Punjab),
Adv. Sanjay Kumar Bharati (Supreme Court, New Delhi), Adv. R.S.Aadil (High Court, New Delhi),
Mr. T.Jayachandran (BAMCEF Cadre Madurai, T.N.), Mr. M.R. Prabhakar(Karnataka), Dr. Jilukara
Srinivas (A.P.), Dr. Shuhaib Riyaloo (Kerala)
Wednesday Date: 29.12.2010 Social Awakening Session – 13 Time: 06.00 PM to 09.00 PM
Brahmins with the help of Mughals kept India under slavery and later in the similar way Brahmins
joined hands with Britishers and suggested them to rule India by giving them share in ruling as was done
by Mughals. But Britishers did not listen to the plan of Brahmins. That is why, Brahmins started the war of
freedom against Britishers. In this fight for freedom, barrister Jinnah and Muslim League demanded equal
rights from Gandhi-Nehru but they did not agree. To stay in India and be part of it, Jinnah kept the proposal
of 33% representation for Muslim League in front of Nehru. Gandhi-Nehru thought that if 22.5%
representation is given to SCs/STs and 33% to Muslims then 55.5% representation will go to SCs, STs
and Minorities. Brahmins thought that even if they get hold of all remaining 44.5%, still it would not be
possible for Brahmins to rule over India. That is why they deduced that to get complete control over India
they will have to divide India. That's why, Gandhi-Nehru pushed for the division of India and partitioned it
so that Brahmins can rule over it. To save themselves from all the disrepute due to this, they fallaciously
blamed Muslims for partition and disgraced Muslims. In this way, Brahmins, who were responsible for the
partition of India, saved themselves from all the blames and disrepute. This topic is kept for discussion to
give more information on above controversy.
To take complete control of Free India in their hands, Gandhi and Brahmins
together partitioned India and blamed Muslims – A controversy
Speakers: Prof. Gurnam Singh (Punjab), Mr. B.K.Panda (West Bengal), Master Mansoor Ahmed Kunjoor
(Kosambi, U.P.), Md. Intesaar Nahim (Executive, Jamait-E-Islami Hind, Delhi), Mr. Jagadish Mandal (West
Bengal), Md. Asgar Ali (Chief Advisor, Muslim Samaj, Nepal), Mr. Mukti Mohammad Yusuf (PhuleAmbedkar-Shahu Vichar Muslim Munch, Maharashtra), Dr. Arun Kumar (Dept of Science and Technology,
Jharkhand), Mr. R.D.Prajapati (M.P.), Prof. R.D.Maurya (M.P.) Dr. N.Jayaraman (Pudukottai, T.N.)
All sessions will be presided over by HON'BLE WAMAN MESHRAM, National President, BAMCEF.

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