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Zia clarifies his timing of declaration of independence

What Mujib Said

Jyoti basu is DEAD

Jyoti Basu: The pragmatist

Dr.B.R. Ambedkar

Memories of Another Day

Memories of Another Day
While my Parents Pulin Babu and basanti Devi were living

"The Day India Burned"--A Documentary On Partition Part-1/9


Partition of India - refugees displaced by the partition

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Fwd: CC Issue 25, Jan - PA Selling Short The Refugees

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From: Countercurrents <>
Date: Tue, Jan 25, 2011 at 11:21 PM
Subject: CC Issue 25, Jan - PA Selling Short The Refugees

Dear Friend,

If you think the content of this news letter is critical for the dignified living and survival of humanity and other species on earth, please forward it to your friends and spread the word.It's time humanity should come together as one family! You can subscribe to our news letter here

In Solidarity
Binu Mathew

Secret Palestine Documents Expose Sham "Peace Process"
By Bill Van Auken

The release of some 1,700 secret documents has exposed the so-called peace process as a criminal farce, part of a permanent US-Israeli conspiracy against the basic rights of the Palestinian people

PA Selling Short The Refugees
By Laila Al-Arian

Palestinian Authority proposed that only a handful of the nearly six million Palestinian refugees be allowed to return

Israel's Peacemakers Unmasked
By Jonathan Cook

This week, the first of hundreds of leaked confidential Palestinian documents confirmed the suspicions of a growing number of observers that the rejectionists in the peace process are to be found on the Israeli, not Palestinian, side

Total Capitulation
By Tariq Ali

The 'Palestine Papers' being published this week by al-Jazeera confirm in every detail what many Palestinians have suspected for a long time: their leaders have been collaborating in the most shameful fashion with Israel and the United States. Their grovelling is described in grim detail

The "Palestine Papers" Revealed
By Stephen Lendman

Sustained grassroots anger brings change, and what better reasons than poverty, unemployment, repression, occupation, and suffocating conditions under siege. Maybe exposed PA treachery created a rare chance seldom possible. Now's the time to seize it

US Can't Link Julian Assange To Bradley Manning
By Daniel Tencer

One avenue by which the United States could press charges against Julian Assange appeared to have closed Monday, with US military officials' admission that they can't find a link between the WikiLeaks founder and PFC Bradley Manning, the alleged source of WikiLeaks' State Department cables

Overuse Of Antibiotics
By Ralph Nader

Stop buying soaps, handwipes and cleaning agents whose vendors lure you with the label "antibacterial"

The Corruption Game
By Juan Cole

What the Tunisian Revolution and WikiLeaks Tell Us about American Support for Corrupt Dictatorships in the Muslim World

Green Energy's Big Challenge:
The Daunting Task Of Scaling Up
By David Biello

To shift the global economy from fossil fuels to renewable energy will require the construction of wind, solar, nuclear, and other installations on a vast scale, significantly altering the face of the planet. Can these new forms of energy approach the scale needed to meet the world's energy demands?

Prisons For Profit
By Timothy V. Gatto

The United States, according to the New York Times , has 5% of the World's population and 25% of all people incarcerated on the planet! In reality, in the United States, one in every hundred people are in some kind of incarceration. One may ask why we have so many of our citizens behind bars? There is no simple answer, but all of the answers point to money. Incarceration is big business in the United States

Political Witch Hunt In America
By Maureen Murphy

I have been summoned to appear before a federal grand jury in Chicago on January 25. But I will not testify, even at the risk of being put in jail for contempt of court, because I believe that our most fundamental rights as citizens are at stake

The Republic Of India Divided
By Farzana Versey

It is rather ironical that the day that is meant to commemorate and celebrate the Constitution of India, an independent India, is creating fissures.If we were to look at things dispassionately, then there is no reason to celebrate Republic Day because there are laws that continue to make certain that the federalism that we ought to be proud of is now a mere regional and parochial mix

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Palash Biswas
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