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Saturday, September 24, 2011

Fwd: [bangla-vision] A Time for the Kill

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From: Romi Elnagar <>
Date: Wed, Sep 21, 2011 at 11:35 AM
Subject: [bangla-vision] A Time for the Kill


A Time for the Kill


by Bob Nichols

(San Francisco) Two 10,000 lb (4,545 kg) uranium poison gas "dirty" bombs with small nuclear  dispersion devises set Japan on the road to extinction on August 6, 1945 and August 9, 1945 at Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Japan.
A row of six modified and enlarged US Navy submarine reactors pioneered by US Navy Admiral Hyman Rickover and manufactured by the US based General Electric Corp (GE) finished the kill March 11, 2011. Thanks to the US Navy designed and GE built atomic reactors, the Japanese people are dying, the country of Japan is no more and the land is permanently uninhabitable.
IAEA team inspects Fuku damage May 11 2011 AP
IAEA team inspects Fuku damage May 11 2011 AP
Lethal nuclear vapors created by the destroyed Navy/GE reactors and thousands of tons of garbaged and burning old reactor cores are spreading invisible radioactive death and sickness all over the world.
What's more: the atomic reactors spilled their burning guts into the basements and there is evidence the melted reactor cores are still "reacting" 160 days out. Shutting them down is mostly just plain impossible. The burning, radioactive gates of hell are still open wide. Breathe deep everyone. Breathe your own poisoned Fuku tainted air.
The Total Fertility Rate (TFR)
The best measure of population growth or shrinkage is a country's Total Fertility Rate (TFR). It is, simply put, the average number of children women have in a society over their child bearing years. Two kids per woman is the "replacement value" for one woman and one male. Two kids per woman means the man and woman replace themselves and the next generation will be the same size as their preceding generation.
The higher the TFR number, the more the population will grow and expand. On the other hand, a TFR number below 2 kids per woman means the population is shrinking for the next generation. Nuclear weaponeers who know about these things say it is impossible for a society to recover, or grow again, with a TFR below 1.3 kids per woman. In short, that society is doomed. Japan's TFR plummeted to 1.2 since the detonation of the two 10,000 lb sperm and ovary destroying uranium poison gas bombs in August, 1945.
The so-called "Atomic Bomb" development and deployment was under the control of the Radiological Warfare Committee (RWC) of the US Department of War. The WWII RWC had the same members as the WWI Poison Gas Committee. They were, of course, doing the same job, with the same people. For WWII that job expanded to include the Manhattan Project. It was all about the development of advanced weapons. That was about 70 years ago and the frenzied work pace has never stopped or slowed.
The US War Department and American society's leaders were big on using creepy poison gas to exterminate those who needed to be exterminated. In a cost effective manner, of course. After all, it is a big planet.
Using atomized radioactive particles that last for ever to poison and contaminate the land and all the people in and around target countries was their idea and they loved it. They thought it was the best idea they had had since WWI – or so they thought.
The rest of the world had gone through a big re-think on the messy subject of poison gas and its use. Other countries were dead set against the use of poison gas. The other countries even went so far as to make poison gas use a War Crime.
This was inconvenient, to say the least, for the US War Department's Poison Gas Committee, now just a bunch of thuggish war criminals, instead of high society dandies. So, the War Department and the leaders of American society on the powerful Poison Gas Committee changed the name of the Poison Gas Committee to the Radiological Warfare Committee. Boom, problem solved.
Thus, suitably camouflaged with a few words to fool the weak minded, the Poison Gas Committee continued on its lethal mission. The Committee decided a big uranium poison gas bomb to contaminate whole countries, control wildly breeding populations and lower the IQ of the lesser classes (read this as coloured, with a "u") of society, thereby making them suitable for employment as low paid, disposable workers was the perfect solution to intractable problems in the world.
Jim Conant, President of Harvard University, was just the kind of visionary high society killer who would deliver the Manhattan Project's uranium poison gas bombs just in time to kick start the slaughter of millions.
Thanks to Jim's hard work on the RW Committee Japan's TFR (Total Fertility Rate) would plummet after the atomic bombing. This was primarily because of a fine layer of uranium gas and dust that covered Japan in August, 1945. Uranium gas warfare destroyed Japan's human breeding capacity, just as uranium was known to do.
Finishing the Job, a Time for a Kill
Friday, March 11, 2011 was the day the country of Japan officially died. A human baby's gestation period in its mother is normally 270 days. Two hundred and seventy days from conception to delivery as a full term, normal infant boy or girl.
The 270th day from March 11, 2011 is December 5, 2011. I predict a bloody December as many normal peoples' hopes for a healthy kid are shattered beyond all recognition by a Fukushima Daiichi crop of monster, deformed, crazed or dead kids. The gruesome harvest of dead babies and fetuses in the womb, has already started.
December, 2011 will not be good month for expectant mothers-to-be. Tiny bits of radioactive uranium isotopes in the phosphate rich sperm and eggs of humans will be the exact cause. Fukushima originated uranium isotopes make a bee line to human sources of phosphates, the one mineral with a natural affinity to uranium isotopes. Phosphates are in human brains, bones, gonads and mitochondrial DNA, among other structures.
Frightened governments and their hunkered down spokesmen will lie like dogs to still the as yet unsuspecting Normal people and Normals who are starting to catch on that something has gone way wrong.
The coming Fuku Kid Disaster and Fuku Kill Off
First and foremost will be the ever nasty New York Times (NYT.) When it comes to something really, vitally important to all our futures, our families and friends, we can always count on the NYT to lie through their teeth for the nuclear industry criminals and mass murderers. That is nothing new for the Times, they always have.
Sept 1945 Pulitzer Prize winning Lie in NYT No Radiation in Hiroshima
Sept 1945 Pulitzer Prize winning Lie in NYT No Radiation in Hiroshima
What's more, the dominant owners of the NYT, the Sultzberger family, like it that way. The family has had a slash and burn radiation policy ever since Hiroshima in 1945. No Lie was too Big, in fact, the Bigger and more Bizarre the better. Germany's WWII Fuhrer Adolph Hitler may have coined the concept "The Big Lie;" but, the New York Times spun it out to a degree that would make even Hitler proud.
The Radiation Warfare Committee controlled Manhattan Project to build the Atomic Bomb got its name from its organizer, the Manhattan Engineering District of the US Army Corps of Engineers. The Sultzbergers' NY Times was only too eager to help the fledgling CIA and the US War Department lie about the nuke bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Japan that incinerated hundreds of thousands of people. Many were literally vaporized into nothingness.
The Big Lie Lives On with the NY Times
A few weeks after the atomic bombing, Australian journalist Wilfred Burchett managed to sneak into occupied Japan and nuked Nagasaki in spite of US Army General Douglas MacArthur's prohibition. Burchett, an experienced war correspondent, was utterly stunned at the extent of the other worldly devastation and killing of the Atomic Bomb.
Mr. Burchett coined the term "Atomic Plague" which then swept around the world on a wave of revulsion at what the Americans had done. Diplomats and other people politically or militarily in-the-know knew the Japanese were eager to surrender and that President Truman lied in his bull shit speech about the Atomic Bomb "saving American lives" that would be forfeit if the US were to invade Japan.
The six devastated US Navy/GE reactors at Fukushima Daiichi finished the Kill Truman ordered 65 years, 7 months, and 6 days later on March 11, 2011.
Sayonara, Japan, you are history.
"Who's Next?"
Good question. There are 438 big reactors, just stationary nuclear weapons really, in the world. 104 big nuke reactors are in America and many, like the Fuku reactors,  are by the sea due to the exorbitant, one billion gallons a day water demand of the reactors. Even the inland reactors are exquisitely vulnerable to becoming another Fukushima. If any lose electricity and off site feeds, a Fuku type meltdown is guaranteed.
The people in the Japanese NHK TV video below live in Northern Japan. They must evacuate and many are dying. Many won't leave, preferring Denial as the better course to reality and Evacuation. After all, you can't see, feel, hear or taste radiation as it liquefies your insides.
Any of us could be next. Dying in adult diapers praying for morphine is not a good way to check out.
The US Military and probably Russia's Military, the former Soviet Union, possess weapons that can accomplish this kind of devastation. They should, at least the US has devoted billions to controlling what the DOD calls "earth processes" for 60 years. That would be your basic hurricanes, tornadoes, rain, drought, earthquakes, tsunamis, rogue waves and volcanoes.
Even a medium sized tropical storm, not even big enough to be a hurricane or typhoon, contains as much energy as 10,000 Hiroshima sized Atomic Bombs. If the War Department, later renamed to the Department of Defense to confuse the do-gooders, could control the weather or "Earth Processes" they would control the world. That's the long held dream of Psychos and control freaks everywhere.
Is the DOD responsible for all so-called "natural" disasters? Of course not, that is silly; and, the DOD has the perfect built in deniability. They can just shrug their shoulders and say "It's just the weather" or the classic one for these Psycho monsters "It's an Act of God!"
During the known nuclear weapons detonation era the US exploded some 1,300 nuclear weapons, Russia about 800 and the other nuclear powers trailed way behind. Did you ever wonder why the supposedly super smart Americans took 1,300 nuke detonations to get the nuke weapons right and the Chinese only a few dozen? The Israelis have more than 400 nukes and did it with zero detonations.
What is the story here? Maybe the Manhattan Project physicists and scientists were up to something else – something bigger than the Bomb.
It appears from all available declassified evidence, including former US Secretary of Defense Cohen, and many US Congressional hearings as well as scuttlebutt around the Nuclear Weapons Labs that the Earth itself is, in fact, the biggest weapon of all. That is the ultimate Control over Planet Earth. And that, my friends, is exactly the plan of the US Military and political leadership.
But, don't take my word for it. Research it yourself. There's a world of info out there, "Go For It."
Copyright by Bob Nichols August 18, 2011. All rights reserved. Distribute with credit and all Notes and Sources. Reach Bob Nichols at
Notes and Sources.
Nucléaire / Nuclear : Collaborating to create a radioactive fallout contamination map  A NHK Television of Japan production showing independent scientists as they construct a radiation map of Northern Japan, including the Evacuation Zone around the six trashed nuclear power plants at Fukushima Daiichi, Japan.
This video is a response video of the respected nuclear authority Prof Kodama of the UIniversity of Tokyo.  Prof. Kodama Angry about Japanese Gov.'s Gross Negligence (Part 2)
Duration calculation results. From and including: Friday, March 11, 2011 To and including: Tuesday, August 17, 2011. It is 160 days from the start date to the end date, end date included. Or 5 months, 6 days including the end date.
From and including: Monday, August 6, 1945 To and including: Friday, March 11, 2011 It is 23,959 days from the start date to the end date, end date included. Or 65 years, 7 months, 6 days including the end date.
Tweets from Japan: "When we wash their hair, it comes off in a clump — It is really scary," August 13th, 2011 at 06:30 AM
Tweets from a nurse (my very good guess from her tweets) in a large hospital in Sendai City, Miyagi Prefecture on August 10:
Increasing number of patients with unexplainable decrease in white blood cells, headache, nausea. They are diagnosed for existing illness and undergo treatment, but they don't respond to the treatment at all. I've seen those cases in my hospital. I'm not saying they are all because of the radiation exposure, but I'm telling you what I'm seeing.
When we wash their hair, it comes off in a clump. It is really scary. The doctor says, "I really wonder why the white blood cell count is down…" Doctor, don't be so relaxed about it. There is going to be more and more people who don't respond to treatment.
The 2053 nuclear tests and explosions that took place between 1945 and 1998 are plotted visually and audibly on a world map.
"1945 to 1998″ by ISAO HASHIMOTO.
About "1945-1998″ ©2003
"This piece of work is a bird's eye view of the history by scaling down a month length of time into one second.  No letter is used for equal messaging to all viewers without language barrier.  The blinking light, sound and the numbers on the world map show when, where and how many experiments each country have conducted.  I created this work for the means of an interface to the people who are yet to know of the extremely grave, but present problem of the world."
Contact the artist:
Should you have any query regarding this artwork, please contact  e-mail address below:
* The number excludes both tests by North Korea (October 2006 and May 2009).
"Having laid out this rather bleak story, I do want to end with a quote from Wilfred Burchett, who along with Hersey and a few others, showed what the media was capable of doing when it sided with humanity rather than with official narratives and nuclear glory: As Burchett put it, "In visiting Hiroshima, I felt that I was seeing in the last days of [World War 2] what would be the fate of hundreds of cities in a [World War 3]. If that does not make a journalist want to shape history in the right direction, what does?"
Copyright by Bob Nichols August 18, 2011. All rights reserved. Distribute with credit and all Notes and Sources. Reach Bob Nichols at

I know Bob Nichols. He lives in Berkeley, California, and writes awesome articles about the dangers of depleted uranium and nuclear weapons. I wouldn't believe this article if I didn't know him: it will BLOW YOUR MIND, but I assure you, if Bob Nichols wrote it, there's a real strong possibility it's ... true.


Palash Biswas
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