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Sunday, September 25, 2011

Fwd: Fw: (Desiyatra)-- Hindi Hitler Mohan Gupta Wants Indians Using HybridHindi to be Hanged!

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: bhagavaandaas tyaagi <>
Date: Sun, Sep 25, 2011 at 5:51 AM
Subject: Fw: (Desiyatra)-- Hindi Hitler Mohan Gupta Wants Indians Using HybridHindi to be Hanged!


please read on -----------------

 please help to improve and to promote HINDII and HINDUU DHARM ---


of course non - hinduus and  anti - hinduus  also convent and Macaulay education's produced people---- please read on ----


1 .    अ = a , आ = aa ,  इ = i ,  ई = ii ,  उ = u ,  ऊ = uu ,  ऋ = ri`  (     रि = ri ,   री = rii  ,  ऋ = ri`   )  
 ए = e  ,  ऐ =  ee  or  ai ,  ओ = o ,  औ =  oo  or  au ,  अं = an ,  अ:  =  a:      ]

 क = k  ,   ख  = kh ,   ग = g ,    घ = gh  ङ =n.  |||    च  = ch ,  छ = chh    ज = j ,    झ  =  jh ,  ञ = n`

ट  = t.  ,   ठ = th. ,   ड = d.  ,    ढ = dh.  ,  ण = n'|||  त = t ,   थ  = th ,  द  = d  ,  ध = dh ,   न = n

प = p ,   फ = ph ,   ब  = b ,   भ = bh ,    म = m  |||  य = y ,    र = r  ,    ल = l ,    व = v  ,   श = sh  

 ष = sh`   स  = s ,   ह = h  ,   क्ष = ksh   ,   त्र = tr   |||   ज्ञ  = jn` ,  श्र = shr ,   ड़ = ad` ,  ढ़ = ad'  ]  }

 क= k, का=kaa, कि=ki, की=kii कु=ku, कू=kuu, कृ=ri`, के=ke, कै=kee (kai), को=ko, कौ=koo (kau), कं=k`, कः=k: --- ]  }

 2 .   When British came to India they did not know Hindii and Indians did not know English. At that time some of  Hindii words  written in English were spelled wrong . British came to India about three hundred years ago. For three hundred years those wrongly spelled Hindii words in English have been used. People became used to these wrong - spelled - WORDS. Now some people started to realize those mistakes and trying to fix them. AND IT IS EVERY HINDUU'S DUTY TO IMPROVE AND PROMOTE HINDII AND HINDUU DHARM ---- PLEASE DO THAT --- BE SERIOUS  ABOUT THAT ---
1.    In Hindii and in Sanskri`t it is  राम = raam ,  योग  = yog ,  रामायण =raamaayan ,  महाभारत = mahaabhaarat ,  शिव = shiv ,  ब्रह्म = brahm , the cosmic , universal energy ,  ब्रह्मा = brahmaa is like Sarasvati and brahmaa आदि आदि --- It should not be ---  रामा , योगा , रामायना , महाभारता , शिवा आदि आदि --- EVERY HINDUU MUST TAKE A STEP IN THE RIGHT DIRECTION --- and try to improve HINDII AND HINDUU DHARM 
             2 .     Hindii and Sanskri`t do not have -" W "- sound . Both have only -" V " - sound.  Hindii and Sanskri`t -  " व " --  should be written with -" V " - only because '' v'' and ''व'' both are dantosht  दन्तोष्ट not  - " W " - because "W" is "  व्ह "
   As---  दिवाली =  Divaalii  , not Diwali ,सेवा =  sevaa  ,  not sewa ,  स्वामी = svaamii  , not swami ,भगवान =  bhagavaan , not bhagawan , दास =  daas , not dass , अग्रवाल = agravaal ,  not aggarwal, etc.etc.
          3 . Write " दिवाली " = Divali , Divaalii and Diwali and ask any non-Hindii-person who knows only English to read  these three words, you will hear the difference between  Divali  or Divaalii  and Diwali .

         4 . The media and people also say many Hindii words wrong--- समंदर [ samandar ] in stead of  समुंद्र [ samundr ] , कनदहार {  kandahaar  }  in stead of कन्धार  { KANDHAHAAR  } ,  शान्तीही [ shantihi ] instead of  शान्ति: [ shaanti: ] , ग्रह  instead of  गृह   ,  and  गृह instead of  ग्रह ----  ग्रह means  a planet ;  गृह   means a house   and many many more words like these . 
        5 . According to HINDII--SANSKRI`T---ENGLISH---GUIDE some Hindii and SANSKRI`T-WORDS are written WRONG ALSO ---

Like : -- हिंदी  should be = HINDII  ,  should NOT be HINDI  which is = हिंदि   ;    हिंदू  should be = HINDUU ; should NOT be  HINDU  which is  =  हिंदु  , आदि आदि and also सनातन = Sanaatan , भारत =Bhaarat आदि आदि  and many many more like this .
      6 .  some times '' व '' is written with '' v '' and some times with '' w '' which is very very confusing and wrong like  विश्व should be = vishv  not vishw or wishw or vishwa or wishva . In '' विश्व'' first  '' व ''  is written with  ''v'' and second '' व ''  is written with '' w ''  WHY ???   स्वयम = svayam [ not swayam ] ,  सेवक = sevak  [ not sewak ] and many many more words like that ----    

 7 . देहली should be  = Dehali , not Delhi  , दिल्ली  = dillii ,  अग्रवाल should be = Agravaal , not = Aggarwal ,  स्वामी should be = svaamii not swami , 

     8 . सुभाशचन्द्र को सुभाशचन्द्रा , महेन्द्र को महेन्द्रा, योग को  योगा , राम को रामा ,  वेद को वेदा ,धर्म  को धर्मा आदि आदि  मत कहिये-----WHICH IS VERY VERY WRONG .
     9 . यह तर्क वितर्क का विषय नही मनन करने का विषय है | यदि हमें प्रगति करनी है तो दासता-वृति  छोड़  कर स्वतंत्र-वृति से मनन करना होगा |     
10 )  English people have gone , Muslim-Rule is finished but slavery still persists in HINDUUS. People and media are slave of English and Urdu.LIKE :--- news papers --  आज-तक आदि आदि , TV --- एन.डी. टी वी,   ज़ी-न्युज़,   आदि आदि. 
11 ) हम जो सुनते हैं वही बोलते हैं | यदि हम --योगा ,रामा ,वेदा ,धर्मा आदि आदि सुने गे तो वही बोले गे जो त्रुटियुक्त है| यदि हम योग, राम, वेद, धर्म आदि आदि बोलें गे तो सब लोग भी शुद्ध  बोलें गे योग, राम, वेद, धर्म आदि आदि | मुस्लमान कभी भी मुहम्मद को मुहम्मदा , कुराण को कुराना , इस्लाम को इस्लामा आदि आदि नहीं कहेगे  किन्तु हिन्दू राम को रामा, रामायण को रामायणा , धर्म को धर्मा आदि आदि कहेगे |और ना ही कोइ इसाई क्राईस्ट को क्राईस्टा,बाईबल को बाईबला, रिलिज़न को रिलिज़ना आदि आदि कहेगा-----  किन्तु हिन्दू राम को रामा, रामायण को रामायणा , धर्म को धर्मा आदि आदि कहेगे |, ना ही कोई सिख गुरुनानक को गुरु नानका,ग्रन्थ साहिब को ग्रन्था-साहिबा,गुरु अर्जुन-देव को गुरु अर्जुना-देवा आदि आदि कहेगे और ना ही किसी को कहने देगा किन्तु हिन्दू राम को रामा, रामायण को रामायणा , धर्म को धर्मा आदि आदि कहेगे | ----  | मूर्ख हैं |  slavery still persists with HINDUUS ONLY !

13 )  many many HINDUU - people and  hinduu - ORGANIZATIONS like --- ''HINDII - BHAARAT '' ; " HINDII  BHAASHAA and many many more HINDUU and HINDII organizations which are suppose to promote HINDII  but they are not - many of these organizations  write    फ़िर  instead of   फिर  and  क़ instead of क and  many many more words are written wrong like that BY THESE ORGANIZATIONS WHICH ARE SUPPOSE TO PROMOTE HINDII .           
14 ) If Hinduus are not going to correct Hindii - Words written in English  and pronouncing Hindii - Words in the right - way then no-one else is going to do that . ONLY HINDUUS HAVE TO DO THAT. PLEASE HINDUUS !!! DO THAT !!! DO YOU THINK MUSLIMS AND CHRISTIANS ARE GOING TO DO THAT ?  IF YOU DO NOT DO THEN NO ONE ELSE IS GOING TO DO THAT  !!!

PLEASE NOTE : -- हिंदी में त्रुतियां हैं क्यों कि क्मपुटर पर वे शब्द लिखने नहीं आते उस के लिये क्षमा याचना I

From: "" <>
Sent: Sunday, September 25, 2011 2:30:49 AM
Subject: Re: (Desiyatra)-- Hindi Hitler Mohan Gupta Wants Indians Using HybridHindi to be Hanged!

Poonam u must consider the writing of Lal very seriously.
Jai Hind
Sent on my BlackBerry® from Vodafone

From: Trishool <>
Date: Sat, 24 Sep 2011 09:59:45 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: Re: (Desiyatra)-- Hindi Hitler Mohan Gupta Wants Indians Using Hybrid Hindi to be Hanged!

Poonam ji, 

Don't be deceived by Hindu names. Some people have sold their conscious, and changed their religion, they continue to deceive Hindus, with their original Hindu name, while they have nothing in common with Hindus, and sentiments of Hindus. 

Lal  Gehi

From: Poonam Abbi <>
To: "" <>; Palash Biswas <>; Pioneer (New Delhi) <>
Cc: Bhailal Patel <>; Balbir Punj <>; Dinesh Agrawal <>; Dr Rajiv Arora MD - Sanatan Dharma <>; Francois Gautier <>; madan gupta <>; Rajesh Patil <>
Sent: Friday, September 23, 2011 8:39 AM
Subject: Re: (Desiyatra)-- Hindi Hitler Mohan Gupta Wants Indians Using Hybrid Hindi to be Hanged!

"Hindi Hitler Mohan Gupta Wants Indians
Using Hybrid Hindi to be Hanged!"
Mr. Ashok T Jagtiani, you areissed off because a Hindu is calling in favor of Hindi. You will be sitting with mustard planter in your mouth if this call is made by the muslims regarding urdu or christians about are who you'll never change...

From: Ashok T. Jaisinghani <>
To: Desiyatra <>; Palash Biswas <>; Pioneer (New Delhi) <>
Cc: Bhailal Patel <>; Balbir Punj <>; Dinesh Agrawal <>; Dr Rajiv Arora MD - Sanatan Dharma <>; Francois Gautier <>; madan gupta <>; Rajesh Patil <>
Sent: Wednesday, September 21, 2011 1:26 PM
Subject: (Desiyatra)-- Hindi Hitler Mohan Gupta Wants Indians Using Hybrid Hindi to be Hanged!

Hindi Hitler Mohan Gupta Wants Indians
Using Hybrid Hindi to be Hanged!
    In the spam emails he has been sending regularly to many persons, the lunatic criminal Mohan Gupta has been threatening the Hindi writers and speakers with the following words: 
    "All kinds of Media people should be destroyed who try to put filth in Hindi in the form of English and Urdu words in Hindi on any excuse."
    ". . . people who try to destroy Hindi by putting lots of filth in it in the form of English, Urdu, Arabic, Turkish, Pharsi words in Hindi should be hanged from the nearest pole. While hanging such traitors of Hindi, no mercy should be shown. If most of the Hindi media need to be hanged for destroying Hindi, then so be it."
    Living in Canada, Hindi Hitler Mohan Gupta has himself been using English for his email correspondence, but he wants all the other Indians to be hanged if they use commonly known English, Urdu, Arabic, Turkish and Persian words while writing or speaking in Hindi. Can any lunatic criminal threaten to kill all Indians who refuse to learn, or are unable to learn, absolutely "pure" Hindi? Even the majority of persons from the Hindi-speaking states are not great scholars who can speak and write in "pure" Hindi. 
    There are also many states in India where the majority of people have refused to learn any type of Hindi, whether it is pure or not just does not matter for them. In a democratic country like India, the people cannot be forced to learn Hindi against their will.
Hindi has Always been a Hybrid Language
    It is widely known that Hindi and Urdu were born and developed as hybrid languages during the period of the Muslim and British rulers in India. Hindi has never been pure, as it had developed like a bazaar language by borrowing words from Arabic, Turkish, Persian and English languages, besides the Indian regional languages and Sanskrit.
    It is well known that even the words "Hindu" and "Hindi" were originally derived from the Persian language.
    Do the common people of India know what is "pure" Hindi? Can 99 per cent of Indians be killed because they do not know to speak and write in "pure" Hindi? Can there be any lunatic criminal worse than Mohan Gupta who is making such threatening noises while living in Canada?
    Actually, Mohan Gupta is one of the worst enemies of the Hindus and the Hindi-speaking people of India. Can the coward dare to come to India and criticize the way the common people speak and write in Hindi? When he does come here, even the people of Hindi-speaking states will be ready to beat him if he condemns and threatens them for using hybrid Hindi. 
    Extremists and fanatics like Mohan Gupta, who advocate violence on a massive scale, are responsible for creating hatred and ill will among the different groups of Hindu society. Is there no one to stop this lunatic criminal from carrying on his highly objectionable campaign in favor of the imposition of so-called "pure" Hindi on all Indians?

   Ashok  T. Jaisinghani.
     Editor & Publisher:    Top Nutritionist


----- Original Message -----
Sent: 20 Sep 2011 1:27 AM
Subject: Destroying Hindi by Hindi Media

Destroying Hindi by Hindi Media
All around Hindi media is trying to destroy Hindi. One usually suspects it is a conspiracy by ex-imperialists to destroy Hindi.
Western countries have got lot of interest in preserving English in Bhaarat to carry out their nefarious activities through English and by destroying Hindi. For preserving English in Bhaarat western countries have lots of commercial interest as well.
        Most of the media is owned by Western companies and Islamic countries in Bhaarat. So it becomes very easy for the media to destroy Hindi in Bhaarat by putting lots of filth in it in the form of English and Urdu words.
It was Times of India which used English word in Hindi for the first time by naming its Hindi edition Nav Bharat Times in Bhaarat in year 1946. Not many people objected the use of English word Times in Hindi at that time.
If lots of people would have complained against the use of Urdu and English words in Hindi by media, then the present situation would not have arisen.
        BJP party has also a great role in destroying Hindi. BJP party did not create any pro-Hindu, pro-Hindi media but at the same time allowed foreign companies to own media in Bhaarat. These foreign owned media is playing a great role in destroying Hindi. All kinds of other Hindi media are also playing a big role in destroying Hindi.
Many editors, publishers and owners of Hindi media seems to be the agent of imperialist people for destroying Hindi as the use of English words have increased to a very, very large extent for the last about  6 years, since UPA government came to power.
        Dead Hebrew was revived and lots of new words were created. Do Hindi media people know how it was done?  By putting ban on the use of non–Hebrew words in Hebrew. There should be a ban on the media for putting English and Urdu words in Hindi. There should also be a law for forcing the Hindi film industry to give cast of Hindi films in Hindi rather than in English and use pure Hindi rather than filthy Hindi in Hindi films and all the manufacturers in Bhaarat be forced to write Hindi on the labels of their products without any exception.
There are lots of people who can create proper Hindi words like Dr. Raguveer in the past, who has done lots of work in creating new words, but government is not giving any encouragement to such people. Within the last 64 years all kinds of technical, medical, commercial words in Hindi would have been created.
All kinds of Media people should be destroyed who try to put filth in Hindi in the form of English and Urdu words in Hindi on any excuse.
It is now up to the public to destroy such Hindi media who use English and Urdu words in Hindi. They should boycott all kinds of Hindi media may be Hindi papers, radio and TV stations that use English and Urdu words in Hindi. They should start making demonstrations against such Hindi media people on regular basis.
As Nehru has used the sentence one time "Hang them from the nearest pole" for the corrupt people, similarly people who try to destroy Hindi by putting lots of filth in it in the form of English, Urdu, Arabic, Turkish, Pharsi words in Hindi should be hanged from the nearest pole. While hanging such traitors of Hindi, no mercy should be shown. If most of the Hindi media need to be hanged for destroying Hindi, then so be it.
People should make many organisations for the defence of pure Hindi in all cities of Bhaarat. Business people should stop giving advertisement to Hindi media who use English and Urdu words in Hindi. If some business people still give advertisement to such rotten Hindi media, then people should stop buying products of such business people who give advertisement to such Hindi media who use English and Urdu words in Hindi.
This is the true face of BJP in Punjab. Ruksat is purely URDU word
Waqt-e-Ruksat' held to bid adieu to MBBS students at Adesh institute
Bathinda, July 25

The Adesh Institute of Medical Sciences and Research, Barnala road, celebrated its College Day. A cultural function, "Waqt-e-Ruksat" was organised by the MBBS students of batch 2007 to mark the farewell to MBBS batch 2006 students. Prabhjot Kaur, wife of Director Principal Lt Col Dr GPI Singh was the chief guest.
Mother tongue Rajasthani not allowed. One day Hindus will not be allowed to walk on the roads.
Punjabi allowed in Rajasthan TET
Sriganganagar, July 25

Punjabi will be allowed as one of the languages in the Rajasthan Teacher Eligibility Test (RTET) which was slated for July 31. Meanwhile, the NGOs (Non-Government organisations) have decided to observe it as "Black Day" to resent that the candidates will not be permitted to use Rajasthani, their mother language, in the test.
madan gupta <> wrote:
BJP cannot have a Prime Minister. Aurangzeb was better than BJP. Hindi is prohibited in Punjab, Urdu is welcome. With the help of BJP the Punjab govt. has forced the Hindus to live like slaves. Recently Bhagwan Parshuram was abused in Punjab in connivance with BJP.
Madan Lal Gupta
There is no Hindi in Hariana. DAV has prohibited the use of Hindi in all its businesscum public schools. Use of Hindi is only an eye wash in Hariana. Why cannot the Congress Govt. of Hariana pass a languagistic resolution to strictly enforce Hindi, under which anybody not using Hindi in Govt. work will be prosecuted? Hindus biggest tirath in the world Pheowa (Dharmabhoomi) known for PIND-DAN, has free supply of alcohol and meat.
Western Education:
      Founder of FACT India, Francois Gautier stated- "Nowadays, the greatest adversaries of an 'Indianised and spiritualised education' are the descendents of the 'Brown Sahibs'- the 'secular' politicians, the journalists, the top bureaucrats, in fact the whole westernised cream of India. And what is even more paradoxical, is that most of them are Hindus! It is they, who upon getting independence, have denied India its true identity and borrowed blindly from the British education system, without trying to adapt it to the unique Indian mentality and psychology… And what India is getting from this education is a youth which apes the West… They will grow-up like millions of other western clones in the developing world, who wear a tie, read the New York Times and swear by liberalism and secularism to save their countries from doom. In time, they will reach elevated positions and write books and articles which make fun of India, they will preside human-right committees, be "secular" high bureaucrats who take the wrong decisions and generally do tremendous harm to India, because it has been programmed in their genes to always run down their own country. In a gist, they will be the ones who are always looking at the West for approval and forever perceive India through the western prism."
This form of mental slavery emphasized by Gautier is exactly the problem today where the Indian media with its talentless and intellectually impotent breed of journalists now debases Hindu gurus, denigrates Hindu spirituality and indirectly belittles Hinduism and India as a whole.

Palash Biswas
Pl Read:

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