चिदम्बरम की जय हो!
पलाश विश्वास
मैं गांधीवादी कभी नहीं रहा।मैं पिता की मृत्यु से पहले अंबेडकर की विचारधारा को भी बिना पढ़े महज जाति विमर्श समझता था।आज पार्टीबद्ध या मसीहाबद्ध अंध भक्तों की तरह जो लोग हमारे चारों तरफ विचारधारा और मिशन का झंडा उठाकर घूमते नजर आ रहे हैं और हर किसी को कारपोरेट एजंट कहते हुए कमा खा ही नहीं रहे,जमकर स्विस बैंक खातों की रचना कर रहे हैं,हमारी पहुंच हमारी औकात के मुताबिक उस दर्जे तक न अब हैं और न कभी थी।
एक परमानंद मेश्राम हैं,कहां है, कौन है,नहीं मालूम।लेकिन मसीहा संप्रदाय के अद्वैत विद्वान हैं,इसमें दो राय नहीं हैं।जैसे उनके मसीहा विदूषक की तरह एक ही वक्तव्य बार बार मनोरंजक शैली में परोसते रहते हैं,बिना किसी संवाद के प्रवचन की तरह,देश काल परिस्थितियों पर नजर रखने की फुरसत नहीं होती चौबीसों घंटे सातों दिन बारहमहीने देश विदेश फंडिंग कारोबार निजी संपत्ति बनाओ अभियान के लिए,और पढ़ते भी नहीं।उन्होंने एकीकृत बामसेफ के संविधान मसविदे पर ध्यान दिये बिना,वित्तीयप्रबंधन और संस्थागत संगठनात्मक ढांचे के मुद्दे पर कोई गौर किये बिना,क्योंकि अंबेडकरी जनांदोलन के लिए हम लोगों ने फंडिंग की बाध्यता खत्म कर दी है और जनविमर्श के मार्फत राष्ट्रव्यापी जनांदोलन खड़ा करने का बीड़ा उठाया है,वैसे ही उनके अंध अपढ़ चेले एक ही आरोप बार बार दोहराते हैं।
पलाश जी आपने सवाल का जवाब नही दिया कि क्यो आप कार्पोरेट जगत के भरोसे पर खडे हो.
मित्रों,मुझे अगर ऐसे एकतरफा आरोपों का जवाब देना पड़े,तो जिंदगीभर अविराम सामाजिक सरोकारों से जुड़े रहने की मेरी पृष्ठभूमि बेमतलब है।
जवाब जिन्हें देना हैं,अकूत संपत्ति जनांदोलन,आजादी के नाम पर पैदा करके संगठन और आंदोलन पर कुंडली मारकर जो मसीहा संप्रदाय, वे इस तथ्य के बावजूद देश के राष्ट्रपति,प्रधानमंत्री और वित्तमंत्री समेत कारपोरेट शासक वर्ग के संवैधानिक रक्षाकवच और शासकीय रफा दफा विशेषज्ञता को मिलती चुनौतियों के बावजूद बिना किसी चुनौती के किसी के प्रति जवाबदेह नहीं है।
हमारी क्या औकात है, जवाब अगर मांगना हो तो देश बेचने वालों,जनमत बेचने वालों और जनांदोलन बेचने वालों से मांगे तमाम अंध भक्त,गारंटी है कि कालाधन का खजाना खुल जायेगा और सोने की खोज में पुरातत्व विभाग को खुदाई भी नहीं करनी होगी किसी स्वप्नादेश के लिए।
इस सिलसिले में इतना ही।
मीडिया दरबार पर मित्रवर ग्रोवर साहेब की पोस्ट से हमें सोनी सोरी की जमानत की खबर लगी।टीवी हम देखते ही नहीं हैं। जिन अखबारों को पढ़ता हूं,उनमें बाद में आयी खबर अगले दिन।
अंग्रेजी,बांग्ला और हिंदी अखबारों में जैसे तैसे यह सूचना आयी।हम चूंकि प्रकाशकों और संपादकों के बजाय सीधे हमारे लोगों को संबोधित करते हैं, मित्रों के लाउडस्पीकर बतौर हमारी भूमिक है चूंकि,हम संबद्ध सारी सूचनाएं अपने सीमाबद्ध विश्लेषण के साथ विधाओं के व्याकरण से बाहर,भाषाओं के बंधन तोड़ते हुए अपने ब्लागों पर लगाते हैं।
लेकिन हमें बहुत ताज्जुब हुआ कि मराठी और दूसरी भारतीय भाषाओं में हिंदी और बांग्ल के अलावा इस बारे में कोई सामग्री न देखकर। मणिपुरी अखबारों की भाषा, दक्षिण भरतीय भाषाओं के अखबार और उड़िया के अखबार भी हम पढ़ नहीं पाते,लेकिन उस अस्पृश्य भूगोल की धढ़कनों से जरुर जुड़ा रहता हूं,दंडकारण्य की व्यथा कथा की गूंज वहां भी नहीं हुई।
मीडिया और सोशल मीडिया में धर्मोन्मादी कारपोरेट विजायअभियान की धूम है।
अपरंपार महिमा संपादक हीन सीईओ मैनेजर संप्रदाय की।
बलिहारी एफडीआई की।
जय हो अबाध पूंजी विदेशी की।
जय हो सेनसेक्सी सांढ़ों और भालुओं की।
जय हो सुधार देवमंडल, कारपोरेट दलाल महादुश्चक्र गिरोह और देश बेचो विधाता की।
जय हो देवों के देव चिदंबरम की।
अब भी ताजा खबर हिंमांशु जी के फेसबुक वाल से मिली,गांधीवादी इन सज्जन की विचारधारा से में सौ फीसद असहमत हूं,लेकिन उनकी प्रतिबद्धता.उनके सरोकार और अस्पृश्य भूगोल के लिए एकाधिकारवादी इतिहास के विरुद्ध उनकी अक्लांत लड़ाई को लाल सलाम। नीला सलाम भी।
दंतेवाड़ा कोर्ट ने आज सोनी सोरी और लिंगा कोडोपी की रिहाई की औपचारिकताएं पूरी कर दीं हैं ।
दंतेवाड़ा के पुलिस उपअधीक्षक कल पुलिस टीम के साथ सोनी सोरी और लिंगा कोडोपी को जेल के प्रांगण से ससम्मान लेकर सोनी सोरी और लिंगा कोडोपी के गाँव तक उनके साथ जायेंगे .
अगले दिन सोनी सोरी और लिंगा कोडोपी के साथ पुलिस दल दिल्ली के लिए रवाना होगा .
सोलह नवम्बर तक सोनी सोरी और लिंगा कोडोपी के दिल्ली पहुँचने की आशा है .
19 hours ago
लो बन जाता हूं मैं भी एक अच्छा नागरिक,
तो , मोदी की जय हो ,
अंकित गर्ग की जय हो ,
चिदम्बरम की जय हो ,
मैं कहूँगा ,
मुसलमान गद्दार हैं ,
आदिवासी नक्सली हैं ,
दलित कामचोर और गंदे होते हैं ,
अमीर अपनी मेहनत से अमीर बने हैं ,
गरीब अपने आलस के कारण गरीब हैं ,
तो बोलो , गुजरात के विकास की जय हो,
सलवा जुडूम की जय हो ,
पाकिस्तान को मिटा दो ,
कश्मीरियों को उडा दो,
गुजरात जैसा सबक सारे देश के मुसलमानों को पढ़ा दो ,
सेक्युलरिस्ट बुद्धीजीवियों को जेलों में सड़ा दो ,
बाबा रामदेव ,आसाराम बापू की जय हो ,
त्रिशूल की जय हो ,
गोडसे की जय हो ,
ब्राम्हणों के शुद्ध् वंश की जय हो,
टाटा की जय हो , अम्बानी की जय हो
फौज की जय हो,
पुलिस की जय हो ,
सरकार की जय हो ,
औरतो को सिर चढाने वाले ,
मुसलमानों के सामने हाथ जोड़ने वाले ,
नक्सलियों के एजेंट ,
साले बुद्धिजीवियों को सबक सिखा दो,
भाजपा को वोट दो,
संघ से संस्कार सीखो ,
सच्चे भारतीय बनो ,
गो मूत्र पियो ,
राम मंदिर के निर्माण के लिये खुल कर सहयोग करो ,
मोदी को अगला प्रधान मंत्री और अन्ना को अगला राष्ट्रपति
बनाने की मुहीम से जुड़ें
और हमारी तरह
देश के अच्छे नागरिक बने !
3 hours ago
आज हम सब जानते हैं की राक्षस असुर और दानव आदिवासी दलित और भारत के मूल निवासी थे । जिन्हें आर्यों ने मारा था।
लेकिन आपको क्या बताया गया है ?
यही ना कि राक्षसों, दानवों और असुरों को इसलिए मारा गया क्योंकि वो काले होते थे , उनके सींग होते थे , उनके बड़े बड़े दांत होते थे। वो क्रूर होते थे , वो पवित्र यज्ञ की अग्नि को बुझा देते थे।राक्षस दानव और असुर मांस खाते थे शराब पीते थे और हाहाहा कर के हँसते थे। इसलिए हमारे देवता इन असुरों , दानवों और राक्षसों को मार देते थे।
और हमारे देवता गोरे होते थे , वो बिलकुल हमारी तरह शांत , सुंदर पवित्र होते थे। देवता हमारी तरह सिर्फ मोहक ढंग से मंद मंद मुस्कुराते थे। देवता हमारी यज्ञ की अग्नि की रक्षा करते थे। देवता सुगन्धित ,फूलों पर चलने वाले, स्वर्ण आभूषण पहने, फल खाने वाले , सुंदर संगीत प्रेमी मधुर सौम्य और रमणीय होते थे।
कुछ समय बाद जब मैं मर जाऊंगा। और आपको सोनी सोरी के ऊपर हुए अत्याचारों और हमारी अपनी पुलिस की क्रूरता के बारे में बताने वाला कोई नहीं होगा। तब पुलिस की मालिक सरकार अपने इतिहास में लिखेगी की ''सोनी सोरी एक क्रूर और हत्यारी नक्सली आतंकवादी थी। वह छोटे बच्चों को भी मारती थी। वह हत्याएं करने के बाद हाहाहा कर के हंसती थी। इसलिए हमारे एक बहादुर पुलिस के देवता जैसे आफिसर अंकित गर्ग ने अपनी जान हथेली पर रख कर उस राक्षसनी सोनी सोरी को दंड दिया जिससे सोनी सोरी के क्रूर कर्म रुक गए और प्रजा शांती से रहने लगी। पवित्र आत्मा अंकित गर्ग को इस वीर कर्म के लिए भारत पुण्य भूमि के तत्कालीन राष्ट्रपति ने वीरता पदक देकर सम्मानित किया।''
असल में आपकी स्मृति में हमेशा विजेताओं की कहानियाँ डाली जाती हैं , इसलिए आपका मस्तिष्क खुद को विजेता प्रजाति का मानने लगता है।
हारी हुई प्रजाति की कहानियों में निराशा , ग्लानी और शोक होता है .
इसलिए आप खुद को हार की कहानियों वाली प्रजाति से जोड़ना नहीं चाहते।
यही कारण है की आज भी करोड़ों दलित और आदिवासी भी खुद को भारत की आक्रामक और हत्यारी परम्परा से जोड़ने में फक्र महसूस करते हैं। ताकि वे भी एक गर्व भाव से जी सकें।
खुद सोचिये आपके दिमाग में कितना सच ज्ञान है और कितना कचरा है ?
और क्या आप सच में सत्य जानना चाहते हैं ? या आप झूठे गर्व भाव से भरे रहना चाहते हैं और सच बोलने वाला आपको अपना शत्रु लगता है ?
आपका झूठा गर्व भाव आपकी प्रगति में बाधा है। इससे मुक्त हुए बिना आप एक समता युक्त सुखी संसार बना ही नहीं सकते।
Pushya Mitra shared a photo.
झारखंड में बच्चे हर जगह हैं सिवा स्कूलों के.
सबसे ज्यादा वे ईट-भट्ठों पर हैं, जहां उनकी कोई जरूरत नहीं, मगर जब मां-बाप साल के सात महीने वहीं गुजारते हैं तो भला बच्चे कहां जायें. और जब वे वहां होते हैं तो कुछ न कुछ काम कर ही लेते हैं.
वे दिल्ली की बड़ी-बड़ी कॉलोनियों में भी हैं, जहां उनका काम बड़े लोगों का घर संभालना है और कई बार उनका गुस्सा और उनकी नफरत भी.
छिट-पुट तौर पर तो वे चाय दुकानों, होटलों, गैराजों और कई जगहों पर हैं. लड़कियां घरों में चूल्हे के पास हैं और पानी लाने झरनों तक जा रही हैं.
कई बच्चे खदानों के इर्द-गिर्द भी हैं, कोयला या किसी और खनिज का अंश बटोरते हुए. कुछ बीड़ी बनाते हुए दिन गुजारते हैं तो कई क्रशर मशीनों के इर्द-गिर्द बेखौफ मंडराते हैं.
सबसे हैरत अंगेज तरीके से तो वे स्कूलों के रजिस्टर में मौजूद हैं, जहां उनके लिए रोज खिचड़ी पकती है. कुछ बच्चे सरकारी स्कूलों में भी हैं, जहां पिछले कुछ सालों से पढ़ाई-लिखाई के अलावा दूसरे कई काम होते हैं.
खबरदार... सरकार को कुछ न कहें, सरकार ने तो इन तमाम बच्चों को शिक्षा के अधिकार का तोहफा दे रखा है. आप तो बस बाल दिवस की शुभकामनाएं देते रहें.
(यह तसवीर रांची के चान्हों प्रखंड के एक गांव की है. बच्चा दोपहर में घर लौटा है तो घर पर ताला लगा है, मां-बाप रोजगार की तलाश में रांची गये हैं. बच्चा इस तरह उछलकर ताला खोलता है, फिर खाना निकालकर खाता है और वापस ताला लगा देता है.)
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जनज्वार डॉटकॉम
झारखंडी विकास विरोधी नहीं हैं, लेकिन विकास का मॉडल राज्य के सामाजिक और सांस्कृतिक अस्मिता को बनाए और बचाये रखने वाला होना चाहिए. आदिवासियों-मूलवासियों में गहरी निराशा इसलिए है, क्योंकि उन्हें विकास के नाम पर विस्थापन का दंश झेलते हुए पुनर्वास के अभाव में पलायन करना पड़ रहा है...http://www.janjwar.com/2011-05-27-09-00-20/25-politics/4491-kiske-sapnon-ka-jharkhand-by-rajiv-for-janjwar — with Himanshu Kumar and 49 others.
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The Hindu
Dalits from Belthangady want land restored to them
Nearly 43 acres of land reserved for Dalits is allegedly given to the S.D.M group of educational institutions
Hundreds of people turned up in front of the Belthangady Taluk Panchayaton Monday demanding that the land allocated to S.D.M. Educational institute be given to Dalits in the region.
Gathering under the banner of the Karnataka Dalit Sangharsha Samiti (Ambedkar vada), the protestors shouted anti-government slogans for having allegedly diverted nearly 43 acres of depressed classes (DC) Manna land in Ujire – which, during the time of the British was reserved primarily for Dalits – was given to the Shree Kshetra Dharmasthala to construct a "profit-making" educational institution.
"What land the Britishers have left behind for the Dalits, is being illegally taken over in the name of Dharma (religion) in Dharmasthala," said K. Neela, State Vice-President, Janavadi Mahila Sanghatane.
The Hindu
Relief for freed bonded workers in Hassan after two decades of protests
A protest two decades old has finally come to an end for 24 Dalit families of Gangooru in Arakalgud taluk. The families were freed from bonded labour in 1994, but had not received compensation so far.
As part of the relief package, the families will get three acres of land each in Sakaleshpur taluk. H.C. Mahadevappa, Minister for Public Works and Hassan in-charge, will hand over certificates of possession at a programme to be held in Hassan on Tuesday.
The district administration has identified land in Sakaleshpur taluk and divided it into plots of three acres each. The government had property of 56 acres and required another 16 acres to provide compensation. They cleared encroachment of 16 acres by neighbouring coffee planters.
The land notified for the freed bonded labourers are spread over four different survey numbers of four villages.
Many members of these families had worked for 25 to 30 years as bonded labours only to clear loans borrowed by their parents. Following protests by progressive organisations, including the Dalit Sangharsha Samiti, the district administration released them in 1994. They were promised land as compensation.
K.P. Mohan Raj, the previous Deputy Commissioner, had identified government land for them in Sakaleshpur. However, the process of allotting land did not go forward as owners of neighbouring lands moved the court, claiming possession of the identified land.
Deputy Commissioner V. Anbukkumar, who took charge recently, identified alternative land for these families. The administration has also decided to provide borewells for them under the Ganga Kalyan scheme.
The Times Of India
Rationalists urge govt to go ahead and enforce anti-superstition bill
MYSORE: Dalit writer Aravinda Malagatti, who was the member of a panel that prepared a draft anti-superstition bill, on Tuesday said that the proposed bill can help Karnataka become Kalyan Raj advocated by Basavanna.
"The 12th-century revolutionary has envisaged a society which is free from evil practices. The Kalyan Raj, as propounded by Basavanna, can be achieved by curbing superstitious practices. This is the need of the hour," the Kannada professor said, urging the government to ban social evil practices without giving in to pressure.
Terming the government's plan as "a revolutionary move" to ban evil practices, Malagatti said: "The aim of the draft bill is to protect gullible people who otherwise would fall prey to superstitious practices and beliefs," he said.
Buddha and Sharanas have fought against evil practices, which, he said, are prevalent since ages. "The panel focussed on controlling the forces which promote superstition. There are people who misuse people's beliefs for gain. There is a need for a legal framework to curb it," he said at a meet hosted by Karnataka State Backward Classes' Forum. "There is no effort to curb religious freedom and practices. It is a canard spread by few politicians who are superstitious," he said, adding the some politicians follow superstition in their pursuit of power.
Retired police officer K Arkesh said that people from the oppressed classes and women are at the receiving end of some superstitious practices, which, he said, has prompted them to support the government's initiative.
"But those who are practising it are opposing the government's move," he stated.
Panel member V S Sreedhara and social activist Muzzafar Assadi were present.
Aidso backs government:
The All India Democratic Students Organization (Aidso) has come to the defence of theSiddaramaiah government, which is facing opposition from various quarters in its anti-superstition move.
Referring to the practice of social evils like naked worship and black magic, AIDSO state vice-president B Ravi said: "India got independence 65 years ago. But we are still juggling with these issues. Practising religious practices based on beliefs is individual. But people are subjected to inhuman treatment in the name of promoting religion, which cannot be accepted. There is a wide gap between religious belief and superstition. It is a welcome move by the government to curb such practices," Ravi said, asking the government to go ahead without succumbing to pressure.
India Today
Centre to give more teeth to SC/ST Act of 1989
The Union Cabinet is all set to change the face of SC/ST Act of 1989 by giving more teeth to the law. In a proposal moved to the Cabinet Secretariat, the Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment has argued since the Act has many shortcomings, it should be overhauled.
As per the proposal, many crimes which had punishment of up to 10 years will be brought under the umbrella of SC/ST Act raising the punishment to 20 years. The amendments also expand the definition of crime so that perpetrators don't use the loop holes and get away.
The original Act included forcible removal of clothes as a crime. Now parading of people semi-naked or naked, removal of moustache, tonsuring and garlanding by footwear would qualify as crime against SC and ST. The Act defined this possession from land and water as a crime but know denial of enjoyment of. Forest right, destruction of crops and taking away of produce would qualify as crime.
The original definition included forced labour as a crime but with proposed amendments, manual scavenging, drum beating, forcible digging of graves and removal of carcass by force would qualify as a serious crime. The earlier avatar defined denial of right to vote as a crime but with expanded definition, any force used to prevent a person to file nomination, with draw nomination or obstructing SC/ST from discharging constitutional duty would qualify as a serious crime.
Major changes:
Obstructing the use of common property.
2. Causing death or physical harm on the allegation of witch craft.
3. Imposing social and economic boycott.
4. Preventing entry to a place of worship.
5. Defiling an object considered to be sacred to the community.
6. Promoting feeling of enemity.
As per the current definition, instituting a false and malicious complaint is considered a crime but with proposed changes even a motivated counter complaint would be considered a crime and would be covered under SC and ST Act. The proposal also makes it clear that the sub-section of intentional abuse should be expanded to include objects and things which are considered sacred by the SC and ST communities and in certain offences even intent wouldn't be factored. The proposal says that if perpetrator is found to be aware of the identity of the victim then it wouldn't be incumbent on the victim to prove his identity.
The amendment also makes it incumbent on the civil servants to act to discharge duties properly and in absence would be jailed up to 6 months. The proposal defines the duties which includes reading information to the victim to furnishing a copy to them. The amendments also ask for establishing exclusive special courts to try cases against SC/ST communities.
The amendments also provide for strengthening the institutions. The proposal says that it would be incumbent on the government to provide immediate relief to the victim. They would also receive entitlement to food, water and protection from the authority. Even preventive measures are being proposed. In the original bill a likely offender could be removed from an area for 2 years and finedRs.25,000 but now it can be done for 3 years andRs.1 lakh could be imposed on him as a penalty.
The reason given for the amendments is that earlier Act has not functioned properly.
The Times Of India
Dalits tell EC: Netas harass after tracking EVM pattern
BHOPAL: Adivasis, dalits and other marginalized groups are harassed by political parties because the poll result declaration process helps them track the voting pattern of a particular village and a particular community, claimed a social organisation, Samajwadi Jan Parishad (SJP).
SJP has also lodged a complaint with Election Commission and demanded that instead of declaring results per polling station, the declaration should be made constituency-wise.
EC in its communication of November 7, said it's looking into the matter.
The letter stated - "The commission has proposed to the government to amend the law to use a device called, totalizer. This is developed by EVM manufacturing companies in which votes cast in machines can be totalled so that polling station-wise results will not be known. The proposal is pending with the Centre." Earlier, in its petition to EC on October 15, Anurag Modi of SJP wrote, "Our experience suggests that adivasis, dalit and members of marginalized groups are harassed by political parties in power.
Form-20 helps them identify villages and communities which haven't voted for them.
The harassment comes in various forms - denial of daily wage job and stopping developmental work where people of a particular community live.
In case of homogeneous villages, victimization comes in form of atrocities by authorities in power, denial of developmental work, persecution by way of false cases.
Form 20, is the final result sheet where polling station-wise results are shown. SJP pointed out in its letter to EC, 'Simple reading of Form-20 will tell you, which particular village belongs to which particular political party'.
The Times Of India
Dalits in land of Ambedkar yearn for a leader
INDORE: Dalit discontent with the two main political parties in the state lacks assertion to make a real difference in the upcoming elections. Dalits and tribals across Madhya Pradesh account for some 35% votes also the birth state of Dr B R Ambedkar.
Bringing 'Dalit power' to the fore is still a distant dream. Rather they feel a sense of marginalisation for lack of a leader since decades --a void which has not been filled by the national leaders including Mayawati.
"We the population 2.66 crore out of 7.26 crore, need a strong leader who can lead us from the front and prevent us from getting torn apart between the BJP and Congress in the state," say Dalits with unanimity.
The spirit of Ambedkar has failed to make strong roots at the ground-level in Madhya Pradesh, according to Mhow-based Dr Babasaheb Ambedkar National Institute of Social Science (BANISS) senior professor CD Nayak.
For Nayak said both BJP and Congress parties have formed minority and SC/ST cells but have little for welfare of the people.
Critical of leaders like Mayawati too, he said, "Her political outfit BSP is no longer the party as it was at the time of start. This is a failure of both people and politicians," asserted Nayak.
Slogan of 'Vote Hamara Raj Tumhara Nahin Chalega' might have resulted in the rise of Bahujan Samaj Party (BSP) in Uttar Pradesh. However, in Madhya Pradesh local Dalit leader at Mhow, Mohan Bakode said that even after 60 years of independence there are places here which do not have toilets.
The political landscape in Madhya Pradesh has not changed their favour. "A large number of state's demographic comprise of tribal voters and it would be difficult to assess their mood this time as it is all about attracting votes by sops," he added.
He said, "It is only the educated Dalit, who demands for a leader. It can be called an irony that MP has no Dalit leaders unlike in states like Uttar Pradesh or Maharashtra. Personal ideology or identity of a leader dilutes and distracted once he/she joins a mainstream party. People get swayed by meagre representation in parties like BJP, Congress."
A national of the Dalits and scheduled caste and tribe, the BSP or Republican Party of India(RPI), an extension of party Scheduled Caste Federation, formed by Dr Ambedkar has no existence in MP.
BANISS Director general Dr RS Kureel echoed view of the Dalit community members. "The Ambedkar mission has failed to live up in MP. During the time of Indira Gandhi or Rajiv Gandhi, issues of marginalised class were included in manifesto. Now, all issues are of 'aam admi' and party should ponder that if their traditional vote bank is shifting, why is it so. Also, it can be called as a collective failure of Dalit leaders for their sorry state in MP," said Kureel.
Hyderabad, Sep. 23. People`s Action for Rural Awakening (PARA), Ravulapalem, is completing 100 seasons or 25 years of its service committed to the empowerment of Dalits. What better way to celebrate this than to bring to the awareness of the public the latest and yet the most ingenious law enacted so far to ensure that the dalits definitely cross the threshold of development? This was the simple logic behind the organisation of the workshop on the Andhra Pradesh SC/ST Sub-Plan Act 2013, a unique law in India.
PARA, started in the aftermath of the Godavari floods of 1986, worked for the empowerment of dalits who were the most affected. This workshop, while commemorating 25 years of this work, seeks to get the people involve actively in this new possibility for the future development of dalits. The enthusiasm of the participants was evident already from the turnout of 110 dalit leaders, whereas only around 50 were expected. The programme began on schedule and ended with an enthusiastic and elaborate action plan. These different dalit organisations and leaders acknowledge the leadership and support that they received from PARA and its founder-director Fr. Thomas Pallithanam.
Dalit leaders from the State gave the input sessions and moderated the discussions. The Theme was introduced by Fr. Thomas Koshy SDB who is also the Chairperson of the Krishna District Child Welfare Committee. He spoke of a development plan for the dalits that goes beyond `Survival` and `Security` to equitable `Development` and genuine `Participation.``
The first speaker, Mr. Chedalawada Isaac, elaborated on the history of the new legislation. The Constitution of India abolished untouchability and guaranteed Justice and equality in Section III on Fundamental Rights. But provisions for the betterment of dalits were consigned to Section IV that deals with the Directive Principles of State Policy. These provisions are not justiceable. More recently, some of these provisions are being incorporated into law, such as Right to Education, that is justiceable. Way back in 1974 Prime Minister Indira Gandhi had noticed the lacunae in the development of the Scheduled Tribes and had proposed that a portion of the national and state budgets in proportion to the ST population be set aside for their development. This provision was extended to Scheduled Castes in 1979. The violations of these provisions were common knowledge and became an issue during the recent Common Wealth Games and have remained contentious since then. On January 24, 2013, Andhra Pradesh became the first State to make this provision into a law.
Mr. Babu Rao, an Associate professor of medicine at the Osmania Medical College and Hosptial, and an active campaigner for the new law, explained the law in simple and lucid way, without any legal jargon. Mr. Leslie Martin, the Organising Secretary of the Dalit Bahujan Shramik Union explained the spirit of the law. The Sub-Plan which in Andhra Pradesh is 16.2% of the budget for SCs and 6.6% for STs is in addition to all the existing schemes. Development plan for the dalits that will ensue is meant to help dalits, individuals, families and communities, to cross the barriers to their development that have kept them marginalised as a people till now.
The dalits will not have to be struggling for basic needs anymore.
Mr. Penki Chitti Babu, a committed union leader and activist, spoke of organising people to get the maximum benefit from the implementation of the new law. If real change has to take place, the people in their habitats need to be organised to participate in the planning, implementation and monitoring of what happens to Rs. 8585 crores of the SC Sub-Plan and Rs. 3607crores of the ST Sub-Plan this year. If this Sub-Plan law is implemented in its true spirit, the dalits will achieve within the period of limitation of 10 years of the Sub-Plan Act 2013 what did not materialise in sixty six years of independence and twelve 5-year plans.
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