Dear Sir/Madame/Ladies & Gentlemen/Friends/Brothers & Sisters:
Please excuse me for this email.
I just hope that this email will not be in vain not be misconstrued the contents below. I received both positive and negative comments but most comments are either negative or in condemnatory or accusatory and or intimidating tones, and in the gestures of discouragement. But I welcome them all. While, I myself, is languishing in lamentation, in torments, and in hopeless in the Philippines under the present auto-destruction under the present pestiferous system, I am trying to hold on and hang on to less than .001% hope – in the hope that it can be reversed that there will be a new springtime of hope in the 21st century.
"Waiting is our destiny as creatures who cannot by themselves bring about what they hope for. We wait in the darkness for a flame we cannot light. We wait in fear for a happy ending we cannot write. We wait for a not yet that feels like a not ever. Waiting is the hardest work of hope." – Lewis Smeades
To anyone, and to those with all due respect to your honor who may be disturbed by this forwarded email, I THEREFORE HUMBLY APOLOGIZE for any disturbance that might cause or might have caused on you. If, in any way, this email bothers you, and for whatever reasons, please delete it immediately. I understand with respect and your privacy. I do believe that all of us in this email list want or wish to have a beautiful, peaceful, just and secure world, and that all of us despite of our diversity and differences, mindset and backgrounds will have some common and noble grounds to do something in one way or another for all people. Believe it or not, the only last and credible solution for the good of all humanity is the "distribution of wealth" through the mechanism/schemes of Social Credit Economic Democracy in the form of "Non-Discriminatory ~ & Non-Means-Tested Financial/Monetary Dividend/Extra/Supplementary Basic Income (Bail-Out For the People)" to every Man, Woman and Child from the cradle to the grave. I also believe that "everything is ready at hand" both philosophical, ideological and technical to implement what is socially desirable and beneficial for all people, but the major problem is the ambiguous political will of those in power susceptible to misleading situation, by design, for the destruction of the citizenry, and of course, the economic will of those in economic authorities, the confusing media communications, the lack of determination and 'DEMAND" of the constituents and the citizens, and the lack of "structural avenues" that are supposed to be open for real change. By August 20, 2010, I will be scheduled to give a talk for an hour to local tv and radio stations here in Capiz in tandem about my LOCAL GOVERNMENT PROPOSALS for local currency schemes, if national monetary reform scheme is not acceptable. The chronic shortage of money of Philippine Peso currency, the frequent devaluation of currency, the increasing prices of basic needs and services, the increasing taxes, the privatizations and selling of country's assets, the increasing Government debt of around $100 Million daily, the increasing domestic and foreign debts at US$300 billion in excess in Philippine Peso value and the skyrocketing interest payments, the deadly hunger and starvation of poor families, children, the killing of the unborn, the unemployment, poverty of poor farmers, diseases, ad infinitum are skinning us alive to death. IMF team to meet with RP's new economic managers | The ... As reported above, with the new Philippine Government Administration headed by President Benigno "Noy-Noy" Aquino III, officials of the multi-lateral lender~ IMF are in the Philippines once again even after 20 years of its tutelage and supervision through structural reform dictatorships to country's financial-economy of further compulsion to lending and increasing taxes. Philippines has already been a graduate of IMF-exit program almost 5 years ago, but it is repeating the history of debt-finance imperialism crime against. It is no doubt without ending until the last creature in the Philippines is dead. The debt money system is extremely disastrous to economy of the Philippines and to any economy in the world in a vicious cycle of borrowings being bundled with stiff conditionality, foreign policy pressures, intimidation, manipulation, complete monopoly, unusually high interest rates, sovereign guarantees through issuance of bonds, privatizations and selling off of national assets to pay off the debts.
Financial crisis remains unabated as Philippines and most nations are saddled with horrendous debts with all the domino effects, and the inhabitants, citizens and taxpayers are in the dungeon of misery of MASSIVE FINANCIAL HEMORRHAGE DUE to debt servicing, sacrificing the innocent human lives and allowing the savage cruelty of poverty, hunger, diseases and death of peoples in the countryside. And now, the international banking officials are here again meeting with the new Philippine Economic Team of President Aquino under the same deception of assessing the country's economic and fiscal performance. Over the years, the more they assess the country's finance, the more our situation becomes desperate than ever. The more we follow IMF reform policies, the more our Philippine difficulties are excruciating than ever punishing the innocents and the poor inhabitants without any defense.
IMF and WB continue to impose structural conditions, and they are: - Liberalization
- Deregulation
- Privatization
- Multinational's Level Playing Field Disadvantageous to Local Peoples and Economy
Philippine Economy is continually made to be liberalize, deregulate, privatize and to put on the level playing field regardless of the bad consequences and repercussions to the vast majority of the Filipino people and to our local economy.
IMF-WB Structural Impositions Since 1962: It has been written that since 1962 under President Diosdado Macapagal – the father of the former Gloria Macapagal Arroyo, up to now to Pres. Arroyo, the Philippine economy has been conditioned to implement to liberalization, deregulation, privatization and to leveling the playing field, not because for the NATIONAL INTEREST AND FOR THE GOOD OF THE FILIPINO PEOPLE, but because of the interest of the GLOBAL MEGA-BANKERS AND MULTINATIONAL CORPORATIONS.
Under President Fidel V. Ramos: Under the presidency of Fidel V. Ramos, the surviving gains that resulted from the import substitution strategy of development in the 1950's were wiped out, including American corporations induced to come here by the Bell Trade Act like Colgate-Palmolive and Johnson & Johnson.
Under globalization, they stopped manufacturing and transformed themselves intro traders, throwing out of job of thousands of pitiful Filipino employees and workers.
Adjust our Philippine economy to IMF-WB policies?
The way things are in our country today is that we're in a terrible crossroad and in great dilemma, that is, either we adjust our economic policies and programs as we usually do to make IMF and WB debt conditions work for the said benefits of the Filipino people or for the benefit only of the few who are ancillaries to control money and wealth of the nation or, if this not possible, we must implement alternative solutions like debt-free money creation by legislation or implement the prescription embodied in Article XII of our Philippine Constitution which calls for STRATEGIC COOPERATION between the Government and our private sectors in the exploration of our natural resources and in the operation of public utilities as a pragmatic implementation of Economic Democracy.
Credit Ratings To Borrow More?
To continue and stand still and rely on improving credit ratings for further borrowings to IMF and WB, as has happened in the past Philippine Government Administrations and during the nine (9) years of President Arroyo Administration at US$100 Million daily debt increase is a general suicide to Filipino people in the dungeon of:
DEBT, INTEREST, POVERTY, CORRUPTION, HUNGER AND CHAOS. And that Philippines is now the Republic of Hopeless and Despaired Citizens.
FURTHER BORROWINGS THIS 2010 in the New Administration:
The Philippine Government borrows money at interest from the private banking institutions or the so-called local banking markets through the issuance of treasury bills and bonds to finance its budgetary requirements and to plug its widening budget gap. The Philippine Government also borrows money at interest from the foreign bankers meaning foreign and international bankers through the issuance of global bonds and by tapping loans from the multinational lenders.
The Philippine Government is looking at borrowing an additional P57.8 Billion from domestic and foreign-based markets ~ foreign and international bankers-bilateral creditors in 2010 to fund a higher budget deficit ort P325 Billion, data from the Philippine Bureau of the Treasury showed, that is to borrow P254.8 Billion from EXTERNAL SOURCES, and similarly, will borrow P511.6 Billion from domestic markets ~ private/commercial bankers. ( For more details, please read The Philippine Star - Business, Sunday, July 18, 2010)
And again, as a result of the Disaster Capitalism, the Philippine Government is now borrowing some P35 Billion more from the PHILIPPINE PRIVATE AND COMMERCIAL BANKS WITH FOREIGN TIE-UPS in 2010 following the revision of the deficit ceiling target to P293 Billion.
The total 2010 Philippine Domestic Borrowing is P510 Billion from P475 Billion that is based on budget deficit of P233.4 Billion that keeps bloating.
Samurai Bond float:
Philippine former Finance Secretary Margarito B. Teves said the planned US$500 Million Samurai Bond float, the guarantee of which is still being negotiated, would cover the remainder of the additional P60 Billion needed to be raised. The government has already raised $1.5 Billion and the government officials are working for $500 Million in yen bonds to be guaranteed by JBIC (Japan Bank for International Cooperation). Philippine 2010 plan of further foreign borrowings: The Philippine 2010 plan of further foreign borrowings FROM OVERSEAS, FOREIGN AND INTERNATIONAL BANKERS because of BUDGET DEFICIT, is US$2 Billion from the original US$1.5 Billion.
Issuance of Samurai Bond:
The Philippine Government is expected to issue as much as $1 Billion in Samurai Bonds and has agreed to guarantee 95% of the amount floated.
IF THE GOVERNMENT CAN ISSUE BONDS, WHY IT CAN'T ISSUE DEBT AND INTEREST FREE MONEY to finance the public expenditures of the fiscal year 2010?
We're on the same vicious cycles of debt under the pestiferous debt money system.
The proposal for Government's debt free money creation is smugly and completely ignored, and thrown out at the dustbin as a rubbish.
In 2009 alone, the Philippine Government borrowed P573.2 Billion. Now under the new administration of newly-elected Aquino, the Government needs to borrow US$10 billion, increase Expanded Value Added Tax or E-VAT from 12% to 15% E-VAT as a recommendation of Filipino UP Economists and Department of Finance from the dictatorial prescription of the IMF to raise US$1.8 Billion or P74 Billion Pesos value of Revenues for Government principally to pay and service increasingly gargantuan domestic and foreign debts without any hope in sight for total repayment under the pestiferous debt finance regime.
In addition to that, the Government is going to enter likely possible privatization program or the selling off of the state assets such as PNOC-EC to raise P17 Billion to tackle the burgeoning 2010 budget deficit of more than P300 Billion and with the interest payments of P900 billion plus the annual chicanery and corruption cases of more than P30 Billion, with US$74 Billion total costs of corruptions in the span of 20 years with US$200 Billion interest payments in 40 years time. Philippines has paid more than too much and we have been more than robbed.
Financial evil axis begins in IMF and WB with Washington Consensus in dominating and controlling the wealth including the outer space and vital resources through their nefarious dictated structural reforms and through their adroit economic hit men and criminal crooks. They are the hidden menace to world's peace. These bankers are openly and clandestinely promoting complete disorder and misfortune in this shattering world. And every citizen in the Philippines, and in the whole world must agree that continuing dependence on IMF-WB debt money system loans, and dependence on foreign aid with conditions, with or without natural calamities is a betrayal of nationhood. The real charity of humanity is not within IMF and WB and foreign aid with strings attached. A HUGE PROPORTION OF THE MONEY CREATED OUT OF NOTHING "ex nihilo" - a downright filthy fraud, and manufactured by the rogue bankers and financiers representing no real savings being loaned at interest to the Philippine Government and individuals. It is worth recalling that: "THE PROCESS BY WHICH BANKS CREATE MONEY IS SO SIMPLE THAT THE MIND IS REPELLED." - Professor J.K. Galbraith Under IMF, et al, we are in the enormous and endless debt and tax in perpetuity. DEBT IS COMPOUNDED ON DEBT AND INTEREST ON INTEREST WITHOUT ANY FORESEEN END.
Philippine municipalities, provinces, cities, communities, villages, individuals, families, public and private enterprises are hopelessly debt-logged. OUR FATE AS INDIVIDUALS, FAMILIES, GOVERNMENTS, COMMUNITIES – is entirely at the mercy of the putrid banking system. THEIR POWER IS STUPENDOUS, BOTH IN CREATING MONEY OUT OF NOTHING, AND GRANTING LOANS, AND IN THEIR ARBITRARY RECALL, WITH OR WITHOUT NOTICE. The Banks give and the bank taketh away as if bankers are like God. They hold the power of life or death of the whole economy. Debt is what Governments sow. Taxation, deficits, inflation, privatizations and selling off of state-assets, selling citizens, hunger and starvation, unemployment of peoples-bitterest harvest of debt-addiction.
Literally, all money issued has its origin in interest-bearing debt, it follows that all forms of taxation must increase, inevitably, mathematically and remorsely.
As debt, interest, taxes increase, our individual security decreases to the point of extinction.
We are seemed to be hopeless in this land and on this earth under the present calamitous system.
The virus of debt money system is quickly infecting the whole humanity to death.
Money system has severely damaged human beings on earth. It thereby warps and subverts our normal and health survival drive. Those with relatively little money can barely survive, and many die prematurely because of their poverty, while those in power, seeing what happens to the poor, neurotically scramble all the more to climb the survival ladder to remain on top.
The money system has continued to create conditions that cause starvation. Money requires scarcity to continue to exist. Money system creates excessive fear to humanity thereby perpetuating the culture of shame and of death.
The money system is the single most powerful entity that humanity has ever created and it rules tyrannically over our lives.
Money system is evil and thus bent on destroying us.
We are no on menacing proportion of this Global Financial Crisis. Many nations are now wallowing in deadly financial crisis through the vast sea of debt and interest under the most iniquitous debt money system.
Debt money causes financial-economic racism where millions of Filipinos are disenfranchised people. The Filipino people have been run like hell by those greedy bankers, prostituted economists and money poisoned politicians, of the "Money-Talk-cratic system of Government. The Philippine Private Banks are so proud that they have reached to P6.4 TRILLION Pesos or P600 Billion worth of assets as end of February 2010 and as they have boastfully attributed such increasing private banking assets through RISE OF INTEREST-BEARING LOANS AND DEBT SECURITIES ACCOUNTS OF COMMERCIAL BANKS to the peoples and governments with Philippine private bank deposits climbed to 6.5% toP3.3 Trillion as of end-February 2010 from P3.1 Trillion (May 17, 2010, The Philippine Star) as monetary authorities are raising banks' reserve requirements.
Deposit requirements refer to the percentage of bank deposits and deposit substitute liabilities that banks must keep on hand or in deposits with the Bangko Sentral Ng Pilipinas or Central Bank of the Philippines and therefore may not lend.
Deposits maintained by Philippine banks with BSP up to 40 percent of the regular reserve requirements are paid interest at four percent per annum, while liquidity reserves are paid the rate on comparable government securities half a percentage point.
Banks receive bail-out from the Government from the taxes of already cash-starved and poverty-stricken citizens. And this is fundamentally unfair. The banks are poverty-stricken to be given any bail-out. The bail-out package should be and should have been provided as bail-out for the people, for the citizens.
It is ironic that banking system in the Philippines is privatized that should have been public. The private banking system lends money by using the fractional reserve banking scheme, that is, lending money more than their deposits and they do never lend their depositors' money. In plain language, the banks can create money out of nothing "ex nihilo" however using their depositors' money and their deposits as a plausible screen to hide the creation of money. And as we can billions for the bankers and debts for the people. And we're now hemorrhagically in compounded and horrendous debts both domestic and foreign debts with hair-raising interest payments and budget deficits and astonishing privatization and or selling off national assets just to comply with debt obligations. THE DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE FROM IMF-WB AND INTERNATIONAL BANKERS Of The Imperialism Of Debt Money System. To be declared on December 18, 2010 , Roxas City, Capiz Province , Philippines By Eric Verzo Encina
'THE STATE SHALL DEVELOP A SELF-RELIANT AND INDEPENDENT NATIONAL ECONOMY EFFECTIVELY CONTROLLED BY FILIPINOS." – Sec. 19, Article II, The 1987 Constitution of the Republic of the Philippines And summoning as a witness of the rectitude of our purity of intentions as People of the Republic of the Philippines under the heavy chains of debt and interest schemes by the imperialism of corrupt and pestiferous debt money system with its litany of evils like increasing taxes, and with honor and respect to Supreme Judge of the Universe, The God of Freedom and Liberation Who hates injustice and iniquity, and as educated, mobilized inhabitants, and moved on to action by the Philosophy of Social Credit and the policy(s) of monetary reform And the Universal Application of Economic Democracy to all Filipino citizens without any discrimination, by VIRTUE OF THE CONSTITUTION, WE THEREFORE PROCLAIM AND SOLEMNLY DECLARE WITH RIGHTEOUS AND TIMELY DEFIANCE IN UNITY AGAINST THE INTERNATIONAL HIGH FINANCE CAPITALISM, in the name, and by the Sovereign Authority of the inhabitants of all these Philippine Islands who have been extremely impoverished to death by the imperialism of DEBT MONEY SYSTEM, that they are and have the very right by birth to be free and independent from the IMF-WB AND INTERNATIONAL BANKERS, AND OF THOSE BILATERAL POWERS, FOREIGN BANKING POWERS AND ECONOMIC AUTHORITIES THEREON; THAT THEY ARE RELEASED FROM ALL BONDAGE, MEMBERSHIPS, OBEDIENCE AND COMPLIANCE TO ANY INIMICAL FOREIGN POLICIES AND DICTATORIAL DEMANDS OF GLOBALISATION; that every political tie or treaty or agreement or arrangement between countries under international debt finance must be completely severed and annulled; and that, like all free and independent states, they have COMPLETE AUTHORITY AND RIGHTS TO 'CREATE OUR OWN MONEY IN PHILIPPINE PESO, "DEBT AND INTEREST FREE" BY LEGISLATION THROUGH THE FACILITIES OF THE CENTRAL BANK OF THE PHILIPPINES; hence, to immediately cancel, and or stop further payments of debt and interest both domestic, bilateral and multilateral debts; to regulate, monetize our financial system in equilibrium with local and domestic commerce and trade, and execute all other acts and things for the common welfare of every inhabitant such as the PROVISION of "dividend scheme"or extra basic income or supplementary basic income" to every Filipino citizen: father, mother and child(ren) as the form of "economic security guaranteed" without any further bondage of debt and interest obligations to foreign and international bankers and foreign powers, that Independent States have the rights to do so – free from any form of interference and intrusion of the foreign and international bankers and powers.
We acknowledge, approve and confirm, together with those who support our cause and Independence from DEBT-BASED IMPERIALISM AND DEBT-FUELED ECONOMY, The Liberating Influence of Social Credit Monetary Reform Policy in harmony and fully in line with our Philippine Constitution in the process of perfection, therefore this day, 18th of DECEMBER, IN THE YEAR OF THE LORD, 2010, COMMENCES TO HAVE A NEW RE-BIRTH AND ECONOMIC LIFE OF ITS OWN, OF MONETARY POWERS AND RIGHTS OF ITS OWN TOWARDS ECONOMIC DEMOCRACY TO EVERYONE BY COMPLETELY DISMANTLING THE MONOPOLY OF CREDIT of those controllers of money- and thus, without any future interference or intrusion of IMF-WB, and in the belief that 'MONETARY REFORM of debt free money creation' is the "tool" inspired to us by God-the Liberator of the poor and the dispossessed, the dispenser of all wealth to all, TO EFFECT THE GRAND REDEMPTION OF THE IMPOVERISHED FILIPINO PEOPLE from the decades of DEBT AND INTEREST SLAVERY, UNJUST ECONOMICS, MANIPULATION, INTIMIDATION, SANCTIONS, MONOPOLY AND GLOBALIZATION, and thus be free from unnecessary hunger, monetary and material poverty and deprivations in this age of plenty. There can be no real independence without financial independence!
So declared in perpetuity.
Eric Verzo Encina Filipino Monetary Reformer Roxas City, Capiz Province, Philippines And now, although being shielded by French Embassy representing French Government, the disbursement of Euros150 Million that is roughly P10.5 billion French loan to Philippines that was originally intended to enhance the Philippine's program to deal with climate change was used instead to plug the yawning budget deficit.
What kind of trick is this to borrow more interest-bearing loans and to tax peoples incessantly to finance global warming when these global warming tragedies are intentionally done by design to kill off the large percentage of humanity more than chaining to debts to purposely bring to death? Like what I campaign for many years in the Philippines for the reform of the present-financial economic system from being debt-based to debt-free, it is indeed worrisome that waste of American taxpayers' hard-earned money that already repugnant against American economy in the midst of financial crisis apocalypse has almost arrived to unforgivable level with the TOTAL U.S. Debt tops of US$13 TRILLION Government Debt, June 04, 2010, Friday, Business, Philippine Star, US debt tops $13 trillion for first time, and wanton waste of money is going one with Government authorities numbed of any remorse of conscience. Hence, American is the most indebted country in the world, thanks to Bush. Michael Hodges author of the Grandfather's Economic Report, published in the U.S. as a public service reports:
"American has become more a debt "junkie"-than ever before with the total debt of US$53 TRILLION - and the highest debt ratio in history. That's US$175,154 per man, woman and child - or US$700,616 per family of 4, US$33, 781 more debt per family than last year.
Hamid Varzi adds: "The United States borrows a whopping US$2.5 Billion daily from abroad to service its burgeoning debt. In order to continue borrowing at reasonable interest rates, America needs to retain running the huge trade surpluses. A cessation of foreign lending would force the FED to raise interest rates to attract money, precipitating a collapse of the already weak housing market and pushing the economy into recession. Please forgive me for undue repetition but we must review again and again with any possible action the deadly matters herein below: Or can we begin to completely ignore the government? Do you think the best alternative communities is the only option like what Tim Turner is doing and who is an elder in the Restore America Plan, and successfully doing the community projects and thus completely ignoring the Governments? TOP US BANKERS ADMIT MISTAKES IN FINANCIAL CRISIS? Bankers admit mistakes but they don't admit their crimes of controlling money. It's been reported that top US bankers admitted mistakes that led up to the global financial crisis as they came under intensive grilling at a US Special Inquiry into the economic calamity. The question is: IS THIS ADMISSION ENOUGH?
Brian Moynihan, the new chief executive and president of the Bank of America has acknowledged that the (present) BANKING INDUSTRY has "caused a lot of damage" over the course of the crisis which led to the US Government pumping of hundreds of billions of TAX DOLLARS into the firms as bail-out packages to keep them afloat.
BANKERS ARE CONCERNED TO THEIR intentional mistakes and not likely inadvertent MISTAKES (which could be a scapegoat or a trick) that effect US financial companies but not to ordinary American citizens who bear the brunt. Jamie Dimon, Chairman and Chief Executive of JPMorgan Chase believes that bankers are able to withstand the crisis and the banking system emerges as stronger institution despite of "mistakes". THE REAL PROBLEM IS THAT – IT IS NOTONLY A QUESTION OF 'MISTAKES' BUT IT IS A QUESTION OF THE FATAL EFFECTS OF THE SYSTEM, PER SE, DEBT-BASED MONEY SYSTEM. THE PROBLEM OF MONEY, CREDIT, DEBT IS MUCH SERIOUS THAN 'MERE MISTAKES'. The global financial crisis has peaked in September 2008 triggered by American home mortgage meltdown, and its domino effect that sent a kind of financial tsunami across the globe, slamming brakes on economic growth and plunging the US and many other nations into worst recession in decades. According to Mark Zandi, Chief Economist at Moody's as told in the hearing: "The expected final US taxpayer cost of the financial crisis and the recession was more than $2 TRILLION or 14% of the country's gross domestic product." THE QUESTION IS: WHERE DOES US TAXPAYERS' MONEY GO? WAR? Corruption? THE BIGGEST PROBLEM is not just accumulation of risk that financial institutions face off but the "accumulation of debts, interest and misuse and waste of money" of the US Government. WHY DID/DO THE AMERICANS ALLOW IT TO HAPPEN OR CONTINUE TO HAPPEN? According to the reports, more than 7 Million Americans lost their jobs in the recession and nearly 25 Million Americans are now unemployed and or under-employed. Americans can't find full time work or have given up looking for work. And this is embarrassing to American nation and to people as a whole when it is called to be A GLOBAL POWER. Global power without purchasing power for the people? But available for WAR? Homeless Americans? What a hell! It has also been reported that more than 2 Million families have lost their homes in the last 3 years and over 10 Million have been in the foreclosure process during the period. A record of 2.8 Million properties with a mortgage got a foreclosure notice in 2009 and jumping 21% from 2008 and 120% from 2007 according to the statistics of California-based real estate data company. Foreclosure notices were made on more than 349,000 properties in December 2009, a 14% jump from November despite various moratoria and with 300,000 straight a month foreclosure, driving a year's total of more than 3.9 Million. Nevada , USA has had the highest foreclosure rate with more than 10% of households with loans getting at least one notice. Arizona and Florida were in second and third places. California, Utah, Idaho, Georgia, Michigan, Illinois and Colorado were other states with LOAN FAILURE RATES among the 10 highest for US states. It's been reported that California, Florida, Arizona and Illinois have accounted for more than half of all foreclosure actions in 2009 as more than 1.4 Million properties got a notice. And expectedly more in 2010 UNDER DEBT-BASED PONZI SCHEME FRACTIONAL RESERVE PRIVATE BANKING SYSTEM IN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA ! My request: please do not forget my mission-activism-campaign-works in the Philippines. Please help and continue to help me in whatever way.
I still keep a sheer determination even in small way to go on speaking up the truths, and proposing solutions in spite of the present ordeals.
Thank you for reading.
Sincerely And Gratefully yours,
Eric V. Encina Filipino Social Crediter/ Monetary Reformer/Economic/Monetary Justice Activist-Campaigner c/o Lito Alhambra Old House, Homesite, Km. 2, Brgy. Lawa-an, P.O. Box 8, 5800 Roxas City, Capiz, Philippines _,_.__, Mobile Contact Number Smart 09995427779
MONETARY REFORM SCHEME - BAIL-OUT/DIVIDEND/EXTRA/SUPPLEMENTARY BASIC INCOME FOR ALL PEOPLE WITHOUT MEANS TEST AND DISCRIMINATION. This is the only sane and win-win solution left for every person on Earth! Let's make it a popular initiative, and DEMAND it in 2010 in a powerful clamor, and in the entire 21st century, in ALL countries without delay. For us and for the generations yet unborn! It is physically possible, socially beneficial, and financially feasible to ELIMINATE POVERTY and provide LIFE-TIME GUARANTEED FINANCIAL SECURITY for EVERYONE. "If I could change the world, the first thing I would do is to make sure that everybody had enough income to meet their basic needs." - Paul Bathurs. This is the time for all of us to demand financial security for us and for our fellow human beings, in the form of a DIVIDEND or SUPPLEMENTARY BASIC INCOME for every person in every nation on Earth. There must be a bail-out for the PEOPLE, and their liberation from debt-money creation. The solution to the current financial crisis is as follows: FOR USA: - A $30,000 solution for every American - man, woman and child - annually [note that this is a pittance, the total being only about $9.3 trillion. In comparison, the Wall Street / Federal Reserve bail-out is MORE THAN $14 TRILLION! - see <>. A 2009 bail-out stack of $14.4 trillion one-dollar bills would reach to the Moon almost 4 times, or there-and-back TWICE.] LACK OF MONEY AND WEALTH?
![$1 BILLION in $100 dollar bill]()
There is plenty of money in this planet perhaps US$500 Trillions in Value of all global money currencies existing, unfortunately, controlled by the banksters and vultures, supposed to be for distribution, why hunger, starvation, poverty and deprivations are still permitted in this global age of plenty? Money is unavailable for life and for giving financial-economic bill of rights for everyone but enormously available for life-family-community-environmentally-nations-destroying aims. According to global aid statistics that between 1950 to 2009, MORE THAN US$3 Trillion flowed from the rich world nations to the poor world nations in the form of BILATERAL AID-STRING-BASED-ATTACHED or Development Assistance in the form of INTEREST-BEARING LOANS but this aid did not FEED DOWN TO THE POOR AND THE NEEDY AND THE INTENDED RECIPIENTS SUCH AS THE VICTIMS OF HUNGER AND NATURAL CALAMITIES but went to corruptions that in the span of 60 years, the total costs of corruptions all over the world are about US$2.8 Trillion, but in contemporaneous with this corruption imperialism within this period covered, the RICH NATIONS through the tutelage and supervision and structural reform policies and conditions of the IMF-WB, and other foreign and international bankers through their ECONOMIC HIT MEN and sub-agents and their vultures, leeched off and siphoned off via legal and illegal transfers of money and channels around US$5 Trillion with annual interest payments of US$400 Billion annually collected from the third world nations. It is also important to mention here that the reported costs of the GLOBAL FINANCIAL CRISIS are round US$50 Trillion, and as this crisis goes on, more costs are eventually enormously increasing in the daily basis. This money eventually, by hocus-pocus, goes back to the creators of money, the bankers. It has been also reported that billions of tones of food go to waste every year all over world while there are millions go hungry and die of hunger every day. WORLD BANK ITSELF HAS ADMITTED THAT THE RATE OF FOOD PRODUCTION IS FASTER THAN THE RATE OF HUMAN REPRODUCTION. And according to the news, dated June 24, 2010, Thursday, The Philippine Star, The total global wealth of the rich grew 19% despite of global financial crisis, in the amount of US$39 TRILLION.
Asia's wealthy surpass Europe's for first time | The Jakarta Post 23 Jun 2010 ... Asia's wealthy surpass Europe's for first time. Associated Press, Singapore | Wed, 06/23/2010 7:37 PM | National ... - Cached Many times, rich people (with few exceptions and with my apology) in the more affluent countries are so blinded to what poor people in the impoverished communities and third world nations of the debt-logged unjust economic system really have to go through in the eye of a needle of hardships and miseries just to get their basic necessities to survive. Without justice and charity in the heart and conscience of rich people, they usually turn a blind eye or a deaf ear to the groaning cry of the poor, of the poorest in the world. God has created the earthly goods for all men, without exception, no doubt. Hence, all men without exception, have the inherent basic inalienable rights in strict social and economic justice to have such share from the abundance of earthly goods as needed to live as human persons as children of God. God-made-wealth and men-transformed earthly goods could only serve life when these are distributed according to justice and charity. FOR CANADA: - A (CAN)$35,000 solution for every Canadian - man, woman and child - annually FOR AUSTRALIA: - A (AUS)$40,000 solution for every Australian - man, woman and child – annually FOR NEW ZEALAND: - A (NZ)$40,000 solution for every New Zealander - man, woman and child – annually FOR UNITED KINGDOM: - A (UK)25,000 pounds sterling for every British man, woman and child, annually FOR RUSSIA: - A (US)$20,000 (equivalent) solution for every Russian - man, woman and child – annually FOR THE PHILIPPINES - A $10, 000 equivalent (in the form of 500,000 Filipino pesos, written "P500,000") solution for every Flipino - man, woman and child - annually Etc., etc. FOR ALL NATIONS ON EARTH IN THE 21ST CENTURY! IN OTHER WORDS: A GUARANTEED, NON-MEANS TESTED, SUPPLEMENTARY BASIC ANNUAL INCOME for every man, woman and child on Earth, regardless of nationality, from cradle to grave. This MUST be done in the 21st Century, before the next major economic shock hits humanity! We must put an end to the current debt-based and debt-related poverty which is a savage cruelty imposed on many, intolerably bearing down, stifling, shameful, suffocating and murderous. Enough! It must END in the 21st Century, by our demanding DEBT-FREE MONEY CREATION and by SUPPLEMENTARY ANNUAL BASIC INCOME for every human being - man, woman and child - on Earth. The solution is, therefore, summed up in the slogan: "Bail-out for the people, YES! Bail-out for the bankers, NO!" Let us cease all unnecessary complex, redundant and endless debates about what to do. Let us cease with our dissensions and ambiguities. We need to be wholeheartedly COMMITTED to achieving this result, for the good of all humanity! Let us help one another to pressure our governments to give us what is due to us - NOT to the bankers! And this is due to us, NOT as a charity, but for the sake of economic and monetary justice for all humanity. Let us stop our hypocrisy, egoism and bureaucracy, and insist on the implementation of this solution. BAIL-OUT FOR THE PEOPLE: a national annual dividend, which is to say a supplementary basic annual income, arising from debt free money creation, and a Monetary Reform Act is the simple, straightforward, ultimate, right, just and fair solution to the present economic and financial problems of the world. If we follow it through, a number of tremendous benefits will help humanity at large in the following ways: 1. No more unnecessary material - and, *ipso facto*, monetary - poverty 2. No more homelessness 3. No more hunger, malnutrition and starvation 4. No more unemployment, as everyone can be potentially self-employed at his/her productive initiative 5. No more inflation, since there would be sufficient purchasing power in the hands of every man, woman and child 6. Far less crime, or no more poverty-related or money-related crimes 7. Little, or possibly no more, discrimination on the basis or race or sex 8. Fewer threats of war 9. Fewer threats of rebellion and insurrection 10. Fewer rallies and insurrections 11. Less environmental degradation 12. Less beggary and unnecessary mendicancy 13. Happy communities and happy nations 14. Happy working conditions and work-force 15. Fewer bankruptcies, or possibly, no more bankruptcies at all 16. Fewer illegal activities, or possibly no more illegal activities at all 17. Less killing of - or, possibly, no more killing of - innocent born and unborn children 18. Less suicide - or possibly no more suicide - because of poverty, unemployment and money problems 19. Fewer cases of divorce - or possibly no more divorce and family breakdowns - caused by money problems. 20. Less overseas aid or foreign aid necessary, or possibly no more necessity of massive foreign aid from foreign taxpayers 21. Less brain drain - or possibly no more brain - from each nation on Earth, except by choice 22. Less sending out of overseas workers, or possibly no need of sending our people overseas for overseas employment, who oftentimes suffer exploitation and abuses. Pragmatically, this extra basic income can be of help to every man, woman and child: 1. For "rainy days" or in times of calamity 2. For their old age, as pension is almost always not enough 3. For their hospital stay and additional medical costs 4. For educational, cultural and religious travel, etc. 5. For primary, secondary university and post-university education, to liberate people from tuition-fee debt-bondage 6. For house or shelter / home security. There are other great benefits - probably hundreds and maybe even thousands - if supplementary basic income for every person is given as a matter of economic BIRTHRIGHT: not as a matter of welfare or dole-out, nor as a charity, but as a birthright. FAILURE TO DO THIS - WHICH IS THE ONLY THING REQUIRED IN THE PRESENT CIRCUMSTANCES - WILL CAUSE US TO REGRET NOT HAVING DONE IT. In the Philippines, because of the current system of debt finance, there are 1.5 million street children; and this number increases by more than 6,000 annually. Every day these children of poor families suffer from numerous kinds of cruelty and exploitation, hunger, and malnutrition. The parents of these children push them at a tender age to help earn income for the family when the family is in poverty or suffering from acute money crisis. We have 20,000 children prostitutes and 4 million child labourers, with 2.4 million of them working under hazardous conditions, while the government pays interest on odious debts, equivalent to $400,000 in daily interest to US banks and to others, plus $800 interest per SECOND, or around $14 to $15 billion (or P800 billion) in interest payments for 2010. And let's remember that the Philippine Department of Finance, through the Bureau of Internal Revenue, has revenues of P712.55 billion (just last December, BIR got P61.55 billion). BIR has a target to collect taxes by 2010 in the amount of P830 billion by the imposition of additional tax measures to be approved by the Philippine Congress and Senate, and by IMF-WB-imposed 12% Expanded Value Added Tax. The Philippine Banks are so proud that they had P5.3 TRILLION worth of assets in 2008 (just imagine how much more in 2009-2010?) ... telling all kinds of lies to deceive and fool the people about money creation at a time when Filipinos are hungry and their children are faced with all kinds of sufferings. THE SELLING OF PHILIPPINE ASSETS IN 2009-2010 The Philippine Government, with the intensified pressures of debt, is now planning to raise P20 billion for 2009 from the sale of STATE-OWNED ASSETS to foreigners or to multinational corporations and tycoons. One of these is the 120-hectare Food Terminals Inc. Agro-Industrial Estate in Taguig, Metro Manila. Another asset is the Philippine Government's stake of 40 percent in PNOC-Exploration Corp. This sale is for the purposes of meeting the expected 2009 budget deficit of P102 billion, or roughly (US)$2 billion. There is a deficit not only because of the present economic situation, but because of the current debt-based money system. The Philippine tax revenue, which is already dictatorial, cannot meet the expenditures and the interest payments. Further borrowings in vicious cycles from commercial, foreign and international bankers, the selling of Philippine assets or privatisation, and collecting even more taxes, are only aggravating the debt-ballooning situation in the Philippines. When there is a run on even a rural bank, or a bank holiday despite the propaganda of the Central Bank, is a sign of financial chaos. The fact that these rural banks have been taken over is likewise a sign of economic and financial chaos. Out of the 2010 Philippine National Budget, P800 Billion is automatically appropriated for interest payments by the dictatorial policy called "Presidential Decree". The so-called American "economic stimulus package" of a mere P10 billion for the Philippines is certainly useless. This economic stimulus package is only for the benefit of corrupt politicians and economists, and for the bankers' subtle and not-so-subtle control of money. Filipinos are by nature happy people, but in this country, UNDER THE BONDAGE OF DEBT AND POVERTY, all Filipinos seem to feel as if they're on a roller coaster ride, with what's happening today. As a Filipino guy - a small man who belongs to a poor family, a campaigner in this tortuous field mission - I must declare that money MUST be created or given for 3 major reasons in the Philippine setting: 1. To save human lives, especially those of the innocents and the poor 2. To help human beings to advancement 3. To secure human beings from exploitation, intimidation and control. Money created for profits, for controlling human lives and for causing evil things to take place, is catastrophic. Money should not be controlled nor wasted in such a manner that it acts against life. Money is like muck, no good except when it is spread out, for saving lives and for the glory of God. Bankers do not have any authentic sense of brotherhood *vis à vis* humanity. All they care about is to make insatiable profits from their power and usurping authority based on debt-based money creation - a heinously corrupt system - and based also on charging interest to humanity, so as to keep humanity in an endless chain of bondage of debt and poverty. MUST WE STARVE OUR CHILDREN TO PAY INTEREST? There must be a BAIL-OUT FOR THE PEOPLE! It can be $30,000 for every AMERICAN, annually, and its equivalent in other countries, or, the equivalent of (US)$10,000 for every Flipino, annually. THIS SHOULD BE A GUARANTEED ANNUAL EXTRA BASIC INCOME FOR EVERY MAN, WOMAN AND CHILD IN THE 21ST CENTURY! WHY DO WE ALLOW THESE THINGS TO HAPPEN WHEN WE ARE IN THE AGE OF PLENTY IN THE 21ST CENTURY? 1 BILLION PEOPLE, WAKE UP AND LET'S HAVE A POWERFUL COALITION TO BUILD A BETTER, PEACEFUL, SECURED AND JUST WORLD FOR EVERYONE. IT IS A NOBLE TASK. Forwarded Online Documents from Mr. Dick Eastman - very interesting documents to read and review and propagate all over the world
"24,000 children die every day, 16-17 children dying every minute, 9 million children dying every year, A 2004 Asian Tsunami occurring almost every 10 days. The world is used to not talking about this death rate. I am sure that if the rate were to increase tenfold in the next year they would put the new rate even further from their minds." 光 照 在 黑 暗 里 , 黑 暗 却 不 接 受 光 Through various means applied around the world the evil, in self-defense against people they have wronged, have arranged that a famine more lethal than the Black Death will be in every land. The evil, with all of the wealth they have taken from people, have provided themselves with the means of surviving the famine and retreating from the terror and killing that will ensue as each takes whatever bread he can from his neighbor to feed his family or himself. All that we were and might have been will be unknown to those who will be here after us.
光 照 在 黑 暗 里 , 黑 暗 却 不 接 受 光 World hunger is often seen as the result of overpopulation, bad geography or natural or human-made disasters. But a new book, "The Atlas of World Hunger," reveals that the contours and causes of hunger are more complex – and in some ways more easily addressed – than those old assumptions suggest.
Hunger Vulnerability is made up of three components that reflect the public and private dimensions of hunger: the availability of food at the national level, measured in calories available per capita per day; household access to that food, which is tied to household income; and the nutritional status of individuals – as reflected in specific health measures, such as growth failure in young children.
光 照 在 黑 暗 里 , 黑 暗 却 不 接 受 光 Bank of America, JPMorgan Chase, Citigroup, Wells Fargo, Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley -- the nation's six biggest bank holding companies by assets -- collectively hold more than $9.4 trillion in assets, according to their most recent quarterly filings with the Federal Reserve, a figure equivalent to two-thirds of the nation's total economic output last year, according to International Monetary Fund figures. It's also greater than the 2009 output of every other nation in the world.
In 2008, Goldman Sachs and other swaps traders drove the price of wheat to levels that caused starvation around the globe. Oil prices similarly skyrocketed as a result of speculation.
光 照 在 黑 暗 里 , 黑 暗 却 不 接 受 光
John Hari:
At the end of 2006, food prices across the world started to rise, suddenly and stratospherically. Within a year, the price of wheat had shot up by 80 per cent, maize by 90 per cent, rice by 320 per cent. In a global jolt of hunger, 200 million people – mostly children – couldn't afford to get food any more, and sank into malnutrition or starvation. There were riots in more than 30 countries, and at least one government was violently overthrown. Then, in spring 2008, prices just as mysteriously fell back to their previous level. Jean Ziegler, the UN Special Rapporteur on the Right to Food, calls it "a silent mass murder", entirely due to "man-made actions."
Earlier this year I was in Ethiopia, one of the worst-hit countries, and people there remember the food crisis as if they had been struck by a tsunami. "My children stopped growing," a woman my age called Abiba Getaneh, told me. "I felt like battery acid had been poured into my stomach as I starved. I took my two daughters out of school and got into debt. If it had gone on much longer, I think my baby would have died." Most of the explanations we were given at the time have turned out to be false. It didn't happen because supply fell: the International Grain Council says global production of wheat actually increased during that period, for example. It isn't because demand grew either: as Professor Jayati Ghosh of the Centre for Economic Studies in New Delhi has shown, demand actually fell by 3 per cent. Other factors – like the rise of biofuels, and the spike in the oil price – made a contribution, but they aren't enough on their own to explain such a violent shift. To understand the biggest cause, you have to plough through some concepts that will make your head ache – but not half as much as they made the poor world's stomachs ache. For over a century, farmers in wealthy countries have been able to engage in a process where they protect themselves against risk. Farmer Giles can agree in January to sell his crop to a trader in August at a fixed price. If he has a great summer, he'll lose some cash, but if there's a lousy summer or the global price collapses, he'll do well from the deal. When this process was tightly regulated and only companies with a direct interest in the field could get involved, it worked. Then, through the 1990s, Goldman Sachs and others lobbied hard and the regulations were abolished. Suddenly, these contracts were turned into "derivatives" that could be bought and sold among traders who had nothing to do with agriculture. A market in "food speculation" was born. So Farmer Giles still agrees to sell his crop in advance to a trader for £10,000. But now, that contract can be sold on to speculators, who treat the contract itself as an object of potential wealth. Goldman Sachs can buy it and sell it on for £20,000 to Deutsche Bank, who sell it on for £30,000 to Merrill Lynch – and on and on until it seems to bear almost no relationship to Farmer Giles's crop at all. If this seems mystifying, it is. John Lanchester, in his superb guide to the world of finance, Whoops! Why Everybody Owes Everyone and No One Can Pay, explains: "Finance, like other forms of human behaviour, underwent a change in the 20th century, a shift equivalent to the emergence of modernism in the arts – a break with common sense, a turn towards self-referentiality and abstraction and notions that couldn't be explained in workaday English." Poetry found its break with realism when T S Eliot wrote "The Wasteland". Finance found its Wasteland moment in the 1970s, when it began to be dominated by complex financial instruments that even the people selling them didn't fully understand. So what has this got to do with the bread on Abiba's plate? Until deregulation, the price for food was set by the forces of supply and demand for food itself. (This was already deeply imperfect: it left a billion people hungry.) But after deregulation, it was no longer just a market in food. It became, at the same time, a market in food contracts based on theoretical future crops – and the speculators drove the price through the roof. Here's how it happened. In 2006, financial speculators like Goldmans pulled out of the collapsing US real estate market. They reckoned food prices would stay steady or rise while the rest of the economy tanked, so they switched their funds there. Suddenly, the world's frightened investors stampeded on to this ground. So while the supply and demand of food stayed pretty much the same, the supply and demand for derivatives based on food massively rose – which meant the all-rolled-into-one price shot up, and the starvation began. The bubble only burst in March 2008 when the situation got so bad in the US that the speculators had to slash their spending to cover their losses back home. When I asked Merrill Lynch's spokesman to comment on the charge of causing mass hunger, he said: "Huh. I didn't know about that." He later emailed to say: "I am going to decline comment." Deutsche Bank also refused to comment. Goldman Sachs were more detailed, saying they sold their index in early 2007 and pointing out that "serious analyses ... have concluded index funds did not cause a bubble in commodity futures prices", offering as evidence a statement by the OECD. How do we know this is wrong? As Professor Ghosh points out, some vital crops are not traded on the futures markets, including millet, cassava, and potatoes. Their price rose a little during this period – but only a fraction as much as the ones affected by speculation. Her research shows that speculation was "the main cause" of the rise. So it has come to this. The world's wealthiest speculators set up a casino where the chips were the stomachs of hundreds of millions of innocent people. They gambled on increasing starvation, and won. Their Wasteland moment created a real wasteland. What does it say about our political and economic system that we can so casually inflict so much pain? If we don't re-regulate, it is only a matter of time before this all happens again. How many people would it kill next time? The moves to restore the pre-1990s rules on commodities trading have been stunningly sluggish. In the US, the House has passed some regulation, but there are fears that the Senate – drenched in speculator-donations – may dilute it into meaninglessness. The EU is lagging far behind even this, while in Britain, where most of this "trade" takes place, advocacy groups are worried that David Cameron's government will block reform entirely to please his own friends and donors in the City. Only one force can stop another speculation-starvation-bubble. The decent people in developed countries need to shout louder than the lobbyists from Goldman Sachs. The World Development Movement is launching a week of pressure this summer as crucial decisions on this are taken: text WDM to 82055 to find out what you can do. The last time I spoke to her, Abiba said: "We can't go through that another time. Please – make sure they never, never do that to us again." 光 照 在 黑 暗 里 , 黑 暗 却 不 接 受 光 Obama's Science Czar Once Called for US to Surrender to Sovereignty to "Planetary Regime" to Enforce Population Limits, Control Climate Change Dangers
White House science czar John Holdren has called for the U.S. to surrender sovereignty to a "planetary regime" armed with military power to enforce population limits upon nations and prevent perceived dangers from global eco-disasters. . .
In their 1970s college textbook, "Ecoscience: Population, Resources, Environment," that Holdren and Malthusian population alarmist Paul R. Ehrlich and Ehrlich's wife, Anne argued that involuntary birth-control measures, including forced sterilization, may be necessary and morally acceptable under extreme conditions, such as widespread famine brought about by "climate change."
They recommended the creation of a "planetary regime" created to act as an "international superagency for population, resources, and environment."
"Such a Planetary Regime could control the development, administration, conservation, and distribution of all natural resources, renewable or nonrenewable, at least insofar as international implications exist," they argued. "Thus, the Regime could have the power to control pollution not only in the atmosphere and the oceans, but also in such freshwater bodies as rivers and lakes that cross international boundaries or that discharge into the oceans."
Arguing in the 1970s textbook for the passage of the United Nations Law of the Sea Treaty and for a proposed complementary United Nations Law of the Atmosphere Treaty, Holdren believed the planetary regime could be developed out of the U.N. administrative apparatus established to administer these treaties as well as the United Nations Environment Programme and various unspecified U.N. population agencies.
Holdren acknowledged the United States would have to surrender sovereignty to the planetary regime and that the regime would have to have military arms for the envisioned supergovernment to succeed.
He clearly specified the planetary regime would be charged with global population control.
Holdren wrote: "The Planetary Regime might be given responsibility for determining the optimum population for the world and for each region and for arbitrating various countries' shares within their regional limits. Control of population size might remain the responsibility of each government, but the Regime should have some power to enforce the agreed limits."
光 照 在 黑 暗 里 , 黑 暗 却 不 接 受 光 According to statistics from the United Nations World Food Programme (WFP), 7.1 million Nigeriens face possible starvation between now and November, when the new harvest season begins. This figure is a hefty seven out of every 10 of the projected 10 million people that face starvation in West Africa. That figure is almost half of the population of Niger, where, nevertheless, the ousted President Tandja lived in willful denial of the problem. The remaining three million that risk starvation are spread over Chad, Mali, Mauritania, Burkina Faso and Nigeria, with Chad, a country that seems perpetually at war, accounting for some two million. According to the grim statistics, 400, 000 children risk dying out of hunger and malnutrition, seven million out of the 10 million face food insecurity, while the remaining three million are said to be insecure in their food supply. . . .
From Nigeria to The Gambia, with the possible exception of Benin Republic, Ghana and perhaps Senegal, West Africa has pretty little to show for its human and natural resources. The famine of 2005 and the one threatening the region this year may have been caused by freaks of nature, giving way to dwindling rainfall and generally unstable weather. But there is a perennial but avoidable harsh weather of bad governance that breeds political crises, economic stagnation and environmental degradation.
光 照 在 黑 暗 里 , 黑 暗 却 不 接 受 光 Wheat prices spiked to a 13-month high on Thursday as Russia's worst drought in more than a century sparked renewed fears over supply.
Seventeen Russian regions from the Urals to Siberia have declared a state of emergency because of the unusually high temperatures, which have soared to 40 degrees celsius in some areas. Eleven of the drought-affected regions have seen more than half their sown land destroyed.
Russia, which a decade ago only exported a few hundred tonnes of wheat to the international market, has rapidly become the world's third-largest exporter behind the US and Canada. The government has plans to double grain output over the next 15 years.
But the worst drought in 130 years has so far destroyed 20 per cent of the land sown, affecting more than 9m hectares of land.
problems in other wheat-growing areas – such as drought in western Europe and heavy rains in Canada and parts of the Black Sea region – that has pushed wheat prices up more than 30 per cent in just over two weeks. CBOT September wheat jumped as much as 9 per cent to an intraday peak of $5.985 a bushel before slipping to $5.89, still up 5.4 per cent on the day. Euronext November wheat in Paris rose 6.5 per cent to €177.25 a tonne, the highest in 22 months.
Russia has cut its official forecast for grain production this season by 5m tonnes to 85m tonnes and analysts expect a further cut of about 5m tonnes at least. Last year the country collected 95m tonnes of grain, 81m tonnes of which were wheat.
"Russia will export less this year than it did a year ago and this potentially will affect supply-demand factors on the global level," said Mikhail Krasnoperov, an analyst at Troika Dialog, the Moscow-based investment bank.
光 照 在 黑 暗 里 , 黑 暗 却 不 接 受 光 RIO GRANDE CITY -- With no end in sight, flood waters continue to cause serious problems for a three-county area downstream from Falcon Dam on the Rio Grande, according to Texas AgriLife Extension Service personnel.
"Farm and ranch losses here in Starr County will easily climb into the millions," said Omar Montemayor, an AgriLife Extension agent in Rio Grande City.
Starr County is situated just south of Falcon Dam on the Rio Grande. Flood waters have covered an estimated 15,000 acres of crop and rangeland there, according to Ronnie Zamora, an AgriLife Extension agent-AgNR Cooperative Extension Program.
"We had several thousand acres of corn, sorghum and cantaloupes that were ready for harvest before the flood," Zamora said. 光 照 在 黑 暗 里 , 黑 暗 却 不 接 受 光 Growers of potatoes and tomatoes beware…late blight appears to be back in Wisconsin this year. The first case this season of the fungus affecting tomato and potato crops was found this week in Marquette County. Amanda Gevens, a plant pathologist with UW-Extension, says a commercial potato grower discovered the blight on a small portion of his crop. Late blight is a type of water mold that thrives in wet conditions. It produces lesions on the leaves, which then also appear on the tomatoes and potatoes themselves. Gevens says the spores usually can move through the air up to 40 miles and can develop in less than a week. והאור בחשך זרח והחשך לא השיגו׃ Late blight confirmed in four North Dakota counties
Late blight has now been confirmed in four North Dakota counties, according to Northern Plains Potato Growers Association.
In its weekly report, the agency says the disease has been found in potato fields in North Dakota's Walsh and Pembina counties in the extreme northeast part of the state and Dickey and Sargent, which are both on the South Dakota border in southeast North Dakota. Late blight is a fast-moving disease that can develop rapidly in cool wet conditions, especially along shelter belts and any area where morning dew persists. - North Dakota's top animal health official is urging livestock producers in areas with a history of anthrax to take action to protect their animals from the disease. "A single case of anthrax has just been confirmed in northwestern Dickey County, where the disease has been reported in the past," said Dr. Susan Keller, state veterinarian. "With weather conditions almost ideal for anthrax, producers need to make sure their animals are up to date on vaccinations."
------- Ashok Bajare, a potato cultivator from Ambegaon taluka in Pune district has reason to worry. He has a Rs eight lakh investment riding on his potato crop at his 20 acre plot in Bhavadi village. And no way to protect his crop from Late Blight or karpa — the most common and dreaded potato disease that can only be prevented, not cured. To add to his woes is the fact that none of the insurance companies, not even the Central government's Agriculture Insurance Company (AIC) of India provide insurance cover against Late Blight. Bajare is one of 4000 farmers from Satgaon Pathar area where the total investment in the potato crop this year is Rs 70 crore. They are contract farmers who have annual contracts with Multinationals like PepsiCo and ITC Limited who directly purchase their produce of Atlantic and FL 1533 potato varieties —- exclusively used for potato chips manufactured by them. ----------
Wheat jumped to the highest price since November on speculation that a prolonged dry spell will widen damage to crops in Russia, the world's fourth-largest exporter. Russia's grain harvest will drop by at least one-fifth from last year, to 77 million metric tons, the country's Grain Producers' Union said today.
Fourteen Russian regions, covering some 15 per cent of the country, have declared a state of emergency because of the unusually high temperatures, which have soared to 40 degrees celcius in some areas. Eleven of the drought-affected regions have seen more than half their sown land destroyed
The Ministry of Agriculture says the continuing drought will lead to a reduced grain yield from 9.5 million hectares in 17 regions, bringing the national grain production down to 75 million ton והאור בחשך זרח והחשך לא השיגו׃
Russians sweltered Friday in the hottest weather since the Stalin era as droughts caused crop devastation across the country and hundreds drowned in bathing accidents often influenced by alcohol. Friday was expected to break a record in Moscow, topping 33 degrees Celsius, the highest temperature that day since 1938, according to the state weather centre. At the weekend, the temperature was forecast by the state weather centre to hit 37 degrees in central Russia. An emergency drought situation has been declared in 19 of Russia's 83 regions with crops dying on an estimated 9.6 million hectares of fields. The drought-struck areas were suffering "colossal destruction," Agriculture Minister Yelena Skrynnik said Tuesday at a meeting with President Dmitry Medvedev. The coldest place on earth in winter, Oimyakon in the Sakha region, was forecast to swelter at 32 degrees centigrade on Friday, the ITAR-TASS news agency reported. In Moscow, people paddled in fountains to escape the heat and bought record amounts of ice cream. "Sales of fruit lollies have gone up 10 times," the general director of the Union of Ice Cream Makers, Valery Elkhov, told the RIA Novosti news agency, with Muscovites gobbling 250 tons of ice cream per day. Commuters in Moscow metro sizzled with temperatures inside some stations topping 29 degrees. The Kremlin cancelled a weekly ceremonial performance by mounted troops from the presidential regiment, due to fears that the troops and horses would suffer in the heat. Customers have flocked to buy air conditioners and fans to beat the heat in airless concrete office blocks and apartment buildings. "The yearly stock of air conditioning systems and fans has already sold out, and we had to order extra," said Nadezhda Kiselyova, a spokeswoman for electronics chain M-Video. "Over the past four weeks of unusual heat, the sales have been 10 times higher than last year's figures." Gennady Onishchenko, the head of the state health and safety watchdog, called for Russians to take longer lunchbreaks to evade the midday sun. "Given the heat, work could be carried out earlier or later while during the hottest hours of the day we can institute a prolonged pause," Onishchenko was quoted by state mouthpiece Rosskiskaya Gazeta as saying on Tuesday. July could be a record-breaking month for Moscow, with the average temperature more than six degrees Celsius above the norm so far, according to the state weather centre.
והאור בחשך זרח והחשך לא השיגו׃ By Maria Kolesnikova July 12 (Bloomberg) -- Russia's worst drought in a decade has damaged more than half of grain planted in 11 regions and hot, dry weather may continue for the rest of this month, a meteorologist said. "We don't see much room for improvement in July," said Anna Strashnaya, head of agro-meteorological forecasts at the Federal Hydrometeorological Service. Rains came too late in some areas, while conditions remained unfavorable in the worst-hit regions along the Volga River and in the Ural Mountains, she said in a telephone interview July 9. Soil drought has affected more than half of grain plantings in 11 regions along the Volga, in the Urals and central Russia, and yields in these areas will be at least 30 percent less than last year, the service said on its website late July 9. Heat will persist in most parts of central Russia through July 17, with temperatures reaching as high as 35 degrees Celsius (95 degrees Fahrenheit), the hydrometeorological service said on its website today. The agency forecast temperatures as high as 39 degrees Celsius in the Volga region and thunderstorms and rains in southern areas through July 14. The Agriculture Ministry reduced its forecast for the total grain crop by 5.6 percent to 85 million metric tons on July 5. Last year's harvest came to 97 million tons. Fourteen regions along the Volga, in the Urals and central Russia have declared emergencies because of heat and drought. Emergencies may be extended to four more regions soon, the ministry said last week. Drought damaged 9.3 million hectares (22.9 million acres) of crops across the country, it said. Saratov Yields "Drought affected most of the areas in the Volga region, where 50 percent to 70 percent of grain plantings, and sometimes more, were damaged," Strashnaya said. "Productivity will be low, and yields won't be much higher than in Saratov." The Saratov region, which accounted for 3.2 percent of Russia's wheat crop last year, last week reported grain yields at 750 kilograms (1,653 pounds) a hectare, compared with last year's yields at 1.4 tons a hectare. The grain crop in Tatarstan will come to about 1 million tons this year, down from an average 4.5 million to 5 million tons, the regional Ministry of Agriculture and Food said July 5. Hot and dry weather worsened the crop outlook in parts of central Russia, with half of grain plantings damaged in the Voronezh region, which accounts for 3.2 percent of Russian wheat, and some damage in the Tambov region, Strashnaya said. Yields "may be only marginally better" in Voronezh and parts of Tambov than in Saratov, Strashnaya said. Yields in Voronezh averaged 2.65 tons a hectare last year. 'Very Bad' The Volgograd region in the south, which accounts for 4.6 percent of the wheat harvest, continues to suffer from dry and hot weather, with temperatures as high as 35 degrees Celsius, Strashnaya said. Yields there will be "very bad, and only marginally better than in Saratov," she said. "Unfavorable conditions" persist across the Urals despite some decline in temperatures, she said. More than half of the grain crop is damaged in the Chelyabinsk region and as much as 30 percent in the Kurgan region. Rains have delayed harvesting in southern regions including Krasnodar and Stavropol, and may cause some crop losses, Strashnaya said.
光 照 在 黑 暗 里 , 黑 暗 却 不 接 受 光 With the price of food rising due to inflation and drought hindering already negligible crops, Madhu Acharya, Nepal's UN ambassador stresses the need for international aid. The western areas of Nepal have been hit the hardest. Ravaged by drought through most of last year, the region's crops have unsuccessfully mitigated an already brutal food shortage. In a country were only 20 percent of the land is irrigated, agricultural success depends on predictable monsoon rains to decide when to sow and harvest crops. But in recent years, rain patterns have become unpredictable occurrences. "This erratic rain has baffled farmers, they don't know when to sow the seeds. And when the rain does come, it comes in flash floods," said Acharya.
Y la luz en las tinieblas resplandece; mas las tinieblas no la comprendieron. 光 照 在 黑 暗 里 , 黑 暗 却 不 接 受 光 RIGHT TO LIFE MALTHUSIANS WRONG ABOUT FOOD SUPPLY AND POPULATION
Their Prediction: Population grows exponentially. That is, each generation is a little bigger than the generation before, and so more people have more children, and the next generation is bigger yet. Population grows faster and faster. On the other hand, food production is limited by available farmland, water for irrigation, and so on, and so cannot grow without limit. Food production grows more and more slowly. Therefore, it inevitably follows that as population continues to grow faster while food production grows more slowly, sooner or later population will outstrip food supply, and it just will not be possible to feed all the people. The logic is simple and irrefutable. Right? Let's look at the facts. The Reality The United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization keeps statistics on world population and food production. Their broadest measure is an aggregate total of all food produced in the world. As this combines many different kinds of food, they express this total simply as a percentage of an arbitrarily-chosen baseline.1 Here are the FAO's figures2,3 for world population and food production. They have statistics available starting from 1961. Year Population (Millions) Food Production (Index) 1961 3,086 49.5 1962 3,147 50.8 1963 3,210 52.1 1964 3,276 53.8 1965 3,343 54.5 1966 3,412 56.8 1967 3,482 59.0 1968 3,554 60.7 1969 3,628 60.8 1970 3,702 62.7 1971 3,777 64.6 1972 3,854 64.0 1973 3,930 67.7 1974 4,006 68.7 1975 4,081 70.5 1976 4,155 72.6 1977 4,227 73.8 1978 4,299 77.4 1979 4,373 78.3 1980 4,447 78.8 1981 4,524 81.4 1982 4,602 84.2 1983 4,682 84.4 1984 4,764 88.8 1985 4,847 90.7 1986 4,933 92.9 1987 5,021 93.3 1988 5,109 94.8 1989 5,197 98.4 1990 5,282 100.8 1991 5,366 100.8 1992 5,447 103.6 1993 5,527 104.5 1994 5,607 108.1 1995 5,687 110.6 1996 5,768 115.1 1997 n/a 116.2
It can be hard to see the trend in a maze of numbers like this, so let's try representing it as a graph.4 Population and Food Production This graph shows that the first part of the argument is essentially correct: Population does grow exponentially. But it is absolutely dead wrong about food production. Consistently for the past 35 years, world food production has grown, not more and more slowly, but faster and faster. Indeed, food production is increasing faster than population. Let's look at the data another way. The FAO also publishes their calculation of world food production per person.1 Here's their data: Year Food per Person (index) 1961 84.7 1962 85.2 1963 85.7 1964 86.7 1965 86.1 1966 87.9 1967 89.5 1968 90.2 1969 88.5 1970 89.4 1971 90.3 1972 87.8 1973 90.9 1974 90.5 1975 91.3 1976 92.2 1977 92.2 1978 95.1 1979 94.6 1980 93.6 1981 95.0 1982 96.6 1983 95.3 1984 98.4 1985 98.9 1986 99.4 1987 98.2 1988 98.0 1989 100.0 1990 100.7 1991 99.2 1992 100.4 1993 99.9 1994 101.8 1995 102.7 1996 105.4 1997 104.9
While these numbers have their ups and downs, the general trend is clearly upward. Note that in 1996 world food production per person was 24% more than it was in 1961 (105.4 divided by 84.7.) Understand, these figures do not say that the world produced 24% more food, but that the world produced 24% more food per person. The Explanation How is this possible? Simple. Technology. Especially since World War II, agricultural technology has been racing ahead. When we think of technology we usually think of machines, and in Western countries this has certainly been a part of it: the tractor, the combine, and so forth have greatly contributed to increasing food production. In the developing countries mechanization is still far behind the West, but other types of technology have proven even more important: fertilizers, irrigation, better weather prediction, and perhaps most important, new strains of crops that grow faster, can thrive in difficult conditions, and are more resistant to disease. Agronomists refer to the introduction of these new crops to the Third World as the "Green Revolution", and it dramatically improved the state of the world's food supply. Whenever I point out these facts in writing or lectures, somebody invariably objects that these technologies have now "peaked", that all they accomplished was to hold off the inevitable. This is incredibly pessimistic. Technology has been steadily advancing for thousands of years. In the last two hundred years it has been increasing at a faster and faster pace. But now, they say, it's about to stop. After thousands of years of progress, and despite the fact that the last few years have seen greater progress than at any time before in history, they are absolutely convinced that tomorrow will be the last day and there will never be another new invention, there will never be another scientific discovery, ever again. I find this very hard to believe. There is every reason to presume that technology will continue to advance in the future as it has in the past. I make no claim to know what agricultural technology will look like a hundred years from now, except to say that it will almost certainly be more advanced than it is today. But let's suppose this pessimistic belief is true. Technology is about to stop dead. If technology will no longer allow us to increase the yield of each crop, is there any other way to increase food production? Sure. Plant more crops. According to the FAO5, the world has a total of 13.048 billion hectares of land. (A hectare is about two and a half acres.) Of this, 1.467 billion hectares are being used to grow crops, or 11%. Okay, let's concede that some of this land is unsuitable for farming. The FAO says that 4.003 billion hectares contain buildings or roads, are too barren to be used as farmland, or are of unknown usefullness (due to limitations in trying to collect data from all over the world). This leaves 9.045 billion hectares of reasonably fertile, undeveloped land. Even at that we are only using 16% of the available land. Granted, there would be adverse consequences to using 100% of this land to grow crops. Land is needed for animals to graze, to provide habitats for wild animals, etc. But if we are presently using only 16% of the world's potential farmland, we surely have a lot of room to maneuver. Starvation is not imminent. The average citizen of the world today is better fed that at any time in recorded history. And the situation is getting better and better every year. Chicken Little and Al Gore are wrong.
Footnotes 1. Trying to combine numbers for different types of food presents a problem: What unit of measure do you use? The FAO decided on using the monetary value of the food produced, choosing the average price for each commodity for a baseline period (1989-1991), and then calculating production from all over the world based on a single price. This eliminates errors from regional price variations, and price changes over time, including inflation. It does mean that different types of food are evaluated based on their price rather than, say, their nutritional value. But if one counted by calories, you could reply that this ignored vitamins; if one counted vitamins, you could reply that this ignored carbohydrates; etc. For more information, see the FAO's explanation of their index, at "". 2. United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization. "Agricultural Production Indices." Statistical Database. Rev 1997. (8 Nov 1997) 3. United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization. "Population." Statistical Database Rev 1997. (8 Nov 1997) 4. To put food production and population on the same graph, I have expressed population as an index also, with 1961=50 so it starts at about the same place as food production. 5. United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization. "Land Use." Statistical Database. Rev 1997. (8 Nov 1997) Used 1994 data, the most recent year for which they provided complete statistics.
Copyright 1997 by Ohio Right to Life Contact Pregnant Pause FOR PHILIPPINE SOLUTIONS: (A Project Study Presentation and Proposal for the Philippines) – SOCIAL CREDIT MONETARY REFORM DEBT FREE MONEY CREATION BY LEGISLATION.
Debt-free money creation can give us the last chance to life, justice, security and prosperity to every citizen on earth without the bondage of debt and interest.
To realize this, each individual must be educated and mobilized by initiatives, solidarity and concerns to monetary reform.
Create our own money in Philippine Peso debt-free by legislation through the facilities of our own Philippine Central Bank or BSP - Bangko Sentral Ng Pilipinas. Repeal the Article XII, Sec. 20 of the Philippine Constitution - the proposal in converting or restoring the central bank being independent and private into GOVERNMENT OR PUBLIC INSTITUTION to act policy directions in the areas of money, banking and credit - DEBT FREE under the supervision of the Philippine Department of Finance. The Philippine Congress through People's Initiatives and or Referendum can repeal this Constitutional provision or the entire change of the Philippine Constitution that must be for the welfare of the general public and no more for private interest.
Sample of Philippine Government Credit Check for debt free money creation by legislation or by emergency currency as bail-out for the Filipino people Republic of the Philippines Check No. 2010-1 Congress of the Philippines Constitutional Hills 1119, Date: 07/20/2010 Quezon City , Metro Manila Pay to the order of: Bureau of Treasury P500,000,000,000.00 | Exactly: Five Hundred Billion Pesos / and no centavos | | Authority Signature | | Sponsoring Congressman | | Speaker of the House | | President of the Senate | | President of the Philippines | | Philippine Government-Credit Disbursement Account No: 2010-1-A Project title: BAIL-OUT FOR THE FILIPINO PEOPLE IN THE FORM OF EXTRA BASIC INCOME~DIVIDEND TO EVERY FILIPINO CITIZEN ANNUALLY 7 | (Check routing symbols �-�OOOXOXZX�-�: 1111�-OXZZ�) | THE PHILIPPINE GOVERNMENT THROUGH THE DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE UNDER THE PRESENT DEBT-BASED HORRENDOUS FINANCIAL-ECONOMIC SYSTEM ONLY PRINTS THE BORROWED MONEY AT INTEREST DECEPTIVELY THROUGH THE FACILITIES OF THE PRIVATELY-OWNED CENTRAL BANK BUT DOES NOT CREATE THE MONEY. ALL THE MONEY BEING PRINTED ARE FROM INTEREST-BEARING LOANS FROM THE PRIVATE, COMMERCIAL, FOREIGN AND INTERNATIONAL BANKS. IT IS THE CRITERION OF A JUST MONEY SYSTEM THAT WHAT IS BOTH SOCIALLY AND PHYSICALLY POSSIBLE SHOULD ALSO BE MADE FINANCIALLY POSSIBLE. THE ULTIMATE SOLUTION AS A SAMPLE ABOVE. THE NATIONAL SOCIAL CREDIT MONETARY REFORM ACT: The Philippine Government must stop borrowing money from the private, foreign and international bankers. Cancel the debts. We have paid more than enough. Withdraw membership from IMF, WB, BIS. Cancel all the bilateral lending schemes and agreements. CREATE OUR OWN MONEY DEBT AND INTEREST FREE according to the needs of the country: the government expenditures and the population, backed by the GOVERNMENT OR THE STATE AND THE FILIPINO PEOPLE AS SHOWN ABOVE THROUGH the THE FACILITIES OF THE GOVERNMENT CONTROLLED CENTRAL BANK. There is no valid reason for the Philippines to be hugely indebted and to suffer horrors of poverty and hunger of families in the countryside. There is no lack of figure or number, no lack of ink and paper with which to create and print the money for the needs of the country. Social Credit Monetary Reform Policy Proposals TO SOLVE POVERTY AND DEBT PROBLEMS IN THE PHILIPPINES : - THE CASH CREDITS OF THE POPULATION OF ANY COUNTRY SHALL AT ANY MOMENT BE COLLECTIVELY EQUAL TO THE COLLECTIVE CASH PRICES FOR CONSUMABLE GOODS FOR SALE IN THAT COUNTRY, AND SUCH CASH CREDITS SHALL BE CANCELED OR DEPRECIATED ONLY ON THE PURCHASE OR DEPRECIATION OF GOODS FOR CONSUMPTION.
DIVIDEND OR EXTRA/SUPPLEMENTARY BASIC INCOME FROM DEBT FREE MONEY CREATION OF MONETARY REFORM ACT CAN BE SAID IN A SIMPLE, STRAIGHTFORWARD, ULTIMATE RIGHT AND FAIR SOLUTION TO AN AWKWARD ECONOMIC AND FINANCIAL PROBLEMS IN THE WORLD. INTRODUCTION Heavily-indebted-third-world nations are characterized by underdevelopment, deprivation, poverty, diseases, starvation and natural and man-made calamities. About three quarters of the present world population are excruciatingly and perpetually suffering from such dreadful poverty and deprivations amidst the global abundance of production and harvests. This situation brings about increasing death rates and mental deterioration, mostly in children. Because of these, third world countries are hindered from any significant development, security and secured standards of living primarily because of their third world ballooning debts in the amount of almost US$5 Trillion with the skyrocketing annual interest payments of around US$400 Billion – that under the debt money system – these debts and interests are impossible to pay off even until the end of the world. In my personal calculations, out of this colossal and nerve-wracking amount of debt allegedly owed by the third world nations to the first world nations under the tutelage and supervision of the IMF and WB and other bilateral lending creditors, only about US$300-500 Billion constituted the original borrowings, the rest consisted of accrued interest and capital liabilities unjustly computed. But I still the lending or borrowing itself under the debt money system is very questionable. The remaining quarter of the world population, on the other hand, is experiencing what we may call as 'more better life" although there are reports that poverty, insecurity, injustice, hunger and deprivations, financial/fiscal/budget crisis are also becoming imminent in the first world countries under the debt money system. But still we could read from the papers that affluent nations are brooding over what to do with their surpluses, whether to burn them or to dump them in the ocean. Storing excess food products would cost them even more than if they would just get rid of them, and besides, it would lead only to deterioration. One may ask why such global imbalance between demand and supply, or simply put, why can't the products meet the needs. The reason is the chronic or lack or absence of money. And this is deadly to millions of Filipinos in the Philippines, hundreds of millions in the third world and billions of peoples in the whole world. Money is not a real wealth, but is needed to distribute wealth. Without money, one could go hungry amidst the abundance that surrounds him/her. Such shortage of money eventually creates an "inhumane society". There is even a faster increase in food production rate than in population growth rate, but still, the majority is starving. This is because they do not have the means to purchase, that is, the purchasing power. It is not a matter of production, but merely of distribution. All these problems, as we shall see as we go on with the study, are brought about by a defective financial system in the world. Such is also the case in the Philippines where Filipinos are in the most calamitous and cruelest debt money system and savage cruelty of poverty. But there is still a solution – a rectification in the present financial system. A. NAME OF THE ENTERPRISE This project study will present a new financial system, a new economy named 'SOCIAL CREDIT". It is social because it is for the good of the whole society. The Financial Social Credit is actually belonging collectively to all, in the same way as where the real credit brings out its value from. It is community's good from which all must benefit. Thus, Social Credit would refer as to a series of principles through which the implementation of these principles would make social and economic entity effectively reach its proper ends – the service of human needs with security from the cradle to the grave. B. LOCATION This financial credit proposal will be a social and monetary instrument; therefore, it must have its source only in an entity solely devoted to the service of the community, of the whole nation. So the best place to fulfill its function would be the present Government through the Central Bank of the Philippines. Social Credit principles could also be implemented in the provincial level according to its modifications. This Central Bank of the Philippines does not need to establish a new network of branches. To put the credit in circulation, to consign it to the people who use it to mobilize the country's production capacity, and to return this credit to its source, one can very well use the existing channels but the central bank must under the power and authority of the government, that is, the government must use the central to create the money debt and interest for the spending power of the nation and for the needs of the population. C. DESCRIPTIVE DEFINITION OF THE PROJECT As has been said earlier, this project is about a financial system which could probably replace the existing financial system which we know, is defective, not fulfilling its role to finance without debts. Thus, this system, the Social Credit, would solely be under the control of the Government. The study of the system has begotten a movement to demand its enforcement and implementation. Social Credit Movement first took place in Scotland, UK and has spread to most English-speaking countries as far as Canada, Australia, New Zealand, even in USA, France, and to African continents and still new in its concept in the Philippines. So far, Social Credit is widely known in UK and Canada. It was Major Clifford Hugh Douglas, a Scottish genius, who formulated the system, Social Credit Philosophy in 1918. According to him, this system is the most democratic, the only one which puts money directly at the service of man, that is, of all men; the only one also which automatically increases the income for everyone as the family itself increases. C.H. Douglas expresses prepositions which could possibly eliminate all major financial problems (fiscal crisis, budget deficit, financial crisis, etc.) where there is no physical problem of production or distribution. Under the system of Social Credit, he gives a role of service. D. PROJECT LONG-RANGE OBJECTIVES What would be the effects of Social Credit in 5 or 10 years in the Philippines? First of all, generally, order would be restored in the money sector. Why? Because today, under the present system, there is monetary defect, in fact life-killing. The creation of money as a debt at interest being controlled by the bankers instead of the government, thus, causing the government to increase its national debt, now ballooning US$200 Billion and skyrocketing US$10 billion annual interest, each time it borrows money from the private/commercial/foreign and international banks. How? For example, the government borrowed an amount of P80 Million from the bank. So the bank would now lend the government of P80 Million without taking a cent from anyone for it will give the government a new base for check of P80 Million. Then, after a certain period of time, the government has to pay P83 Million to the bank which includes capital and the interest. Where will the government get this amount? Simply through taxes and at worse through further borrowings to other private/commercial and international bankers! The government had to remove from the country as much money as it had spent which is P80 Million. But in addition, it had to draw from the country an additional P3 Million, an amount it had not put into the country, which had neither been made by the bankers or anyone else except through further borrowings. So the questions is, how can the government does not find it. It simply added to the national debt. Thus, all new money comes into existence as a DEBT, through the bank created money based on debt, -- the banker, who claims more money than he has actually issued. Under Social Credit System, money would still originate from a ledger, but by SERVING EACH CITIZEN. Each child would be born with a right to a dividend, citizen's income, basic income or supplementary income. Goods will be made to serve needs. In other words, money would become what it should be, that is, an instrument to sell product, not a weapon to confer power on individuals. Another significant effect of Social Credit is security. One of the most important aims of man is the preservation of life. He wants to ensure himself a better protection against his enemies. All of us are hoping for at least a minimum of financial-economic security. Today, what prevents us from feeling secure about tomorrow is our fear of not having enough money or income to buy things that would secure our future. The monetary system of Social Credit would guarantee the economic security that each of us are looking forward to. There would be enough money to sell all the goods, a minimum income guaranteed to each one. How? Through a DIVIDEND TO EACH ONE. This is not payment for a job done nor a charity but a dividend for his share in a common capital. If there is private property, there is also community property that all possess. This dividend will recognize each of us as a member of the human species, thus, each of us is entitled to a share of this world's goods, at least the necessary share to exercise our right to life. Aside from the order in the monetary sector and the security to each individual, Social Credit, would also restore to the government its proper functions which are currently baffled and shackled by the problems of trying to find money where there is none. It would put money back into circulation. Individuals would be free from their own natural groupings which would become financially capable in settling problems task of higher government which would have no other task than to watch and coordinate the various organisms under them. E. FEASIBILITY CRITERIA Profitability is not actually the main purpose of the project under study but instead a DIVIDEND TO ALL. Profit would only come second since under a Social Credit Financial System, business would always be good, since the purely financial problem would not exist anymore. It is actually the dividend that makes a big difference between Social Credit ad the present defective financial system based on debt and greed. But why a dividend to all? It is because all members or citizens of the society or nation are co-capitalists. First of all, natural resources are not produced by any man. They are a gift from God, a free gift which must serve to all of us. There are also inventions that were made, developed and transmitted from one generation to another which are considered the biggest factors in production today. But no one can claim to be owner of this progress because it is a fruit of many generations. It is the role of men to make use of this progress, thus they are entitled to a reward: this reward is in a form of wages, salaries, etc. But capitalist who does not personally take part in the industry where he invested his capital is also entitled to a share of the result, because of his capital. In other words, the employee is entitled to his dividend and to his wage and salary. The unemployed person has no wage or salary, but it is an income from a social capital. F. HIGHLIGHTS OF THE PROJECT STUDY As we have mentioned, Social Credit is a financial system established by the Scottish Engineer and Economist, Major C. H. Douglas and published for the first time in 1918. Since then, it was propagated in many countries but only partly implemented in few countries except wholly implemented in the Guernsey Islands. Social Credit was formulated for the reason that many great minds criticized the monetary system which does not fulfill its role, that is, to finance production, but rather goes beyond its role. According to Douglas it is the Social Credit that would bring ORDER to the monetary sector. Today, there are independent individuals, activists, politicians, thinkers, religious men and women, groups, organizations, parties formally and informally established working for the enforcement of this system all over the world. The Social Credit has spread to all English-speaking countries including Australia, New Zealand and especially in United Kingdom, Canada where it first take root and to USA. Social Credit is still a new concept in the Philippines. But Social Credit campaign done individually in the Philippines started in 1992 up to the present. We, as well as the world's monetary reformers believe that Social Credit can be obtained through PUBLIC OPINIONS which will enlighten and motivate the people, the citizens, thus making a successful demand of it. The system needs no election campaign but instead, an education campaign which we believe the best guarantee for the future of Social Credit implementation. The propagation of Social Credit requires numerous volunteers who are willing to devote their time in propagating the principles of the system among the masses. Study of devotion, these are the surest way of advancing the cause of Social Credit. Today, the Social Crediters and monetary reformers or money reformers or monetary/economic justice activists aside from the publishing of the excellent literatures, books, magazines, journals, promoting videos, etc. are inviting people to meetings, forum, and conferences and holding study session open to all. They are training the people to personal responsibility and to act together in the pursuit of the common good. How does Social Credit really work? Well, the banking system could continue to operate the way they are doing right now. They could still lend money to the producers of consumer's goods. But under Social Credit financial system, the credit that the bank would lend is the credit of the society which is the Social Credit. This credit will not be created by the bank but will rather get it from the Central Bank. The loan, like we mentioned, will not be created because the credit is already there, kept in the Central Bank and waiting to be used. What is needed is to print the money for circulation. These credits will be put into circulation by the state chartered banks. They would get it upon request from the Central Bank and will have to bring back the same amount to the source after it has been circulated. The Central Bank would keep account of what is taken out and what is coming in. Just like in the banking system today, the state-chartered banks will have to charge fees to the borrowers to be able to meet their expenses like salaries for the employees and to be able to make a legitimate profit being a private but socially responsible enterprise. But under this system only through the producer who must pay interest for his loans and not the retailers. The reason for this is that in the producer's case, the loan is made for a production which is not yet realized. This means that the product that he is about to produce is not yet the finished product, so he will not suffer from the obligation of paying interest. Unlike in the retailer's case, the loan is made on a production which is already finished. So, if the loan to the retailer is not interest-free, the interest would add up to the retail price. At the same time, the retailer must not also include his profit to the retail price because this will cause inflation. So, the retailer must get this from other source. He could get this from the bank itself by having two accounts, in which he can deposit his personal savings. It is on his personal account where the banker records the profit to which the retailer is entitled for the sales he has made. The money which the Central Bank would issue upon request by the state-chartered bank will come from the country's real wealth which reflects country's capacity to produce. Since the banks already possess all the mechanism, required installations, with well-established branches and well trained personnel, they could still continue to be responsible for the loans to production and for the accounting operations relative to consider credit. The only difference is that, under Social Credit, the credit that they would handle, would remain as the ownership of society. G. MAJOR CONSUMPTIONS AND SUMMARY OF FINDINGS AND CONCLUSIONS ON THE FOLLOWING: Market Feasibility The unsatisfied demand which this project presentation seeks to meet is those goods that do not find their way into their real homes. This means that, we always tell people that our country is rich and we all know that this is true. We have all the things we need in plenty but we are in dire poverty. In other words, there are goods to meet the demand. But in spite of all these, many millions of Filipinos suffer poverty, hunger, starvation, malnutrition and deprivations. So the problem is, there are a lot of goods in our country, but we lack the right to have these goods. WE LACK PURCHASING POWER. It is through Social Credit that we may be able to achieve a perfect purchasing power by establishing equilibrium between the prices to be paid and the money in the buyer's hands. There will be a distinction between cost price and cash price. The buyer's don't have to pay the full cost price but instead, this price will be reduced to a level which corresponds to the purchasing power of the population. It is the role of the producers to recover the cost price to be able to remain in the business. They may use a price adjustment mechanism. Technical Feasibility As we have mentioned, the present banking system is already well organized having all the mechanism, professional peoples, all the required installation and with competent personnel. Therefore, this is the same banking system that would operate under the system of Social Credit. And the government must do it now! Financial Feasibility As we have also mentioned, the credits that the commercial banks would handle in giving loans to production will have to come from the Central Bank. These credits coming from the Central Bank are the real PEOPLE'S MONEY, THE REAL CREDITS of the country which reflect its production capacity. Money should reflect reality. Socio-Economic Feasibility The most significant effect of this project on society and the economy as a whole is that production will finally reach its end which is consumption. Goods will finally find their homes and no one will suffer hunger, poverty, malnutrition, etc. anymore in the land. Each of us will have a share of the country's progress whether employed or unemployed through a DIVIDEND TO ALL. Management Feasibility Under the Social Credit system, salaries would only be given as reward for the services made. There is no need for a large amount of salary because under this system, common financial problems will not exist anymore, so business will always be good. Plus the fact that, each of us is already entitled to a share in the progress, so, a marginal salary would already be compatible with the standard of the industry. MARKET STUDY The scope of this project is national (provincial application is under study and remained to be seen in the future); this is so, because the project under study is financial system called SOCIAL CREDIT. The main purpose of this system is to reduce poverty level and, if possible, to remove its existence from our economy. At present, Social Credit has not yet been fully implemented in any country except in GUERNSEY ISLAND through its debt and interest free money and the most prosperous island in the world so far with the population being provided of economic security. The dividend provision policy of CH Douglas is almost applied all over the world particularly in Alaska, USA, some parts in EU, in Romania through supplemental family support system from the government, the province of Quebec through allowance for the mother at home, in UK through family supplemental income or child support system, also in Scotland, Singapore, Malaysia, and elsewhere but without much publicity. We believe that full implementation is possible in the future, that's why PROPER EDUCATION, ORIENTATION AND EVALUATION, SOCIAL CREDIT WILL BE ABLE TO FIND ITS WAY IN THE SOCIETY. TECHNICAL STUDY C.H. Douglas believes that there are various ways to implement the propositions he expressed, but the best method would be the one which could do it most efficiently and effectively without having to make changes in the existing financial institutions. The present day commercial banks actually possess all the required installation, well-established network of branches, and competent, well-trained and intelligent personnel to carry out the service most efficiently. These would continue their operations for granting loans for production and making the accounting relative to consumer credit. The credit, however, remains owned by the society and the operations consider the main objective of a financial system. The National Credit Office or the Central Bank would be the same in structure as our present one but UNDER SOCIAL CREDIT SYSTEM. There is no need to establish new branches. The chartered banks have the capacity to be of full service for the implementation of Social Credit.All existing financial institutions, with all its machineries and tools, and financial mechanisms shall still be in operation with no or little changes under this financial system but in the LIGHT OF SOCIAL CREDIT PRINCIPLES. FINANCIAL STUDY The financing of the production and the distribution would be taken from the country's financial credit, which is based upon the country's immense real credit. Real credit is the country's production capacity resulting from its natural resources, technology, various economic activities, organizational and others. Financial credits are of worth only as far as they depend on real credit. They are figures as the expression of the real credit, which is social by nature. This makes financial credit a Social Credit, and thus, could only be an ownership of the society. DOUGLAS' THREE PROPOSITIONS: THE CASH CREDITS OF THE POPULATION OF ANY COUNTRY SHALL AT ANY MOMENT BE COLLECTIVELY EQUAL TO THE COLLECTIVE CASH PRICES FOR CONSUMABLE GOODS FOR SALE IN THAT COUNTRY, AND SUCH CASH CREDITS SHALL BE CANCELED ON THE PURCHASE OF GOODS FOR CONSUMPTION.THE CREDITS REQUIRED TO FINANCE PRODUCTION SHALL BE SUPPLIED NOT FROM THE SAVINGS, BUT BY NEW CREDITS RELATING TO NEW PRODUCTION, AND SHALL BE RECALLED ONLY IN RATIO OF GENERAL DEPRECIATION TO GENERAL APPRECIATION. THE DISTRIBUTION OF CASH TO INDIVIDUALS SHALL BE PROGRESSIVELY LESS DEPENDENT UPON EMPLOYMENT. THAT IS TO SAY THAT THE DIVIDEND SHALL PROGRESSIVELY DISPLACE WAGE AND SALARY. The Central Bank would issue the financial credit to the state-chartered banks upon the latter's request, with too little or no cost at ll. That is only with the obligation of returning the same amount to the source (the Central Bank) after it has circulated. The state-chartered banks, in turn, would confide these financial credits to people who will utilize these in the production, without any collateral but with fees. The fees required to the bankers for loans, enable the state-charted banks to meet their expenses, make legitimate profits and give better services. However, the time factor is less important. The period between the issuing of the loan and its repayment does not affect the financial position of the society. Charging an interest would mean paying back more credit than what was released. THUS, DISEQUILIBRIUM. TO SET A BALANCE BETWEEN PRICES (all financial cost and interest), A PERIODICAL DIVIDEND FOR ALL, AND ADJUSTED – AND COMPENSATED PRICE MECHANISM IS INTRODUCED. The adjusted – and compensated – price mechanism is the application of a coefficient, which is the ratio between total production, and total production during the given period to all retail prices periodically. If, for instance, the total production was greater than the consumption and the producer was not able to cover all his cost, the difference would be covered by the monetary mechanism. It would be provided by the NATIONAL CREDIT OFFICE or the Central Bank. Thus, instead of passing on the burden to the consumers, another source enables him to cover his full cost price. Thus, there would be a general or compensated discount. When the producer sells the semi-finished good to another firm he has to include in the price the cost of everything he spent, which includes the money borrowed from the state-chartered bank at in interest and a profit, which is a salary for him. The buying firm might also need to loan from the state-chartered bank to pay for the semi-finished goods and to cover his operating cost in processing such goods to finished goods. With the obtained money from the second producer, the first would be able to settle his accounts to the banks. When the second producer passes his finished products to the wholesaler, the latter would have to do what the two producing firms have done: to borrow from the bank the amount needed to pay the second producer. The second producer would then settle his loan to the bank from money obtain from the wholesaler. When the wholesaler or the last producer passes the finished goods (new credit) can be issued to cover all the expenses to be incurred in this new production. This allows (1) 'TO FINANCE EFFECTIVELY THE NEW PRODUCTION BY NEW CREDITS; (2) AFTERWARDS, TO ALLOW THE RETURN OF CREDIT TO ITS SOURCE AS THE GOALS ARE CONSUMED." The retailer undertakes the distribution of the goods to the consumers at its final cost price, which is the cost price of the production (price charged to the retailer) plus the distribution cost (the expenses of the retailer). This final cost price which to be covered by the new issue of INTEREST-FREE CREDITS, is the price at which goods are passed on to the buyers. The retail price, however, does not include the retailer's profit, which will be drawn from state-chartered banks that have this credit form the NATIONAL CREDIT OFFICE OR THE CENTRAL BANK, the MONEY SOURCE, OR THE SOURCE OF PEOPLE'S MONEY. This will prevent price increases since it would not lead profit. Profit, the retailer's called cash credits, would depend rather on the volume of sales. Thus, exploiting the buyers is also prevented. The retailer, like the banker, maintains private ownership while acting as an agent of the community for the channeling of financial credit based on the country's real credit in the light of SOCIAL CREDIT FINANCIAL-ECONOMIC REFORM POLICY. The retailer has two accounts in the bank: an overdraft account (record of loans made to the retailer and repayments); and a personal account (deposit of savings on which checks can be issued). In the personal account, the retailer for sales made according to the agreed percentage for the kind of business. ORGANIZATIONAL AND MANAGEMENT STUDY There are various ways of implementing the propositions presented by Douglas, but which to consider as "the best" would be the one that does it most efficiently with the last possible modification in the present structure. In this proposed financial system, private enterprises, like the banks, rural, urban banks, financial institutions would remain private, the banks would be responsible in channeling financial credit from its source to the production sector as well as in returning such financial credit from the production sector to its source after use. The banks are in the position to carry out this service effectively with all its installations, network of branches, personnel, and mechanisms in the modern banking managements. They would continue being responsible for the loans to productions, for accounting operations in relation to consumer credit (DIVIDEND AND COMPENSATED DISCOUNT). This credit, however, would be considered an ownership of the society, and their every operation must be geared towards the objective of a financial system which is to finance the production of goods, which consumer needs to meet these needs. The banks, equipped with the accounts and installations, are almost perfectly organized to look after the operations, to check on the situation of the loans and the repayments. Even if the producers make transactions with different banks, the banks' set-up to enable them equate their debit and credit balances every twenty-four hours within them. To inject credit into the circulation, to lend it to the people who will operate the country's production capacity, and to return the credit back to its source after use, the existing channel, the banking mechanism can be utilized with or without a need to nationalize the banks. (Subject to options). Therefore, there would not be any need for the Central Bank to establish a new network of branches, neither to check those representing credit itself, nor to recall credit directly after its use. All these are tasks of the state-chartered banks. This financial credit, however, remains to be a SOCIAL INSTRUMENT and must be taken from an organization which is entirely devoted to the service of the community, of the people, implementing the democratization of money for the benefit of all citizens. SOCIETY AND ITS POPULATION, CULTURE AND CIVILIZATION ARE CONTINUALLY DOOMED TO PERISH UNDER THE PRESENT DEBT MONEY SYSTEM. There is no answer…. But Social Credit Monetary Reform Policy. Eric V. Encina Filipino Social Crediter/ Monetary Reformer c/o Lito Alhambra Old House, Homesite, Km. 2, Brgy. Lawa-an, P.O. Box 8, 5800 Roxas City, Capiz, Philippines _,_.__, Mobile Contact Number Smart 09995427779
P.S. A Letter to the Philippine President:
His Excellency Benigno "Noy-Noy" Aquino, Jr. III The President of the Republic of the Philippines Malacanang Palace Quiapo, Manila 1001 Philippines
July 30, 2010 (Letter Valid Until June 2016)
Your Excellency:
The Republic of the Philippines is drowning in hugely increasing in domestic and foreign debts as a continuation of the post administration of your Presidential predecessor, and with our people wallowing in dire poverty, hunger and starvation with its attendant evils such as crimes all over the country under the present debt finance capitalism and usury.
Millions of Filipinos are chained and locked off in debts and most individuals in poverty just like our pitiful nation, as well as many countries alike are hard-pressed to meet their interest payments under this debt-based and usury financial system.
The leaders of the global economy particularly G-20 under the control of the global banking networks appear to be quite content as they economically complacent and financially indifferent to the plight of the majority, to just patch up a band-aid remedy in effect to the present absurd and pestiferous banking system system where private banks have a complete monopoly of money by the very creation out of nothing in the form of debt and to print money only for the interest and profit of the banks.
Extremely tragic is that it is all money that is created as debt without end while miseries are piling up every to millions of poor Filipinos with the rate of 3.3 to 5 million Filipino suffering hunger every day in the countryside and while prioritizing by virtue of Presidential Decree the payment of interest to these private, foreign and international bankers. All these are continually exacerbating the very hopelessness of the situation.
We formally present to your our urgent appeal to actively promote radical and realistic changes to legislate A MONETARY REFORM ACT BILL that would allow our government through the facilities of our central Bank (Bangko Sentral Ng Pilipinas - BSP) from being privatized to become public banking and thus to take back a significant share of the money creation function debt-free schemes, and thus reduce bank leverage dramatically, for the benefit of the Filipino people and in order that poor Filipinos will have the access to public banking system for development and for economic security and prosperity.
The Government's consent by law that allows private banks to create money in the form of debt out of nothing by fractional reserve scam-schemes and then to lend the same money 15 or 20 times higher in interest and at usury to individuals, citizens, families, communities, companies and to our government expenditures only by issuing bonds and at the same policies applied to foreign borrowings must have to end in 2010.
Please take your moral stand on behalf of your Filipino voters whom you have promised your June 30, 2010 inaugural address to end corruption, injustice and poverty in the Philippines.
Make your present policies really reflect that politics can only be moral when when it is used for the arts of possibilities for the service of the Filipino people.
Above is my sample proposal as attached which we hope that your Cabinet Secretaries will consider to study and implement before it is too late.
Thank you.
Respectfully yours,
Eric V. Encina Founder/Filipino Social Crediter/Monetary Reformer Filipino Alternative Solutions for Sustainable Survival Movement Non-Governmental Group of Poor Filipino Families for Social Credit Economic/Monetary Justice, Reform & Democracy, Organic Farming and Sustainable Survival c/o Lito Alhambra Old House, Homesite, Km2, Brgy. Lawa-an, PO Box 8, 5800 Roxas City, Capiz, Philippines =====
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