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Sunday, December 19, 2010

Fwd: CC Issue Dec 19- Bradley Manning's Prison Hell

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From: Countercurrents <>
Date: Sun, Dec 19, 2010 at 7:36 PM
Subject: CC Issue Dec 19- Bradley Manning's Prison Hell

Dear Friend,

If you think the content of this news letter is critical for the dignified living and survival of humanity and other species on earth, please forward it to your friends and spread the word.It's time humanity should come together as one family! You can subscribe to our news letter here

In Solidarity
Binu Mathew

Manning Within His Rights
To Give Secrets To Wikileaks
By Sherwood Ross

If the U.S. is an aggressor state, as Germany was when Hitler invaded Poland in 1939, doesn't that change everything? America under President George W. Bush attacked two small nations that posed no threat to it

Bank Of America Cuts Off WikiLeaks Payments
By Rick Rothacker

Bank of America Corp. Friday evening said it was joining other financial institutions in declining to process payments intended for WikiLeaks

Bradley Manning's Prison Hell
By Denver Nicks

Bradley Manning, who allegedly leaked hundreds of thousands of secret government documents to Julian Assange's WikiLeaks, turned 23 in jail Friday. The Daily Beast's Denver Nicks, in an exclusive interview with Manning's attorney, reports on his solitary confinement, what he's reading (from George W. Bush to Howard Zinn), and his legal strategy

Forgetting Bradley Manning
By Laura Flanders

Assange is out of jail. But let's not forget that without Bradley Manning and many others like him, Julian Assange and WikiLeaks and all our new-found public information would be as in the dark as Manning is right now

Joe Biden v. Joe Biden On WikiLeaks
By Glenn Greenwald

In one day, Biden went from giddily declaring that "I don't think there's any damage" to gravely warning that "it has done damage."

US Drones Slaughter 54 In Pakistan
By Bill Van Auken

A series of CIA drone missile attacks Friday killed at least 54 people in Pakistan's Khyber tribal region near the Afghanistan border

What H. Res. 1765 Tells Us About The Peace Camp?
By Sama Adnan

As House Resolution 1765, formerly 1731 and 1734, passed in the House by a voice vote enjoining the Obama administration to oppose a unilateral Palestinian declaration of independence, the peace camp looked disheveled and mystified

Net Neutrality Threatened (Part II)
By Stephen Lendman

A leaked September 2010 House Energy and Commerce Committee draft bill, if enacted, will let them establish higher-priced premium lanes (two Internets), effectively destroying Net Neutrality, compromising the last free and open space. New FCC provisions may do the same

The Delusions Of The Peace Process
By Richard Falk

Is it not better at this time to rely on the growing Palestine Solidarity Movement, peace from below, and the related success being experienced in waging the Legitimacy War against Israel, what Israel itself nervously calls "the de-legitimacy project" that is viewed by its leaders and think tanks as a far greater threat to its illicit ambitions than armed resistance?

Israel Leaves Us No Choice But To Boycott
By Ali Abunimah

Palestinians have already given up so much since 1948. It's up to Israel to end its campaign of ethnic cleansing for the peace process to move forward

Ship Of Fools 2
By Uri Avnery

Everything is alright, nothing to worry about. This time, the euphoria is not producing a harvest of victory albums and songs of glory, but a deluge of racist laws that apartheid South Africa would have been jealous of, and declarations of rabbis who boast of conserving our "racial purity" (and we need not mention the place where that notion came from)

Israel's Sham Democracy
By Stephen Lendman

The Association for Civil Rights in Israel (ACRI) expressed concern about increasing anti-democratic Knesset measures proposed or passed. They're "gaining momentum and, regrettably" the new session may be worse, though at times, language in original submissions is softened

Peak Oil And Population Decline
By Peter Goodchild

Unfortunately there is no practical humane means of imposing a similar 6 percent annual rate of decline on the world's population. If we let Nature, i.e. loss of petroleum, take its course, a decline of 6 percent would result in a drop in world population to half its present level, i.e. to 3.5 billion, by about the year 2020, a mere decade from now. The only means, however, would be a rather grim one: famine

The United Nations, Total Fertility Rate (TFR)
And China
By Jason Brent

The present leadership of humanity must at least consider the 25 or 30 year history of China in evaluating the choice between voluntary and coercive population control

Stay Out Of Trouble By Not Speaking
To Western Spies
By Robert Fisk

I have avoided Western embassies throughout the world. With the exception of Irish, Swedish and Norwegian diplomats whom I know, you will find me at no Western missions anywhere. And I have never been kidnapped

So, It Is Christmas!
By Chandi Sinnathurai

Both sides cannot get stuck in this vicious cycle of blame game. New vistas must open up in order for generations of mistrust, violence and abuse to be overcome. The future is in the hands of the new generation who ought to be thinking out side the box by transcending old ways of thinking. All communities must reject the path of the painful past and must open doors for a hopeful future! Hope and peace for the future generations

American Hedgeonomy: The Final Outcome
By Timothy V. Gatto

Like the Roman Empire, thousands of years ago, the American Empire has never fought an offensive war. We have always been fighting "threats" to our way of life. While many of our best and brightest were being savagely killed and crippled by our "enemies", corporations were making ungodly profits on war materials with plenty of funds for research and development for new weapons to kill human beings

Rahul Gandhi, Saffron Terrorism And America
By Farzana Versey

Is the BJP in charge of the Hindu ethos? It is a way of life, isn't it? It is about karma, isn't it? So, let the Hindus decide what ethos they wish to follow. I don't know how exactly Rahul Gandhi has been quoted, but since he has stood by the general comment, I'd like to state that any person with some perspective can see that 'more dangerous' is contextual. It also means that the BJP is not denying anything

Let It Burn?
By TheOncomingStorm

The good people who protested on Dec. 16 at the White House have given us a beacon in the fog of war and greed, a beacon of hope that dissent, bravery, courage, determination, chutzpah is not dead in America. Chris Hedges, Dan Ellsberg, the Veterans Against the War, all of them…singing the old songs whilst chaining themselves to the White House gates - the gates of greed, hell and damnation…be there with them in jail

Better Be In Afghanistan
By Zia Ur Rehman

Afghan refugees choose to go home as the situation worsens in Pakistan

Millions Of Flood Victims In Pakistan
Now Face Harsh Winter
By Brian McAfee

Reports indicate that the hardships from Pakistan's earlier monsoon floods have been exacerbated by the onslaught of winter. The floods impacted 20 million of Pakistan's population of just over 180 million people. As the temperature dips, hundreds of thousands of displaced children and adults are susceptible to pneumonia and other cold related diseases

America's War On Islam: New Republican
Offensive Planned
By Stephen Lendman

Rep. Peter King (R. NY), new House Homeland Security Committee chairman, announced he's "planning to open a Congressional inquiry into what he calls 'the radicalization' of the Muslim community when his party takes over the House next year."

Lynne Stewart Transferred To Texas
By Stephen Lendman

She's a heroic role model deserving support at her time of need, facing nine more years unless granted redress at a very tough time when prosecutors demand cruel and unusual punishment, not mitigation. Silence, timidity, and inaction are no options against it

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Palash Biswas
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