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Thursday, March 1, 2012

Fwd: CC News Letter, 01 March - Questioning The Syrian “Casualty List”

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From: Countercurrents <>
Date: Thu, Mar 1, 2012 at 10:32 PM
Subject: CC News Letter, 01 March - Questioning The Syrian "Casualty List"

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 In Solidarity
 Binu Mathew, Editor,
 Educate! Organize! Agitate!

 Hamas Aligns Itself With US Imperialism Against Syria, Iran
 By Sahand Avedis

Hamas leader Ismail Haniya delivered a speech last Friday at Al-Azhar mosque in Cairo endorsing the Western-backed opposition in Syria and thereby confirming speculation in recent months that the Palestinian Islamist movement has found new patrons among the most reactionary regimes of the Middle East. These apparently include the military junta in Egypt, the Arab monarchies of the Persian Gulf and Turkey

Between Politics And Principles:Hamas' Perilous Maneuvers
 By Ramzy Baroud

Despite all of Hamas' assurances to the contrary, a defining struggle is taking place within the Palestinian Islamic movement. The outcome of this struggle – which is still confined to polite political disagreements and occasional intellectual tussle – is likely to change Hamas' outlook, if not fundamentally alter its position within a quickly changing Arab political landscape

Questioning The Syrian "Casualty List"
 By Sharmine Narwani

The casualty lists up close: some stories behind the numbers

Sistema Threatens To Invoke Bilateral Investment Treaty
 By Kavaljit Singh

On 28th February, Russian conglomerate Sistema JSFC sent a formal notice to Republic of India threatening international arbitration proceedings under the Bilateral Investment Treaty (BIT) if the government fails to settle the dispute related to revocation of its 21 telecom licences in an amicable way within six months

Indira - Sheikh Acccord of 1975
 By Abdul Majid Zargar

It is worth mentioning here that Abdullah never disputed the contents of the accord during his lifetime. He assumed power, enjoyed it and then passed it on to his son solely because of the accord. That being so it does not behoove of his inheritors to say now that nothing was settled in 1975 accord. That right vests with people who were not part of the accord

Sri Lanka : Drama On The Ah
 By Nilantha Ilangamuwa

Justice cannot be undermined by the victory in the battlefield. What we have to understand is that now the country is sitting badly because of the abuse of power through positions above the law, and the people who have the ultimate power must cover the country's exposed thighs

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Palash Biswas
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