CBI rituals to make no difference whatsoever as holy cow India Incs might not become a Lalu!The ruling class is rock solid to defend India incs.Now let the Radia Tapes be declared holy scripts.Now the only religion is open market economy.
Irrelevant is the prime minister`s innocence or honesty, since he was in the office as the Prime Minister of India as well as MIC coal, why should he not be booked,that is the billion dollar question as Lalu is convicted on the same logic.
राडिया टेपों को तुरंत बिना देर पवित्रतम धर्मग्रंथ मान लिया जाये क्योंकि अब विकास हमारा धर्म है।
Palash Biswas
Now let the Radia Tapes be declared holy scripts.Now the only religion is open market economy.
तो कोयला घोटाला पर इतना हंगामा क्यों बरपा है?
फेयर एंड लवली लगाने के बजाय सुंदरियों को अपने चेहरे पर कोयले की कालिख पोतनी चाहिए क्योंकि वही सर्वोत्तम सौंदर्य प्रसाधन है।
कोयला खाकर लोग कितने सेहतमंद डिओड्रेंट है।
इससे बेहतर तेल पीने से और चमकेगा सौंदर्य,भारतीय अर्थव्यव्स्था में तेल पीने वालों की चांदनी पर गौर कीजिये।
Coal scam: CBI likely to file status report before Supreme Court on October 22
Absurdity of Coal FIR: Demonising Biz
Coal FIR: Focus now on source of conspiracy & corruption
The tough questions: Were there pulls from all quarters to help cos get coal blocks? Did Cong put pressure via PMO to hand over coal blocks to A, B or C?
CBI is likely to file its status report in the coal scam before the Supreme Court on Tuesday stating details of its 14th FIR againstHindalco and others and also progress in the remaining 13 cases.
Highly-placed sources said the Supreme Court would be given the details of fresh FIR filed against Aditya Birla Group Chairman Kumar Mangalam Birla, Hindalco and former Coal Secretary P C Parakh.
They said the status of probe in remaining matters including those in which investigation has been completed will be conveyed to the apex court on October 22.
CBI has registered 14 FIRs so far in connection with the alleged graft in allocation of coal blocks in which AMR Iron and Steel, JLD Yavatmal Energy, Vini Iron and Steel Udyog, JAS Infrastructure Capital Pvt Ltd, Vikash Metals, Grace Industries, Gagan Sponge, Jindal Steel and Power, Rathi Steel and Power Ltd, Jharkhand Ispat, Green Infrastructure, Kamal Sponge, Pushp Steel and Hindalco have been named as accused.
The agency would also give a status of the preliminary enquiry registered by it in connection with the missing files, the sources said.
The Supreme Court is monitoring the probe in the coal block allocation scam to "restore the larger public interest and confidence of the people into the case of this magnitude".
The court is scrutinising coal block allocation since 1993 on three PILs seeking cancellation of blocks on the ground that rules were flouted in giving away the natural resources and that certain companies were favoured in this process.
In a recent hearing, Supreme Court had issued notices to seven coal mining states-Madhya Pradesh, Andhra Pradesh, Odisha, Jharkhand, Maharashtra, Chhattisgarh and West Bengal--to explain allocation policies adopted by them by October 29.
CBI rituals to make no difference whatsoever as holy cow India Incs might not become a Lalu!Why it happens to be a FIR against India inc while CBI booked a super gun of the India Incs in the coal scam as every citizen is equal constitutionally in people's republic of india, this question remains unanswered.
Every war criminal against humanity is laundering quite freely and aspiring for the topmost status, every other person involved in gravest financial scandal, money laundering, crude corruption,forgery is free to lead the country,free to sell off anything on this land, but an OBC leader Lalu Prasad Yadav is booked, convicted and ousted from politics.
Every other person responsible for social change in North, whoever dented the monopolistic hegemony, is booked by CBI as if these SC,ST,OBC and minority leaders are the only roots of corruption and the Hegemony eating national natural resources,banking on displacement an immigration internal, waging war against the untouchable geography,having swiss bank accounts with militarisation of the state, selling off the country and its people on name of openmarket trickling economy is corruption free all the way.
Just you have to eject out all the SC,ST,OBC and minority elements in leadership and this country would be corruption free.
हमारे यहां संकट गहराये
तो वित्त मंत्री प्रधानमंत्री
अर्थशास्त्री से लेकर अफसरान
सारे के सारे दौड़ दौड़
अमेरिका धावै
उसी अमेरिका यात्रा
की गरिमा महिमा का
संघ गुण गावै
जब गिरा रुपैया
शेयर हुए हलकान
चेनै एक्सप्रेस सीधे
वाशिंगटन, एकदम दुरंत
The apex court has clarified that Lalu Prasad Yadav had not eaten the fodder himself. The scame rooted way back into congress governments and eventually, current chief minister of Bihar Nitish Kumar also shared it in a fair way.Lalu is convicted because the scam surfaced while he was in the office as chief minister of Bihar.
The rule of the law should not be different for others,too.
The ruling class is rock solid to defend India incs.
Now let the Radia Tapes be declared holy scripts.
मीडिया राडिया बरखता केशरिया त्योहार
देवासुर महासंग्राम हुआ तो तय है
असुर नहीं,मारे जायेंगे तमाम देव देवी
मारे जायेंगे कुमार संभव असंभव
मानवताविरोधी महारथियों के मोर्चे से
दागियों के खिलाफ नैतिकता पाठ है
मीडिया बरख रहा रंग केशरिया
दिल्ली केशरिया और देश केशरिया
असुरोत्सव हो रहे हैं बिहार,झारखंड
और बंगाल में, महाराष्ट्र में तैयारी है
रांची में सुषमा असुर ने किया है
सवाल जीते जी असुरों के वध
का कैसा हो रहा है पूजा उत्सव
बाजार का रंग भी अब केशरिया
मह मह केशरिया मीडिया कैंपेन में
प्रधानमंत्री की फजीहत से भारी जश्न
जिसका ताल्लुक नहीं दागियों को
संसद से बाहर करने से,सत्ता वर्ग में
सबसे ज्यादा दागी हैं, जिनके हजारों
हजार करोड़ के घोटाले दफा रफा
चुन चुनकर सामाजिक बदलाव के
चेहरों पर सिर्फ कसा जा रहा शिकंजा
जमीन की मिल्कियत से खनिज की
मिल्कियत वाले सुप्रीम कोर्ट पर
कोई अमल लेकिन हो नहीं रहा
केशरिया रंग में सराबोर सुधार हैं अब
बाजारका रंग केशरिया है इस वक्त
मीडिया का रंग भी केशरिया हुआ
संविधान लागू न हुआ तो फिर
देवासुर संग्राम तय है यकीनन
खेत जाग रहे हैं, जाग रहे हैं जंगल
जागने लगे हैं पहाड़ भी और अपनी
बेदखली के खिलाफ जागने लगे हैं
देश भर के असुर सुरों के विरुद्ध
अब हुआ देवासुर संग्राम तो असुर
नहीं मारे जायंगे तमाम देव देवी
आस्था के विरुद्ध अनास्था जाग रही है
मिथकों के परदे के पीछे जनविरोधी
मनुष्यविरोधी अर्थतंत्र का हो ने लगा है
पर्दाफाश,कर्मकांड के खुलने लगे हैं अर्थ
Irrelevant is the prime minister`s innocence or honesty, since he was in the office as the Prime Minister of India as well as MIC coal, why should he not be booked,that is the billion dollar question as Lalu is convicted on the same logic.
चलो अच्छा हुआ चारा घोटाले में
लालू गये जेल
कभी न मिले उसको बेल
शुरु से लेकर अब तक के
तमाम रक्षा घोटालों का क्या हुआ
क्या हुआ अरुण सौरी के पर्दाफाश का
इंदिरा प्रतिभा प्रतिष्ठान और नागरवाला
आत्महत्या का मामला भूल गये
तेल सौदों का मामला
तेलमंत्रियों और तेलक्षेत्रों का घोटाला
रोज रोज मुद्रास्फीति महंगाई
बढ़ानेवाला आयात निर्यात घोटाला
सबकुछ क्यों भूल रह हैं आप
कोलगेट, रेलगेट,स्पेक्ट्रम,आईपीएल,
राष्ट्रमंडल, कालाधन सपेदधन घोटालों की
लंबी फेहरिस्त है
चारा चर गये लालू
बहुत भला हुआ
लालू गये जेल
अच्छा हो कि राजा
और कानिमुझि की तरह
लालू को न हो बेल
भोपाल त्रासदी,सिखनरसंहार,
बाबरी विध्वंस और गुजरात
नरसंहार मामलों में क्यों नहीं है
न्यायिक सक्रियता कोई
सबसे बड़ा घोटाला तो
भारत अमेरिका परमाणु संधि है
निजीकरण,उदारीकरण और
ग्लोबीकरण क्या कम
घोटाले हैं, फिर नाल्को बाल्को को जैसे
बेच दिये कौड़ी के मोल
बेच रहे हैं पोर्ट एअर पोर्ट
गैरकानूनी बायोमेट्रिक
आधार योजना का जो
देशव्यापी कारपोरेट
घोटाला है,उसका क्या
चारा खाकर लालू गये जेल
कोयला खाकर भी सेहतमंद हैं लोग
परमाणु बम और देशभर की
बुनियादी सेवाएं खाने वालों का क्या
पिछले दरवाजे स्टिमुलस का क्या
सालाना लाखों करोड़ के टैक्स छूट
घोटालों का क्या
डूब में शामिल पूरा देश उसका क्या
अनुसूचित इलाकों को
जो बना दिया वधस्थल
उसका क्या
गार को रफा दफा कर
हुआ जो कालाधन
विदेशी पूंजी प्रवाह
उसका क्या
देहात की जो हत्या हुई
हरित क्रांति दूसरी हरित क्रांति
सेज औद्योगिक गलियारा
सामाजिक योजनाओं के घोटाले
निजी पूंजी के हित में निरंतर जो
जल जंगल जमीन से बेदखली
और निरंतर जो महिषासुर वध जारी
उनका क्या
The ruling class is rock solid to defend India incs.
Now let the Radia Tapes be declared holy scripts.
India - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
ˈɪndiə/), officially the Republic of India (Bharat Ganrajya), is a country in South ... with over 1.2 billion people, and the most populous democracy in the world.
List of tallest buildings in India - History of India - Hindi - Demographics of India
History of the Republic of India - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The history of the Republic of India began on 26 January 1950. ... transfer of more than 10 million people between India and Pakistan and the death of about one ...
Constitution of India - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Constitution of India is the supreme law of India. It lays down the framework defining fundamental political principles, establishes the structure, procedures, ...
Fundamental Rights, Directive - Preamble - Amendment of the Constitution ... - List
Constitution of India -- with all the Amendments - India Code
The text of the entire constitution, in html format, broken into single pages.
Constitution of India - Ministry of Law and Justice
by OF INDIA - Related articles
Jul 29, 2008 - government system work. Its flexibility lies in its amendments. In this edition, the text of the Constitution of India has been brought up-to-date by.
Constitution of India | National Portal of India
May 3, 2013 - The Constitution of India declares India as a Sovereign Socialist Secular Democratic Republic with a parliamentary system of government.
Constitution of India (Full Text) | National Portal of India
Constitution of India (Full Text). All the hyperlinks given in this page opens a Portable Document Format (PDF) file in a new window. Adobe Acrobat Reader is ...
Owning responsibility for the Centre's controversial decision to allot a coal block in Orissa to Aditya Birla group firm Hindalco, Prime Minister Manmohan Singh Saturday said that the allotment was "entirely appropriate" and was done on the merits of the case.
In a detailed statement that summarised the course of events that led to Hindalco getting the Talabira block, the PMO also said that the allotment had been "strongly" supported by the Orissa government of Chief Minister Naveen Patnaik.
"Recommendation of the government of Odisha is important and had to be given due consideration while taking a decision in the matter," the statement said.
The explanation came days after the CBI registered an FIR and accused Hindalco Chairman Kumar Mangalam Birla and then coal secretary P C P C Parakh of criminal conspiracy in the case as the coal ministry had first rejected Hindalco's application for the mine and then changed its mind and approved the allotment.
Parakh has since said that if he has been accused of wrongdoing and conspiracy in the case so should the PM be as it was Singh who had approved the allotment.
The PMO statement also came on the day the BJP's prime ministerial candidate Narendra Modi slammed Singh over the controversy.
A PMO source said that while the 13 other coal cases being pursued by the CBI are about parties violating licence conditions such as selling of blocks, there was no such illegality in the case of Talabira.
"This is a case where (only) the final decision differed from the earlier recommendation of the screening committee, and this was done following a representation received in the Prime Minister's Office from one of the parties, which was referred to the ministry of coal," the statement said.
This morning I posted two genuine questions on the issue on social networking including google plus, facebook, twitter and blogs.
No one cared to answer these questions which highlight most fatal racial discrimination in India. Again the corporate governance, policy making and execution already invested in India Incs as Radia tapes proved in many ways, have made parliamentary democracy irrelevant as the rule of law is biased,constitution killed and the rural India and all the agrarian communities have been subjected to mass destruction and we have no escape routed from this eternal gas chamber.
All the forces of open market ethnic cleansing have united to defend the criminals of Indian people.
I am reposting my two questions once again. I would be grateful if I am enlightened.
असप्तकोटि यक्षप्रश्न द्वि
पलाश विश्वास
तमाम मित्रों से आग्रह है कि कृपया इस पहेली को बूझने में मेरी मदद करें कि आरक्षण महायुद्ध के रथी महारथी तमाम मोर्चे पर जमकर युद्धरत हैं, लेकिन बहुजनों के खिलाफ जारी सर्वात्मक कारपोरेट आक्रमण के खिलाफ उनके शब्दकोश निःशब्द क्यों हैं ?
जबकि इसवक्त नियुक्तियां हो ही नहीं रही हैं और रोजगार है ही नहीं और यह आलम खुला बाजार कारपोरेट राज के निरंकुश हो जाने के कारण बना है?
फिर गौर करें, प्रतिरोध की जमीन पर खड़े हुए बिना अस्मिता और पहचान के खंडित विमर्श के तमाम झंडेवरदार कारपोरेट राज में मलाईदार हैसियत वाले मैनेजर,मंत्री,संतरी सबकुछ हैं।
अब यह सोचने समझने का वक्त बेहद नाजुक है कि हमारे मसीहा हम अंध भक्तों, हम भेड़ बकरियों को कहां किस किस दिशा में हांक रहे हैं।
इस पहेली को सुलझाये बिना,इस चक्रव्यूह को तोड़ने का उपाय नहीं है।
कृपया अपनी राय दें ताकि इसपर बहस की जा सकें और समाधान को कोई तरकीब निकालकर मोर्चा भी बनाया जा सकें।
हर दाने का हिसाब मांग कर अपना हिस्सा मांगा जा सकें।
यह करोड़पतिया सवाल नहीं है और न पुरस्कार सम्मान का कारपोरेट कोई बंदोबस्त है।
आज रविवार है और आगे दिवाली है।
बिसात बिछने से पहले सुरासुर महासंग्राम में किसी स्वप्नादेश से थोड़ा सा अमृत हाथ लगे,तो चाख लीजै।
हालांकि सुदर्शन चक्र से भी डरते रहिये।
सोने के तमाम खजाने अलग खुल रहे हैं।
हम तो बस दिमाग के बंद दरवाजे खिड़कियां खोलने का निवेदन मात्र कर रहे हैं।
हमें सीधे लिख सकते हैं या फिर फेसबुक दीवाल पर अपनी अपनी अमुल्य सूक्तियां टांग सकते हैं महापंडितों की तर्ज पर।
कृपया एसएमएस न भेजें। इससे किसीके कारपोरेट प्राण बचने की संभावना नहीं है और न ही इस तरह आपके अमूल्य विचार हम किसी माध्यम में सहेज सकते हैं।
हम लगातार लिखते रहे हैं कि लालू ने चारा खाया तो उसे जेल हो गयी।अच्छा हुआ। कानून का राज कायम हो गया। संविधान लागू हो गया।कभी न मिले उसको बेल।
इससे क्या कि उसने हिंदी अस्मिता को स्थापित किया।देहात के मुहावरों को प्रतिष्टा दी। पत्रकार को खुद रांधकर मछली भात खिलाया।
इससे क्या चारा उसने नहीं खाया, पर मुख्यमंत्री वे थे और उनके राजकाज में चारा घोटाला हुआ।
बाकी देवासुरों के राजकाज में कहीं किसी घोटाले की कोई सूचना नहीं है।
बाकी जिसने कोई पापकर्म किया हो और उस पर कार्रवाई हो तो यह एफआईआर भारतीय अर्थ व्यवस्था,सुधार अश्वमेध और विकास दर आंकडों के विरुद्ध होगा।
प्रधानमंत्री बेहद ईमानदार हैं और उनके राजकाज में हुए घोटालों में उनका कोई हाथ ऩहीं है।
लिहाजा लालू को बेल न मिले, चुन चुन कर सीबीआई तोता लोगों को ठिकाना लगा दें जो भारत में सामाजिक बदलाव के जिम्मेदार हैं।
जो दिल्ली लखनऊ और दूसरी राजधानियों के समीकरण बदलने के जिम्मेदार हैं।
बहुत बेहतर हो कि लालू के बाद बहन मायावती, मुलायमसिंह यादव, शिबू सोरेन, मधु कोड़ा, करुणानिधि, शरद यादव, राम विलास पासवान जैसे असुर संस्कृति के दिग्गजों को जेल के सींखचों में डाल दिया जाये।
इससे भारत में भ्रष्टाचार का अंत हो जायेगा।
चूंकि इनके अलावा कोई और भ्रष्ट हैं ही नहीं।
सारा कालाधन इन्हीं के खातों में है।
बेहिसाब अकूत संपत्ति सिर्फ इन्हीं की है।
भारत में खुले बाजार की अर्थव्यवस्था से ही विकास संभव है और इसीसे गरीबी हटेगी।
जिन्हें हम धर्मांध समझते हैं,युद्ध अपराधी मानते हैं, वे सारे लोग दरअसल इस अर्थव्यवस्था और कारपोरेट राज को मजबूत करते हैं।
रक्षा सौदों में कमीशन बिना हथियार मिलते नहीं हैं।
कमीशन खाने वाले लोग चाहे लाखों करोड़ खाते रहे हैं,पर देश को तो महाशक्ति बना दिया।
विकास के लिए जरुरी है कि दूध देने वाली गाय की लातें हजम की जाये और देश की अर्थव्यवस्था के तमाम दिग्गजों को सालाना लाखों करोड़ की टैक्स छूट के अलावा उनके विरुद्ध घोटालों के अमर्यादित तमाम मामले तुरंत रफा दफा है।
राडिया टेपों को तुरंत बिना देर पवित्रतम धर्मग्रंथ मान लिया जाये क्योंकि अब विकास हमारा धर्म है।
हम मानते हैं कि सत्तावर्ग के तमाम लोग दूध के धुले हैं और महिषासुर वध धारिमक कर्मकांड हैं।
महिष से यादवों का बहुत तगड़ा नाता है।
महाराष्ट्र में यादवों का साम्राज्य रहा है, जिनका आर्यों से लगातार संघर्ष होता रहा है।
सत्रहवीं अठारवी सदी तक भारत भर में शूद्र राजाओं का राज रहा है।
लार्ड क्लाइव की ओर से कोलकाता के शोबाबाजार के राजा नवकृष्णदेव की राजबाड़ी से शूद्र राजाओं को असुर महिषासुर बनाने की जो रघुकुल रीति चली आयी, उससे ओबीसी लालू महिषाषुर बना दिये गये और उनका वध शास्त्रसम्मत है।
स्वर्ग की देवसंस्कृति में सारी अनैतिकता नैतिकता है,ऐसा पवित्र ग्रंथों और मिथकों का सारतत्व है।
तो कोयला घोटाला पर इतना हंगामा क्यों बरपा है?
फेयर एंड लवली लगाने के बजाय सुंदरियों को अपने चेहरे पर कोयले की कालिख पोतनी चाहिए क्योंकि वही सर्वोत्तम सौंदर्य प्रसाधन है।
कोयला खाकर लोग कितने सेहतमंद डिओड्रेंट है।
इससे बेहतर तेल पीने से और चमकेगा सौंदर्य,भारतीय अर्थव्यव्स्था में तेल पीने वालों की चांदनी पर गौर कीजिये।
यह करोड़पतिया सवाल नहीं है और न पुरस्कार सम्मान का कारपोरेट कोई बंदोबस्त है।
आज रविवार है और आगे दिवाली है।
बिसात बिछने से पहले सुरासुर महासंग्राम में किसी स्वप्नादेश से थोड़ा सा अमृत हाथ लगे,तो चाख लीजै।हालांकि सुदर्शन चक्र से भी डरते रहिये। सोने के तमाम खजाने अलग खुल रहे हैं।
हम तो बस दिमाग के बंद दरवाजे खिड़कियां खोलने का निवेदन मात्र कर रहे हैं।
हमें सीधे लिख सकते हैं या फिर फेसबुक दीवाल पर अपनी अपनी अमुल्य सूक्तियां टांग सकते हैं महापंडितों की तर्ज पर।चाहे तो गुगल प्लस या ट्विटर पर भी।
कृपया एसएमएस न भेजें।
इससे किसीके कारपोरेट प्राण बचने की संभावना नहीं है और न ही इस तरह आपके अमूल्य विचार हम किसी माध्यम में सहेज सकते हैं।
FIR against KM Birla & Parakh: Focus now shifts to CBI & PMO in coal scam
By Soma Banerjee, ET Bureau | 20 Oct, 2013, 06.24AM IST
CBI's pursuit of industrialists from the top drawer, succeeds in making a mockery of India Inc's apparent progress in the anti-corruption crusade
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Almost 48 hours after Kumar Mangalam Birlabecame the latest industrialist to find himself in the crosshairs of the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI), and 24 hours before theSupreme Court ordered the nationalinvestigative agency to probe six instances of prima facie criminality in taped conversations of a lobbyist for some of India's biggest conglomerates, the creme de la creme of India Inc got a booster shot from unexpected quarters.
A study by global anti-corruption groupTransparency International (TI) titled 'Transparency in Corporate Reporting: Assessing Emerging Market Multinationals' concluded that "companies from India are clearly ahead of the pack" in their efforts to curb corruption. The rest of the "pack" had companies - 100 in total - from 16 developing economies, including China (the worst performer), Russia, Brazil, Egypt, Mexico, Hungary, Indonesia and the UAE.
One section of TI's study scored companies for reporting on anti-corruption programmes, including measures such as "facilitation payments" and "political contributions". A clutch of Indian corporations found themselves in the top bracket with scores of between 77% and 92% against a rather dismal sample average of 46%.
Scoring well along with a sprinkling of Tata firms for its apparent eagerness to disclose anti-corruption measures is Bharti AirtelBSE 2.27 % (88%), whose chairman Sunil Mittal in April this year had to submit personal bonds in a CBI special court as guarantees for his appearance in a case related to alleged excess allocation of radio airwaves in 2002 by the telecom services provider.
Late last year, the CBI had filed a charge sheet in a case involving hoarding of excess spectrum in which it named, among other telecom companies, Bharti Airtel. For good measure, Bharti Airtel also comes in at No. 4 in the overall study on transparency with an index score of 6.4.
It gets better. Hindalco, the company for which the CBI's first information report (FIR) insists that Birla entered into a criminal conspiracy with former coal secretary PC Parakh for getting a coal block allocated, is one of the companies that scores pretty high on "organisational transparency". TI's study has HindalcoBSE 3.15 % scoring a high 75% - against the sample average of 54% - for its willingness to be open about "complex corporate structures [that] can hide tax evasion and bribes".
As far as TI is concerned, Mittal and Birla - along with the Tatas, InfosysBSE 1.41 %, Vedanta Resources among others - aren't faring too badly in doing their bit to "stop corruption from being a part of their business".
Now only if the CBI would agree. The investigative agency's relentless pursuit of industrialists from the top drawer (by market value and revenues) - along with top bureaucrats and politicians - succeeds in making a mockery of India Inc's apparent progress in the anti-corruption crusade.
Why, even Ratan Tata - until recently chairman of the Tata group of which six companies figure in TI's top 10 list of most transparent in emerging markets - found himself at the receiving end of the CBI's investigation into the misallocation of 2G spectrum but eventually got a clean chit.
Citizens who would be tired of news channels and headlines screaming corruption ad nauseam - much of it of the crony kind, involving politicians, babus and industrialists - may be tempted to scoff at TI's findings; but when on Tuesday the CBI named the Aditya Birla groupchairman, of which Hindalco is a part, in the FIR relating to a scandal involving alleged misallocation of coal blocks, his counterparts in India Inc along with a slew of ministers in the ruling UPA regime couldn't help wondering aloud if the CBI had gone too far. Hindalco in a statement said it had done nothing wrong.
Predictably, India Inc came out in full force against the FIR - the 14th in the Coalgate investigations - in the days after it hit the headlines. Industry doyen Rahul Bajaj told ET Magazine: "There is a feeling that the decisions and actions of the government appear to take industry back to the licence-permit raj of pre-1991 days." Yet, he doesn't think it's just the government to blame. "Whether 2G or Coalgate or any other similar case, culprits include the giver and the receiver of illicit funds. Hence, business and government are both guilty."
Bajaj acknowledges that it's not easy to remove bad eggs from among politicians or industrialists. However, the numbers can be reduced substantially if discretionary policies are reduced to a minimum and if, after due process of law, a bureaucrat, a politician or a businessman is found guilty, he must be severely punished. "Often it is found that the guilty gets away due to corruption and the honest, perhaps due to some technical error, gets caught," adds Bajaj.
Minister of state for telecommunication, IT, shipping and ports Milind Deora told ET: "We're still unable to differentiate between policy decisions and scams. They're usually unrelated because there can be a scam in what's perceived to be a good policy decision and no scam in what's considered to be a bad policy decision."
A government concerned about deficits, a depreciated rupee and muted investor sentiment was quick to voice its concern about the counter-productiveness of such apparent witch-hunting. Information & broadcasting minister Manish Tiwari, among the first ministers to speak on the issue on Wednesday, told ET: "Alleged criminal culpability of leaders of corporate India should be juxtaposed with implications it has on investment growth and overall business climate given the corrosive nature of our public discourse."
Industry minister Anand Sharma told ET: "We have to make a distinction between bonafide and malafide decisions; a bureaucrat or a minister cannot be hauled up without examining the complexity of policy-making. We cannot label every one with the same tag of corruption."
The question then, of course, is that if notIndia Inc then who should carry the can? And it's then that a can of worm unravels that inevitably poses uncomfortable questions to a government that's been plagued with corruption charges, many of which lead all the way to the prime minister's office (see PMO and Coalgate).
On Saturday, the PMO put out a statement saying that the final decision on the allocation of the Talabira coal block (the one awarded to a JV of Hindalco and two PSU joint venture partners), which differed from the earlier recommendation of the Screening Committee, was taken following a representation received in the PMO "from one of the parties, which was referred to the ministry of coal". "The prime minister is satisfied that the final decision taken in this regard was entirely appropriate..."
As minister in charge of coal for around five years in UPA's two regimes, the PM came under attack once the coal scam surfaced.
What PM could have done
According to the CAG, competitive bidding could have been introduced in 2006 by amending the existing administrative instructions.
The PM's counter (In Parliament)
A meeting was convened in the PMO on July 25, 2005, which was attended by representatives of coal and lignite bearing states in which representatives of state governments were opposed to the proposed switchover to competitive bidding. Legislative changes that would be required for the proposed change would require considerable time.
Therefore, it was decided to continue with the allocation of coal blocks through the screening committee procedure. It was only in August 2006 that the Department of Legal Affairs opined that competitive bidding could be introduced through administrative instructions. However, the Department also opined that legislative amendments would be required.
The tough questions
Were there pulls and pushes from all quarters to help private companies get coal blocks?
Did the Congress party put pressure through the PMO to hand over coal blocks to A, B or C?
When state governments, including those ruled by the BJP, urged the Centre not to go for bidding, did they represent a particular corporate entity?
Why some of these questions may have no answers:
Parakh may have had some of the answers but by making him an accused, Parakh as a potential witness has been neutralised as the version of an accused has no standing in court.
The UPA for its part has been making all efforts to shrug off scandals that have erupted in its second stint in government. The two biggest ones were courtesy former Comptroller and Auditor General of India (CAG) Vinod Rai, whose reports on 2G spectrum and coal blocks allocation squarely blamed the government for losses of billions of dollars for misallocation of spectrum and for windfall gains to those allocated coal blocks in an arbitrary manner. But the more it attempts to deflect the attention of such scandals, the more does it backfire in spectacular fashion.
The former coal secretary Parakh ensured the rebound was magnified when he told reporters that if he is accused for recommending Hindalco in 2005, shouldn't the PM who was the final approver as coal minister then, also be in the same boat?
That was the cue for the Opposition and even a couple of coalition partners to rush in for the kill. Their ire was directed at the two weakest points of the UPA: a prime minister who hasn't been able to do enough to curtail the corruption that has dogged his government, thereby making him appear an accomplice; and a government that seems to be clueless about the rampage on which the national investigative agency has embarked upon.
"The week-long developments show how the government is not in control of anything. That cluelessness stems from the top," says a coalition partner who is a member of parliament and who did not want to be named. The CBI for its part has taken its cue from the Supreme Court, which recently directed the agency to stop being a "caged parrot" and to stop listening to its "master's voice".
The CBI would have used the court's directive to free itself from apparent interference into its investigations into Coalgate. To be sure, CBI director Ranjit Sinha thundered to the press that he had "evidence" on Parakh - that it was Parakh who overturned a screening committee's decision and allotted coal blocks to Hindalco. "This is a Supreme Court-monitored investigation and we are going by the rulebook." CBI officials on condition of anonymity have said the documentary evidence against Parakh includes notings on files by officials of the coal ministry who had objected to Parakh's decision.
Sinha, however, didn't appear to have much support from the government, although most spokespersons and ministers ET Magazine spoke to did make it a point to note that they were "all for transparency and action against corruption". But they did drive home the point that the CBI may be on shaky ground. Corporate affairs minister Sachin Pilot said caution should be taken that such actions are based on hard facts and do not create an atmosphereof fear and uncertainty.
To be sure, legal experts who read the FIR wonder privately why the CBI was trigger-happy in naming Birla and Parakh, and not the "competent authority" in the FIR. After all it was this authority that first agreed to the screening committee's recommendation to reject Hindalco, and subsequently approved the coal secretary's decision to allot Hindalco a coal block(thereby ignoring the screening committee's recommendation).
"We had named Jindal and we had to follow the same rule in this case. We will name all owners in future FIRs too," a senior CBI official told ET Magazine, although he did admit that the agency desisted from naming the PMO and referred to it as the competent authority at this stage to avoid controversy. "It was not necessary to name the competent authority at the FIR stage," he added.
Legal experts point out that with Parakh saying that it was the PM (as coal minister) who took the final decision, it's clear who the competent authority is. And if the CBI is to be believed that it is still early days to name that authority, it may do so when the investigation proceeds beyond the FIR stage.
In any case, naming the competent authority matters little, now that the PMO has come out in the open and declared that it approved the allocation of the coal block.
Conspiracy theorists point out that the reason to bring in an industrialist from "below the radar" into the probe is to scuttle it, and ensure that everybody - politicians, bureaucrats, industrialists - go scot-free.
Making Parakh an accused also helps this endeavour as it neutralises him as a potential witness. Perhaps it would be pragmatic this time around to heed senior Congress leaderDigvijay Singh when he says the "witch hunting" should stop at a time when the country is forced to import coal to feed its thermal power stations.
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Indian coal allocation scam - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Jump to September 2012. Coalgate reaches Supreme Court of India - [edit]. You may have well laid down policy but was it implemented? Is it a sheer ...
Coalgate and KM Birla: Why India Inc should not cry wolf
Firstpost-3 hours ago
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The Asian Age-19-Oct-2013
Coalgate: BJP slams Congress, says PM's clarification selective
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New Delhi: After PMO's statement defending the coal blocks allocation to Hindalco, the BJP has demanded Prime Minister Manmohan Singh to ...
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New Delhi: CPI (M) leader Sitaram Yechury on Sunday said that the investigation into the coal block allocation should be completed as soon as ...
Coalgate: IAS officers body seeks safeguard for bureaucrats
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New Delhi: Agitated over CBI's FIR which named former Coal Secretary P C Parakh as an accused in the Coalgate scam, central IAS officers' ...
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Coalgate: PMO defends coal block allotment to Birla's Hindalco
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While defending the decision, the PMO referred to Singh's statements earlier that the government has nothing to hide and it will fully cooperate ...
Hours before UP rally, CM hits out at UPA for Coalgate scam
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Coalgate: CBI isn't done, to launch own FIR serial on India Inc
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Coalgate: OJM flays Naveen
The New Indian Express-8 hours ago
Referring to the explanation of the Odisha government that the final decision on coalallocation rests with the Centre, Pyarimohan alleged that ...
Parakh fails to defend Coalgate U-turn: CBI
Hindustan Times-19-Oct-2013
During his preliminary examination by the CBI, former coal secretary PC Parakh has allegedly failed to justify his decision in 2005 to allocate ...
Coalgate: Two words in CBI FIR haunt UPA
Times of India-by Neeraj Chauhan-18-Oct-2013
NEW DELHI: As the CBI continues to be cagey about whether it will specifically investigate Manmohan Singh or his advisor T K A Nair for their ...
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