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Thursday, June 10, 2010

Fwd: Releases..............pt2

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From: Press Information Bureau Ministry of I&B <>
Date: Thu, Jun 10, 2010 at 2:33 PM
Subject: Releases..............pt2

Press Information Bureau

Government of India

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Ministry of Human Resource Development

Proposal for initiation of second phase of Technical Education Quality Improvement Programme (TEQIP) approved

New Delhi: June 10, 2010


The Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs today approved the proposal for initiation of second phase of Technical Education Quality Improvement Programme (TEQIP).

The total project expenditure is Rs.2430 crore, in which the World Bank contribution is Rs.1395.50 crore, the Government of India contribution (as per 11th Five Year Plan) is Rs.500 crore, the States contribution is Rs.518.50 crore and private unaided institutions contribution is Rs.16 crore.

The major benefits of the project are strengthening of Institutions with improved learning outcomes and employability of graduates, scaled-up post graduate education and demand-driven R&D and innovation, establishment of Centres of Excellence and imparting of pedagogical training to the faculty.

The project will be implemented in pursuance of the National Policy on Education (NPE-1986 revised in 1992) through MHRD as a "Centrally Sponsored Scheme" with matching contribution from State Governments and Union Territories (UTs). The project will be open for competition and participation by all the AICTE (All India Council for Technical Education) approved engineering institutions from all States / Union Territories across the country. An estimated 200 engineering institutions including the Centrally Funded Institutions (CFIS) such as National Institute of Technology (NITs) will be competitively selected along with a small number of eligible private unaided institutions. The project will also support universities which affiliate project institutions.



The quality of education and training being imparted in the engineering education institutions varies from excellent to poor, with some institutions comparing favourably with the best in the world and others suffering from different degrees of handicaps. There is a huge gap between the educational standards of the Indian Institutes of Technology (IITs) and other engineering institutions and the gap needs to be bridged.

The Technical Education Quality Programme (TEQIP) was envisaged in 2003 as a long term programme of about 10-12 years duration to be implemented in three phases for transformation of the technical education system with World Bank assistance. The first phase of Technical Education Quality Improvement Programme was envisaged in 2003 and ended on March 31st,2009, covering 127 Institutions in 13 States. In order to continue the development activities initiated through TEQIP-I, TEQIP-II is planned as a sequel project.


akt/hs/rk/dk/kol/14:15 hrs.


Press Information Bureau

Government of India

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Ministry of Agriculture                  

National Mission on Micro Irrigation (NMMI)

New Delhi: June 10, 2010


The Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs today approved the implementation of the existing Micro Irrigation Scheme (MIS) as the National Mission on Micro Irrigation (NMMI) during the Eleventh Plan period with an outlay of Rs.8032.90 crore, of which Rs.3409.26 crore will be contributed by the Department of Agriculture and Cooperation (DAC) as Central share comprising 40% subsidy for general farmers and 50% subsidy for small and marginal farmers.

Based on the recommendations of the Task Force on Micro Irrigation constituted by the Government of India, a scheme for implementation of micro irrigation technology in agriculture is being implemented in the country since 2005-06 as the Micro Irrigation Scheme. The technology involves irrigating crops at the root zone as per the crop requirement comprising drip and sprinkler systems. This technology greatly enhances water use efficiency and can also be used for fertilizer application.

This Mission will result in 2.85 million hectare to be brought under micro irrigation; savings in use of irrigation water, fertilizer and electricity; increase in production and productivity of crops; convergence with other ongoing schemes of DAC and other Ministries on creation of water harvesting structures and linking the same with Micro Irrigation system for higher water use efficiency and enhanced return to the farmers.

Since the inception of the Scheme, an area of 17.92 lakh hectare has been brought under micro irrigation in 18 States by utilizing Rs.2013.39 crore as the central share. MIS comprises 40% as Central share, 10% as State Government share and 50% as the beneficiary's share.


The proposed NMMI incorporates-

• Revised cost norms and pattern of assistance based on the recommendations of Cost Norms committee constituted by DAC.

• Introduction of new components with advanced technologies on micro irrigation like semi permanent sprinkler system, fertigation system, sand filters, different types of valves etc. • Inclusion of closed space crops like vegetable, spices, and oilseeds.

• Release of Central share to the State Implementing Agencies instead of districts.


akt/hs/rk/dk/kol/14:16 hrs.


Press Information Bureau

Government of India

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Ministry of Environment and Forests                     

Ganga Action Plan (GAP) Phase-II project at Varanasi, U.P approved

New Delhi: June 10, 2010


The Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs today approved the proposal "JICA (Japan International Cooperation Agency) assisted Ganga Action Plan (GAP) Phase-II project at Varanasi, U.P." under the National Ganga River Basin Authority (NGRBA) programme at an estimated cost of Rs.496.90 crore. The project cost will be shared on 85:15 basis between the Government of India and the Government of Uttar Pradesh, except for the component of Consulting Services, which will be borne entirely by the Government of India. The share of the Centre and the Government of U.P. in the project will be Rs.427.73 crore and Rs.69.17 crore respectively.

The project will have direct beneficial impact in terms of reduction of pollution load in the river Ganga in the region besides collateral benefits like irrigation by effluents from Sathwa Sewage Treatment Plant (STP), and employment opportunities particularly at the construction stage.

The project will also benefit the local population and large population of local and foreign tourists who visit Varanasi for its spiritual and cultural importance. It will also improve the aesthetics of the area. Biogas (methane) from STP will be used to generate electricity. This will not only be a non-conventional energy source but will also provide benefits in terms of reducing green house gas emissions.


akt/hs/rk/dk/kol/14:16 hrs.


Press Information Bureau

Government of India

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Ministry of Heavy Industries & Public Enterprises                             

Financial restructuring of Bharat Bhari Udyog Nigam Ltd and transfer of administrative control of its subsidiaries Burn Standard Company Ltd and Braithwaite & Co Ltd to Ministry of Railways and transfer of refractory unit of Burn Standard Company Ltd to Steel Authority of India Ltd

New Delhi: June 10, 2010


The Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs today approved the proposal of financial restructuring of Bharat Bhari Udyog Nigam Ltd (BBUNL), transfer of administrative control of its subsidiaries Burn Standard Company Ltd (BSCL) and Braithwaite & Co Ltd to Ministry of Railways, transfer of Refractory unit of BSCL at Salem to Steel Authority of India Ltd (SAIL) and merger of another subsidiary the Braithwaite, Burn and Jessop Construction Co Ltd and the BBUNL.

This involves an expenditure of Rs 1139.16 crore as Non Financial assistance crore by waiving off of Government of India Loan and interest of Burn Standard Company and financial assistance of Rs 14.15 crore to the Burn Standard Company.

As a part of financial restructuring of the Burn Standard Company Ltd, a Plan loan of Rs 31.70 crore, a Non-Plan loan of Rs 350.82 crore given by GOI and Zero Rate Debenture of Rs 75.03 crore given by GOI as on 31.12.2009 will be converted into equity and subsequently the equity will be reduced by Rs. 457.55 crore with a corresponding reduction in accumulated losses. The Plan loan, Non-Plan loan of Rs 28.16 crore and Zero Rate Debenture of Rs 14.30 crore given by GOI to subsidiaries of Burn Standard Company as on 31.03.2009 will be converted into equity and subsequently the equity will be reduced by Rs. 42.46 crore with a corresponding reduction in accumulated losses. Government will provide Rs. 14.16 crore Non-Plan fund in the form of equity for discharging current statutory liabilities as on 31.03.2009. Normal and penal interest of Burn Standard Company on the Gol loan of Rs.639.15 crore as on 31.03.2009 will be waived and no further interest would be levied beyond the cut off date of 31.03.2009.

Transfer of wagon making companies to the Railways will help the companies to become commercially viable as this would resolve a basic problem being faced by them. Upon transfer to Steel Authority of India Ltd, the Salem refractory unit of Burn Standard Company unit will have access to funds for modernization and capacity expansion.

Burn Standard Company Ltd has 1418 employees and Braithwaite and Company ltd has 459 employees. Improvement of the financial performance of these companies will improve the compensation to the workmen and contribute to further economic development of the areas in West Bengal and Tamil Nadu where these units are located.


akt/hs/rk/dk/kol/14:16 hrs.


Press Information Bureau

Government of India

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Cabinet Committee on Infrastructure                    

Approval for the Project of Four Laning of Krishnanagar-Baharampore Section of NH-34 in the State of West Bengal under NHDP Phase III

New Delhi: June 10, 2010


The Cabinet Committee on Infrastructure (CCI) today approved the implementation of the project of four laning of 78 Km. long of Krishnanagar-Baharampore section of NH-34 in the State of West Bengal under NHDP Phase III on Design, Build, Finance, Operate & Transfer (DBFOT) basis on BOT(Annuity) mode of delivery.

The total project cost is estimated at Rs.702.16 crore. The concession period is 15 years including a construction period of 30 months and the best bidder shall be eligible to receive 25 annuities of the lowest amount quoted payable semi-annually.

NH-34 is an important highway and lifeline for North-South road transport in the State of West Bengal. It passes through the state longitudinally and connects the North-Eastern States and neighbouring countries such as Nepal, Bhutan and Bangladesh. The traffic would further increase substantially due to the implementation of South Asia Free Trade Agreement (SAFTA) among SAARC Countries (Nepal, Bhutan and Bangladesh). The commercial traffic generated/originated from Haldia Port, Kolkata and industrial areas in South Bengal heading towards North Bengal, North-Eastern States, Neighbouring Countries (Nepal, Bhutan and Bangladesh) has only one route i.e. NH-34.



In March 2005, the Cabinet gave approval for four/six laning of 4000 km. of National Highways under NHDP Phase IIIA on BOT basis. Subsequently, approval for additional stretches for implementation of four laning was granted in May 2006, October 2006 and April 2007. Total tentative length of 12109 km is to be done at an estimated cost of Rs.80,626 crores. The aforesaid stretch is a part of the approved stretches.

The implementation of Project will reduce the time and cost of travel for traffic plying between Kolkata and North Bengal. It will also increase the potential of employment to local labourers for the project activities and add to the transportation facilities for tourism in the State.


akt/hs/rk/dk/kol/14:18 hrs.



Press Information Bureau

Government of India

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Cabinet Committee on Infrastructure                    

Approval for the Project of Two Lane with paved shoulders of Jhansi-Khajuraho Section of NH-75 in Madhya Pradesh and Uttar Pradesh under NHDP Phase III

New Delhi: June 10, 2010


The Cabinet Committee on Infrastructure (CCI) today approved the implementation of the project of two lane with paved shoulders of 164.30 Km. long Jhansi-Khajuraho section of NH-75 in the States of Madhya Pradesh and Uttar Pradesh under NHDP Phase III on Design, Build, Finance, Operate & Transfer (DBFOT) basis.

The total project cost is estimated at Rs.494 crore. The concession period is 18 years including a construction period of 30 months.

The project is covered in the three districts of Madhya Pradesh and Uttar Pradesh, i.e. Jhansi, Tikamgarh and Chhattarpur.



In March 2005, the Cabinet gave approval for four/six laning of 4000 km. of National Highways under NHDP Phase IIIA on BOT basis. Subsequently, approval for additional stretches for implementation of four laning was granted in May 2006, October 2006 and April 2007. Total tentative length of 12109 km is to be done at an estimated cost of Rs.80,626 crores. The aforesaid stretch is a part of the approved stretches.

The implementation of the project will reduce the time and cost of travel for traffic, particularly heavy traffic running between Jhansi and Khajuraho. It will also increase the potential of employment to local labourers for the project activities and development of tourism activities.


akt/hs/rk/dk/kol/14:18 hrs.


Press Information Bureau

Government of India

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Cabinet Committee on Infrastructure                    

Approval for the Project of Four Laning of Jetpur-Somnath Section of NH-8D in Gujarat under NHDP Phase III

New Delhi: June 10, 2010


The Cabinet Committee on Infrastructure (CCI) today approved the implementation of the project of four laning of 123.45 Km. long Jetpur-Somnath section of NH-8D in the State of Gujarat under NHDP Phase III on Design, Build, Finance, Operate & Transfer (DBFOT)/BOT(Toll) basis.

The total project cost is estimated at Rs.828 crore. The concession period is 30 years including a construction period of 30 months. .



In March 2005, the Cabinet gave approval for four/six laning of 4000 km. of National Highways under NHDP Phase IIIA on BOT basis. Subsequently, approval for additional stretches for implementation of four laning was granted in May 2006, October 2006 and April 2007. Total tentative length of 12109 km is to be done at an estimated cost of Rs.80,626 crores. The aforesaid stretch is a part of the approved stretches. .

The implementation of the project will reduce the time and cost of travel for traffic plying between Jetpur and Somnath, connecting two major cities of Gujarat. It will also increase the potential of employment to local labourers for the project activities.


akt/hs/rk/dk/kol/14:18 hrs.


Palash Biswas
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