युद्धं देहि……..उन्होंने कहा था
Indian Holocaust My Father`s Life and Time - THREE HUNDRED Eighty TREE
Palash Biswas
Shaffronisation Overlaps Uttarakhand as well as BENGAL as MARX Exit and Enter DIDI with Maoist Support!
Waves of Trinamool green began pulsing through Kolkata on Wednesday morning, as the city proved it has unlatched itself from the traditional red of the Left!Meanwhile,the central government on Wednesday ordered a probe by the Central Bureau of Investigation into the derailment of the Jnaneswari Express near Jhargram in West Bengal's Midnapore district that killed around 150 people May 28.
On the other hand,US says it trusts PM Manmohan Singh on passage of N-liability bill!
The Trinamool Congress on Wednesday crushed West Bengal's ruling Left Front in civic polls seen as a trial run to next year's make-or-break assembly election, wresting the prestigious Kolkata Municipal Corporation and scores of urban municipalities in the state.As thousands of Trinamool activists cheered their leader and Railway Minister Mamata Banerjee in Kolkata and scores of towns, the party demanded an immediate assembly election saying the Left had lost the right to rule West Bengal. A shaken Left rejected the demand.
The Congress, which had refused to have a tie-up with the Trinamool ahead of Sunday's polls, finished a poor third in most places but still held the key to power in many municipalities.
What the Media does not Highlight is the Hindutva Psyche of all Bengali Political, Social and Intellectual activists. Ideology makes no difference in Hate Muslim and hate Dalit in Bengal. But the Anti Muslim campaign would not allow neither SC or OBC to come together with the Muslims while ST Communities are SGREGATE as in Lalgarh , Dantewada and DANDAKARANYA. RSS supports MS Mamata Bannerjee actively against the Popular belief of RSS CPIM alliance and BJP has got THREE seats against the TWO which they held since TMC BJP alliance. The UNDECLARED joint Front of TMC and Brahaminical party is the REAL danger ahead, bigger than the maoist Menace which does SAFFRONISE Bengal most Physically! These Three Seats in Kolkat Corpoartion has to be MULTIPLY very soon in other versions of the ELECTION while AMBEDKARITES themselves are SHFFRONISED as the so called Marxists are!
This Morning, I got a long waited phone call from Chanuada, Kaushani. My Room Partner during DSB Nainital days, Kapilesh Bhoj ringed me before the Kolkata Verdict was Live on TV. Only last day, I got the Copy of the latest Issue of Nainital Samachar which carried the reports on DANTEWADA Shanti March led by Banwari Lal Sharma, AZZADI Bachao Andolan.The team included Gandhian and Sarvodaya Activists, NGOs and Nationality Movement Activists like Rajiv Lochan Shah.Later, Rajiv Kumar, who also got the call from Bhoj, told me that Rajivda has a Gandhian Family Back ground as MK Gandhi stayed with his family in the Takula state during his visit to Nainital. It is not Unexpected but the team also included some RSS elements which ultimately GLORIFIED SALWA Jududm and the report Published in Nainital Samachar says that the Tribals victimised by Maoist Menace had been made SPOs. The team visited SALAWA and also visited the CRPF camp where they paid Homage to the CRPF Jawans massacred in Dantewada.
It is stunning as it had been Stunning all the way that the Environment Movement launched by Sarvoday and supported by Uttrakhand Nationality Movement and Naxal activists had been HIJACKED by the RSS. Haridwar has become the Head Quarter of the Zionist Global Hindutva resurgence thanks to Baba Ramdev. RSS runs the Government in Uttarakhand and Social Activism means NGO Activities FUNDED by Foreign capital.Our old Friends are now in HI FI status thanks to NGO. Earlier, the JP VAHINI organised a camp in Nainital, in the Mahadevi Verma Shodha Sansthan(manged by BATROHI) campus and our dear leader SHAMSHER Singh attended the Camp along with VHP activists.
I called on our guide Anand Swarup Verma and explained the Current all India Political and Economic Scenario attracting his attention to the MNC Thrust of Oil and Gas production in and around Gujarat and Rajasthan which causes shift of US War Economy Interest specifically in reference to Strategic Realliance in US Israel Lead and India`s partnership in the so called War against Terror and US MILITARY, CIA and Mossad Presence Physically in South Asia. Anandji had been active to create alternative media for Four Decades and Never Changed his Stance and Ideology. He is an Expert in Nepal affairs. I sought his opinion on the Saffronisation of Hills as US Interests and Global Hindutva plan to make a Buffer zone in the Himalayas to Resist the Changes Imminent in Nepal as well as the South Asian geopolitics. Anandji suggested to to talk to our Friends including Rajiv, Shekhar and Shamsher as he does not Believe that so much so Committed Social Activists should join the RSS brigade and indulge themselves in Saffron Politics! I would.Anandji also quoted some instances when he had to accidentally share Dias with Unwanted elements. he believes that Such Accidents may take place and we must not doubt the INTEGRITY of our Trusted Old Friends! I also discussed the Economy Inflated and the Dangers ahead as Unprecedented Violence may create ANARCHY in Near Future and the Time is Running out. Anand Ji agreed and suggested that we should sit together and do something positive.Then I talked to Dilip Mandal who leads the OBC head Count campaign based in New Delhi and asked him to take the INITIATIVE for the much needed Meeting.
Action Alert!I request all like minded Friends with Much Needed VISION to look Through the Clouds created by Mind Control Mission, to come Forward and take INITIATIVE so that we may INTERRUPT the process of Ultimate Mass Destruction, Degeneration and Disintegration most IMMINENT!
I discussed the issues with Friends countrywide! Mulnivasi BAMCEF President asked me how the UPA government should succeed to pass all the anti People Financial and economic Bills with just 274 Number. I told him that Excellent Floor Adjustment is the best way to bypass Constitution and Parliament. Then, NDA, UPA and the Left have NO Difference in attitude as far as Economic Reforms are Concerned. Polity, Industry, MNCs, India Incs, NGOs, Civil society, Policy makers, Economists, Social Activists, Intelligentsia, FDI fed media- the enlightend section of the Society in UNITED to accomplish the Hidden agenda of economic Ethnic Cleansing. More than THERE HUNDRED MPs in the Loksabha and Half of The Rajya Sabha Members as Majority of STATE Legislatures are Mult Billionairs! How do we EXPECT them to take a PRO People stance!
I had been writing about Bengali Colonial Brahaminical Nationality and the Scientific Manusmriti rule for SIX Decades as Partition Holocaust has DIVIDED the Majority Enslaved Bonded Demography of Refugees, SC, ST, OBC and Minority Communities in Separate Islands. OBC nationwide has Proved itself as the Dynamo of change. Even the Developed OBC castes like Maratha a Jats who considered themselves as Caste Hindu till yesterday, do Identify themselves as Aboriginal, Indigenous and Mulnivasi. BUT OBC Communities in Bengal have not Changed the Brahamincal Lifestyle and tag themselves with the Rulers. Even they hate to identify themselves as OBC, despite being the Forty fifty Percent majority of the Bengali Demography!
I also had been writing that Nandigram, Singur or Lalgarh Insurrections have nothing to do with the Emergence Of Mamata Matua as the Winner. Exit Marx had been ensured with the Publication of SACHHAR Comitteee Report as the Muslims, for the First time are DISILLUSIONED with the Marxist Anti US Hypocrititc stance and secular attitude to sustain the Brahaminical Manusmriti rule. Twenty Seven Percent Muslims have gone against the Brahmin front. It played Havoc as in Kamarhati, despite the Left managed majority, it lost all the Wards with Muslim Majority!
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Palash chandra Biswas's Blog at BIGADDA >> JATI Hi PUCHHO SADHU KI ...
15 Jan 2010 ... Arya-Brahmin Vengeance on Bengali-Tamil Dalits & Chakma Adivasi … ... Palash chandra Biswas. BIGADDA Blogs …. with Aboriginal Tribes and Muslims and ...... Vishnu, seem to have been already admitted into the Brahmanical system, ... Myth of Brahminical Hegemony : Moor Nam blogs on sulekha, Religion … ...
blogs.bigadda.com/.../jati-hi-puchho-sadhu-kicaste-names-in-bihar-congress-list-fir-against-jagdish-tytler-anil-sharma/ - Cached - Similar Palash chandra Biswas's Blog at BIGADDA >> Just See the MOTTO ...
12 Nov 2009 ... Palash biswas द्वारा 27 अक्टूबर, 2009 3:37 PM पर पोस्टेड # … ...... I am based in Bengal and had been opposing the Marxist Bengali Brahaminical ..... It is ' Brahmanism ' . Brahmanism at its core denies the ...... political and economic hegemony in the Southern as well as the ...
blogs.bigadda.com/.../just-see-the-motto-behind-as-they-have-excellent-logic-for-war-against-black-untouchable-brotherhood-worldwide/ - Cached - Similarpalashbiswaslive: Fwd: Jai Mulnivasi
29 Mar 2010 ... They try to keep the Brahmanical system alive and have never revolted against the system. .... Palash Biswas Pl Read: http://nandigramunited-banga.blogspot.com/ .... BHARAT MUKTI Morcha against BRAHAMINICAL Hegemony,. ...
palashbiswaslive.blogspot.com/2010/03/fwd-jai-mulnivasi.html - Cachedpalashbiswaslive: Fwd: Shrimant Bajirao Peshwa I The Great warrior ...
24 May 2010 ... Fwd: We are making an online archive for Bengali D.. ..... Palash Biswas on New economic Policies in Mulnivas. ...
palashbiswaslive.blogspot.com/.../fwd-shrimant-bajirao-peshwa-i-great.html - CachedNot War, Philosophy of Love agaist Terrorism | Palash ...
14 Sep 2007 ... The Marxist minister asys that the partition victim bengali dalit refugees who ... is the key of White as well as zionist Brahminical Hegemony worldwide. ..... Our first task is to finish most dreaded judicial Brahmanical terrorism. ... Mr S K Biswas was known to me. At present I have no contact. ...
indiainteracts.in/.../Not-War-Philosophy-of-Love-agaist-Terrorism-/ - CachedIndian Holocaust My Father`s Life and Time: Nandigram Genocide and ...
14 Mar 2007 ... Refugees and Bengali Identity All through the 1950s, 1960s and 1970s Bengali ..... Palash Biswas on New economic Policies in Mulnivas. ...
indianholocaustmyfatherslifeandtime.blogspot.com/.../nandigram-genocide-and-gestapo.html - CachedArya-Brahmin Vengeance on Bengali-Tamil Dalits & Chakma Adivasi ...
- 3 visits - 11 Feb7 Apr 2009 ... Brahmanism and 3. American Imperialism) out to enslave indigenous masses of ...... and live as agricultural labourers under the hegemony of Arya-Brahminists. ...... Palash Biswas, C/O Mrs Arati Roy, Gostokanan, Sodepur, ...
sheetalmarkam.wordpress.com/.../arya-brahmin-vengeance-on-bengali-tamil-dalits-chakma-adivasi-indigenous-refugees/ - Cached - Similarnandigramunited: Bengali Politicians Did Everything to Destroy Us ...
But, IRONICALLY, the RESISTANCE Hegemony is also led by the BRAHAMINS and they herald more ...... [ZESTCaste] would they divide india again.htm (From Palash Biswas Gosto Kanan, .... Arya-Brahmanical forces wants to reserve 100% jobs. ...
nandigramunited-banga.blogspot.com/.../bengali-politicians-did-everything-to.html - CachedTerrorism strikes INDIA - Libertaria | Google Groups
26 Nov 2008 ... Palash Biswas. Terrorism Strikes India ..... the Ruling Brahaminical hegemony, led by ironically , the Bengali elite Brahmins! ...
groups.google.com/group/libertaria/browse.../47c0c2b71affc5c1 - Cachedwww.outlookindia.com | Ambedkar's Desiderata
The Ruling Hegemony is now a partner in War against Terror declaring War against Indigenous ... They were ousted of bengali Geopolitics and now subjected toEthnic cleansing with ... Palash Biswas. Kolkata, India. Jan 26, 2010 10:51 AM ..... But it never succeeded due to the brahmanical domination of Congress. ...
www.outlookindia.com/article.aspx?263878 - Cached - Similar
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The Politics of Hindutva in India - Carnegie Endowment for ...
- 2 visits - 19 MayAs a phenomenon, the politics of Hindutva should not be ignored merely as electoral expediency. Religious fever can in the long run only tear apart the ...
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14 May 2010 ... I chose the first and thus entered politics to fight pro-Soviet ..... This is a new hope for the Bengali Hindus that two rising Hindu ...
hinduexistence.wordpress.com/category/practical-hindutva/ - Cached - SimilarShyam Prasad — A Hindutva British Stooge
Shyam Prasad — A Hindutva British Stooge. — Somesh. The educated Bengali babu, .... In the sphere of politics, the BJP has, of late made a desperate bid to ...
www.bannedthought.net/india/PeoplesMarch/PM1999.../shyam.htm - CachedReading Anandamath, Understanding Hindutva: Postcolonial ...
by C Chakraborty - 2005 - Related articles
Anandamath also depicts events that show Bengali valor in past confrontations with the .... readily available to contemporary Hindutva nationalist politics. ...
postcolonial.org/index.php/pct/article/viewArticle/446/841 - CachedHindutva - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
- 2 visits - 19 MayAccording to Savarkar, Hindutva is meant to denote the Hindu .... Political parties pertaining to the Hindutva ideology are not limited to the Sangh Parivar. .... Balochistan conflict · Bangladesh Liberation War · Bengali Language ...
en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hindutva - 22 hours ago - Cached - SimilarPolitical Ideas Of M.s. Golwalkar : Hindutva, Nationalism ...
Explore Profile of Political Ideas Of Ms Golwalkar : Hindutva, Nationalism, Secularism at Connect.in.com, see Political Ideas Of Ms Golwalkar : Hindutva, ...
connect.in.com/political-ideas-of...hindutva.../profile-1664089.html - CachedSaffron Attempt of Hindutva Polarisation with the Declaration that ...
HomePoliticsPolitical PartiesAkhil Bharatiya Jan SanghSaffron Attempt of Hindutva Polarisation with the Declaration that . ...
connect.in.com/akhil.../bakhil-bharatiya-jan-sanghb-8501-1.html - CachedHindutva Politics in India by Geeta Puri
Hindutva Politics in India, Geeta Puri, $44.75,India reviews of Hindutva ... Yoga, Assamese Books, Bengali Books, Dogri Books, Gujarati Books, Hindi Books ...
www.indiaclub.com/Shop/SearchResults.asp?ProdStock... - Cached - SimilarSoft Bhadralok Hindutva Under 'Left' Garb – VB Rawat « Kafila
15 Nov 2007 ... These political statements should not be taken on a serious note except ... agenda seems to be soft Hindutva in Bengal by targeting the poor ...
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THE SITE IS FOR ASSAMESE,BENGALI,HINDI AND ENGLISH VIDEO,POETRY ,ARTICLE AND ... name of religion,language or cast and others,only for political benefit. ...
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Bollywood actress Bipasha Basu waited a long time before signing her first Bengali movie Shob Charitro Kalponik. But she got the shock of her life when the ...
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KOLKATA: At a rally organised by the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh on Wednesday, RSS president KS Sudarshan alleged that West Bengal was considered a safe ...
timesofindia.indiatimes.com › City › Kolkata - Cached - SimilarPeople expecting change in West Bengal: RSS chief Bhagwat
23 Jan 2010 ... Kolkata: Addressing a raily here, Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangha (RSS) chief Mohan Bhagwat Saturday said there was a need for change in West ...
www.mynews.in/.../People_expecting_change_in_West_Bengal_RSS_chief_Bhagwat_N36147.html - CachedTrinamool humbles Left in Bengal, snatches Kolkata (Second Lead)
2 Jun 2010 ... Trinamool stuns Left in Bengal, set to win in Kolkata ... International Relations (1355) · Get RSS Feed for this Category ...
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2 Jun 2010 ... Breaking News – Bengal. ... Latest Updates: Bengal RSS ... As the results of civic elections across West Bengal state started pouring in ...
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The Telegraph - Calcutta (Kolkata) | Bengal | RSS venue hurdle to ...
22 Jan 2010 ... The Telegraph on the Web: Daily international, national international news, daily newspaper, national, politics, science, business, sports, ...
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24 Jan 2010 ... Addressing a gathering of Swayam Sevaks here, RSS chief Mohan Bhagwat today said India should teach a lesson to Pakistan and take strong ...
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Kolkata, Jan 22 Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) chief Mohan Bhagwat Friday said he was not satisfied with the membership figure of the organisation in ...
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LF loses to Trinamool in Buddhadeb's constituencyPress Trust of India - 5 hours ago Kolkata, Jun 2 (PTI) The CPI(M)-led Left Front lost in eight of the 14 wards which fall in West Bengal Chief Minister Buddhadeb Bhattacharjee's Jadavapore ... Buddhadeb silent on civic poll resultsPress Trust of India - 8 hours ago Kolkata, June 2 (PTI) West Bengal Chief Minister Buddhadeb Bhattacharjee today refused to take questions on the civic poll results that delivered a blow to ... Mamata: from street fighter to mass leaderIBNLive.com - 8 hours ago Kolkata: Mamata Banerjee, popularly known as 'Didi' to all her followers, has acquired the reputation of having relentlessly fought the Left Front regime in ... |
Mamata Banerjee thanks people for victory in Kolkata Municipal CorporationOneindia - 13 minutes ago Kolkata, June 2 (ANI): Railway Minister and Trinamool Congress (TMC) chief Mamata Banerjee on Wednesday thanked the masses for their staunch support, ... Going by the scriptHindustan Times - 44 minutes ago People can be forgiven for viewing the emphatic defeat of the Left parties by the Trinamool Congress (TMC) in West Bengal's civic polls as a paradigm shift ... Humbled in Bengal polls, Left to take 'corrective steps'Sify - 50 minutes ago West Bengal's ruling Left Front, vanquished by the opposition Trinamool Congress in the civic polls, Wednesday accepted the electoral verdict and promised ...
Assembly polls should be held immediately: MamataSify - 50 minutes ago Trinamool Congress chief Mamata Banerjee Wednesday called for immediate assembly polls in West Bengal, saying the Left Front government had lost the right ... Mamata unsettles CPM in Kolkata polls NewsX - 52 minutes ago It was touted as the semi finals in West Bengal. And Mamata Bannerjee and her Trinamool Congress have won it. Mamata's party has posted a big win in civic ... Bengal results suggest new dilemma for LeftNDTV.com - 2 hours ago Waves of Trinamool green began pulsing through Kolkata on Wednesday morning, as the city proved it has unlatched itself from the traditional red of the Left ... Mamata tsunami hits Left, Congress still a factorHindustan Times - 2 hours ago The Trinamool Congress on Wednesday wrested control of the prestigious Kolkata Municipal Corporation (KMC) in an electoral sweep of the civic polls that saw ... CPI-M rejects Mamata's demand for early Bengal pollsHindustan Times - 3 hours ago The Trinamool Congress today wrested control of the prestigious Kolkata Municipal Corporation in an electoral sweep of the civic polls that saw it humble ... Trinamool decimates Left in industrial beltsSify - 3 hours ago The Trinamool Congress juggernaut steamrolled all opposition in Kolkata and the adjoining industrial belts in North 24 Parganas and Hooghly districts as it ... Mamata wins Bengal civic polls, demands early electionsNDTV.com - 4 hours ago Mamata Banerjee and her Trinamool Congress (TMC) have won the West Bengal civic polls, seen as the semi-final before next year's state elections. ... | Timeline of articlesNumber of sources covering this story
West Bengal poll results show alienation of Left Front: CPI
Civic results no basis for demanding early Assembly polls: CPI(M)
Is it the beginning of the end for the Left in West Bengal?
Forward Bloc blames CPM's 'arrogance' for defeat
WB civic polls: TC Win Was Expected: Nirupam
CPI(M) rules out advancing Assembly polls in West Bengal
WB civic poll outcome a setback, says CPI
No early assembly polls: Biman
WB civic polls: Forward Bloc asks CPI(M) leaders to shed arrogance
Left Front Downfall In Civic Polls Due To 'Arrogance'
Shot by Tripura jawan, CPM worker dies
CPM used Bapi death to loot votes: Trinamool
Kolkata firing: Tripura trooper suspended
Striking a different tune, Banerjee on Saturday called him a "notorious criminal of the CPI-M" and said: "The policeman had to fire to save his own life." more by Mamata Banerjee - Jun 1, 2010 - Times of India (2 occurrences) |
Kolkata police firing victim dies, row over Mamata's comment
Shot at during polls, CPM man critical
Mamata kicks up a row
Left Front urges govt to probe TSR constable's firing on CPI(M) man
Word war over poll victim
TSR constable suspended for firing at CPI(M) worker
Bapi Dhar died on Tuesday morning
Vol. 29 | June 1st - 15th 2010 | No. 11
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In defence of A. Raja
Bangalore: Corruption is killing the country. India is ranked one of the most corrupt countries in the world.
But corruption flows from top to bottom — not vice-versa. The Indian ruling class — the 15% upper caste Brahminists — are the most corrupt. The latest to terrorise the country is the IPL Marwadi Bania Lalit Modi. "Hindu temples" headed by the Brahmins are the dens of corruption. All these are well known.
But the problem is this universally corrupt upper castes brand our people (Moolnivasi) corrupt, muddy their reputation, get them arrested and throw them into jail.
Dinakaran's case: The latest victim is A. Raja, Union Communications Minister, a Tamil Dalit, whom the Brahminists wanted to slaughter calling him corrupt.
Tamil Nadu Chief Minister Karunanidhi, a barber caste man, fortunately went to his defence and said Raja was being targeted only because he was a Dalit. He is right.
The other Tamil Dalit to fall victim is Chief Justice Dinakaran of the Karnataka High Court. What about Ketan Desai, the Gujarati Bania, who has been looting every medical college with his corruption running into thousands of crores? We have named every one of these rascals in DV. But the Brahminical media is only interested in drinking the blood of the Dalits and other Moolnivasis.
Abhinav Bharat proves above law
Bangalore: Abhinav Bharat (AB), the ferocious Brahminical terrorist party which has announced its desire to murder the RSS chaddi party, chief Bhagwat, is becoming above the police, above the courts, above the govt. — of course with full support of the Brahminical police and media. That is how none had the courage even to name (forget about arresting AB fellows) the culprits despite the clear involvement of AB in the bombing of Bombay and the recent Pune Germany Bakery blast and many others including Malegaon, Meca Masjid etc.But what about its hand in the Bombay blast for which Kasab was sentenced to death? Did not S.M. Mushrif describe the AB hand in the killing of Karkare?The first arrest was made in Rajasthan in connection with the 3-year-old Ajmer Darga Sherif blasts (TOI, May 1, 2010). The ATS arrested a Baniya, Devendra Gupta of Ajmer, for killing 3 and injuring 30 in the Ajmer Dargha blast. Gupta's close contacts with Sadhvi Pragya Singh was established. The entire AB top leadership is in jail and fully active in promoting Brahman Rashtra.
DV Dec.16, 2009 p.17: "26/11 staged to save Abhinav Bharat?"
DV Dec.1, 2009 p.6: "Brahmins were never against Muslims when they ruled India for 700 years" & "26/11 Bombay attack was planned to kill Karkare".
DV Edit July 16, 2009: "Hindu terrorists infiltrate Indian Army? Toilet papers suppress shocking truth".
DV Edit Jan.16, 2009: Blood-boiling history of Hindu India: Anti-Pakistan war-mongering has no takers".
DV Jan.16, 2009 p.13: "Test Desh Bhaktas by launching conscription" & p. 12: "DV and Karkare murder".
DV Edit Jan.1, 2009 : "Dr. Ambedkar feared revolution but what we see today is Manuwadi counter-revolution"
DV Jan.1, 2009 p.7: "Action forgotten in the midst of war of words", "Mystery on Karkare murder".
DV Dec.16, 2008 p.4: "Magnificent failure of Brahminical rulers on India's deadliest terrorist attack", p. 5: "Sacred Brahmin bid to kill RSS bosses for not enforcing Manuwad".
DV Nov.16, 2008 p.5: "When Brahminical people are rulers, why this military training?
Bill Gates love for UP Dalits
Bangalore: DV has warned but our people are sleeping. Who can save the unthinking fellows? In DV (May 1, 2010 p.8: "Jews & Jews of India's $55-million plan to brain damage UP Dalit kids"), we warned about the Brahminical biological war against our people 15 days back but to this day not a single member of DV has reacted. The danger has now come to their doorstep. The world's richest person, the zionist Jew, Bill Gates, visiting Amethi hand in hand with Rahul Gandhi who is being projected by the "Jews of India" as the next PM. It is this Gates who offered crores and crores to wage a biological war against Dalits. The picture of the two invading the BSP heartland was published (May 12, 2010) in all the papers with full Brahmin blessing — "to save UP Dalits". We have done our duty. (See articles section)
IPL: A bloody game of greed & fraud
Bangalore: Cricket is neither a sport nor a game. We have said it many times. It is a eunuch created by the India's ruling class to fool the slaves and rule the country. And at the same keep this tiny less than 15% rulers in eternal enjoyment at others expense.
The big bogus IPL cricket racket that exploded on the Indian scene in April 2010 is an advance warning of the dangerous explosives getting ready to blow up India into pieces.
Rajasthan Marwadi: DV has repeatedly warned about such dangerous games. And thanks to Rajasthan blood-sucker, Marwadi Lalit Modi, we are able to get an advance taste of the dangerous days ahead of us.
Take it from us, the whole of India will be turned into a bloody game of greed and fraud like the IPL cricket if we, the over 85% Moolnivasi Bahujans, allow these rascals to ride roughshod over us.
Lalit Modi represents the typical Brahminical blood hounds loved and respected by the 15% ruling class. Younger brother of Harshad Mehta, the Gujarati Bania. Every upper caste young man and woman yearns to be a Modi and Harshad Mehta. This is why they glamourise him and his wealth. In this current money-driven furious frenzy, the Marwadi Times of India is leading the race to brainwash every youth of India.
Nothing will happen to Modi: Modi was the monster who controlled Vasundhara Raje, the previous BJP Thakur CM. He expanded the Rajasthan desert under Raje and came to Bombay for a bigger game of head -hunting which is the game of every Brahminist.
Nothing will happen to Lalit Modi or his accomplices. All the rascals involved in the looting game are Brahminists. When the Govt. of India is itself in the hands of a bigger looter you can be rest assured that all this will be white-washed and gradually forgotten.
As this is written the national toilet papers have already stopped writing on the scandal to make us forget the whole subject(May 13, 2010).
DV Oct.16, 2009 p.18: "Question mark on Delhi's Commonwealth game".
DV May 16, 2009 p.12: "Cricket as game of Brahmins to fool Bahujan masses".
DV Nov.1, 2007 p.12: "Cricket used to convert India into Hindu Rashtra".
OBCs suffer for becoming Hindu
Bangalore: Brahminical rulers led by the Khatri Sick PM have rejected the unanimous demand of the country's over 85% Moolnivasi Bahujans for caste-wise enumeration in the current census operation. The Hindu, the country's premier Brahmin daily (May 5, 2010) carried the report that the PM supported by the Bengali Brahmin Pranab Mukherji and Tamil Chettiar Chidambaram, HRD Minister upper caste Kapil Sibal blocked demand for caste census when the subject came up before the union cabinet meeting on May 4, 2010. The voice of the over 90% of the country was suppressed by the Khatri Sick PM.The Census Commission comes under the Chettiar whose opposition killed the demand before the cabinet.The worst affected by this Brahminical sabotage are the OBCs who account for over 35% India's population — the single largest. On one side the unthinking OBCs allowed themselves to be hinduised (enslaved) and instigated against Dalits and Muslims. On another they refuse to acknowledge Dr. Ambedkar's intellectual leadership under the influence of the very enemy. By allowing themselves to be fooled by Brahmins, the OBCs are suffering. But Brahmins must note that by fooling and oppressing the whole lot of Indians their leadership will not be safe.
Caste cancer caused Maoist violence
Bangalore: The Dantewada massacre of 76 CRPF jawans in Chhattisgarh forests on April 6, 2010 was due to a "caste war" launched by the angry "lower castes". This opinion often repeated (DV Edit May 16, 2010) is endorsed by E.N. Ram Mohan, ex-director-general of Border Security force, appointed by the Govt. of India to probe the Dantewada massacre. His opinion is published in TOI May 2, 2010.
He says the "root cause of the problem" is the "exploiting by upper castes. Caste is a very important cause that has allowed the maoists to strike roots and spread".
He says 4/5 of the people in India work for just 1/5 of the population.
There is no need to elaborate his statement as DV has said it repeatedly. But the "Khatri Sick" PM and the Tamil Chettiar who belong to the 1/5th blood-sucker caste groups do not want to know why the oppressed castes take to caste war.
DV wants "caste war". We have elaborated the theory of "caste to kill casteism" (Hinduism) in our book, Caste — A Nation Within the Nation (2002).
Obama fails on Palestine
Bangalore: America has the power to dictate things to Zionist Israel. But the problem is the Jews hold the neck of America. It is chaotic inside Israel and also Palestine. The zionist-imposed head of the Palestinian govt., Abbas is unreliable, corrupt — a zionist stooge.
Every American President failed to solve the Palestinian problem — the world's most serious and the longest lasting — because the US Govt. is in the pocket of Jews. Obama also cannot solve the Palestinian problem because he will not be allowed by the Jews controlling the White House.
Iran, the only hope: Arabs in particular and Muslims in general have been weakened, dubbed terrorists — they are all under the mercy of zionists and their money power. They have the petrol with which they can dictate and shake the whole of West. But they dare not.
The so-called Islamic terrorism, which the Jews and their Western stooges exaggerate, will end once the Palestine problem is solved.
Iran alone among the Muslim world is defying the zionists and their stooge America. China, Russia, the whole Africa, South America will go with Iran. Brahmin rulers of India go with zionists.
Hollywood is Jewish
Bangalore: USA, particularly its govt., is under the total control of Jews — just as India and its govt. are under the "Jews of India". A prominent American English monthly, The First Freedom (Silverhill, Alabama) says this. Not only Hollywood but also all the print and electronic media:
Many people have wondered why Hollywood has always suffered from an extreme leftist slant. Various explanations are offered, most of them off base. The real reason is as obvious as simple: Hollywood is communist because it is Jewish. Anyone who offers this explanation is met with shrieks of outrage. But that comes from the exposure of the truth. No one can deny that Hollywood is Jewish. It has been so from the earliest days of the industry; it continues to be true today. Hollywood Jews were, in the main, Russian Jews.

युद्धं देहि……..उन्होंने कहा था
बापू साम्प्रदायिक हिंसा की लपटों को बुझाने के लिये जब नोआखाली में नंगे पाँव पदयात्रा कर रहे थे और उग्रवादी मुस्लिम कट्टरपंथी उनके रास्ते पर काँटे, काँच के टुकड़े और विष्ठा बिछा रहे थे, तब क्या उन्हें पुलिस की मदद की जरूरत पड़ी थी ?
लेकिन हम गांधी नहीं हो सकते थे, इसलिये हमें पड़ी, जब हम गृहयुद्ध में झुलस रहे छत्तीसगढ़ में 'शांति-न्याय यात्रा' के लिये निकले। आगे न बढ़ने की धमकियों के बावजूद जब 7 मई को हम जगदलपुर से आगे बढ़े तो स्थानीय प्रशासन ने सुरक्षा की दृष्टि से हथियारबन्द पुलिस की एक जीप हमारे साथ कर दी। इसके बावजूद दंतेवाड़ा से 11 किमी. पहले गीदम के तिराहे पर महंगी मोटरसाइकिलों पर आये लगभग डेढ़ दर्जन उग्र प्रदर्शनकारियों ने जब हमारी बस रोक ली तो हमारे साथ आये ये पुलिसकर्मी तमाशायी बन कर रह गये। फिर उसी तरह के नारे लगे जैसे अब तक की यात्रा में लगते आ रहे थे, 'नक्सलियों के दलालों को, जूते मारों सालों को'! इसके साथ तरह-तरह के अश्लील फिकरे। हम लौटने ही जा रहे थे कि दंतेवाड़ा के डी.एस.पी. ने जबरन हमें रोक लिया और फिर तीन-चार जीपों, एक स्वराज माजदा और एक वज्र वाहन में ठुँसे जवानों से घिरे हुए हम दंतेवाड़ा गये। माँ दंतेश्वरी मंदिर, सी.आर.पी.एफ. के कैम्प आदि का दौरा हमने इसी तरह किया।
एक उन्माद से भरा हुआ मिला हमें छत्तीसगढ़। अखबार हमारी यात्रा की खबरों से पटे थे, भले ही नकारात्मक खबरों के साथ, मगर मुख्यमंत्री रमन सिंह से लेकर जिला स्तर के पत्रकारों और हुड़दंगी नौजवानों तक सब एक ही भाषा बोल रहे थे। पहला सवाल हमारे सामने यही रखा जाता, ''दिल्ली से आने वाले आप बुद्धिजीवी उस वक्त कहाँ थे, जब सी.आर.पी.एफ. के 76 जवान मारे गये ? ये आपके रिश्तेदार होते तब आपको महसूस होता। अब आ गये हैं 'ऑपरेशन ग्रीन हंट' बन्द करवाने!'' उन्हें यह समझाने की कोशिश करना फिजूल हो रहा था कि हाँ सी.आर.पी.एफ. के जवान भी हमारे ही बच्चे हैं या कि हम नक्सली और सरकारी, दोनों तरह की हिंसा की निन्दा करते हैं।
कभी-कभी एक हिंसक भीड़ होती है, जो थोड़े समय के लिये दंगाई बन कर लूट और कत्लेआम में मुब्तिला होती है। देश के विभाजन के समय यह वक्फा थोड़ा बढ़ गया होगा। यहाँ लग रहा था कि पिछले कुछ सालों में हिंसा पूरे समाज का स्थायी भाव बन गई है। हालाँकि इस निष्कर्ष पर पहुँचना भी जल्दबाजी होगी, क्योंकि हमारे साथ बुजुर्ग केयूर भूषण भी तो थे, जो अस्सी के दशक में दो बार रायपुर से सांसद रहे, जिनसे मैंने मजाक में कहा था कि आज के हालातों में तो आप ग्राम प्रधान भी नहीं बन सकते। हैं आप की जेब में पाँच लाख रुपये पंचायत का चुनाव लड़ने के लिये ? रायपुर की प्रेस कांफ्रेंस में यही केयूर भूषण जार-जार रोते हुए चप्पलें हाथ में लेकर उग्र प्रदर्शनकारियों के सामने खड़े हो गये थे कि लो पहले मुझे मार डालो, फिर हमारे इन मेहमानों से बदसलूकी करना। यह दीगर बात थी कि दर्जा राज्यमंत्री का पद पाये उपासने नामक एक नेता के नेतृत्व में आये ये हुड़दंगी अक्सर टी.वी. चैनलों पर दिखायी दे जाने वाले स्वामी अग्निवेश और प्रो. यशपाल से ही परिचित नहीं थे। बापू की गोद में खेले, उनके सचिव महादेव देसाई के पुत्र और अब 'गांधी कथा' से ख्याति प्राप्त करने वाले पिच्चासी वर्षीय नारायण देसाई को वे क्या जानते ?
आर्थिक उदारीकरण की असली मलाई भले ही बहुराष्ट्रीय कम्पनियाँ खा रही हों, लेकिन तरह-तरह की परियोजनाओं में सप्लाई और छोटे-मोटे निर्माण के ठेके लेने वालों का एक समूह है, जो दिल्ली से गाँव स्तर तक फैला है। सभी राजनैतिक दल ऐसे लम्पटों से भरे पड़े हैं। ग्राम पंचायतों से लेकर विधायिकाओं तक में इन्हीं का प्रभुत्व होता है। उत्तराखंड समेत सारे देश का यही राजनैतिक परिदृश्य है। सुलझे दिमाग के लोग इतने बिखरे और असंगठित होते हैं कि वे इनके समवेत कोलाहल का मुकाबला नहीं कर सकते। ऐसे ही लोगों से इस यात्रा में हमारा साबका पड़ा। यहाँ के बहुसंख्य आदिवासियों, जिनको एक अस्मिता देने और जल- जंगल- जमीन पर हक दिलवाने का सब्जबाग नक्सली दिखलाते हैं और 'सलवा जुडूम' के नाम से जिन्हें बचाने का दावा सरकार करती है, के किसी प्रतिनिधि से तो हम मिल भी नहीं पाये। इस दृष्टि से, बहुत जल्दबाजी में तय की गई यह 'शांति-न्याय यात्रा' अधूरी ही कही जायेगी। हालाँकि इसने हिंसा, आतंक और चुप्पी का माहौल थोड़ा ठीक किया होगा, ऐसी उम्मीद है। कुछ सप्ताह पहले दंतेवाड़ा से लौटते मेधा पाटकर, डॉ. ब्रह्मदेव शर्मा और संदीप पाण्डेय के साथ ऐसे ही गुण्डों ने बहुत अधिक बदतमीजी की थी। इसके बावजूद हमारी यात्रा निकली। आगे भी ऐसी यात्रायें जारी रहेंगी तो बदलाव आयेगा। अभियान के बाद यह तय किया गया है कि अन्य इच्छुक लोगों को न्याय और शांति के इस अभियान में जोड़ा जायेगा और ऐसी पहल प.बंगाल, उड़ीसा, आंध्र प्रदेश तथा झारखंड में भी की जायेगी। हिन्दी तथा अन्यान्य भाषाओं में इस अभियान के उद्देश्यों के बारे में एक पर्चा प्रकाशित किया जायेगा। कुछ स्थानीय साथियों की मदद से माओवाद से प्रभावित गाँवों में जन सम्पर्क कर वहाँ के प्रतिनिधियों का एक सम्मेलन जगदलपुर में किया जायेगा। छत्तीसगढ़ के सारे प्राकृतिक संसाधनों और उद्योग-व्यापार के बारे में यह मालूम किया जायेगा कि इन पर किसका अधिकार है और सरकार द्वारा इस क्षेत्र में किये गये एम.ओ.यू. (अनुबंधों) के बारे जानकारी एकत्र कर उसे सार्वजनिक किया जायेगा।
उम्मीद तो करनी चाहिये कि इस गृहयुद्ध से विरत होने की सद्बुद्धि छत्तीसगढ़ के लोगों में आयेगी।
संबंधित लेख....
छत्तीसगढ़ में हुयी शांति-न्याय यात्रा
एक तरफ, वर्षों से शोषित व उत्पीड़ित आदिवासी जनता ने माओवादियों के नेतृत्व में अपने अधिकारों को हासिल करने के लिये लोकतांत्रिक प्रक्रियाओं को नाकाफी समझते हुये हथियार उठा लिये हैं। दूसरी तरफ, असंतोष के कारण उपजे विद्रोह के मूल में विद्यमान ढाँचागत हिंसा, लचर न्याय व्यवस्था, विषमता व भ्रष्टाचार को खत्म करने के बजाए केंद्रीय व राज्य सरकारों ने अपने सशस्त्र बलों के जरिये विद्रोह को कुचलने की प्रक्रिया शुरू कर दी। सरकार नक्सलवाद को देश की आंतरिक सुरक्षा के लिये सबसे बड़ा खतरा मान रही है और नक्सलवादी मौजूदा सरकारी तंत्र को इंसानियत के लिये सबसे बड़ा खतरा मान रहे हैं। हालाँकि, यह जगजाहिर है कि सारी लड़ाई विकास की अलग एवं परस्पर विरोधी अवधारणाओं को ले कर है। विकास किसका, कैसे और किस मूल्य पर ? इन्हीं प्रश्नों के आधार पर देश के न जाने कितने ही लोगों ने स्वयं को आपस में अतिवादी साम्यवादियों और अतिवादी पूँजीवादियों के खेमों में बाँट रखा है। यह अतिवाद और कुछ नहीं, हिंसा के रास्ते को सही मानने और मनवाने का एक तरीका है बस। ऐसे में, देश का आंतरिक कलह गृहयुद्ध का रूप ले रहा है। इस गृहयुद्ध में छत्तीसगढ़, आंध्र प्रदेश, झारखंड, उड़ीसा, पश्चिम बंगाल व विदर्भ में फैला हुआ एक बहुत बड़ा आदिवासी बहुल इलाका जल रहा है। लोग एक-दूसरे के खून के प्यासे बन गये हैं।
इस विकट परिस्थिति से उद्वेलित, देश के लगभग पचास जाने-माने बुद्धिजीवी 5 मई 2010 को छत्तीसगढ़ की राजधानी रायपुर में इकट्ठा हुए। 'आजादी बचाओ आंदोलन' के संयोजक प्रो. बनवारी लाल शर्मा की पहल पर कुछ दिन पूर्व ही यह फैसला लिया गया था कि छत्तीसगढ़ में फैली अशांति और हिंसा के विरोध में रायपुर से दंतेवाड़ा तक 'शांति-न्याय यात्रा' की जायेगी, जिसका उद्देश्य हर तरह की हिंसा की निंदा करते हुए सरकार और माओवादियों, दोनों ही से, राज्य में शांति और न्याय बनाये रखने की अपील करना होगा। इस आयोजन में कई चिंतक, लेखक, पत्रकार, वैज्ञानिक, न्यायविद, समाजकर्मी शामिल थे, जिनमें गुजरात विद्यापीठ के कुलाधिपति नारायण देसाई, विश्वविख्यात वैज्ञानिक व यू.जी.सी. के पूर्व अध्यक्ष प्रो. यशपाल, वर्ल्ड फोरम ऑफ फिशर पीपुल्स के सलाहकार थामस कोचरी, बंधुआ मुक्ति मोर्चा के अध्यक्ष स्वामी अग्निवेश, सर्व सेवा संघ के पूर्वाध्यक्ष अमरनाथ भाई, गांधी शांति प्रतिष्ठान की अध्यक्ष राधा बहन, रायपुर के पूर्व सांसद केयूर भूषण, लाडनू जैन विश्वविद्यालय के पूर्व कुलपति व पूर्व सांसद प्रो. रामजी सिंह, आईआई.ए.म. अहमदाबाद के प्रो. नवद्वीप माथुर, 'नैनीताल समाचार' के संपादक राजीव लोचन साह आदि प्रमुख थे।
यात्रा शुरू करने से पहले इन लोगों ने रायपुर के नगर भवन में इस यात्रा के उद्देश्य, देश में शांति की अपनी राष्ट्रव्यापी आकांक्षा व विकास की वर्तमान अवधारण को बदलने के प्रस्ताव को रायपुर की शांतिप्रिय जनता के सामने व्यक्त करने के लिये एक जनसभा का आयोजन किया। जनसभा के दौरान कुछ उपद्रवी तत्व सभा स्थल में ऊलजलूल नारे लगाते पहुँचे और कार्यक्रम में व्यवधान डालना चाहा। प्रदर्शनकारियों ने इन लब्धप्रतिष्ठित हिंसा-विरोधी वक्ताओं को नक्सलियों का समर्थक बताते हुये छत्तीसगढ़ से वापस जाने को कहा। उन्हें विशेष रूप से 'ऑपरेशन ग्रीन हंट' के विरोध पर आपत्ति थी। उनका कहना था कि नक्सली विकास नहीं होने देते और पूरे राज्य में हिंसक माहौल बनाये हुए हैं। अतः इन्हें चुन-चुन के मार गिराना चाहिए। प्रदर्शनकारी ऐसे में किसी तरह की शांति पहल को नक्सलवादियों का मौन समर्थन समझ रहे थे। हालाँकि, यह बात काबिल-ए-गौर है कि इस प्रदर्शन में भारतीय जनता पार्टी और कांग्रेस के कार्यकर्ताओं के साथ व्यापारिक समुदाय के मुट्ठी भर लोग थे। इनके साथ मूल छत्तीसगढ़ी जनता नहीं दिखी। इस खींचातानी के माहौल के बाद भी सभा विधिवत चलती रही और सुनने वाले अपने स्थान पर टिके रहे।
तमाम तरह की धमकियों की परवाह किये बगैर यात्री अगली सुबह महात्मा गांधी की प्रतिमा के आगे संक्षिप्त प्रार्थना करने के बाद आगे बढ़े। तीसरे पहर जगदलपुर में काफिला रुका, जहाँ भोजनोपरांत एक प्रेस वार्ता का आयोजन किया गया था। शांति यात्री ज्यों ही पत्रकारों से मुखातिब हुए, दो-तीन दर्जन नौजवानों ने विरोध में नारेबाजी शुरू कर दी। इस उग्र भीड़ ने वही सारे तर्क-कुतर्क किये जो रायपुर में प्रदर्शनकारियों ने किये थे। फर्क इतना था कि ये कहीं ज्यादा आक्रामक थे और इन के सर पर खून सवार था। इन्होंने यात्रियों की बस के टायरों की हवा निकाल कर ड्राइवर को धमका कर भगा दिया।
इस हो-हल्ले के बीच पत्रकार वार्ता चलती रही। प्रो. बनवारी लाल शर्मा ने कहा कि यह अशांति सिर्फ छत्तीसगढ़ की ही नहीं, बल्कि पूरे देश की समस्या है। सरकार को चाहिए कि वह जनहित को ध्यान में रखते हुए भारतीय प्रकृति व जरूरतों के हिसाब से विकास की नीतियों का निर्माण करे। उन्होंने जोर देते हुए कहा कि हिंसा से सत्ता बदली जा सकती है, व्यवस्था नहीं। अतएव नक्सलवादियों द्वारा की जाने वाली प्रतिहिंसा को भी स्वीकार नहीं किया जा सकता। नारायण भाई ने कहा कि शांति का मतलब यह नहीं होता कि आप किसी से न डरें, बल्कि जरूरी यह भी है कि आपसे भी कोई नहीं डरे। हम शांति का आह्वान इसलिये कर रहे हैं, क्योंकि हम निष्पक्ष, अभय और निर्वैर हैं। थॉमस कोचरी ने हिंसा के तीनों ही प्रकारों- ढाँचागत, प्रतिक्रियावादी व राज्य प्रायोजित- की भर्त्सना की।
प्रेस क्लब के बाहर प्रदर्शनकारियों को देशद्रोह लग रही थीं। उनके नारे भी उसी अनुपात में उग्र और अश्लील होते गये। प्रेस वार्ता के बाद की जाने वाली आमसभा रद्द कर दी गई। अन्ततः इन प्रबुद्ध यात्रियों के प्रस्ताव पर पुलिस अधीक्षक सुंदरराजन के समझाने-बुझाने पर प्रदर्शनकारियों और यात्रियों के बीच लंबी बातचीत हुयी। यात्रियों के तर्कों से कन्विंस दिखाई देने के बाद भी, भाजपा-कांग्रेस के इन अराजक नौजवानों का रवैया बाद में फिर से आक्रामक हो गया और उन्होंने शांति यात्रियों को दंतेवाड़ा न जाने की धमकी दे डाली।
7 मई को यह काफिला दंतेवाड़ा को रुख्सत हुआ। जगदलपुर के एस.पी. ने शांति यात्रियों की सुरक्षा की जिम्मेदारी लेते हुए पुलिस की एक गाड़ी यात्रियों के वाहन के साथ लगा दी थी। बावजूद इसके रास्ते में अराजक तत्वों ने दहशत का माहौल बनाने का भरसक प्रयास किया। वाहन चालक को धमकी दी कि अगर वह एक इंच भी गाड़ी दंतेवाड़ा की ओर बढ़ायेगा तो बस को फूँक दिया जायेगा। तभी दंतेवाड़ा डी.एस.पी. ने आकर सुरक्षा की कमान संभाल ली और यात्रियों से अपना कार्यक्रम जारी रखने का आग्रह किया। इसके बाद काफिला दंतेवाड़ा के शंखनी और डंकनी नदियों के बीच में स्थित माँ दंतेश्वरी के मंदिर में जाकर ठहरा, जहाँ नारायण भाई की अगुआई में छत्तीसगढ़ में शांति एवं न्याय के स्थापना के लिए एक प्रार्थना की गई। फिर एक पत्रकार गोष्ठी व जनसभा का संयुक्त आयोजन किया गया, जहाँ स्थानीय व्यापारियों ने नक्सलवाद के कारण अपनी परेशानियों से शांतियात्रियों को परिचित करवाया। तत्पश्चात् इन लोगों ने आस्था आश्रम में भी शिरकत की, जो कि नक्सलवाद से अनाथ हुए बच्चों का राज्य संचालित विद्यालय है। आश्रम के बाद शांति यात्री सी.आर.पी.एफ. के शहीद जवानों को श्रद्धांजलि देने उनके कैंप में गये। दंतेवाड़ा में शांतियात्रियों का आखिरी पड़ाव चितालंका में विस्थापित आदिवासियों का शिविर था। पुलिस के अनुसार इस शिविर में बारह गाँवों के 106 विस्थापित परिवार गुजर बसर कर रहे हैं। पुलिस की उपस्थिति में इन आदिवासियों ने नक्सलवादी हिंसा के कारण उन पर हुए अत्याचार का दुखड़ा रोया। गौर करने लायक बात है कि इस शिविर में ज्यादातर पुरुषों को नगर पुलिस व सलवा जुडूम के विशेष पुलिस अधिकारी (एस.पी.ओ.) की नौकरी मिल गयी है, तो कुछ सरकारी कार्यालयों में चतुर्थ श्रेणी के रूप में काम कर रहे हैं। औरतों के लिये संपन्न लोगों के घरों में काम करने का विकल्प खुला हुआ है।
अपने दंतेवाड़ा तक की यात्रा में शांति यात्रियों का हिंसा-प्रतिहिंसा के दूसरे पक्ष नक्सलवदियों से कोई संपर्क नहीं हो सका। हुल्लड़बाज राजनीतिक कार्यकर्ताओं व व्यापारिक समुदाय के छिटपुट नुमाइंदों के अलावा आदिवासी मूल के किसी छत्तीसगढ़ी प्रतिनिधि से बातचीत करने में शांतियात्री कामयाब नहीं रहे। फिर भी, इस शांति व न्याय यात्रा को एक पहल के रूप में याद रखा जायेगा।
संबंधित लेख....
Mamata tsunami hits Left, Congress still a factor
Kolkata: The Trinamool Congress Wednesday crushed West Bengal's ruling Left Front in civic polls seen as a trial run to next year's make-or-break assembly election, wresting the prestigious Kolkata Municipal Corporation and scores of urban municipalities in the state.
Railway Minister and Trinamool Congress party leader Mamata Banerjee displays the victory sign at the entrance of her home after her party's victory in the municipality elections, in Kolkata. AP
As thousands of Trinamool activists cheered their leader and Railway Minister Mamata Banerjee in Kolkata and scores of towns, the party demanded an immediate assembly election saying the Left had lost the right to rule West Bengal. A shaken Left rejected the demand.
The Congress, which had refused to have a tie-up with the Trinamool ahead of Sunday's polls, finished a poor third in most places but still held the key to power in many municipalities.
But the day clearly belonged to Banerjee, a former Youth Congress activist whose one-point mission is to end the Left stranglehold on West Bengal, a sprawling state the Communists have ruled without interruption since 1977 - a world record.
An upbeat Banerjee told a news conference here: "The state government has lost all right to be in power. Assembly elections should be held immediately."
After conquering Red bastion, what next, Didi?
It will take me 100 years to understand Mamata: Kabir
A Trinamool Congress party supporter walks with party flags on a street near the residence of party leader Mamata Banerjee in Kolkata. AP
Congress leader and Finance Minister Pranab Mukherjee, who does not get along well with the young Banerjee, congratulated her for the "excellent performance" and accepted that his own party has fared "badly".
While Chief Minister Buddhadeb Bhattacharjee refused to comment on the results, Communist Party of India-Marxist (CPI-M) state secretary and Left Front chairman Biman Bose rejected the demand for early assembly polls.
"There is no question of preponing the elections. We have 5.2 million voters in the state, only 17 percent of who took part in the civic polls," he said. It was a hint that the CPI-M, which dominates the Left Front, still feels it can outdo the opposition in rural areas.
Continuing a trend seen since last year's Lok Sabha polls, West Bengal's urban voters gave the thumbs down to the Left even though the Trinamool as well as the Congress did not unitedly fight the elections.
The results are a big boost to the Trinamool, which defied exit poll predictions of a close contest and improved its bargaining power vis-a-vis the Congress for the assembly elections.
Trinamool candidates won 95, or more than two thirds of the seats, in the Kolkata Municipal Corporation's (KMC) 141 wards. The Left bagged 33 seats, the Congress 10 and the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) three. The Left has controlled the KMC since 2005.
The Trinamool also gained control, for the first time, of the Bidhan Nagar municipality, which includes the city's posh satellite township of Salt Lake. In the districts, the Trinamool bagged 25 municipalities while the Left saw success in 17 places. The Congress won control of seven bodies.
Trinamool Congress party supporters celebrate the party's victory in the municipality elections. AP
But there were no clear winners in the remaining 30 municipalities, where the Trinamool would need Congress help to take power. In Kolkata, once a Marxist citadel, the Trinamool juggernaut rolled on from Kashipore in the north to Garia in the south, from the Muslim belt of Garden Reach in the west to Kasba in the east.
The CPI-M lost even in ward number 100 which had elected Mayor Bikash Ranjan Bhattacharya five years ago. The mayor, however, did not contest. Among the Trinamool's potential mayoral nominees, Sobhan Chattopadhay won. But the other heavyweight, Javed Khan, suffered an upset defeat.
The Trinamool virtually reduced the Left Front to a token presence in the industrial belts neighbouring Kolkata -- in districts like north 24 Parganas, South 24 Parganas and Hooghly. The party also made deep inroads into Burdwan, until now a Red bastion.
As the results poured in, Trinamool candidates and supporters celebrated wildly all over Kolkata. The Left had been in control of 54 of the 81 civic bodies, including KMC. Sunday's civic polls were considered a semi-final ahead of next year's assembly elections at a time the Left is facing its most serious challenge to power.
"A Mamata cyclone is blowing in Bengal," Trinamool MP Sudip Bandyopadhyay told IANS in New Delhi. "Let the Congress give the whole responsibility of assembly election to Mamata Banerjee."
Left Front constituent Forward Bloc blamed the CPI-M's "arrogance" for the rout. "It is the main cause for the dismal show by the Left," its general secretary Debabrata Biswas told IANS.
Supporters of Trinamool Congress celebrate outside a vote counting centre in Kolkata June 2, 2010. A leading party in India's coalition government won in local elections in the swing state of West Bengal on Wednesday, beating the ruling Congress party in a possible voter backlash over high inflation. REUTERS
Mamata demands immediate Assembly polls in WB
Buoyed by the remarkable showing of her party in the civic elections in West Bengal, Trinamool Congress chief Mamata Banerjee on Wednesday demanded immediate Assembly elections, saying that Left Front major CPI(M) has lost all right to continue in power.
Terming her party's success as "historic", she told reporters after arriving from Delhi that "the CPI(M) has lost all right to continue in power in the state. Assembly elections should be held immediately. "It is a victory of the ma-mati-manush (mother, land and the people). They have given a verdict in favour of political change in the state. I salute the people."
In an obvious reference to her party's failed alliance with ally Congress for the Kolkata Municipal Corporationelections, Banerjee said, "In this election we had to fight against the ruling party and three to four other forces."
She said that out of the 81 municipalities across the state, her party would rule in 51, and added that this win would help her party undertake development work. The Trinamool Congress has stormed to power in the prestigious KMC with a two-thirds majority besides registering impressive wins in other civic bodies.
Trinamool Congress chief Mamata Banerjee waves to supporters outside her residence in Kolkata. REUTERS
Buddhadeb remains silent on civic poll results
West Bengal Chief Minister Buddhadeb Bhattacharjee, on Wednesday, refused to take questions on the civic poll results that delivered a blow to the ruling Left Front.
Asked if the results of the civic poll, widely seen as a trend-setter for next year's assembly election, were on expected lines, Bhattacharjee evaded the question and left the state secretariat in a huff. CPI-M headquarters on Alimuddin street wore a deserted look after the results, that gave Trinamool Congress a thumping majority in the KMC.
In contrast, there was an air of jubilation in front of Trinamool Congress chief Mamata Banerjee's Kalighat residence, with party workers celebrating the massive victory. Overjoyed, Trinamool workers took out small victory processions in some parts of the metropolis.
More on newsThe Congress's censorship goes on. After objecting to certain parts of Prakash Jha's movie Rajneeti, the party is now up in arms against Madrid-based writer Javier Moro's novel based on its president Sonia Gandhi's life.
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Assembly polls should be held immediately: MamataSify - 46 minutes ago Trinamool Congress chief Mamata Banerjee Wednesday called for immediate assembly polls in West Bengal, saying the Left Front government had lost the right to continue in power after a series of electoral debacles. 'We congratulate the people of Bengal. ... Humbled in Bengal polls, Left to take 'corrective steps'Sify - 46 minutes ago West Bengal's ruling Left Front, vanquished by the opposition Trinamool Congress in the civic polls, Wednesday accepted the electoral verdict and promised to take corrective action after reviewing the reasons for its poor showing. ... Mamata storms Red bastionFinancial Express - 32 minutes ago : Did Mamata Banerjee read the civic elections all wrong? Right up to the day of results, Banerjee's rhetoric was rather offensive, blaming all and sundry in advance if the Trinamool Congress were to falter at the semi-final stage, the finals being the ... Bengal results suggest new dilemma for LeftNDTV.com - 2 hours ago Waves of Trinamool green began pulsing through Kolkata on Wednesday morning, as the city proved it has unlatched itself from the traditional red of the Left. By mid-morning, it was clear that Kolkata had picked Mamata Banerjee and her Trinamool ... Going by the scriptHindustan Times - 41 minutes ago People can be forgiven for viewing the emphatic defeat of the Left parties by the Trinamool Congress (TMC) in West Bengal's civic polls as a paradigm shift in the state. The truth is that the paradigm has been shifting for a while now, having left its ... Mamata tsunami hits Left, Congress still a factorHindustan Times - 2 hours ago The Trinamool Congress on Wednesday wrested control of the prestigious Kolkata Municipal Corporation (KMC) in an electoral sweep of the civic polls that saw it humble West Bengal's ruling Left Front across the state. The state's urban voters gave the ... Mamata wins Bengal civic polls, demands early electionsNDTV.com - 4 hours ago Mamata Banerjee and her Trinamool Congress (TMC) have won the West Bengal civic polls, seen as the semi-final before next year's state elections. She's now asking for the state elections to be brought forward. Kolkata may be the sweetest part of ... TMC sweeps KolkataTimes Now.tv - 54 minutes ago Trinamool Congress (TMC) chief Mamata Banerjee's sweep of the Kolkata Municipality was perhaps the most predictable. But, even though the surge was comprehensive, Kolkata result is not an accurate reflection of the overall political picture in West ... Kolkata celebrates changeCalcutta Telegraph - 2 hours ago The results of the Kolkata Municipal elections are out and the red citadel has now been stormed by the Trinamool Congress. We asked a few people about their reactions to the change. "I am not happy, because I am a true communist. ... CPI-M rejects Mamata's demand for early Bengal pollsHindustan Times - 3 hours ago The Trinamool Congress today wrested control of the prestigious Kolkata Municipal Corporation in an electoral sweep of the civic polls that saw it humble West Bengal's ruling Left Front across the state. The Communist Party of India-Marxist (CPI-M) on ... | Timeline of articles Number of sources covering this story
Videos![]() Mamata unsettles CPM in Kolkata polls NewsX - 48 minutes ago Watch video ![]() Not the end of ties with UPA: Mamata Banerjee NDTV.com - 5 hours ago Watch video ![]() Mamata skips cabinet meet, says it's no big deal NDTV.com - 8 hours ago Watch video ![]() Trinamool Congress wins West Bengal civic polls NewsX - 9 hours ago Watch video |
CBI probe ordered into Bengal train crashHindustan Times - 1 hour ago The central government on Wednesday ordered a probe by the Central Bureau of Investigation into the derailment of the Jnaneswari Express near Jhargram in ... Probe into Gyaneshwari Express derailment to be handed over to CBIDaily News & Analysis - 3 hours ago PTI Kolkata: The Centre today ordered a CBI probe into Gyaneshwari Express disaster--a demand made by railway minister MamataBanerjee--on a day when her ... Gyaneshwari train attack: Bengal govt agrees to CBI inquiryNDTV.com - 4 hours ago It's what Mamata Banerjee has been demanding. Sources say the West Bengal government has agreed to a CBI investigation into last week's train accident in ... CBI to probe Jnaneshwari Express derailment: SourcesTimes of India - 5 hours ago NEW DELHI: The government has decided that CBI will probe the Jnaneshwari Express derailment in West Bengal in which 148 persons were killed, according to ... CBI probe's holistic mandate made CM to backtrackIndian Express - 14 hours ago Even as the Left Front government rejected Railway Minister Mamata Banerjee's demand for a CBI probe into the Jnaneswari Express derailment, ... Buddha thought CBI probe would be limited to Maoist linkIndian Express - 20 hours ago The West Bengal government's change of mind on a CBI probe into the Jnaneswari Express carnage was reportedly prompted by the realisation that such an ... Derailment could be CPI(M) conspiracy: MS BittaTimes of India - Jun 1, 2010 KOLKATA: All-India Anti-Terrorist Front chief MS Bitta today said that the Gyaneswari Express derailment could be a "conspiracy" by the CPI(M) and demanded ... Bengal train tragedy: Mamata insists on CBI inquiryNDTV.com - Jun 1, 2010 A day after the Bengal government struck it down, Railway Minister Mamata Banerjee insisted on a CBI inquiry for a fair probe into the West Midnapore train ... India Digest: No CBI Probe In Train Derailment: West Bengal GovtWall Street Journal (blog) - May 31, 2010 Here is a roundup of news from Indian newspapers, news wires and Web sites on Tuesday, June 1, 2010. The Wall Street Journal has not verified these stories ... | Timeline of articles Number of sources covering this story
Mamata Banerjee thanks people for victory in Kolkata Municipal CorporationOneindia - 11 minutes ago Kolkata, June 2 (ANI): Railway Minister and Trinamool Congress (TMC) chief Mamata Banerjee on Wednesday thanked the masses for their staunch support, ... Going by the scriptHindustan Times - 42 minutes ago People can be forgiven for viewing the emphatic defeat of the Left parties by the Trinamool Congress (TMC) in West Bengal's civic polls as a paradigm shift ... Humbled in Bengal polls, Left to take 'corrective steps'Sify - 48 minutes ago West Bengal's ruling Left Front, vanquished by the opposition Trinamool Congress in the civic polls, Wednesday accepted the electoral verdict and promised ...
Assembly polls should be held immediately: MamataSify - 48 minutes ago Trinamool Congress chief Mamata Banerjee Wednesday called for immediate assembly polls in West Bengal, saying the Left Front government had lost the right ... Mamata unsettles CPM in Kolkata pollsNewsX - 50 minutes ago It was touted as the semi finals in West Bengal. And Mamata Bannerjee and her Trinamool Congress have won it. Mamata's party has posted a big win in civic ... Bengal results suggest new dilemma for LeftNDTV.com - 2 hours ago Waves of Trinamool green began pulsing through Kolkata on Wednesday morning, as the city proved it has unlatched itself from the traditional red of the Left ... Mamata tsunami hits Left, Congress still a factorHindustan Times - 2 hours ago The Trinamool Congress on Wednesday wrested control of the prestigious Kolkata Municipal Corporation (KMC) in an electoral sweep of the civic polls that saw ... CPI-M rejects Mamata's demand for early Bengal pollsHindustan Times - 3 hours ago The Trinamool Congress today wrested control of the prestigious Kolkata Municipal Corporation in an electoral sweep of the civic polls that saw it humble ... Trinamool decimates Left in industrial beltsSify - 3 hours ago The Trinamool Congress juggernaut steamrolled all opposition in Kolkata and the adjoining industrial belts in North 24 Parganas and Hooghly districts as it ... Mamata wins Bengal civic polls, demands early electionsNDTV.com - 4 hours ago Mamata Banerjee and her Trinamool Congress (TMC) have won the West Bengal civic polls, seen as the semi-final before next year's state elections. ... | Timeline of articles Number of sources covering this story
Videos![]() Mamata unsettles CPM in Kolkata polls NewsX - 50 minutes ago Watch video ![]() Not the end of ties with UPA: Mamata Banerjee NDTV.com - 5 hours ago Watch video ![]() Mamata skips cabinet meet, says it's no big deal NDTV.com - 8 hours ago Watch video ![]() Trinamool Congress wins West Bengal civic polls NewsX - 9 hours ago Watch video |
Mamata Banerjee thanks people for victory in Kolkata Municipal CorporationOneindia - 10 minutes ago Kolkata, June 2 (ANI): Railway Minister and Trinamool Congress (TMC) chief Mamata Banerjee on Wednesday thanked the masses for their staunch support, ... Vayalar Ravi congratulates Mamata Banerjee Hindustan Times Gyaneshwari train attack: Bengal govt agrees to CBI inquiryNDTV.com - 4 hours ago It's what Mamata Banerjee has been demanding. Sources say the West Bengal government has agreed to a CBI investigation into last week's train accident in ... CBI to probe Jnaneshwari Express derailment: Sources Times of India CBI probe ordered into Bengal train crash Hindustan Times Mamata welcomes CBI probe into train mishap Press Trust of India PC blasts Mamata theory, holds Maoists responsibleEconomic Times - May 31, 2010 NEW DELHI: Union home minister P Chidambaram on Monday contradicted Mamata Banerjee's "CPM-is-behind-the-attack-on-Gyaneshwari-Express" theory and said that ... Not sure Maoists were behind train accident: Mamata All India Radio Kolkata police firing victim dies, row over Mamata's commentTimes of India - Jun 1, 2010 ... in Sunday's Kolkata civic poll, died on Tuesday as Trinamool Congress chief Mamata Banerjee labelled him a "notorious criminal", sparking protests. ... Mamata kicks up a row The Hindu Word war over poll victim Calcutta Telegraph TSR constable suspended for firing at CPI(M) worker Press Trust of India CPI-M snubs Mamata Banerjee's allegations over West Bengal train mishapSify - May 29, 2010 Communist Party of India-Marxist (CPI-M) Polit Bureau member Sitaram Yechury on Saturday rubbished Railway Minister Mamata Banrejee's charges against CPI-M ... Probe jab at MamataCalcutta Telegraph - 20 hours ago ... is not needed in the Jnaneswari Express tragedy, CPM politburo member Sitaram Yechury said today in an apparent attempt to isolate Mamata Banerjee. ... Buddha, PC okay with CID probe in train attack: CPM Economic Times Buddhadeb, Chidambaram have agreed on no CBI probe: Yechury Hindustan Times Trinamool show in KolkataThe Hindu - 3 hours ago Arunangsu Roy Chowdhury THIRD EYE: A Trinamool Congress supporter during the victory celebrations at party chief Mamata Banerjee's house at Kalighat, ... To resign or not to resignCalcutta Telegraph - 20 hours ago Mamata Banerjee should have taken moral responsibility for the Jnaneswari incident, and not harp on a "blast" being a second force behind this. ... Mamata's safety record: Absent Hindustan Times Mamata caught between Maoist and Marxist scapegoats New Delhi Chronicle.com (blog) Poorly equipped ministers Livemint Pranab warns Mamata BanerjeeTimes of India - May 27, 2010 A day after Mamata criticised Pranab Mukherjee, the senior Congress leader on Thursday warned the Trinamool Congress supremo not to cross the ... Congress warns Mamata Banerjee about deserting UPA Hindustan Times 'UPA must have mechanism to resolve disputes' Business Standard State icons get raw deal from Mamata, ministers Expressindia.com CPI(M) rules out advancing Assembly polls in West BengalPress Trust of India - 3 hours ago Kolkata, Jun 2 (PTI) CPI(M) today accepted defeat in the civic polls in West Bengal, but ruled out Trinamool Congress chief Mamata Banerjee's demand for ... BJP lashes out at Mamata, Cong blames railway officialsTimes of India - May 16, 2010 NEW DELHI: The BJP criticised Mamata Banerjee over the stampede at New Delhi Railway station on Sunday, saying nothing better could be expected from an ... Mamata deliberately stoking panic among Muslims, CPM tells ChidambaramTimes of India - May 20, 2010 NEW DELHI: The CPM on Thursday accused Trinamool Congress chief Mamata Banerjee of "deliberately stoking panic" amongst Muslims in West Bengal by claiming ... Mamata Banerjee will not attend PM's meets Daily News & Analysis Mamata whips up communal tension: CPI(M) The Hindu At poll meets, Mamata banks on common touchTimes of India - May 15, 2010 KOLKATA: Trinamool Congress supremo Mamata Banerjee does not want a single Opposition vote to go to waste. Banerjee went para-hopping on Saturday, ... CPM hits out at Mamata before polls NDTV.com Suspected Naxal held in AhmedabadHindustan Times - May 31, 2010 Even as the Railways face criticism for lack of safety and security, Mamata Banerjee's absence of almost a month from office has held up a critical proposal ... Mamata Banerjee to decide about contesting Bihar electionsHindustan Times - May 24, 2010 ... to contest the Bihar assembly polls would be taken by party president and Railway Minister Mamata Banerjee, TC sources said in Kishanganj on Monday. ... Mamata strikes a chord in Salt Lake Times of India State Trinamool looks to Mamata E-Pao.net Congress to back Trinamool in a hung KMC Indian Express UPA alliance remains firm, despite differences at State level, says MoilyOneindia - 10 minutes ago Replying to a question related to Trinamool Congress chief Mamta Banerjee, Moily said: "Miss Mamata (Banerjee) is our partner in UPA we are working some ... Mamata says her party not in UPA at anyone's mercyHindustan Times - May 26, 2010 PTI The war of words between Trinamool Congress and Congress on Wednesday intensified with Mamata Banerjee saying her party was not in the UPA at anyone's ... Impossible to fight the Left samay live Open fight between Pranab, Mamata Times Now.tv Not in UPA at anyone's mercy: Mamata Expressindia.com Kin break security cordon to confront MamataTimes of India - May 28, 2010 KOLKATA: Mamata Banerjee's Z-plus security cordon — ready to combat criminals and even terrorists — wasn't ready for what unfolded at Howrah station's new ... Railways hikes freight rates for iron oreLivemint - - May 31, 2010 ... iron ore by Rs300 per tonne, the fourth time it has done so since railway minister Mamata Banerjee presented her rail budget in February this year. ... Mamata broke Mahajot dharma: CongressTimes of India - May 11, 2010 KOLKATA: Pradesh Congress leaders have hit back at Trinamool Congress chief Mamata Banerjee, who accused a section of Congress leaders of breaching trust ... Won't quit UPA: Mamata Hindustan Times Tagore, culture ride Mamata's train of thought Business Standard Mamata's loyalist gets TV licence as 146 others wait Financial Express Marxists derailed train to defame us: PCPAIBNLive.com - May 30, 2010 The "CPI-M has plans to politically isolate Railway Minister Mamata Banerjee so that she is forced to resign under directive of the UPA government after the ... Is PCPA, old Mamata ally, involved? Asian Age Why the Maoists are winning? Hindustan Times Enter Mamata: exit pollCalcutta Telegraph - May 30, 2010 Calcutta, May 30: Mamata Banerjee will not need the support of the Congress to rule Calcutta, a STAR Ananda-AC Nielsen exit poll has predicted. ... Open and shut polls? Need not Calcutta Telegraph Eye on city Muslim swing Calcutta Telegraph Photo Gallery RSS :Malaysia Star - 15 hours ago Indian Railway Minister and Trinamool Congress party leader Mamata Banerjee displays the victory sign at the entrance of her home after her party's victory ... Tata Motors opens new factory for Nano carThe Associated Press - - 6 hours ago Protests against farm land being converted to industrial use, led by opposition leader Mamata Banerjee, forced Tata Motors to abandon its original factory ... 'Timing' of Gyaneshwari Express accident questionedTimes of India - May 29, 2010 KOLKATA: A section of intellectuals smelt conspiracy in the Gyaneshwari accident to malign the image of the Railways minister Mamata Banerjee on the eve of ... Three days after train mishap, search still onNDTV.com - May 30, 2010 The Railway Minister Mamata Banerjee and the her bitter rivals - the CPM-led government - got into a no-holds barred fight on Saturday on who was to blame ... Sabotage say all, railway minister sticks to explosion theory Daily News & Analysis AI pilot-crew spat delays Mamata's flightTimes of India - - May 23, 2010 NEW DELHI: Air India's troubles with its pilots and crew seem to have become a regular affair — on Friday night, railway minister Mamata Banerjee was ... Late arrival, pilot illness delay Mamata Banerjee flight Press Trust of India No way to run a railroad Express Buzz All upside downHindustan Times - Jun 1, 2010 While Mamata Banerjee is targeting Buddhadeb Bhattacharjee, the civil aviation ministry is passing the buck on to the dead pilots. ... FE Editorial : Reporting resilienceFinancial Express - 56 minutes ago But pressure from Mamata Banerjee has put this reformist legislation into cold storage. That is hardly encouraging news for the many investors who want to ... Mamata: from street fighter to mass leaderIBNLive.com - 8 hours ago Kolkata: Mamata Banerjee, popularly known as 'Didi' to all her followers, has acquired the reputation of having relentlessly fought the Left Front regime in ... Buddhadeb silent on civic poll results Press Trust of India |
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arender Modi inaugurates new manufacturing plant of Nano in GujaratOneindia - 15 minutes ago Sanand (Gujarat), June 2 (ANI): Gujarat Chief Minister Narender Modi inaugurated the manufacturing plant of Nano at Sanand, a city and municipality in ... Sanand: Tata Nano's new homeMoneycontrol.com - 25 minutes ago Nearly two years after it was forced to shift its Nano plant over a land row in West Bengal, Tata Motors will start the production of the Nano from its new ... More investment from Tata group likely in GujaratEconomic Times - 1 hour ago SANAND/AHMEDABAD: The Tata's are mulling more investments in Gujarat, group Chairman Ratan Tata indicated here Wednesday. He said Gujarat Chief Minister ...
Nano grabs global attention on launch of Sanand plantDaily News & Analysis - 2 hours ago PTI Sanand (Gujarat): The roll out of 'people's car' Nano from the Sanand plant today attracted global attention, with delegates from Italy and the US ... Sanand all set to roll out Tata NanoRediff - 2 hours ago Tata Motors on Wednesday opened its brand new plant here, set up at a cost of Rs 2000 crore (Rs 20 billion) to manufacture the Rs 100000 Nano. ... Wait Ends For Tata NanoOneindia - 4 hours ago Ratan Tata smiled today after pulling the wraps off the Sanand Plant in Gujarat which has started producing Nano cars. The 1100 acre manufacturing plant in ... Weather gods frown on TataFinancial Times (blog) - - 6 hours ago The day that Ratan Tata opened a new factory dedicated to the Nano, the world's cheapest car, was supposed to be a day of triumph. ... Gujarat's Modi Reaps Tata's Plaudits " AgainWall Street Journal (blog) - - 6 hours ago "We now have a new home," Ratan Tata told a televised news conference in 2008 after Tata Motors bailed on its proposed site for producing ... Cyclone Phet interrupts Tata, Modi at Nano plantNDTV.com - 6 hours ago There was mutual admiration expressed loudly and repeatedly as Ratan Tata and Gujarat Chief Minister Narendra Modi inaugurated the 2000-crore Nano plant at ... Tata Motors opens new factory for Nano carThe Associated Press - - 6 hours ago SANAND, India — Tata Motors inaugurated a factory Wednesday to produce its super-cheap compact Nano car, nearly two years after violent farmer protests ... | Timeline of articlesNumber of sources covering this story
Opposition slams UPA-II report on security, price riseHindustan Times - 4 hours ago Opposition parties Wednesday said the United Progressive Alliance (UPA) government's report card on the first year of its second term did not adequately ... UPA pats itself on economy, stresses aam aadmi focusIndian Express - 11 hours ago Prime Minister Manmohan Singh today projected the effective management of the fallout of the global financial crisis and the restoration of the growth ... PM pats his govt's back for economic successIndian Express - 13 hours ago Prime Minister Manmohan Singh and UPA Chairperson Sonia Gandhi releasing the UPA's 'Report to the People' at a function in New Delhi. ...
PM signals switchover to direct subsidy modeEconomic Times - 17 hours ago NEW DELHI: Prime minister Manmohan Singh on Tuesday signalled his government's intent to move to a system of direct transfer of subsidies to the poor, ... Singh highlights priority areas in 1st year performance reportDaily Times - - 18 hours ago NEW DELHI: Presenting a report on the completion of the first year of his government, Indian Prime Minister Dr Manmohan Singh on Tuesday ... Will fight terrorism root and branch: ManmohanTimes of India - 19 hours ago NEW DELHI: As internal security concerns pose a major challenge before the UPA-2, Prime Minister Manmohan Singh on Tuesday promised that his government ... PM lauds Sonia's guidance to UPASify - 20 hours ago Prime Minister Manmohan Singh Tuesday lauded the guidance provided by Congress president Sonia Gandhi to the government as UPA-II completed a year, ... Right to education historic, will work to make it reality: PMSify - 20 hours ago Describing the Right to Education Act a 'historic step', Prime Minister Manmohan Singh Tuesday said his government will work in tandem with the states to ... UPA report card surprise: A look at n-submarineIndian Express - 21 hours ago PM Manmohan Singh and UPA Chairperson Sonia Gandhi releasing the UPA's 'Report to the People' at a function in New Delhi. India's nuclear submarine Arihant ... | Timeline of articlesNumber of sources covering this story
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