I would not be surprised if Bush gets Nobel Prize for Literature if he missed for peace!
Troubled Galaxy Destroyed Dreams, chapter 567
Palash Biswas
Bush pens 9/11 memories in his book as Butchery Translated in Literature!
Former US President George W. Bush gave orders to shoot down planes on 9/11, his new book has revealed.
He also thought the hijacked airliner that crashed in Pennsylvania had been shot down.
The ex-president learned minutes later that brave passengers had forced terrorists to abandon their attempt to smash into the White House and crash land into a field.
Bush's memoir 'Decision Points' is due to be published next month, reports the Daily Mail.
9/11conspiracy is no secret as exposed very well. The Event was made an Excuse of Oil War which destroyed Iraq in Unprecedented Mass Destruction. US President Barrack Obama toes Imperialist Corporate line of George Bush and simply shifted the War in South Asia as Bush did succeed to make India a strong Partner in America`s War against Nature and Nature associated Aborignal Indigenous world. Foreign origin Brahaminical Ruling Hegemony Zionist aligned with America under strategic reallinace with Indo US Nuclear deal and indulged itself in Economic Ethnic cleansing!
I would not be surprised if Bush gets Nobel Prize for Literature if he missed for peace!
The United States will continue to back dialogue between India and Pakistan towards the resolution of their bilateral issues, but the "pace, scope and character" have 'obviously' to be decided by the two nations, the White House has said.
"We have always welcomed dialogue between India and Pakistan and certainly encouraged efforts to improve relations between those two very important countries," US Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs William Burns said.
"Obviously, the pace, scope and character of that dialogue is something that Indians and Pakistanis have to shape. But we'll continue to both welcome and encourage it," he added.
Burns was responding to a question whether Obama would talk privately or publicly about the longstanding Kashmir dispute and the tensions between India and Pakistan during his forthcoming visit to India.
When asked why Obama decided to go to Pakistan next year and not on this (India) trip, US Deputy National Security Advisor for Strategic Communications Ben Rhodes said, "On this specific trip, again, we have a limited amount of time. We have hard dates in terms of summits that we're attending in Seoul and in Japan. And we have a very robust program in India on the front end. And so he wanted to make sure we have the proper focus on that Pakistan trip when it does take place."
"The President believes that the U.S. relationship with India and the U.S. relationship with Pakistan does not take place within any kind of zero sum dynamic. It's often been viewed that way in the past, that if we become closer to one it's at the expense of the other," he said.
"And we've tried to send the signal that it's the opposite with this administration; that, in fact, actually you see that borne out in the fact that we had a very successful strategic dialogue here, with the Pakistanis in town last week, discussing greater security cooperation in governance and economic issues," Rhodes added.
He also said that the strategic dialogue "speaks to the fact that we're cooperating closely with Pakistan just as this visit speaks to a deepening relationship with India."
Former US President George W Bush gave orders to shoot down planes on 9/11, his new book has revealed.
He also thought the hijacked airliner that crashed in Pennsylvania had been shot down.
The ex-president learned minutes later that brave passengers had forced terrorists to abandon their attempt to smash into the White House and crash land into a field.
Bush's memoir 'Decision Points' is due to be published next month, reports the Daily Mail.
He has also covered crisis from the September 11 attacks to Hurricane Katrina and the financial meltdown in his book.
But, according to the right-wing Drudge Report website, Bush takes very few shots at his critics and does not take aim at Barack Obama, who is battling his own plunge in popularity on the eve of America's mid-term elections.
The book starts with the words: 'It was a simple question, "Can you remember the last day you didn't have a drink?"'
It goes on to describe the ex-President's return to sobriety after problems with alcohol in his youth.
In the chapter 'Stem Cells', Bush describes receiving a letter from Nancy Reagan detailing a 'wrenching family journey.'
But ultimately, he wrote: "I did feel a responsibility to voice my pro-life convictions and lead the country toward what Pope John Paul II called a culture of life."
The Drudge Report also said that Bush would go on Oprah Winfrey's daytime talk show to promote the 'very personal' memoir.
Read more: George Bush gave orders to shoot down planes on 9/11, reveals tell-all - The Times of India http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/world/us/George-Bush-gave-orders-to-shoot-down-planes-on-9/11-reveals-tell-all/articleshow/6833978.cms#ixzz13lx0i0Uh
Obama to celebrate Diwali with Indian kids
Underscoring India's importance as 'a cornerstone' of broader Asia approach of a US focused on expanding exports, President Barack Obama begins a four-nation trip to Asia next week with his first halt in Mumbai.
Obama's three-day schedule in India is built around the context of expanding US exports to India while increasing investments by Indian corporations in the United States, a top aide said at a White House briefing Wednesday.
Leaving here Friday, Obama arrives in India's financial capital Saturday, Deputy National Security Adviser for Strategic Communication Ben Rhodes said outlining his schedule.
Obama will stay at the Taj Hotel, a major target of November 2008 terror attacks. He'll make a statement at the hotel to commemorate the Mumbai terrorist attacks.
On the second day in India, Obama will visit a Mumbai school and participate in Diwali celebrations. Then he'll go to a town hall with university students, where he'll focus on partnerships, agriculture and food security. Obama will highlight India's successes as the world's largest democracy, Rhodes said.
On day three, Obama will go to New Delhi to have a 'private dinner' with Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, Rhodes said.
The next day, Obama will lay a wreath at Mahatma Gandhi's Samadhi at Rajghat, visit Humayun's Tomb, an architectural precursor to the Taj Mahal, then meet with Manmohan Singh and give a news conference.
He'll also address the Indian parliament before going to a state dinner. On Nov 9, he'll go to Jakarta.
First lady Michelle Obama will accompany the president in India and Indonesia, while the two first daughters will remain home to continue their schooling, Rhodes said.
Ground Zero mosque already in existence for over a year on 9/11 site!
New York, Sept 28 (ANI): The latest revelation about Ground Zero would definitely shock the opponents of the proposed Islamic community center and mosque, with reports claiming that the mosque is already in existence for more than a year in the proposed 9/11 site.
"The mosque near ground zero is a fact. The only question is whether the community center will go ahead," The New York Daily News quoted CBS correspondent, Scott Pelley, as saying.
For over a year, prayer services have been held at 47 Park Place, the former Burlington Coat Factory store that was bought by real estate developer Sharif El-Gamal in July 2009.
After the nearby Manhattan mosque lost its lease and was no longer able to fit its regular 1500 worshippers, hundreds of Muslims began to gather for prayer services in the Park Place building every Friday, the paper reports.
In an advisory issued on August 19, the Associated Press advised its reporters saying, "It may be useful in some stories to note that Muslim prayer services have been held since 2009 in the building that the new project will replace."
Meanwhile, El-Gamal has said that such a hue and cry over the proposed project was irrelevant as he does not consider his faith responsible for the September 11 terror attacks.
"I was affected by the horrific events that happened that day as well, and I do not hold myself or my faith accountable for what happened during that horrific day," he added. (ANI)
President George W. Bush in India - Photos - U.S. Embassy of the ...
2 Mar 2006 ... President George W. Bush is welcomed to New Delhi Wednesday, March 1 by Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh. Bush is in India for two days ...
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India (cat) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
India remained with George and Laura Bush once their daughters left for college. The cat moved with the Bushes to the White House from the Texas Governor's ...
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BBC NEWS | South Asia | George Bush in India - what is success?
28 Feb 2006 ... Paul Danahar asks whether George Bush's visit to India will still be a success even if nuclear differences remain.
newscdn.bbc.net.uk/2/hi/south_asia/4759592.stm - Cached
» George Bush, India and the world food shortage - Blogger News ...
3 May 2008 ... US President George Bush has joined his top diplomat in suggesting that the growing prosperity of India's large middle class is contributing ...
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Bush favours UNSC seat for India - The Times of India
31 Oct 2009 ... Former US President George W Bush said India has "arrived" as a strong democratic country in the world. On Afghanistan, he said, ...
timesofindia.indiatimes.com › India - Cached - Similar
Manmohan, Bush get candid over lunch - The Times of India
Early in the day, George Bush, on a pleasure trip to India, announced ...
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In the world's largest democracy, they're missing George W. Bush
6 Dec 2009 ... Former president George Bush came to India last month in what marked his first overseas visit since leaving office in January - and was very ...
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Former US President George Bush heading to India - National News ...
19 Oct 2009 ... New Delhi: A year after shepherding the landmark civilian nuclear agreement between India and the US in the last stages of his presidency, ...
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The Taj hosts George Bush on a private visit to Mumbai - Mumbai - DNA
2 Nov 2009 ... The Ratan Tata-owned Taj Mahal Hotel, ravaged by terrorists last November, played a host to former US president George Bush when he was on a ...
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Indo-US ties: Carnegie quotes Rahul's 'wise words' - 5 hours ago
Washington: Days ahead of US President Barack Obama's India visit, a prestigious ... during a debate on the Indo-US civilian nuclear deal on July 22, 2008. ...
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Indo-U.S. civilian nuclear agreement - Wikipedia, the free ...
11 Formal signing of the deal; 12 Chronology of the Indo-US Nuclear Deal ..... Israel is citing the Indo-U.S. civil nuclear deal as a precedent to alter ...
Overview - Background - Rationale behind the agreement
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'Indo-US nuclear deal to boost economic ties'
21 Feb 2010 ... The landmark Indo-US civil nuclear deal will boost bilateral economic ties and address "shared concerns" on energy security and climate ...
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Why Pak DID NOT oppose Indo-US nuclear deal - Rediff.com News
Pakistan did not oppose the George W Bush administration's move to ink a civil nuclear agreement with India because it expected it would ...
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Indo-US Nuclear Deal | Fuel Reprocessing Agreement | International ...
31 Jul 2010 ... As part of the Indo-US civil nuclear deal, India and United States have signed a fuel reprocessing agreement. India will now set up a ...
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Indo-US Nuclear Deal: Why this hurry and at what cost?
The Indo-US Nuclear Deal is meant to serve the interests of the global nuclear power industry and is a ploy to keep India away from staking claims to ...
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'Flawed' liability bill threatens Indo-US nuclear deal: Expert ...
1 Sep 2010 ... Terming passing of civil nuclear liability bill by the Parliament as "flawed", a US expert has said that US policy makers have been taken ...
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The Indo US Nuclear deal: the Road Ahead
It is time therefore to try to lift the fog over the Indo-US nuclear deal. Never before has the Indian establishment and public been so divided on a foreign ...
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What does Indo-US nuclear deal mean? - Express India
27 Jul 2006 ... China is said to have supported Pakistan's nuclear weapons program since the 1980s. Some analysts see the Indo-US deal as part of attempts ...
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Rediff.com: Indo-US Nuclear Tango
May 22, 2009. India seeks movement on Indo-US nuclear deal .... Rice meets Pelosi to discuss Indo-US nuclear deal · Rice meets Berman to expedite N-deal ...
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The Indo-US nuclear deal - an analysis
3 Mar 2006 ... Internet presence of the Indian Muslims first English Newspaper, The Milli Gazette.
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WikiLeaks has more US war files, Pentagon says
Wed, Oct 27 02:15 AMWikiLeaks, which already has made public nearly 500,000 classified U.S. files on the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, has more U.S. documents for possible release than it has stated, the Pentagon said on Tuesday.
The massive WikiLeaks disclosures of leaked documents have been the largest in U.S. military history, and Pentagon officials are saying that more files may follow.
The whistle-blowing organization has publicly acknowledged it has some 15,000 more documents on the war in Afghanistan that it has threatened to release, along with an Afghanistan video file, the Pentagon noted.
"Those are things they've talked about publicly. And we have reason to believe they have other documents as well," Colonel Dave Lapan, a Pentagon spokesman, told reporters.
Asked whether the Pentagon had independent knowledge of what WikiLeaks had in its possession, he said: "We do," without elaborating.
The U.S. investigation into the source of the leaks has focused on Bradley Manning, a former U.S. Army intelligence analyst in Iraq. Manning is under arrest, charged with leaking a classified video showing a 2007 helicopter attack that killed a dozen people in Iraq, including two Reuters journalists.
No one has yet been charged with leaking any of the more than 70,000 files on the Afghanistan war that WikiLeaks released in July or the nearly 400,000 Iraq war files disclosed last Friday.
Manning's attorney did not return phone calls. The Pentagon has refused to discuss the investigation.
WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange has said the U.S. investigation is also looking into WikiLeaks itself.
Lapan said the Pentagon believes it knows which documents WikiLeaks has in its possession, including a large, encrypted file on its website entitled "insurance," which has not been released to the public.
"We believe we know some of what they have," Lapan said.
"We don't know for certain. For example, we don't know for certain what's in the 'insurance' file. So we don't know exactly everything that WikiLeaks has."
Earlier on Tuesday in Baghdad, a top Pentagon official said the U.S. Defense Department was considering controls like those that credit card firms use to detect odd behavior to prevent leaks of sensitive information.
"Rather than preventing people from having access to the data, could we do things like credit card companies do, which is to look for anomalous behavior," Deputy Defense Secretary William Lynn told reporters during a brief visit to Iraq.
"If someone is doing something that doesn't seem appropriate for where they are, downloading 100,000 documents when they are out in some obscure corner of the country, why are they doing that? You go out and ask them," Lynn said.
(Additional reporting by Michael Christie in Baghdad; Editing by Will Dunham)
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George W. Bush - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
George Walker Bush was the 43rd President of the United States, serving from 2001 to 2009, and the 46th Governor of Texas, serving from 1995 to 2000. Bush ...
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George Bush - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
George Bush may refer to: George W. Bush (born 1946), 43rd President of the United States (2001–2009); George H. W. Bush (born 1924), 41st President of the ...
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George H. W. Bush | The White House
Short biography from the official White House site.
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News for George Bush
How the First Sentence of Bush's New Book Breaks from Political ... - 2 hours ago
George HW Bush, All the Best • "It was an exceptionally clear summer morning." — Rudy Giuliani, Leadership (This sentence features in this list because the ...
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George Bush Presidential Library and Museum :: Home
Located in College Station, Texas. Biographies and photographs, in addition to exhibit schedules and library news.
bushlibrary.tamu.edu/ - United States - Cached - Similar
Decision Points by George W. Bush
Shattering the conventions of political autobiography, George W. Bush ... We regret that books mailed to President George W. Bush cannot be returned to you. ...
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US President George Bush | World news | guardian.co.uk
26 Aug 2010 ... Articles, video and audio on US President George Bush.
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George Bush : Pictures, Videos, Breaking News
29 Oct 2010 ... Big News on George Bush. Includes blogs, news, and community conversations about George Bush.
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Bushisms - Funny George Bush Quotes Updated Frequently
Keep up to date on all the latest adventures in Bushspeak with this hilarious collection of the dumbest things President George W. Bush ever said.
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George Bush gave orders to shoot down planes on 9/11, reveals tell-all
LONDON: Former US President George W Bush gave orders to shoot down planes on 9/11, his new book has revealed. He also thought the hijacked airliner that crashed in Pennsylvania had been shot down.The ex-president learned minutes later that brave passengers had forced terrorists to abandon their attempt to smash into the White House and crash land into a field. Bush's memoir 'Decision Points' is due to be published next month, reports the Daily Mail.
He has also covered crisis from the September 11 attacks to Hurricane Katrina and the financial meltdown in his book. But, according to the right-wing Drudge Report website, Bush takes very few shots at his critics and does not take aim at Barack Obama, who is battling his own plunge in popularity on the eve of America's mid-term elections.
The book starts with the words: 'It was a simple question, "Can you remember the last day you didn't have a drink?"' It goes on to describe the ex-President's return to sobriety after problems with alcohol in his youth.
In the chapter 'Stem Cells', Bush describes receiving a letter from Nancy Reagan detailing a 'wrenching family journey.' But ultimately, he wrote: "I did feel a responsibility to voice my pro-life convictions and lead the country toward what Pope John Paul II called a culture of life."
The Drudge Report also said that Bush would go on Oprah Winfrey's daytime talk show to promote the 'very personal' memoir.
Source: ANI
How the First Sentence of Bush's New Book Breaks from Political Memoir Tradition
by Juli WeinerOctober 29, 2010, 10:45 AM
To wit:
• "Early on the morning of August 19, 1946, I was born under a clear sky after a violent summer storm to a widowed mother in the Julia Chester Hospital in Hope, a town of about six thousand in southwest Arkansas, thirty-three miles east of the Texas border at Texarkana." — Bill Clinton, My Life
• "On 2 May, 1997, I walked into Downing Street as prime minister for the first time." — Tony Blair, A Journey
• "When Japan bombed Pearl Harbon on December 7, 1941, I was a seventeen-year-old high school senior at Phillips Academy, Andover." — George H.W. Bush, All the Best
• "It was an exceptionally clear summer morning." — Rudy Giuliani, Leadership (This sentence features in this list because the chapter's title, listed just above the opening paragraph, is "September 11, 2001.")
Bush's less than rigorous interest in the specifics of recent history may finally prove to be an asset!
See also: "Six Urgentous Decidering Points" by George W. Bush, as told to Craig Brown.
George Bush ends his purdah with a memoir, a library and Oprah
Former US president's first account of time in White House will be 'honest and direct about flaws'
- guardian.co.uk, Wednesday 27 October 2010 18.19 BST
- Article history
Amid the Republican resurgence that has been building ahead of next week's midterm elections, one key conservative figure has been conspicuously absent.
His public appearances have been limited to bike rides and a baseball game or two, he has avoided endorsing candidates and instead kept himself secluded in the sleepy Dallas suburb of Preston Hollow.
In a couple of weeks, however, the mystery of the disappearing former president is likely to be solved. After two years of an enforced purdah, George Bush will come out into the open.
On 9 November he will give his first public account of his tumultuous two-terms in office in the form of a memoir, Decision Points. Its publication has been timed to hit the shelves long enough after the elections to avoid any accusation of interference but close enough to profit from the euphoria the Republican troops are likely to be feeling from their anticipated drubbing of the Democrats.
Interviews with Oprah Winfrey and on the NBC Today show will give the 43rd president the kind of exposure he has rigorously avoided since he was spirited away from Washington aboard the Marine One helicopter on 20 January 2009. "I have zero desire, just so you know, to be in the limelight," he said in Chicago last week at one of his sparse speaking engagements.
The book is one element of an intricately choreographed attempt on Bush's part to define his own legacy. On 16 November there will be a groundbreaking at the Southern Methodist University in Dallas of his presidential library, which will form the core of a 225,817 square foot Bush Centre that will also incorporate a meeting space and an institute tasked with finding Bush-style solutions to global challenges.
As a taste of the cornucopia of George Bush that is to come, a mini-exhibition of some of the most evocative memorabilia of his time in office has just been opened at the university.
Unsurprisingly, 9/11 features prominently, with a display of the original handwritten notes he made in his favoured black Sharpie pen for his first press statement on the morning of the attacks: "Today we have had a nat'l tragedy. 2 airplanes have crashed into the World Trade Centre … Terrorism against Amer will not succeed."
There's the megaphone he used three days later as he stood on top of the rubble in Ground Zero. "I can hear you. The rest of the world hears you," he said. Beside it is the ball he pitched that same Autumn at Yankee Stadium at the start of game three of the World Series.
If 9/11 was his finest hour, there are also reminders of more controversial decisions. A brick from the Taliban leader Mullah Omar's compound in Afghanistan is displayed next to the 9mm Glock pistol found in Saddam Hussein's possession down his spider hole near Tikrit in December 2003.
There is a letter from a US soldier who lost a leg in combat and a flag patch from the only one of 10 soldiers to survive an ambush in Afghanistan. Also present is the note from Condoleezza Rice in June 2004 saying "Mr President, Iraq is sovereign". Bush has scrawled over it, again in Sharpie, "Let FreeDom Reign".
The tone of all this outpouring of Bush material is, if not apologetic, then at least conscious of his critics. The heart of the Bush Center will be the "Decision Theatre" where visitors will be presented with issues – Afghanistan, Iraq, Katrina, the 2008 bailouts – and invited to cast their vote. It is almost as if Bush were saying: "It's all very well to carp, but if you were me, what would you have done?"
The publicity for the book takes the same line, promising: "President Bush writes honestly and directly about his flaws and mistakes, as well as his accomplishments."
A degree of recognition of weakness is perhaps just as well on Bush's part, in that he was undoubtedly a singularly divisive president who infuriated many, not least among his own conservative rank and file. Indeed, the explosion of Tea Party activity that has gripped America over the past 18 months could be seen as Bush's greatest legacy, albeit not one that he had intended.
At a Tea Party rally just outside Dallas on Monday, rightwing Republicans expressed strikingly mixed emotions. Many praised his patriotism. "He loves America," said Monteen Mulcahy; "He showed terrific character and integrity after 9/11," said Cathy Kriske.
But many more conveyed anger about his economic policies of high spending and big government, and several questioned whether he was a conservative at all. "I am a conservative, he is not," said a semi-retired marketing rep, Dennis Thrush. "He called himself a 'compassionate conservative' but I couldn't see the conservative bit."
Tea Partiers pointed to Bush's extension of Medicare drugs for older people, the bank bailouts and his stimulus package at the start of the economic meltdown as examples of his lack of fiscal conservatism. "Bush estranged several elements," said Bruce Buchanan, a professor of politics at the University of Texas. "He alienated strict fiscal conservatives and several Republicans with his moderate stance on social issues."
Michael Tanner, of the Cato Institute thinktank, said the realignment of the right was partly a counter-reaction to Bush. "The Tea Party movement is the revenge of the economic conservatives who want to cut down government. Bush believed that government had its uses, and that's why many economic conservatives can't stand him."
• This article was amended on 28 October 2010. The original gave the Bush Centre's space as 20,000 square feet. This has been corrected.
Digital dilemma
When the George W Bush presidential library opens in early 2013, it will become the 13th addition to a set of records that begins with Herbert Hoover. But though it falls into that tradition, it will also mark something new: the advent of the digital age.Experts from the National Archive, which has responsibility for all presidential libraries, are wondering what to do with the mountain of emails and Word documents that were spewed out of the Bush White House during his eight years in office.
While his predecessor Bill Clinton produced a modest four terabytes (4m MB) of digital information, the Bush years generated 80 terabytes, including 200m emails.
The challenge for archivists is how to marshal such a vast digital store in a way that makes it meaningful, useable and in compliance with the various data protection acts.
A first step has been to develop, with the help of technology firm Lockheed Martin, an electronic system that will allow preservation of the documents in readable form long into the future, no matter how many new generations of software are introduced in the years ahead.
Then they have to find a way of redacting emails to withhold the names of individuals and covert operations to avoid falling foul of national security, privacy or other requirements. Finally, the hard work begins with sifting through the material and selecting priority areas for digital publication.
A team of 17 archivists is already dedicated to the task, focusing initially on key areas of the Bush administration such as the "war on terror", and education.
"That's when it gets interesting," says Alan Lowe, the library's director. "Intellectually, how do you get your head around such a mammoth digital collection?"
Sneak preview of George W. Bush's new book
Huffington Post (blog) - Oct 27, 2010November 9 is a big day for comedians-that is the day George W. Bush's new book comes out. Yep, George Bush "wrote" a book. (Pause for laugh. ...
George Bush ends his purdah with a memoir, a library and Oprah
The Guardian - Oct 27, 2010After two years of an enforced purdah, George Bush will come out into the open. On 9 November he will give his first public account of his tumultuous ...
Bush joins the book club
Sydney Morning Herald - Simon Mann - Oct 26, 2010Photo: AP WASHINGTON: As John Howard flogs his memoirs, his political kindred spirit, George Bush, is poised to do likewise, emerging in the final days of ...
George W Bush to Chat With Oprah About New Book, Decision Points
Blue Star Chronicles - Beth Shaw - Oct 26, 2010Former President George W. Bush is to chat with Oprah about his new book, Decision Points, on the day its to be released on November 9, 2010. ...
Bush agrees to NBC interview
CBC.ca - Oct 26, 2010Former President George W. Bush and his wife Laura stand during the national anthem before a baseball game in Arlington, Tex. on Sept. 11. ...
Matt Lauer to interview George W. Bush
Entertainment Weekly - Margaret Lyons - Oct 26, 2010Anyway, George W. Bush sticks to talking points, no matter what, so I have pretty low expectations for these interviews. What about you, PopWatchers? ...
About (Late) Last Night: Matt Lauer teases upcoming George W. Bush interview
Los Angeles Times (blog) - Oct 26, 2010His chat with Jay Leno mostly revolved around Lauer's upcoming sit-down with George W. Bush on Nov. 8 -- the first interview with the former president in ...
Shouldn't Bush be able to have his moment at library groundbreaking?
Dallas Morning News (blog) - Oct 26, 2010I imagine George W. Bush doesn't care -- much -- that protestors plan to dog ceremonies for his presidential library, including the groundbreaking next ...
Bush book tour to offer new read on his legacy
Dallas Morning News - Lori Stahl - Oct 26, 2010When former President George W. Bush trades his silence for the limelight of a book tour in the coming weeks, ...
Bush's bullhorn, other artifacts on display in Dallas
USA Today - Oct 25, 2010We don't know if you're dying to see the bullhorn that President George W. Bush used to address rescue workers at Ground Zero just days after 9/11, ...
Oprah to have stars galore for sweeps week in November!
Metrowny.com (blog) - John Reinard - Oct 25, 2010The strangest guest is former president George Bush. Bush will be promoting his memoirs. Oprah was never a big George Bush fan and her audience tends to be ...
Decision Points by George W. Bush
Roseville Press Tribune - Oct 27, 2010By mistyngivens Former President George W. Bush's highly anticipated memoir will be titled "Decision Points" and will be available Nov. ...
Bush to Visit 'Oprah' to Promote Book
New York Times - Brian Stelter, Rachel Lee Harris - Oct 24, 2010Oprah Winfrey will conduct the second television interview with former President George W. Bush as he embarks on a book tour. The interview will be shown on ...
Winfrey lands President Bush, Jackson's parents
Oshkosh Northwestern - Oct 26, 2010CHICAGO (AP) - Former President George W. Bush and Michael Jackson's parents are among the big names "The Oprah Winfrey Show" has booked for the November ...
Matt Lauer to Interview Former President George W. Bush
Gather.com - Doug York - Oct 25, 2010Former President George W. Bush will be giving an interview on The Today Show with Matt Lauer. This will be President Bush's first interview since leaving ...
Matt Lauer Sits Down With President George W. Bush In His First One-On-One TV ...
NYT Catches 'Disturbing First Glimpse' of Bullhorn, Saddam Pistol at Bush ...
Media Research Center - Clay Waters - Oct 25, 2010Former president George W. Bush can't even put exhibits in his own presidential center without offending some leftists. New York Times reporter Michael ...
More all-stars due on 'Oprah'
Detroit Free Press - Oct 25, 2010Oprah Winfrey is bringing out the big guns for November's ratings sweeps, including former President George W. Bush and Michael Jackson's parents. ...
Oprah Winfrey & Matt Lauer to Interview George W. Bush on Memoir Release
mediabistro.com - Maryann Yin - Oct 25, 2010Although book tour dates have yet to be announced, former President George W. Bush will be interviewed by Matt ...
Exhibit Opens, Groundbreaking Scheduled for George W. Bush Presidential Center
mediabistro.com - Steve Delahoyde - Oct 25, 2010After unveiling the plans and renderings around this time last year for the Robert AM Stern-designed George ...
President George W. Bush to promote 'Decision Points' memoir on NBC, 'Oprah'
Examiner.com - Oct 24, 2010The following day, President Bush will appear on The Oprah Winfrey Show. "Shattering the conventions of political autobiography, George W. Bush offers a ...
NBC's Matt Lauer gets 1st 1-on-1 TV interview with former President George W. Bush
The Canadian Press - Oct 25, 2010NEW YORK, NY — Former President George W. Bush is giving the first one-on-one television interview about his presidency since leaving the White House to NBC ...
George Bush thought 9/11 plane had been shot down on his orders, book reveals
The Guardian - 7 hours agoGeorge Bush initially believed the only plane not to reach its intended target during the 11 September attacks had been shot down on his orders, ...
George Bush gave orders to shoot down planes on 9/11, reveals tell-all
Times of India - 10 hours agoLONDON: Former US President George W Bush gave orders to shoot down planes on 9/11, his new book has revealed. He also thought the hijacked airliner that ...
George W. Bush's new memoir reveals how he dealt with 9/11
Telegraph.co.uk - Nick Allen - 18 hours agoGeorge Bush - cropped from his book cover Photo: AP Parts of Mr Bush's highly anticipated memoir, Decision Points, ...
How the First Sentence of Bush's New Book Breaks from Political Memoir Tradition
Vanity Fair - Juli Weiner - 2 hours agoGeorge HW Bush, All the Best • "It was an exceptionally clear summer morning." — Rudy Giuliani, Leadership (This sentence features in this list because the ...
George Bush Thought United 93 was Shot Down on 9/11
Opposing Views - Mark Berman - 1 hour agoFormer President George W. Bush initially thought United flight 93 that crashed in a field in Pennsylvania on September 11th was shot down by military jets ...
Excerpts In the News: Drudge Reads Bush, Carter in VF
Publishers Lunch Deluxe (subscription) - 31 minutes agoThe Drudge Report goes first with modest excerpts from former President George Bush's DECISION POINTS, ahead of its November 9 release, declaring it "a ...
How did George Bush deal 9/11?
Brandimposter.com - 10 hours agoFormer US President George W Bush, told in his memoirs how he gave orders to shoot down hijacked planes on September 11, 2001. He said he thought that one ...
George Bush Book Leaks: BUSH MAKES PEACE
Yes, But, However! - 19 hours agoSo begins President George W. Bush in the opening chapter ["Quitting"] from the most anticipated book of the season, the DRUDGE REPORT can reveal. ...
Bush joins the book club
Katherine Times - Simon Mann - 18 hours agoWASHINGTON: As John Howard flogs his memoirs, his political kindred spirit, George Bush, is poised to do likewise, emerging in the final days of the US ...
Bush thought 9/11 airliner had been shot down on his orders
Toronto Star - Cathal Kelly - 2 hours ago11, 2001, then US president George W. Bush initially thought that United 93, which crashed in a Pennsylvania field, had been shot down by fighter jets on ...
Drudge Report: Bush memoir says he ordered planes shot from skies on 9/11
Dallas Morning News (blog) - 5 hours agoAs Staff Writer Lori Stahl wrote this week, former President George W. Bush will publish Decision Points, a memoir of his presidency, on Nov. 9. ...
George W. Bush Wrote A Book All By Himself! (VIDEO)
Huffington Post (satire) - 21 hours agoThe other night on "Jimmy Kimmel Live," Kimmel took some time out of talking about Charlie Sheen's hotel fiasco to discuss George W. Bush's new ...
Former President George W. Bush talks 9/11, stem cells in book 'Decision ...
New York Daily News - Michael Sheridan - Oct 28, 2010Former President George W. Bush explores his decisions as commander in chief in new autobiography. Do you plan on reading former ...
Details emerging on George W. Bush's book
USA Today - Oct 28, 2010Bush has previously recounted how, in his 40s, he was drinking too much and lose focus. Publication date is Nov. 9, but expect excerpts to be published ...
George W. Bush Memoir Leaked to Drudge Report
mediabistro.com - Jason Boog - 2 hours agoYesterday Drudge Report revealed a few passages from George W. Bush's upcoming memoir, Decision Points. ...
Bush to promote memoir on 'Oprah'
UPI.com - 2 hours agoCHICAGO, Oct. 29 (UPI) -- Ex-US President George W. Bush's book covers his battle with alcoholism and decisions on the Sept. 11 attacks and Hurricane ...
Leak-gate: Details of former President Bush memoir revealed
Examiner.com - 2 hours agoThirteen days before its scheduled release, details about former President George W. Bush's memoir have surfaced. Thanks to an anonymous source in touch ...
Bush's memoir: First leaks
The Week Magazine - 2 hours agoIn his memoir, Bush admits he gave orders to shoot down hijacked airliners on September 11. Photo: Getty SEE ALL 35 PHOTOS George W. Bush will release a ...
Lauer to interview ex-President George W. Bush
TMC Net - 14 hours agoBy AP , NEW YORK (AP) — Former President George W. Bush is giving the first one–on–one television interview about his presidency since leaving the White ...
Bush talks about alcoholism, stem cells and 9/11 in new book
Daily Caller - Martha Raddatz, Kristina Wong - 9 hours agoWhile President George W. Bush's upcoming memoir, "Decision Points," has been ...
Pres. George W. Bush pens memoir
MyFoxOrlando.com - 14 hours agoWOFL FOX 35 - He's been laying low since he left the white house, but now we're about to hear more from President George W. Bush. ...
How his personal faith and a talk with John Paul II helped former President ...
Beliefnet.com (blog) - John W. Kennedy - 3 hours ago9), George W. Bush's highly-anticipated memoir chronicling the most important decisions in his life. Faith, it seems, played a major role in helping him not ...
George W. Bush's Memoir Starts with Him Being a Drunk
Gawker - 17 hours agoDecision Points, the world's most anticipated political memoir by George W. Bush ever is about to hit shelves. And the Drudge Report has offered up a ...
Leaked Bush memoir 'strikingly personal'
Washington Times - Jennifer Harper - 18 hours agoAn anonymous source on Thursday leaked former President George W. Bush's memoir to the Drudge Report 11 days before its scheduled ...
New Bush Book Highlights Faith, Defends Decisions
Newsroom America - Jon E. Dougherty - 20 hours ago(Newsroom America) -- A new book by former President George W. Bush highlights his strength of conviction in a number ...
Drudge Report Leaks Dumb EXCLUSIVES From Bush Book
Wonkette (satire) - Jack Stuef - 21 hours agoMatt Drudge has been sent an advance copy of George W. Bush's new book or whatever, and he has REVEALED five or so random parts of it. ...
Bush's 'Decision Points' to hit shelves
Press TV - Oct 28, 2010Former US president George W. Bush has written his memoirs in a book, which he claims incorporates an "untraditional approach." Bush was the 43rd President ...
Report: Bush thought United Flight 93 was shot down on 9/11
Raw Story - David Edwards - Oct 28, 2010The first details about former President George W. Bush's new book have begun to leak out. According to a report at Matt Drudge's website, ...
Open Thread 10-29-10
Blue Wave News (blog) - 3 hours agoIn case you were interested, the Drudge Report breathlessly promotes it's "exclusive" snippets of George W. Bush's new book, Decision Points. ...
Report: Bush Thought Military Shot Down Pennsylvania Plane on 9/11
myfoxny.com - Oct 28, 2010COM - The Drudge Report has reported on exclusive details of the book former president George W. Bush is set to release next month. ...
Sneak preview of George W. Bush's new book
Huffington Post (blog) - Oct 27, 2010November 9 is a big day for comedians-that is the day George W. Bush's new book comes out. Yep, George Bush "wrote" a book. (Pause for laugh. ...
George Bush ends his purdah with a memoir, a library and Oprah
The Guardian - Oct 27, 2010After two years of an enforced purdah, George Bush will come out into the open. On 9 November he will give his first public account of his tumultuous ...
Bush joins the book club
Sydney Morning Herald - Simon Mann - Oct 26, 2010Photo: AP WASHINGTON: As John Howard flogs his memoirs, his political kindred spirit, George Bush, is poised to do likewise, emerging in the final days of ...
George W Bush to Chat With Oprah About New Book, Decision Points
Blue Star Chronicles - Beth Shaw - Oct 26, 2010Former President George W. Bush is to chat with Oprah about his new book, Decision Points, on the day its to be released on November 9, 2010. ...
Bush agrees to NBC interview
CBC.ca - Oct 26, 2010Former President George W. Bush and his wife Laura stand during the national anthem before a baseball game in Arlington, Tex. on Sept. 11. ...
Matt Lauer to interview George W. Bush
Entertainment Weekly - Margaret Lyons - Oct 26, 2010Anyway, George W. Bush sticks to talking points, no matter what, so I have pretty low expectations for these interviews. What about you, PopWatchers? ...
About (Late) Last Night: Matt Lauer teases upcoming George W. Bush interview
Los Angeles Times (blog) - Oct 26, 2010His chat with Jay Leno mostly revolved around Lauer's upcoming sit-down with George W. Bush on Nov. 8 -- the first interview with the former president in ...
Shouldn't Bush be able to have his moment at library groundbreaking?
Dallas Morning News (blog) - Oct 26, 2010I imagine George W. Bush doesn't care -- much -- that protestors plan to dog ceremonies for his presidential library, including the groundbreaking next ...
Bush book tour to offer new read on his legacy
Dallas Morning News - Lori Stahl - Oct 26, 2010When former President George W. Bush trades his silence for the limelight of a book tour in the coming weeks, ...
Bush's bullhorn, other artifacts on display in Dallas
USA Today - Oct 25, 2010We don't know if you're dying to see the bullhorn that President George W. Bush used to address rescue workers at Ground Zero just days after 9/11, ...
Oprah to have stars galore for sweeps week in November!
Metrowny.com (blog) - John Reinard - Oct 25, 2010The strangest guest is former president George Bush. Bush will be promoting his memoirs. Oprah was never a big George Bush fan and her audience tends to be ...
Decision Points by George W. Bush
Roseville Press Tribune - Oct 27, 2010By mistyngivens Former President George W. Bush's highly anticipated memoir will be titled "Decision Points" and will be available Nov. ...
Bush to Visit 'Oprah' to Promote Book
New York Times - Brian Stelter, Rachel Lee Harris - Oct 24, 2010Oprah Winfrey will conduct the second television interview with former President George W. Bush as he embarks on a book tour. The interview will be shown on ...
Winfrey lands President Bush, Jackson's parents
Oshkosh Northwestern - Oct 26, 2010CHICAGO (AP) - Former President George W. Bush and Michael Jackson's parents are among the big names "The Oprah Winfrey Show" has booked for the November ...
Matt Lauer to Interview Former President George W. Bush
Gather.com - Doug York - Oct 25, 2010Former President George W. Bush will be giving an interview on The Today Show with Matt Lauer. This will be President Bush's first interview since leaving ...
Matt Lauer Sits Down With President George W. Bush In His First One-On-One TV ...
NYT Catches 'Disturbing First Glimpse' of Bullhorn, Saddam Pistol at Bush ...
Media Research Center - Clay Waters - Oct 25, 2010Former president George W. Bush can't even put exhibits in his own presidential center without offending some leftists. New York Times reporter Michael ...
More all-stars due on 'Oprah'
Detroit Free Press - Oct 25, 2010Oprah Winfrey is bringing out the big guns for November's ratings sweeps, including former President George W. Bush and Michael Jackson's parents. ...
Oprah Winfrey & Matt Lauer to Interview George W. Bush on Memoir Release
mediabistro.com - Maryann Yin - Oct 25, 2010Although book tour dates have yet to be announced, former President George W. Bush will be interviewed by Matt ...
Exhibit Opens, Groundbreaking Scheduled for George W. Bush Presidential Center
mediabistro.com - Steve Delahoyde - Oct 25, 2010After unveiling the plans and renderings around this time last year for the Robert AM Stern-designed George ...
President George W. Bush to promote 'Decision Points' memoir on NBC, 'Oprah'
Examiner.com - Oct 24, 2010The following day, President Bush will appear on The Oprah Winfrey Show. "Shattering the conventions of political autobiography, George W. Bush offers a ...
NBC's Matt Lauer gets 1st 1-on-1 TV interview with former President George W. Bush
The Canadian Press - Oct 25, 2010NEW YORK, NY — Former President George W. Bush is giving the first one-on-one television interview about his presidency since leaving the White House to NBC ...
Bush thought 9/11 airliner had been shot down on his ordersToronto Star - Cathal Kelly - 2 hours agoIn the confusion of Sept. 11, 2001, then US president George W. Bush initially thought that United 93, which crashed in a Pennsylvania field, had been shot ... How the First Sentence of Bush's New Book Breaks from Political Memoir TraditionVanity Fair - Juli Weiner - 3 hours agoMatt Drudge, a fedora'ed figure from the Internet's antiquity, has published what he claims is the first sentence of George W. Bush's memoir, ... Drudge Report: Bush memoir says he ordered planes shot from skies on 9/11Dallas Morning News (blog) - 5 hours agoAs Staff Writer Lori Stahl wrote this week, former President George W. Bush will publish Decision Points, a memoir of his presidency, on Nov. 9. ...
George Bush thought 9/11 plane had been shot down on his orders, book revealsThe Guardian - 7 hours agoGeorge Bush initially believed the only plane not to reach its intended target during the 11 September attacks had been shot down on his orders, ... George Bush gave orders to shoot down planes on 9/11, reveals tell-allTimes of India - 11 hours agoLONDON: Former US President George W Bush gave orders to shoot down planes on 9/11, his new book has revealed. He also thought the hijacked airliner that ... George W. Bush's new memoir reveals how he dealt with 9/11Telegraph.co.uk - Nick Allen - 18 hours agoFormer US President George W. Bush has disclosed in a memoir how he gave the order to shoot down planes on September 11, 2001. By Nick Allen in Los Angeles ... George W. Bush Wrote A Book All By Himself! (VIDEO)Huffington Post (satire) - 22 hours agoThe other night on "Jimmy Kimmel Live," Kimmel took some time out of talking about Charlie Sheen's hotel fiasco to discuss George W. Bush's new ... Former President George W. Bush talks 9/11, stem cells in book 'Decision ...New York Daily News - Michael Sheridan - Oct 28, 2010Former President George W. Bush explores his decisions as commander in chief in new autobiography. Do you plan on reading former ... Details emerging on George W. Bush's bookUSA Today - Oct 28, 2010In his memoir Decision Points, the 43rd president discusses his past problems with alcohol, his order to shoot down a hijacked airplane on Sept. ... Excerpts In the News: Drudge Reads Bush, Carter in VFPublishers Lunch Deluxe (subscription) - 41 minutes agoThe Drudge Report goes first with modest excerpts from former President George Bush's DECISION POINTS, ahead of its November 9 release, declaring it "a ... All 34 related articles » | RelatedGeorge W. BushStem cell Abdullah of Saudi Arabia Timeline of articles Number of sources covering this story
ImagesVanity FairNew York Daily ... USA Today Opposing Views Gawker Washington Time... Yes, But, Howev... Press TV Newser All |
Bushes 41 and 43 to throw out World Series pitch
Dallas Morning News (blog) - 26 minutes agoThe father-son team of George HW Bush and George W. Bush will throw out the ceremonial first pitch at Sunday's game at the Ballpark in Arllington. ...
Both President Bushes to throw out first pitch at World Series on Sunday
Los Angeles Times - Michael A. Memoli - 1 hour agoGeorge W. Bush, a former part-owner of the Texas Rangers, and George HW Bush are tabbed for the duty before Game 4 in Arlington, Texas. ...
Ryan, Bushes to throw out first pitches
MLB.com - Spencer Fordin - 1 hour agoMake way for some powerful opening acts. The Rangers announced their star-studded plans for the ...
"Some of them do, but most of those guys have retired now," Ryan said. "It's interesting. Some of these young kids come up, and they'll ask me if I've faced so and so, and they were 20 years ahead of me. And I'm thinking, 'How old do they think I am?' more by Nolan Ryan - 2 hours ago - Los Angeles Times (4 occurrences) |
World Series: Bush, Bush and Ryan to throw out first pitches
Los Angeles Times - 2 hours agoFormer Presidents George HW Bush and George W. Bush are scheduled to throw out the ceremonial first pitch before Game 4 of the World Series on Sunday. ...
Rangers bring out the big guns in Arlington -- George HW Bush, George W. Bush ...
USA Today - Gabe Lacques - 2 hours agoBuried in a 2-0 hole after the first two World Series games in franchise history, the Rangers are holding nothing back for their pregame festivities before ...
Presidents Bush to throw out first pitch for Game 4 of World Series
ESPN - 2 hours agoARLINGTON, Texas -- What's better than a father and son catching a World Series game together? How about throwing out the first pitch together. ...
Former presidents to throw out first pitches
The Associated Press - 3 hours agoARLINGTON, Texas (AP) — Former Presidents George HW Bush and George W. Bush will throw out ceremonial first pitches before Game 4 of the World Series on ...
All 17 related articles »
Will Obama's Low Approval Ratings Affect His Prospects for Re-Election in 2012?CBS News - Jennifer De Pinto - 25 minutes agoPresident Barack Obama delivers remarks at the DCCC reception at the Rhode Island Convention Center in, Providence, RI, Monday, Oct. 25, 2010. ... Is Africa still in love with Obama?BBC News (blog) - 28 minutes agoThe US President Barack Obama is half way through his term of office and faces his toughest test yet in the US mid-term elections. The midterms could cause ... Obama pushes tax break plan for businessesReuters - Jim Young, Jeff Mason - 37 minutes agoPresident Barack Obama tours Stromberg Metal Works with CEO Robert Gawne in Beltsville, Maryland, October 29, 2010. By Matt Spetalnick BELTSVILLE, ...
The Final Weekend: Obama's Hail Mary »New York Daily News (blog) - Kenneth R. Bazinet - 43 minutes agoPresident Obama is about to shift from wooing white liberals to trying to convince blacks to vote for Democrats even though he's not ... Amid Modest GDP Numbers, Obama Calls Again for Targeted Initiatives to Help ...ABC News (blog) - 1 hour agoStanding from the factory floor of a business he called an "all-American success story," in Beltsville, Maryland today President Obama mentioned today's GDP ... Obama Says His Mission Is to Accelerate RecoveryThe Associated Press - 1 hour agoPresident Barack Obama said on Friday that his mission is to accelerate the economic recovery and he's calling attention to a proposal he says would create ... Obama's approval ratingsThe Economist (blog) - 2 hours agoPROMISING "hope" and "change", Barack Obama swept into the White House in 2009 with some of the highest approval ratings in history for a new president. ... More rapid growth is our mission, Obama saysMarketWatch - Robert Schroeder - 2 hours agoWASHINGTON (MarketWatch) -- The administration's mission is "more rapid growth," President Barack Obama said Friday, ... All 73 related articles » | RelatedBarack ObamaGeorge W. Bush Timeline of articles Number of sources covering this story
ImagesCBS NewsChristian Scien... New York Daily ... The Sun AFP TMCnet Washington Time... Spooftimes.com ... Spooftimes.com ... All related images » VideosObama Says His Mission Is to Accelerate RecoveryThe Associated Press - 1 hour ago Watch video <div class="video-thumb thumbnail"><a class="js-link thumbnail-toggle" href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="return false;"><img src="http://i.ytimg.com/vi/VpuYfFz-gLA/default.jpg" alt="" class="thumbnail" width="120" height="90"> <div class="icon play-icon"></div></a></div> <div class="video-details"><a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VpuYfFz-gLA">Obama Says His Mission Is to Accelerate Recovery</a> <span class="source">The Associated Press</span> - 1 hour ago <div class="icon video-icon"></div> <a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VpuYfFz-gLA">Watch video</a></div> All related videos » |
9/11 conspiracy theories - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
9/11 conspiracy theories allege that the September 11 attacks in 2001 were either intentionally allowed to happen or were a false flag operation ...
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12 May 2008 ... In the nearly seven years since 9-11 the conspiracy theorists have had the floor, nearly unopposed. I say that because for some years I have ...
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By ThirdAge News Staff We reported yesterday on 9/11 conspiracy theories and a simulcast by Alex Jones and Jesse Ventura promoting a video of firefighters ...ThirdAge - 7 related articles
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