From: noor-e-islaam <>
Date: Wed, Oct 27, 2010 at 2:13 PM
Subject: [bangla-vision] HAJJ JOURNEY OF A LIFE TIME for those who can AFFORD
AsSalaam O Alaikum (Peace be always with you. AMEEN.)
Remember: Visible and Invisible Auliyaas are Protectors and Helpers of DEEN (Abstract Ref: Al_Quraan_003.104, 006:159, 009.071). Global Auliyaa Thinks Globally.
Spiritual Doctors are Treating Spiritual Patients, so Please be Patience.
Quraan is a Spiritual Light (NOOR) and to see (understand) a Spiritual Light (NOOR), you don't need any other Spiritual Light (NOOR).
Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him) said, the Best of Best among you are those, who Learns and Teaches the Quraan. (Really Authentic Hadeeth, Sahee Bukhari_Vol_6_Book_61_Hadith_545)
Change yourself according to the Quraan, NOT reverse.
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بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful
HAJJ is NOT Transferable
by Irshad Mahmood - Global Auliyaa (PRESIDENT), Siraat-al-Mustaqeem Dawah Centre
NO Hajj in place of others who are Dead or Alive
Sending or taking your dependents for Hajj is also your responsibility
You will get reward of what you yourself used to do. (Al_Quraan_036.054, 045.028)
Every Hajj is Hajj-e-Akbar and every Umrah is Hajj-e-Asghar (Ref: Al_Quraan_009:003)
"Labbayk Allahumma Labbayk. Labbayk La shareeka Laka Labbayk. Innal hamda Wan ni'mata Laka wal mulk. La shareeka lak."
"Here I am at Your service O Lord, here I am. Here I am. There is no partner to You. Here I am. Truly, all praise and favour is Yours, as well as all Domin-ion. There is no partner to You."
Helping the NEEDY is more IMPORTANT than helping others to perform the HAJJ:
It is found that people are collecting Funds to help Huffaaz and Ulemaa to perform Hajj. Remember Hajj is Fard on those who can afford in his/her lifetime with his/her own Halaal income. It is far better to help the needy who are starving around the world.Give Donations Open and Hidden as well:
If you declare your charities, it is well, but if you hide it and give it to the poor, it will be better for you, and will atone for some of your ill-deeds. Allah is Informed of what you do. (Al_Quraan_002:271)
Those who can find the needy among their relatives or friends near they live, they can easily give charities hiddenly. BUT for those who are living abroad they need a bridge between them and their relatives or friends, which will be openly.This way the bridge between them and their needy will work fine. If there is some problem among our system we need to fix it by having a bypass surgery.
Bridge for the Needy:
The Charities are only for the poor and the needy, and those who collect them (Bridge between the Needy and the rich person), and those whose hearts are to be reconciled, and to free the captives and the debtors, and for the cause of Allah, and (for) the wayfarer; a duty imposed by Allah. Allah is Knower, Wise. (Al_Quraan_009:060)
Now a days life is getting more and more difficult, competitions are a lot more than before and many people may not get enough time to go to the needy by themselves, specially those who are working abroad, we need a bridge between them. When there is some problem with heart Doctor fixed them by doing bypass surgery, similarly if our family bridge doesn't work then we need to fix the bridge or made another bypass surgery. We need to work together to help our relatives and friends with deep heart and in an organized way. Also to send ten peoples 50 Dollars each separately Bank may charge for this transaction up to 50 dollars each, and you may end up with paying 500 dollars to bank. BUT if you are organized, you can reduce this transaction charges to one and send to one place the Bridge and the Bridge person will give those money to all the needy and this way you may help the needy most. It is time to make a bridge for the needy among our relatives and friends.
Give Donations to the poor who are suffering in the cause of Allah as well:
(Charities are) for the poor who are suffering in the cause of Allah, who cannot travel in the land (for trade). The unthinking man accounts them wealthy because of their restraint. They shall know them by their mark: They do not beg of men with importunity. And whatsoever good thing you spend, lo! Allah knows it. (Al_Quraan_002:273)
Remember: Your Hajj may not be accepted if your Salaat is not accepted and Your Salaat may not be accepted if your Zakaat or Sadaqah is not accepted:
Also the Zakaat and the Sadaqah are an essention part of the Salaat, since neglecting the Zakaat and the Sadaqah is like neglecting the Salaat, according to the following ayaats.Do you know who really rejects the faith? That is the one who mistreats the orphans. And does not encourages the feeding of the poor. So woe to the praying ones. Who are totally neglectful of their prayers. Those who do (good) only to show off. But refuse (to supply) (even for) neighbourly needs. (Al_Quraan_107.001-007)
1 Hajj Ifrad 2 Hajj Tamattu 3 Hajj Qiran(Afzal Hajj)
Hajj Tamattu:
Whenever you are travelling with the intention of Hajj and you are not resident of Makkah and around Makkah, you have to perform Umrah first.
Every Hajj is Hajj-e-Akbar and every Umrah is Hajj-e-Asghar (Ref: Al_Quraan_009:003)
EHRAM: - - - - Fard of Umrah
Before passing through Mekat , you are required to do the followings:
1- Take Gusal( Bath ) or Wudhoo (Ablution).
2- Put on Ehram, cover your head and perform two rikats Nafal for Ehram for Umrah.
(Intention: Ya Allah, I am making intention of two rikats Nafal for Ehram facing Kabah, Allahho Akbar).
Now remove the hat/cover from your head.
3- Make intention of Umrah(Intention: Ya Allah, I am making intention of Umrah please make it easy for me and accept it).
(Note: If you are doing Hajj Qiran put Ehram both for Umrah and Hajj Qiran at the same time. And donot shave and take the Ehram off after performing Umrah. Remain in Ehram until the Hajj Qurbani(Sacrifice of animal) which is on 10th Dhil Hajj. Remove Ehram after shave or hair cut).
4- Recite Talbiyah (Labbaik) now Ehram is complete.
Mekat: You can now pass through Mekat and travel towards Makkah.
5- When you arrive Makkah find a suitable accommodation than go for Tawaf of Kabah.
6- Enter Masjid-E-Haram from Babbus Salaam. You may enter from any other door.
7- When you see Kabah first time make Duaa. Best Duaa is to ask Allah, that whenever we will raise our hand. Ya Allah accept our all Duaa.
TAWAF: Perform Tawaf of Kabah seven times - - - - - - Fard of Umrah
Stop saying Talbiyah (Labbaik) before making intention of Tawaf. Do not say Talbiyah anymore.
1 Do Idhtebaa:Take the Ehram underneath your right armpit and put it on your left shoulder.
2 Just before black line near 'Hijre Aswad', facing Kabah, make intention of Tawaf.
(Intention: Ya Allah I am making intention of seven round of Tawaf make it easy for me and accept it)
3 Now, move to the black line , facing Kabah, put your hands up to the ear and put it down on Hajre Aswad and say Bismillahe Allahho Akbar, Wa Lilahil Hamd and put your hand down.
4 Now, proceed to kiss Hijre Aswad - Due to inaccessibility do Istalam:
and say "Allaho Akbar, La Illaha Il Lallah, Walhumdulillah. And kiss your hand.
5 It is Sunnat to do Ramal in first three round of those Tawaf followed by Sayee
6 During all these tasks, whole frontal part of your body(i.e. face,chest, toes etc) should be facing towards Kabah.
7 Now without moving whole body just move the sole of your feet to the right, so the Kabah will be naturally, on your left and your face, chest and toes are turned right.
8 Note: If any time during Tawaf your face, chest or back has turned towards Kabah, you have committed an act of Makrooh-E-Tahrimi, therefore, it would be Wajib for you to repeat the whole one round of Tawaf again. Or pay Jaza(Compensation).
Note: Only at the time of Istalam turning of your whole body towards Kabah is permitted.
9 During Tawaf do not let your eyes wonder around but lower your eyes.
10 It is proper to perform Tawaf in such a manner that it form a circle around holy Kabah and direct your faculties solely upon the focal point that you are in the environment of Allah's house where his Noor and Tajalli is directed.
11 It is Mustaheb to perform Tawaf by taking small steps.
12 It is Sunnat-E-Moakkadah to perform the seven round of Tawaf without taking any break.
13 Donot pause or break off the Tawaf without any valid reason.
14 It is Makrooh to stop anywhere for Duaa around holy Kabah during the Tawaf.
15 It is Haram to cause any distress and cause injury to others during Tawaf. Donot push and shove others.
16 Donot complete your Tawaf in zig zag or haphazard manner.
17 It is Mustaheb to engage in Zikr and Duaa in low tone during Tawaf. It is Wajib to lower your tone if you are causing distraction.
18 When you reach Rukn-E-Yamani caress it either by both hand or with right hand only without turning your body towards Kabah. If you are at a distance from Rukn-E-Yamani then donot attempt to caress the Rukn-E-Yamani nor raise your hand or do Istalam on Rukn-E-Yamani. Just passed from there.
19 Recite Darood on reaching every corners of Kabah.
20 Recite from Rukn-E-Yamani to Hajre Aswad Duaa ---Rabbana Atena Fid Dunya……….
21 At the completion of each round, it is Sunnat to touch Hajre Aswad. But due to inaccessibility do Istalam at the completion of each round.
22 At the time of Hajj donot try to touch any part of Kabah in Ehram. Because Saudi Government put iter(Perfume) on it. If you touch Eitar(Perfume) your Ehram becomes invalid.
Wajibuttawaf -Once you have completed seven round of Tawaf perform two rikats Wajibuttawaf at Mukam-E-Ibrahim. If you cannot find a place than perform Wafjibuttawaf any where in Kabah.
(Intention: Ya Allah I am making intention for two rikats Wajibuttawaf, facing Kabah, Allaho Akbar).
It is Sunnat to recite surrah Kafroon in the first rikat and surrah Ikhlas in the second rikat. You may recite any other surah according to your wish.
Drink Zam Zam - Make Duaa before drinking Zam Zam. "Zam Zam is for whatever purpose one drinks it"Hadith.
Do Istalam of Hijre Aswad again after drinking Zam Zam.
SAYEE: Walking between Safa and Marwah seven times(Safa to Marwah on round and Marwah to Safa second round).
1 Make intention of seven rounds of Sayee and start your Sayee by climbing on Safa.
2 Make Duaa facing Kabah and say Allaho Akbar three times. Recite third and fourth Kalimah during Sayee.
3 Now move towards Marwah.
4 There are two green light between Safa and Marwah. Try to walk fast or cross quickly this area.
5 Now climb on Marwah and facing Kabah make Duaa –Complete seven round than
- Perform two rikats Nafal.
- Shave or cut your hair.
- Now ALL activities of Umrah-Ehram is complete.
(Note: If you are doing Hajj Qiran or Hajj Tamattu, it is preferable to fast three days before Day of Arafat. If you are doing Hajj Tamattu it is obligatory to sacrifice animal. Or fast three days during Hajj and seven days after returning home).
Now, wait for 8th Dhil Hajj for the Hajj. If you got time left over between completion of Umrah and Hajj, then keep busy in Tawaf, Nafal salat, and recitation of Quraan and Zikr. Even you sit and see Kabah, you get Sawab.
If you want to do more Umrah than you have to go back to the Mekat and pass through Mekat in Ehram for Umrah.. The nearest and convenient place to put Ehram is Masjid-E-Ayesha.
Every Hajj is Hajj-e-Akbar and every Umrah is Hajj-e-Asghar (Ref: Al_Quraan_009:003)
8th Dhil-Hajj
MAKKAH – On 8TH Dhil-Hajj
1- Take Gusal(Bath) or Wudhoo (Ablution).
2- Put on Ehram and enter into Masjid-E-Haram - - - - - To put Ehran is Fard of Hajj
3- Cover your head and perform 2 rikats Nafal for Ehram of Hajj – Now remove hat/cover from your head.
(Intention: Ya Allah, I am making intention of two rikats Nafal for Ehram facing Kabah, Allahho Akbar).
Now remove cover from your head ------- Make intention of Hajj
(Intention: Ya Allah, I am making intention of Hajj, please make it easy for me and accept it).
4- Recite Talbiyah (Labbaik) now Ehram is complete
5- Leave Makkah with Ehram
6- Reach Mina before Zohar
(Note: If you are doing Hajj Qiran, then before leaving Makkah, do Nafal Tawaf, do Wajibutttaf, drink Zam Zam and complete Sayee. You will not have to do SAYEE with Tawaf-E-Ziyarat on 10th Dhil Hajj).
MINA - On 8th Dhil-Hajj
1- Reach Mina before Zohar
2- Perform Zohar, Asar, Magrib, Esha on time—(Note: Do Kasar salat)
3- To stay in this night on Mina is Sunnat.
Keep yourself busy in Talbiyah (Labbaik)
9th Dhil-Hajj
MINA - On 9th Dhil-Hajj
4- Perform Fajar in Mina
5- After Salat keep yourself busy in recitation of Quraan, Duaa etc.
6- After sunshine when sunshine is spread over leave Mina for ARAFAT.
ARAFAT - On 9th Dhil-Hajj - - - Staying in Arafat is Fard of Hajj.
After reaching Arafat the following activities should be done.
1- Take Gusl or Wudhoo before zawal(Noon).
2- It is Wajib to stay in Arafat from zawal to sunset.
3- During staying at Arafat it is better to stand facing towards Qiblah
if tired sit down and stand again.
4- Keep yourself busy in Talbiyah (Labbaik) recitation of Quraan, Duaa, Zikr of Darood sharif,
Istigfar etc. until sunset.
5- To hear khutbah in Masjid-E-Nimrah is Sunnat.
6- In Masjid-E-Nimrah Imam will lead two salats together Zohar and Asar, so do not read 2 Sunnat in between. Imam is resident there, but still perform Kasar salat( Traveller's salat) which is according Hambali Mazhab.
Therefore, Hanfis should not follow instead they should pray Zohar at Zohar time and Asar at Asar time with jamat at their own places.
Note: Front part of Masjid-E-Nimrah is outside Arafat. Make sure you are not standing in the outside area of Arafat. If you leave Arafat before Maghrib Dam is Wajib on you.
Advise: May be Masjid-E-Nimrah is miles away from your tent and in hot weather like Arafat you might get tired if you try to attend salats in Masjid-e-Nimrah. Therefore, it is better to save your stength, stay at your tent and spend more time in saying prayers and salats.
7- After finishing staying in Arafat leave for Muzdalifah after sunset without praying Magrib salat.
Magrib salat before Esha time is not accepted. And if any body leaves Arafat before sunset
Dam (Fine) is Wajib on him.
8- Keep on doing Zikr and Talbiyah on the way to Muzdalifah as much as you can.
MUZDALIFAH - On 9th Dhil-Hajj--Night
1- Reach Muzdalifah on this night without praying Magrib at Arafat.
2- Here pray Magrib and Esha both together at the time of Esha. First pray Fard of Magrib and then Fard of Esha. Then pray Sunnat of Magrib, Sunnat and Witr of Esha. Fard salat with Jamat is better than to pray alone.
3- Spend the whole night in Muzdalifah in ibadat which is Mustaheb. The night of Muzdalifah is
better than Shab-E-Qadr.
4- It is better to stay at mountain of Quzah (Mushar-E-Haram) if possible. Always remain busy in
Labbaik and Zikr of Kalema-Tayyabah, Allahu-Akbar, Darood, Istigfar etc.
10th Dhil-Hajj
5- To stay at Muzdalifah sometime before the sunrise is Wajib. Perform Fajar salat in beginning time and stay until sunrise, which is Sunnat-E-Moakkadah.
6- Don't stay in 'Wadi of Muhassar' where 'Ashab-E-Feel' (Abraha & his army) were punished, rather pass through very fast.
7- Leave for Mina when about two rikats time is left before sunrise if necessary.
8- It is Mustaheb to pick stones (As little as chick-peas) and wash them for 'Ramee of
Jamra-E Uqbah' from Muzdalifah.
MINA - On 10th Dhil-Hajj
1- Today, first work is to throw stones at JAMRA-E-UQBAH, which is Wajib. To bring seven stones from Muzdalifah is Mustaheb. You can pick up the stones from somewhere else except near the Jumrat. Stone should be clean, if not wash them. It is Sunnat to throw stones from sunrise to zawal, but you can do until sunset. For ladies, sick and old people it is not Makrooh after sunset as well until Subhe-Sadiq.
1- As soon as you start throwing stones at Jamra-E-Uqbah stop saying Labbaik. And donot say Talbiyah(Labbak) afterward any more.
2- By standing at least 5 arm length or more from Jamra and by keeping Makkah on left
side and Mina on right side. Throw stones one by one with right hand saying 'Bismillah-E-Allahu-Akbar' every time.
After throwing stones at Jamra-E-Uqbah, go and perform Hajj Qurbani(Sacrifice of animal).
After this shave your head or cut your hair. But to shave is better.
Now you can take off the Ehram and put on normal clothes.
MAKKAH – On 10TH Dhil-Hajj
TAWAF-E-ZIYARAT - - - Tawaf-E-Ziyarat is Fard of Hajj
After performing all these activities, go to Makkah from Mina for Tawaf-E-Ziyarat.
Perform Tawaf of Kabah.
- Do Ramal in first three round if you have to do Sayee
- Perform two rikats Wajibuttawaf at Mukam-E-Ibrahim.
- Drink Zam-Zam.
If SAYEE of Hajj has not been done before do it now.
After finishing Tawaf-E-Ziyarat come back to Mina before Maghrib to stay somewhere else is Makrooh.
Better time to do Tawaf-E-Ziyarat is 10th Dhil-Hajj, but you can do until the sunset of
12th Dhil-Hajj.
After Tawaf -E-Ziyarat all restriction of Ehram are finished.
11th Dhil-Hajj
MINA - On 11th Dhil-Hajj
1- Staying in Mina you have to do Ramee for all three Jamarats after zawal(Noon) till sunset. It is Makrooh to do Ramee after sunset. But ladies, sick & old people can do the Ramee after
sunset until Fajar.
Throw seven stones one by one saying Bismillah-E-Allahu Akbar every time. After that moving
from the crowd make Duaa facing towards Qiblah. Then stay for a while and read Allaho
Akbar, Kalimah-Tayyabah, Istigfar and Duaa.
Throw seven stones one by one saying Bismillah-E-Allahu Akbar every time. After that moving
from the crowd make Duaa facing towards Qiblah. Then stay for a while and read Allaho
Akbar, Kalimah-Tayyabah, Istigfar and Duaa.
Throw seven stones one by one saying Bismillah-E-Allahu Akbar every time. But don't stay for
Duaa because it is not Sunnat.
Spent rest of your time in recitation of Quraan, Zikr and Duaa etc. At your own places (Tents).
Note: If you could not complete the activities of 10th Dhil-Hajj on that day because of crowd you can do today the 11th Dhil-Hajj. You should go far Tawaf-E-Ziyarat early in the morning. When you are returning make sure you will get down at Jamarat. Do the Ramee after Zawal in the manner described above, and come back to your tent at Mina.
12th Dhil-Hajj
MINA On 12th Dhil-Hajj
1- After zawal do Ramee of the three Jamarat in the same manner as you have done on the 11th Dhil-Hajj.
First: Jumra-E-Ula Second: Jamra-E-Wusta Third: Jamra-E-Uqbah
2- If you do not want to stay in Mina on 13th Dhil-Hajj(Which you are allowed to do)
then leave for Makkah before sunset. It is Makrooh to leave Mina after sunset.
3- Perform salat with jamat and spend the rest of your time in recitation of Quraan Zikr,
Darood, and Duaa etc.
Note: If you could not do Qurbani and Tawaf-E-Ziyarat on 10th Dhil-Hajj or 11th Dhil-Hajj do these today. You should go far Tawaf-E-Ziyarat early in the morning. When you are returning to Min
Palash Biswas
Pl Read:
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