Inflation: Food stocks on fire!India to ask US for Headley's extradition after chargesheet!Tax on perks to be effective from April 2009.Report on 26/11 tabled; Maharashtra govt denies leak!Divestment money to be used for capital expenditure!Media should ensure the silent majorities are heard: PM
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Book results for Indian Economic reforms
Indian Holocaust Continues as the Ruling Zionist Brahaminical Hegemony is taken over by Galaxy Order of TRI IBLIS Satanic Order of War Economy and Indian Periphery of US Corporate Imperialism has transformed Indian Ocean Peace Zone into HORROR Field of Mass Destruction. Biological, Chemical and Nuclear warfare target majority Aboriginal and Indigenous Communities to Capture Natural resources and India Incs takes over Governance, Legislation, People`s Movement and even, RESISTANCE as all Ideologies have turned Hypocrisy Infinite and the STATE Power has been reduced into a COMPUTED ROBOTIC Machinery of Ethnic Cleansing Infinite with Military Option and Zero Tolerance.Gandhian Conspiracy to transfer Power intoBRAHMIN BANIA Hegemony caused the Partition of the Subcontinent resultant in Bloody Population Transfer. Indian Power Politics and Prostitution have become just TWO sides of the same coin as Parliament, Constitution and all Democratic Institutions have been made Irrelevant to accomplish Economic reforms. Refugee Problem is not resolved as yet while so called Development has made Refugees Within most. Rural India and Original Livelihood and Production system based in Indian Culture, Folk and Agriculture have been ELIMINATED. Media works as the best agency of Strategic Marketing! Intelligentsia turned into CIVIL Society plusNGO which Implements World Bank and IMF agenda. Even the Maoist Ideology of Revolution is used to defend CORPORATE interest. The result is LPG Age of Robotics! Dehumanisation, Alienation, GlobalHindutva, Communal ism, Ethnonationalism , Insurgency, Terrorism, Displacement and Exodus! Black Untouchables have to be wiped out as IT has become the only way of sustenance. Purchasing Power is Sovereignty! Trade Unions work for the Builders, Realty and Promoters!Aboriginal, Indigenous and Minority Communities are Branded as either Terrorists or Extremists. India is Seized Within. Nationality Problem is never addressed andNeo Liberalism kills the Constitutional Safeguards secured by Dr. Ambedkar even after Puna Pact signed. Free Market democracy promoted by war Monger United States of America has made India an Infinite Killing Field of Persecution, Human Trafficking,Genocide Culture, Prostitution, Crime, Corruption, Manipulation, Hypocrisy, Betrayal, Repression, Ethnic Cleansing, Conflicts, Hatred, Insurgency, Poverty, Food Insecurity, Death Processions, JOB Loss and Starvation!Pst Modern Manusmriti is the Ultimate Rule of this part of world with prevalent Untouchability, Injustice, Inequality, Discrimination and Apartheid!
For me, Indian Power Politics and Prostitution are just Two Sides of the same coin! Politicians are at best Manipulators, Hypocrites, Traitors, Corrupt, Anti National, Corporate Salves and masters of Genocide! The Sex Workers, at least, are not that DISHONEST!If politicians do everything to ensure Free Market democracy killing all Values, Social barriers and cultural discipline to gain personal mileage, then why the SEX Workers should be denied to run their business on the line of SEX Tourism as Knowledge Economy and War Industry are quite in Vogue. At least the Sex workers are not genetically modified nor the transfer Biological, chemical and Nuclear Technology to kill the Humanity!
I have to return Home every night from my workplace in BBD Bagh, Kolkata late in the night via CR Avenue across SONAGACHHI and have to witness HUMANITY gang raped daily! Woman and Child Trafficking have become the post modern lifestyle spinning money fastest and most. Human Scapes and land scapes alienated starve and opt for EXODUS landing into the Human Meat market!
What Moral and ethical right we have to deny the Sex Workers as we have OPTED for FREE MARKET Democracy and have decoupled ourselves with anything Indian in the largest Periphery of US Corporate war Economy?
Our Maoist Friends are angry with me as I challenged their strategy to defend the Corporate and MNC interest in Got Up games with ruling Hegemony. They have written letters to Samayantar and raised the issue on different forum.I have got a letter from Rajasthan which alleges that I stand to defend the Revisionist Marxists. Latest Maoist action to blow up a passenger train itself justifies that the Maoist leadership is not at all CONCERNED with the Masses as it tries DIE Hard to showcase. It is as projected as any NGO. Let me see that the Maoists strike against Corporate and MNC interest anywhere in those Maoist Frontiers captured by Corporates. Economic Times has published a story today, BRAND Final and analysed that the companies which focused on Local marketing, have gained more. RIL leading. It proves that Rural strategic marketing has paid DIVIDENDS most and Maoists Never did try to stop this MOW menace. The Richest Peasantry based state remains Haryana, where no less than One Hundred SEZ have been proposed. One Crore Strength Kisan Sabha is silent. Vidarbha crisis is subverted by False Ethnonationalism called Maratha Manush.While Shetkari kamgar Union leader Sharad Joshi has joined Shivsena.
"In the last 10 years, around 3,000 Indians died due to landmines and over 2,000 were injured. Most casualties occurred in Jammu and Kashmir, followed by Manipur," according to Landmine Monitor Report 2009, which will be released Saturday.
Major Barve from Mumbai confirmed that the Demonstration against SEZ led by Woman is all set to put Mumbai on standstill on 22nd November, But Medha Patkar has ultimately planned to protest against SEZ on 25 , 26 November while Navi Mumbai is given away with the false movement.The Government Employees are sleeping and Twenty percent disinvestment targeted in 1009 itself in all profitable PSUs would not awaken them. They still depend on Marxist led trade Unions.On the other hand, The Congress is campaigning hard in Jharkhand for the coming assembly polls, with party chief Sonia Gandhi addressing two rallies in the state Friday and party general secretary Rahul Gandhi set to address four meetings Saturday.
This morning APDR Activist and leader Dr Manas Joardar called me and we had a good chat. Dr, Joardar informed me that BANDI Mukti committee would have a meeting i HB Town this Evening. I had to miss as I had prior engagement. But we discussed the Issues raised by Kabir Suman and he agreed that the issues are genuine.
I asked him if we Oppose the Economic reforms, Monopolistic aggression and Chidambaram`s war against the masses , why should we tag us with the Ruling Hegemony as it is quite Clear that the Marxist would not Return to Writers in 2011 ? Why do we support Dr. Manmohan Singh and his Mass destruction Agenda supporting Mamata Banerjee, the second partner in UPA?
He clarified that only a faction of the Intelligentsia and civil Society support Mamata!
But other are SILENT and waiting for Opportune tie to respond suitably. I said,` Civil Society and Intelligentsia are replicating the World bank agenda only and represent the Market Dominating communities in the Free Market democracy!
DR Joardar agreed to discus it some time!
India is Tagged with US War Economy and Indo US Nuke deal Operationalised killed the Anti Imperialist Resistance led by the Communists in India with Sensex shining India emerging as a Super Power nuclear Hindu Rashtra indulged in US Promoted Free Market Democracy and war against Terror , Insurgency. Indo Russia Nuke Deal in US shadow reminds us Nehruvian Indira foreign Relations, Economics and Diplomacy! Communists supported Nehru and Indira just because they had been closer to Moscow. CPI supported EMERGENCY as it could not go against the wishes of MOSCOW.This Phenomenon may be best understood if we see things with the eyes of Greatest showman ion Indian Cinema, Raj kappor. Indian Leaders have proved themselves bunch of Jokers, Nothing else. Indian Polity may not SURVIVE without COLONISATION as we inherit Enslavement in our Genes. I may sound very rough and Global Hindutva may dismiss the Idea as it is rooted in Zionism. India, Russia after Soviet demise and United states of America are ruled by Hegemonies Zionst. and it is the Common link which creates the Nuclear Dealing Ink!
Suicide Zone is on BOIL but it is nothing to do with Agrarian Crisis or starving Indian Peasantry. It is all about Sponsored Corporate ETHNONATIONALISM in Full STEAM as Pro-Vidarbha activists halt train! The old demand for carving out a separate state of Vidarbha from Maharashtra was intensified Monday when some activists stopped the Vidarbha Express near Nagpur.According to a Central Railway official, around 200 activists of the Youth Front halted the Mumbai-Nagpur Vidarbha Express on the outskirts of the state's second capital Nagpur by lying down across the railway tracks. While the KEY Stone in the Brahaminical satanic Zionist Corporate Indian State Power Equation, De facto Prime Minister, elite Kayastha Brahmin from Bengal plays the GAME very safe for the Ruling Zionist Dynasty as Finance Minister Pranab Mukherjee said the Telangana issue cannot be discussed in Lok Sabha unless the Andhra Pradesh Assembly passes a resolution for a separate state. This was conveyed by the Finance Minister to a delegation of 17 MPs from coastal Andhra Pradesh and Rayalseema. On the other hand, Natural resources have been RESERVED for Indian Incs as the Government of Indian Incs on Monday clarified that to make the forest areas out of bound for mining and to protect them against illegal mining, the forest areas are being demarcated by erecting permanent boundary pillars. Marking at appropriate points would aid to segregate forest land from other areas, the ministry said.
BABRI PAIN INVOKED as UPA Plays the OLD CARD of COMMUNAL DIVIDE to Accomplish the TASK REFORM with Potential SUBVERSION Drive within the Parliament and Outside! ECONOMIC Survey Heralds UNPRECEDENTED Man Made Calamity and ETHNIC CLEANSING!
India has said government officials will be banned from holding posts in religion-oriented institutions, as it tabled a report on the razing of a mosque 17 years ago that caused widespread riots.
Today, one of my friends in ONGC, a Exploration scientist called me at home and wanted to meet me. I called him in my Office in the Evening. He came with with a Bamcef Vodkar Activist, Sanjay Das based in Lucknow and entrusted with the task of Mobilisation in Bengal. The Scientists informed me that the ONGC explored the KG basin but RIL has got the maximum benefit.He was worried of Disinvestment Drive in PSUS, listing of Oil companies and we also discussed the Auction of Oil Fields. Mr Das invited me for their Seminar to be held on 29th. We discussed a little bit Ideology and I had to warn the young friends that there would not be any so called social Movement once Reservation and Quota FINISHED. beause the Ambedkarites have nothing to do the Ambedkarite Ideology and Reluctant to involve themselves in Resistance at any level. They gather just to harvest the Benefit of the Constitutional safeguards and NEVER do understand the Economy and Hegemony. In Bengal, the SC and OBC Communities have reduced themselves as Converted Brahamins and I see no scope for any Change whatsoever in Bengal in near Future! Rather I am intersted in Mobilising all Social and Producive forces including the Ambedkarites and nationality Movements altogether.
During my travel in Princep Ghat Down local this evening I had the normal interactions with daily commuters who were rather interested in Card Playing.We were talking of Price rising and market scenario. Everything is available in Open Market Provided you have the Purchasing Power. Nothing is Prohibited. You May get Rs Seven Hundred KILO Tortoise meat in Open Market. Drugs and Wine available and human Trafficking is quite Profitable as SONAGACHHI Extends day by day. Even HUMAN Meat might be available and the Marketing government would be pleased to cater it to the Consumers of shining Sensex India!
My readers sometimes criticise me as Psyche.
Yes, I have to be as a SUB Human! We do not belong to the intelligentsia and we are not that Academic. diction and spells may be also defective.
As all of us, the Black Untouchables worldwide have been deprived of Knowledge under Zionist Manusmriti Apartheid Galaxy Order. Post Modern knowledge Economy deprives us the Constitutional Opportunities!
Whenever I raise the Voice for the Dalit Bengali Partition victims resettled in India , IRRITATED so called self styled Patriots suggest me to go to Bangladesh!I am as much as a Bonafied citizen as anyone else and commit no crime to go back to my roots. Who ever does not want to read our stories, he may simply opt out. Why does he kill my right to Experience. In fact,the Brahaminical hegemony and its SLAVE are INTOLERANT enough and Justify Ethnic Cleansing, Mass Destruction and the Hegemony itself to sustain the Manusmriti apartheid Order. They have Prescribed their Version of Humanity and we have not to calim our VERSION! This Intolerance rejects nationalities, Identities and the existence of the SC, ST , OBC , Refugee and Minority communities as they CELEBRATE Babri Mosque Demolition and at the same time they pose as the best defenders of democracy and Human Rights!
The Gods predestined us to suffer from Injustice, Inequality, starvation, humiliation, ethnic cleansing, exodus and holocaust. I just humbly try to point out the highlights of Violations of Human Rights, Civil Rights and sanctity of nature!I basically belong to my Mother`s Home despite being attached to PC but our CRITICS, the Best Defenders of the Galaxy satanic order Never belong to the Original Roots and represent Bastardised Americanised culture and they brand us Psyche when we talk about our day to day Experiences and dare to challenge the Hegemony. I have been Facing and living with Such Friends for decades.
India emerged as Nuclear Hindu Superpower as the Aboriginal, Indigenous, Minority Communities had to be slaughtered or ejected out of their Home Land in an UNDOCUMENTED Indian Holocaust manipulated by Bengali Brahmins aligned with MK Gandhi, JL Nehru and the Hegemony within. Bengali Brahmin leaders did everything to destroy the SC communities in East Bengal who not only elected DR BR Ambedkar to the Constitutional Assembly, but led the Indian Peasant Movement throughout the Colonial Rule aligned with Aboriginal Tribes and Muslims and finally deprived the Bengali Brahmins the transfer of Power until 1947 as all Governments in Bengal were consisted of Muslim Dalit Combination! The SC Communities in East Bengal led by Harichand Thakur led the Historical CHANDAL Movement right in Nineteenth Century beside Indigo Revolt and the Untouchibility Abolition Movement began in form of Dalit Renaissance in East Bengal. Bengali Brahmins conspired with Nehru, Mountbatten and Redcliff to exclude Hindu Dominated SC areas of East Bengal and ejected out millions of them. The BC Roy govt. as well as Govt.of India Never recognised them as Refugee but were obliged to resettle them. Afraid of Muslim Dalit alignment to upset the apple cart once again, the SC Refugees were forcibly ousted from Bengal and had been Scattered all over the Country in Dense forest areas inhibited by aboriginal Tribes. It was the Most Grand Demographic manipulation to pit the Most Militant Dalit refugees against the Tribals, specially in Central India. The Brahmin Hegemony never did voice against the Persecution of Minorities in East Bengal and Never did initiate any diplomatic initiative to stop the Refugee Influx which continues even today.
Now armed with Citizenship Amendment Act and INfosis Nilekani`s Unique identity Number Project , the National Zionist Brahaminical hegemony has launched a nationwide Deportation Drive against these Resettled refugees branding all of them as Bangladeshi Immigrants. But the New citizenship Law is implemented in Natural resource Affluent areas, primarily in Central India and Dandakaranya, where coincidentally Chettiar Chidambaram has Declared a CORPORATE War against the Indigenous Tribe to make ground for the Monopolistic capture for the India Incs, MNCs, builders and promoters! I have visited the Coastal Orissa districts which has been chosen for Unique Identity Number Pilot project around Paradip and kalingnagar where SEZ areas have to be developed for Pasco and Tatas.
The Government of India Incs has not to resolve the pending refugee problem rather it has selected all the Partition Victims for Ethnic Cleansing along with the TAMIL and Chakma Refugees! On the other hand, the Ruling Hegemony has Destroyed the Aboriginal Indigenous Production system, Livelihood and Life on the name of Development and Infrastructure. The hegemony made the Tribal People BONDED Labour and drove them from their villages all on the name of Development since 1947. The Tribes have NO right to Land and lost their traditional rights to Natural resources for which they had been fighting since Mohanjodoro Harappa days.
DVC Project Refugees , Bhakhra Nangal Dam, Steel Plat, Mines and the Refugees within since Fifties have not been resettled as yet. Most of the Tribal Villages are Never registered as Revenue Villages and So Called development and Flagship Welfare Programmes so hyped had always been IRRELEVANT for our Black Untouchable Original Kith and Kin! I have seen it in Uttarakhand , Bihar and UP with my experiences of Tharu Buksha Tribal People. I have seen it all over in North east and central India inflicted by Maoist Menace!
I was involved in intense discussion with my daily Commuter Friends in Princep Ghat down local this evening as we indulged ourselves into Economic reforms, development, Human resource Management, Growth rate, Inflation, food Insecurity, displacement and exodus with the Priorities in the colonial Economy! We discussed the Different was and Paradox of Growth in China and India comparatively.
India has Opted for IT and Technology killing its Agriculture while China emphasised in production while our economic activities reduced into services and Marketing. We Produce nothing. china is well ahead in Total factor Growth rate than the rest of the world including the so called Developed Block. We have opted for First Language English education and passing in Mother language, the second language is optional. Wiping out mother tongue and folk culture, we kill all Aboriginal Indigenous Communities who may not purchase Education and skill in the Imported Knowledge Economy in Disastrous Free market economy and our World has been put on Fire! We have destroyed nature and handed over Natural Resources to Corporate Imperialism denying any democratic opposition of so called economic reforms. We Black Out Information and Mind Control Machinery is in full cry. We have become Habitual in spilling BLOOD on the name of nationalism, Hindutva, patriotism, Ethnonationalism, national security and integrity killing constitution, democratic institutions and the sovereignty of the Individual as well as nation!
The face of the Child is MUTILATED in Knowledge Economy!India is ranked 102 out of 129 countries, immediately below Kenya and Nicaragua, in UNESCO's 2009 Education for All Development Index that scores nations on the spread, gender balance and quality of primary education and adult literacy. India will introduce by March legislation to increase the quality and reach of higher education, Human Resources Minister Kapil Sibal said. The government will seek to create an independent accreditation agency that will set benchmarks for all universities and colleges in the country, Sibal said. It will also draw up laws to govern the entry of foreign educational institutions and a regulator for higher education, he said. "The whole structural framework is going to change," the minister said.
The Rural World is eliminated as agriculture and the natural ways of Livelihood local in mother language for the uneducated unskilled Humanity have been SHUTTERED down. The unskilled labour have to migrate and concentrate in Urban, semi urban and metro campus creating the Population Pressure as we never tried to deal with Human Resource Management scientifically and the Zionist Colonial fascist Brahaminical State Power has diverted National Revenue in the Killer Money machine. nationality Problem is Never Addressed and Ethnonationalism AOUSED to sustain Manusmriti Rule to keep on Enslavement, bondage and Divide within the society. Our education system has reduced in a syllabus to create a Consumer world without Purchasing Power while the Resurgence of Affluent Sensex Class has the pass word for ATM, DEBIT and Credit card to make Currency irrelevant and Plastic Money ejects out Black Untouchables from their Home, Land and Livelihood.
DE RESERVATION was also the topic highly Volatile as LPG mafia has taken over the Country and Ambedkarites have indulged themselves in One point Agenda of Share in power without Empowerment and Internal democracy. While Privatisation and disinvestment have made RESERVATION Irrelevant. In west Bengal it is Never Easy to get a caste Certificate. thousands of candidates roam around having passed different exams for job but the Reservation and quota Posts lie VACANT as Worthy candidate are always Unavailable and suddenly those Posts being DE RESERVED caste Hindu candidates get the appointment. In Other parts of India, DE RESERVATION is quite in Vogue. Only last day, some members in the parliament raised the issue during Zero Hour. Twenty Eight Lac reserve posts are alleged to be DE RESERVED. But it is denied by the government. FEES have been Multiplied ten times while the Creamy layer cut off remains the same. Hence, reservation in IIT, IIM and other elite educational Institutions have become irrelevant. last week , West Bengal Assembly passed a BILL to declare everyone getting Eighteen thousand as CREAMY layer. he and His OFFSPRINGS have no right to get Reservation benefit. The News remains blacked out.
On the other hand,United Liberation Front of Assam (ULFA) chairman Arabinda Rajkhowa on Saturday claimed that he had not surrendered and that he would never surrender under any circumstances. Rajkhowa, who was produced before the chief judicial magistrate here on Saturday evening, said this as he got down from a bus under tight security and was taken into the court building. "Surrender nai kora, nakaro, (I have not surrendered, and I will never do so)," he said.On Friday, Home Secretary G K Pillai had said in New Delhi that Rajkhowa had surrendered. According to the government, the ULFA leader surrendered to the BSF on the Indo-Bangladesh border.
This evening Dr. Subodh Roy called me on my cell phone while I was in Princep Ghat Down! He had been contacted by our Marxist Friends to join the Opposition of Disinvestment and economic reforms! No body did not contact me. Meanwhile, Girraj kishore, an Eminent Gandhian Writer, the editor of AKAAR, a little mag has published my Lalgarh ROZNAMCHA, Diary in Twenty Two Pages. my Stance is clarified and I am treated as sworn ENEMY by the Brahaminical system! Since I criticise the Ambedkarites and the Matua Headquarter now clubbed with Matua Mamata Banerjee, I am not Popular amongst my people. I stand somewhere near Albert Camus and Voltaire who sought equality and justice in Violence for the Change! neither of Maoist or Marxist friends do understand my stance while I am seized in the Enemy camp but I reject to be BONDED or HOSTAGE!
Whenever our India Incs affiliated Intelligentsia, Politicians, Policy Makers and the worst of the lot, so called ECONOMISTS talk on Resilient Economy and Decoupling Hypothesis is made, it reminds the Myth of Sisyphus immediately!In Greek mythology, Sisyphus (pronounced /?s?s?f?s/; Greek: ??????? sísyp^(h)os Ell-Sisyfos.ogg [?sisifos] (help·info)) was a king punished in Tartarus by being cursed to roll a huge boulder up a hill, only to watch it roll back down, and to repeat this throughout eternity. It may be seen in SENSEX Tug of war in Indian Economy. While involving ourselves with the Corporate Imperialist Zionist Fate of Galaxy war Economy and getting all kind of Foreign capital Inflow, putting on everything on Sell Off , from Natural resources to PSUs and everything tagged as Government. Agriculture is destroyed as destroyed are Indigenous Production system and Aboriginal Livelihood. FIIs Rule the Economy. Monetary and Fiscal Policies are modified in accordance with the dictation from IMF , World bank and USA. Economic reforms accomplished introducing Genocide Culture and SEZ drive created Foreign Territories and defenders of Foreign interest with Nuclear, Biological and chemical Warfare. Constitution is killed as India Incs take over Governance, Policy making and Legislation led by Extra constitutional elements while Parliamentary Politics bastardised with Human Face and so called flag Ship Programme to be implemented with Foreign funded NGO partnership and the resistance and Mass movements also go Projected. It reminds me Sisyphus.
The Myth of Sisyphus is a philosophical essay by Albert Camus. It comprises about 120 pages and was published originally in 1942 in French as Le Mythe de Sisyphe; the English translation by Justin O'Brien followed in 1955.In our Nainital Days, our Economist Friend and Professor who later joined UP Planning Commission and died untimely, DR. Chandresh Shastri, a regular contributor in Naintal Samachar, our original space used to explain the SISyphus Phenomenon in Indian Political Economy. We miss you, Dr. Shastri, but we may not forget the formula to analyse the Economic growth and Sensex economy in Glittering India with Enslaved, Starving , Chosen to be killed Majority Masses!
Earlier, in the space of two weeks, India had signed two economic agreements, a broad-based trade, services and investment pact with South Korea and a free trade agreement with the ASEAN group of ten countries. The successful ratification of the two agreements preceded India's renewed engagement in the WTO Doha Development Round. The informal ministerial meeting hosted by India shows its commitment to resolve the deadlock in the Doha round of trade negotiations.
Though India's growth has not been affected to the same extent as other economies of the world, yet its exports have suffered a steep decline since last October due to a contraction in demand in the traditional markets. Considering this, the challenge that India faces going forward is to sustain and enhance its global engagements. Therefore, the Ministry of Commerce has aptly followed an enhanced market access and diversification policy for exports in its 2009-14 Foreign Trade policy.
As economic indicators are pointing to a mild recovery, our trade continues to fall, although the steepness of the free fall seems to have been arrested, said Mr Anand Sharma. Whether this turnaround will be durable is to be seen in the coming months.
The Indian economy has undergone a considerable change since economic reforms began in 1991, during which India's integration into the world economy has been very rapid. India's healthy growth story and pro investment climate have helped it attract huge investment inflows, especially since the last decade. Although the previous year has seen significant flight of capital due to the global economic crisis, investment inflows, both direct and portfolio, have seen a robust comeback in 2009.
The economic and financial crisis has also lead to a change in the global political and economic architecture, said Mr Anand Sharma. The G-20, instead of G-8, is better suited to represent the economic realties of the present day world. Thus a rule based, fair and equitable global multilateral trading regime which has development as its core objective is what will benefit the entire world economy, expressed the Minister.
FREE Market democracy has killed Indian Agriculture and Peasants are VICTIMISED in genocide culture. Economic Reforms do all the tasks of Mass destruction and Indian Economy has nothing for the Peasants. Indian politicians, the agents of corporates and MNCs have nothing to do for RURAL India and they happen to be tagged with SENSEX Shining Superpower Nuclear India. But our people allow them to decorate our forum. SHAME! Shame! shame!
In 1971 , I myself had to BURN sugar cane grown on ACRES of Land as we could not afford the labour Cost. The Mills would not take sugar cane and we had to go down to the CRASHERS to get Just Rs Four per quintle. I Understand the Problem and support the Peasants on the streets. But at the same time, the Parliamentary Drama seems to me rather as a SUPER DUPER Subversion once again!
Political Betrayals Enhance the AGRARIAN Crisis as Politicians Have No Sympathy with Indian Peasantry and Push for Economic Reforms Despite Intense Parliamentary Drama!Framers may not save Life and Land for their Mobile Vote Bank! even today, No Political leader is a little bit Concerned with the Ethnic Cleansing, Modified genetic seed Package, Land Acquisition indiscriminate, Exodus from the Villages , Monopolistic Aggression against Indian farmers, Retail Chain, Chemical Disaster,Strategic Rural Marketing ! While they use the Sugar Cane Issue to mobilise the Vote Banks respectively, they NEVER tried to mobilise a Peasant Movement. The Kisan sabha, an organisation of CPIM has members more than ONE CRORE but the Party itself has adopted Capitalist ways and is indulged in Mass destruction in Rural Bengal, for which the Red Citadel is Threatened as never before!
It has always been the same story even during Colonial Rule and so called Renaissance and struggle for Freedom as the Politicians always Supported the Foreign Rulers whenever Indian Aboriginal Indigenous Peasants indulged themselves in Uprising and Insurrections. Just trace the History of Indigo Revolt, Sanyasi Vidroh, Santhal and Munda Insurrection as so on.
Even during last Six decades it has always been the History of Great Betrayals. Peasant insurrections in Telengana, Shrikakulam, Dhimri Block and Naxal Bari have been CRUSHED without addressing the Agrarian Crisis and the Marxists who originally led all these insurrections betrayed the Peasants. My father led the Dhimri Block Uprising and we have the flames burning in our heart.
Great failure of Green revolution ignited the Punjab crisis which was subverted in Khalisatani movement just because Political parties never stood with the peasants. Sikh Identity with Akali movement led to the tragedy of Operation Blue star and we had to witness Unprecedented Indian Holocaust repeated once again in SIKH GENOCIDE. Hindutva forces along with the congress govt. in the centre did everything to crush the Peasants.
I had been in Meerut during Bharatiya kisan Union Movement led by Mahendra Singh Tikait
while farmers from Uttar Pradesh have Seized the National Capital Zone! What happened? What did Mr Tikait do? He along with his supporters were used to balance the Vote Bank Equations.
During Eighties itself, Sharad Joshi led the Shetkari kamgar Union created waves!Where is Mr. Joshi today while the Peasants in Western India , specially in Maharashtra and all over South India have no escape route but to commit suicide! reportedly he has joined Hindutva forces!
We all know about Chowdhari Charan Singh. He was then Home Minister and led the Military repression of Dhimri block and denied the incident in the assembly. As my father Pulin Babu believed in democratic Set Up, he always accepted Chowdhari Charan Singh as the leader of Indian Peasantry. My Father was in the national executive of Bharatiya Krishak samaj led by Chowdhari charan Singh during Green revolution days!Later, the Chowdhari became the Prime Minister of India. I have heard the story in Meerut.The suffering Sugar cane Peasants from Bagpat,his home constituency and Western Up visited the prime Minster to tell their Grievances. Charan Singh Scolded them saying, MERI TOPI PE GANNA Lagao! Plant Sugar cane in my cap!
My father used to tell that Chowdhari always responded with a typical phrase, ` MAIN TO BAHARA HOON' I am Deaf! Whenever the peasants reached him! I have worked in Meerut as a Journalist during 1984 to 1990. I realised that the Great leader and his worthy son Chowdhari Ajit Singh did NOTHING for the Peasants. Chowdhari Devilal and his son Omprakash chowtala followed suit.
Meanwhile,alQuaeda Hype exposed in an interstening way!The US has not had any good intelligence on Osama bin Laden's whereabouts in years, Defence Secretary Robert Gates told ABC News' This Week programme. Gates also couldn't confirm reports this week that a detainee in Pakistan claimed to have information on where bin Laden, the leader of the Al Qaeda terrorist network, was.
USA created OSAMA and Taliban. The Zionist have nothing to do with Peace, human Rights and are interested to promote Free Market democracy in the Third world to capture all natural resources. Their concern for nature, Global Warming, Bio Cycle, environment, Wild Life, ecology and Climate Change is as much as genuine as it would have been for Vasco De Gama, Columbus and captain cook, the whole lot of SEA Pirates.
US interests would be defended with the Total destruction of India, Pakistan and China!
Asked whether Pakistan had done enough to go after bin Laden, Gates said: "Well, we don't know for a fact where Osama bin Laden is. If we did, we'd go get him."
In London this week, Pakistani Prime Minister Yousuf Raza Gilani claimed bin Laden was "not in Pakistan" and insisted that his government's security forces had been "extremely successful" in tackling terrorism within its borders.
President Asif Ali Zardari said in April that bin Laden's whereabouts were unknown and there were unconfirmed reports from local intelligence agencies that he might be dead.
The Al Qaeda leader is believed to be ailing. Some analysts suspect that he is hiding in Pakistan's tribal areas near the border with Afghanistan.
India and Russia have reached a broad agreement to break the logjam over the protracted price renegotiation over Admiral Gorshkov aircraft carrier and the two sides are expected to sign a landmark civil nuclear pact during summit talks between Prime Minister Manmohan Singh and President Dmitry Medvedev on Sunday. Seeking to resolve the Gorshkov price issue, an irritant in bilateral ties, the two countries had worked out a general agreement, sources said. A pact in this regard, however, is unlikely to be signed during Singh's visit .
The Prime Minister arrived MOSCOW on a three-day visit, his sixth trip to Russia since 2004, that will also see the inking of three agreements in the field of defence, including one for ending ad-hocism in servicing Russian military equipment.
As a special gesture, the Russian President will host a private dinner for Singh and his wife Gursharan Kaur at his countryside residence in Barvikha outside Moscow.
The path-breaking civil nuclear pact is significant as it will ensure uninterrupted uranium fuel supplies from Russia in the event of termination of bilateral ties in this field for any reason, the sources said.
The agreement is considered by India as a "major improvement" over the 123 pact with the US which provides for not just termination of ongoing cooperation but also for the return to the country of already supplied components and fuel in the event of the accord being scrapped.
AMIT BHADURI writes well in
Predatory Growth
Just see:
Over the last two decades or so, the two most populous, large countries in the world, China and India, have been growing at rates considerably higher than the world average. In recent years the growth rate of national product of China has been about three times, and that of India approximately two times that of the world average. This has led to a clever defence of globalisation by a former chief economist of IMF (Fisher, 2003). Although China and India feature as only two among some 150 countries for which data are available, he reminded us that together they account for the majority of the poor in the world. This means that, even if the rich and the poor countries of the world are not converging in terms of per capita income, the well above the average world rate of growth rate of these two large countries implies that the current phase of globalisation is reducing global inequality and poverty at a rate as never before.
Statistical half truths can be more misleading at times than untruths. And this might be one of them, in so far as the experiences of ordinary Indians contradict such statistical artefact. Since citizens in India can express reasonably freely their views at least at the time of elections, their electoral verdicts on the regime of high growth should be indicative. They have invariably been negative. Not only did the 'Shining India' image crash badly in the last general election, even the present prime minister, widely presented as the 'guru' of India's economic liberalisation in the media, could never personally win an election in his life. As a result, come election time, and all parties talk not of economic reform, liberalisation and globalisation, but of greater welfare measures to be initiated by the state. Gone election times, and the reform agenda is back. Something clearly needs to be deciphered from such predictable swings in political pronouncement.
Politicians know that ordinary people are not persuaded by statistical mirages and numbers, but by their daily experiences. They do not accept high growth on its face value as unambiguously beneficial. If the distribution of income turns viciously against them, if the opportunities for reasonable employment and livelihood do not expand with high growth, the purpose of higher growth would be widely questioned in a democracy. This is indeed what is happening, and it might even appear to some as paradoxical. The festive mood generated by high growth is marinated in popular dissent and despair, turning often into repressed anger. Like a malignant malaise, a sense of political unease is spreading insidiously along with the near double digit growth. And, no major political party, irrespective of their right or left label, is escaping it because they all subscribe to an ideology of growth at any cost.
What exactly is the nature of this paradoxical growth that increases output and popular anger at the same time? India has long been accustomed to extensive poverty coexisting with growth, with or without its 'socialist pattern'. It continues to have anywhere between one-third and one-fourth of its population living in sub-human, absolute poverty. The number of people condemned to absolute poverty declined very slowly in India over the last two decades, leaving some 303 million people still in utter misery. In contrast China did better with the number of absolutely poor declining from 53 per cent to 8 percent, i.e. a reduction of some 45 percentage points, quite an achievement compared to India's 17 percentage points. However, while China grew faster, inequality or relative poverty also grew faster in China than in India. Some claim that the increasing gap between the richer and the poorer sections in the Chinese society during the recent period has been one of the worst in recorded economic history, perhaps with the exception of some former socialist countries immediately after the collapse of the Soviet Union. The share in national income of the poorest 20 per cent of the population in contemporary China is 5.9 percent, compared to 8.2 per cent in India. This implies that the lowest 20 per cent income group in China and in India receives about 30 and 40 percent of the per capita average income of their respective countries. However, since China has over two times the average per capita income of India in terms of both purchasing power parity, and dollar income, the poorest 20 percent in India are better off in relative terms, but worse off in absolute terms. The Gini coefficient, lying between 0 and 1, measures inequality, and increases in value with the degree of inequality. In China, it had a value close to 0.50 in 2006, one of the highest in the world. Inequality has grown also in India, but less sharply. Between1993-94 and 2004-5, the coefficient rose from 0.25 to 0.27 in urban, and 0.31 to 0.35 in rural areas. Every dimension of inequality, among the regions, among the professions and sectors, and in particular between urban rural areas has also grown rapidly in both counties, even faster in China than in India. In short, China has done better than India in reducing absolute poverty, but worse in allowing the gap to grow rapidly between the rich and the poor during the recent period of high growth.
I spent my childhood in the Terai of Nainital in UP. I belong to a Dalit Bengali Resettled Refuge family Partition Victim ejected out of its Homeland during the Population Transfer. Our People who Voted Dr.Ambedkar to enter in the Constitution Assembly while Congress closed all Doors and windows! In an Revenge full act the areas inhibited by SC Communities in East Bengal were gifted to Pakistan and the ejected People were not allowed to stay in West Bengal lest they would kill the Brahaminical Hegemony aligning with Muslims as they did before transfer of power. They killed our Political Power and Constitutional rights scattering our people countrywide from the Himalayas to the Deep Sea in Andaman Nicobar Islands. From Northeast toRajsthan and all over DANDAKARANYA ! They resettled our people in Tribal Areas into deep Forest. I witnessed the Deforestation myself. They pitted us against aboriginal tribes everywhere.InUttarakhand, UP and Bihar, the THARU and Buksha Communities have no Right to their land which they inherited for thousands of years. Their Villages are not registered as Revenue Villages. No development work is meant for them. No Flagship Welfare Programme is meant for them. It is the same case countrywide.
Citizenship Amendment Act is meant for Deportation of Partition Victims, Five Crore resettled Bengali Refugees along with the Tamil Refugees. But I have visited the areas targeted as deportation map as in Kendrapara where Pasco and TatasSEZ marked. Six Coastal Districts of Orissa have been chosen for the Pilot Nilekani`s Unique Identity Number Project. The New Law is that you have to prove your citizenship. Hence Two Hundred Families in Lucknow were evicted from Prime land as branded as Bangladeshi while all of them belong to the Neighbourhood of Lucknow and None of them is Bengali at all!This law is meant to evacuate the Prime Property captured by Slum dogs as Slum Abolition enactment is in progress despite the fact that half of the Urban and Semi urban Population lives in Slums!DHARAVI in Mumbai is being targeted while Agricultural land is acquired indiscriminately for so called Industrialisation, Urbanisation, Realty Boom, Infrastructure, Big Dams, Mining legal as well illegal,SEZ, Chemical Hubs and Nuclear parks. This is the Neoliberalism which means all round Destruction and Exodus! Rule. Project for
However inequality is increasing for another reason. Its ideology often described as neo-liberalism, is easily visible at one level; but the underlying deeper reason is seldom discussed. The increasing openness of the Indian economy to international finance and capital flows, rather than to trade in goods and services, has had the consequence of paralysing many pro-poor public policies. Despite the fact that we continue to import more than we export (unlike China), India's comfortable foreign reserves position, crossing 230 billion U.S dollars in 2008, is mostly the result of accumulated portfolio investments and short term capital inflows from various financial institutions. To keep the show going in this way, the fiscal and the monetary policies of the government need to comply with the interests of the financial markets. That is the reason why successive Indian governments have willingly accepted the Financial Responsibility and Budget Management Act (2003) restricting deficit spending. Similarly, the idea has gained support that the government should raise resources through privatisation and so-called public-private partnership, but not through raising fiscal deficit, or not imposing a significant turnover tax on transactions of securities. These measures rattle the 'sentiment' of the financial markets, so governments remain wary of them. The hidden agenda, vigorously pursued by governments of all colours has been to keep the large private players in the financial markets in a happy mood. Since the private banks and financial institutions usually take their lead from the IMF and the World Bank, this bestows on these multilateral agencies considerable power over the formulation of government policies. However, the burden of such policies is borne largely by the poor of this country. This has had a crippling effect on policies for expanding public expenditure for the poor in the social sector. Inequality and distress grow as the state rolls back public expenditure in social services like basic health, education, and public distribution and neglects the poor, while the 'discipline' imposed by the financial markets serves the rich and the corporations. This process of high growth traps roughly one in three citizens of India in extreme poverty with no possibility of escape through either regular employment growth or relief through state expenditure on social services. The high growth scene of India appears to them like a wasteland leading to the Hell described by the great Italian poet Dante. On the gate of his imagined Hell is written, "This is the land you enter after abandoning all hopes".
Extremely slow growth in employment and feeble public action exacerbates inequality, as a disproportionately large share of the increasing output and income from growth goes to the richer section of the population, not more than say the top 20 per cent of the income receivers in India. At the extreme ends of income distribution the picture that emerges in one of striking contrasts. According to the Forbes Magazine list for 2007, the number of Indian billionaires rose from 9 in 2004 to 40 in 2007, much richer counties like Japan had only 24, France had 14 and Italy 14. Even China, despite its sharply increasing inequality, had only 17 billionaires. The combined wealth of Indian billionaires increased from US dollars 106 billion to 170 billion in the single year, 2006-07. This 60 per cent increase in wealth would not have been possible, except through transfer on land from the state and central governments to the private corporations in the name of 'public purpose', for mining, industrialisation and special economic zones (SEZ). Estimates based on corporate profits suggest that, since 2000-01 to date, each additional per cent growth of GDP has led on an average to some 2.5 per cent growth in corporate profits. India's high growth has certainly benefited the corporations more than anyone else.
After several years of high growth along these lines, India of the twenty first century has the distinction of being only second to the United States in terms of the combined total wealth of its corporate billionaires coexisting with the largest number of homeless, ill-fed, illiterates in the world. Not surprisingly, for ordinary Indians at the receiving end, this growth process is devoid of all hope for escape. Nearly half of Indian children under 6 years suffer from under-weight and malnutrition, nearly 80 per cent from anaemia, while some 40 per cent of Indian adults suffer from chronic energy deficit. Destitution, chronic hunger and poverty kill and cripple silently thousands picking on systematically the more vulnerable. The problem is more acute in rural India, among small children, pregnant females, Dalits and Adivasis, especially in the poorer states, while market oriented policies and reforms continue to widen the gap between the rich and the poor, as well as among regions.
ET Headline Rajaratnam pleads innocent in Galleon case 21 Dec 2009, 2319 hrs IST, REUTERS
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RBI has taken one more step towards simplifying and liberalizing the once much feared exchange control regulations in India. World's best place for expats | |||
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Inflation: Food stocks on fire
Investors get 150-340% returns since April
New Delhi: Even as the government has yet to grapple with the problem of runaway food prices, investors in food stocks are laughing their way to the bank. The returns -- 150-340 per cent since April 2009 -- from most of these companies have outperformed the broader indices, indicating increased investor interest.
Domestic food prices hit a 10-year high of 20 per cent for the year till December 5, due to demand-supply mismatch and worst monsoon in 37 years, which affected the kharif crop output. Rising food prices contributed to a faster-than-expected 4.78 per cent surge in the wholesale price index during November. Food inflation has been rising mainly due to surge in prices of sugar, pulses, rice, tea and vegetables.
Domestic sugar output for 2008-09 (October-September) declined 42 per cent to 15 million tonne and caused retail prices to double at Rs 40 per kg in the past one year. Output in the current season is estimated at 15.3 million tonne. Outlook for sugar demand remains bullish since domestic consumption is pegged at 23 million tonne.
Even import is not viable since landed price will be higher than domestic prices. All sugar companies have made good profits compared to the losses they incurred last year. Bajaj Hindusthan made a net profit of Rs 69 crore for the quarter ended September 30, vis a vis Rs 87 crore loss last year.
"I am positive on sugar stocks. Their best days are yet to come. There is a similar story in tea as output in major producing countries like Sri Lanka and Kenya is affected. It should not be a surprise if tea prices double from current levels," said investment adviser S P Tulsian.
Tea prices have jumped 30-40 per cent in one year. According to Sharekhan Research, 2009 is expected to end with a production shortfall of 5-10 million kg in the domestic market and 75-80 million kg in the international market. The global shortage has resulted in improved sales realisation for Indian plantation companies. With continued shortage and consequent increase in tea prices, companies like Mcleod Russel and Jay Shree Tea are likely to make sizable profits. Mcleod Russel declared a net profit of Rs 192 crore for the quarter ended September 30, as against Rs 121 crore last year.
Tulsian sees a similar trend in rice. "I am mildly positive on basmati stocks," he said. Stocks of companies in the rice business, especially basmati, have also been buzzing. Kharif output has been projected to be lower by over 15 per cent compared to last year's 84.58 million tonne. Globally, rice prices have firmed up on expectations of bulk import from India. "Export realisation of 1,121 varieties of basmati has jumped from $900 in October to $1,100 a tonne. If prices remain at these levels, the industry will make good profits," said Anil Mittal, chairman and managing director, KRBL, which sells rice under India Gate brand. KRBL declared a net profit of Rs 30.58 crore in the quarter ended September 30, as against Rs 26.82 crore last year.
Business Standard
What makes E Sreedharan the face of progressive India? Is Rahul Gandhi the harbinger of young Parliament? Is Rahman the undisputed melody king? Is it the Moon Man 'Nair' or Nandan Nilekani who epitomizes India? Does Sachin Tendulkar reflect the true spirit of India, the nation on the move? Who do you think has scripted the success story of the nation like none else? Pick the Indian who wins the title "Indian of the year" hands down.
The role of business in nation-building
The debate whether business has a role to play in nation-building is by and large settled today. It is acknowledged as a critical contributor to the process. However, it was not so for better part of our history. Through the 1960s, 1970s and even the 1980s, the general impression was that nations could only be built through government intervention.
The words of our first Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru said it all when he portrayed the public sector units as the 'leading lights' of the economy. But to be fair to him, he was actually being in tune with the times, given the small size of private business in India and the sheer scale of the task of building critical infrastructure in a large country like ours.
Let's come back to the present and look at the critical block of infrastructure. The government today aims to build 20 km of highways a day, 7,000-8,000 km a year. The same is the case with energy, where we need rapid generation-capacity additions to overcome the power shortage that we have to live with today.
To give a fillip to our international trade, we have undertaken several initiatives to build new ports or modernising existing ports. For such hard infrastructure, we are looking at a total investment of $1.5 trillion of investment within a span of 10 years. India is going to be one big construction site during this period. China has already gone through this, India needs to catch up fast.
So, who is going to do this? Obviously, the government alone cannot accomplish this on its own. Had it been capable, it would already have done it. The answer is pretty clear: public-private is going to make this happen for us. Of the 20-km-a-day highway construction plan, half is going to be built by the private sector.
In the case of energy, more than half of our new generation capacity is going to be in the private sector. We already have several new airports in Mumbai, Delhi, Bangalore and Hyderabad under the public-private mode. More are in the pipeline.
Let me now briefly touch upon my own sector: telecom. Till about 20 years ago, a telephone connection was a scarce commodity doled out by the government in a controlled fashion. Ten years ago, it was considered a luxury. Five years ago, it was still seen as a middle-class tool.
Today, not everyone might own a phone, but almost everyone has access to one as more than 95% of our population is under mobile coverage. Billions of dollars have been invested in the sector to make this possible.
Telecom is going to constitute a critical building block of the country's infrastructure. Though many users in India today may never have ventured beyond voice and SMS on their mobile phones, the possibilities are enormous. Broadband wireless is going to be the order of the day and mobile money transfer and mobile commerce are going to open up endless possibilities.
The need for foreign capital for many insurance ventures in India is fast receding as these companies are approaching profitability and can expand business out of their own funds rather than depend on foreign funds, they say. Kotak Mahindra Old Mutual and Bajaj Allianz are already profitable while ICICI Prudential, HDFC Standard Life and Max New York Life are all set to achieve break-even in the next 1-2 years.
"Though hiking the limit to 49% would help late entrants mobilise fresh foreign capital, it would give a window to some of the old Indian players to cash out part of their investments," said Monish Chatrath, executive director, Mazars India, an international, firm specialising in audit, accounting, tax and advisory services.
Global insurance companies and their partners have been lobbying for higher foreign investments in the sector saying huge capital is required to develop business here and local partners can't afford to invest such funds. Most Indian partners have agreed to let their foreign partners raise stake as and when the government allows it. So, the belief that the increase in FDI limit would bring in more funds to the company may not necessarily be true, but help local partners reap profits.
"We have made profits in the past two years and going forward, the capital requirement will come down," a senior executive with one of the profit-making companies said on condition of anonymity. Life insurance ventures take 6-7 years to make profits as the companies comply with strict capital requirement norms and establish business with adequate infrastructure, which requires huge investments. In India, over 10 players, including HDFC Standard Life Insurance, ICICI Prudential, Kotak Mahindra Old Mutual, Bajaj Allianz are some of the players, which have been around for some nine years.
Bajaj Allianz, a private insurer ranked 3 in the pecking order by new business income, has not invested any cash in two years demonstrating that it has become self-sustaining. In 2007-08, it got investments of around Rs 500 crore, taking its total paid-up capital to Rs 1,210 crore. But some ventures may still need more capital as they attempt to increase the market share, which is dominated by the state-owned Life Insurance Corporation.
"So far, in the current fiscal we have not increased our paid-up capital, but we may require to infuse some capital during the balance four months of the year to support growth in new business," said Rajesh Sud, CEO & MD, Max New York Life Insurance.
Large private insurers witnessed a drop in capital infusion in the first half of the current fiscal, primarily due to strong renewal premium, sharp increase in income from fund management, and a decline in accounting losses, says Edelweiss Securities in its report. Almost all insurers, barring Reliance Life Insurance and the Life Insurance Corporation, have 74:26 JV with foreign firms. As per estimates of Life Insurance Council, the industry body of 22 public and private life insurance companies in India, the combined paid-up capital of all insurance players in the country is currently Rs 26,526 crore, equivalent to $5.7 billion.
Reliance Life is looking to partner with China Life as it plans an initial public offer to raise funds. HDFC Standard Life is another insurer that has declared its intention to list its shares. But some say that just because companies are in a position to make profits does not mean that they no longer need capital from outside.
"Capital infusion has no correlation with profitability," said TR Ramachandran, CEO and MD of Aviva Life Insurance. "For a company to achieve break-even, the renewal premium has to catch up with the new business premium. Capital infusion will be very much imperative for growth in sector."
India to raise defence procurement from domestic market! |
Perquisites given by the employer such as residential accommodation, conveyance facility and other benefits to the family of the employee could soon be added to their salary for income tax purposes and the Government may come out with a notification soon on the valuation of these perks.
Earlier, the tax on these perks were paid by the employer in the form of the Fringe Benefit Tax (FBT) that was done away with in the Budget 2009-10 by Finance Minister Pranab Mukherjee.
The perquisites to be included in the taxable salary include residential accommodation given by the employer, expenses on motor car for official or personal use, salaries of the driver, gardener and even sweeper if paid by the employer and concessional education provided to the employee's children.
"Under the FBT regime, tax burden of the perquisites was on the employer, but will now be on the employee," said Ernst & Young tax partner Amitabh Singh when asked about the new income tax valuation rules.
The valuation rules, yet to be officially announced by the Finance Ministry, are likely to be applicable with retrospective effect from April 1 this year.
"The taxes for about nine months would have to be paid by employees in case the rules come in effect from April 1, 2009," Singh added.
In addition to the perks such as residential accommodation and conveyance, others like travelling,free-food and non-alcoholic beverages provided by the employer, any gift or vouchers received by the employee on ceremonial occasions, reimbursements for membership of a club and tour allowances would also come under the purview of this new income tax valuation system.
Earlier also, the perquisites were added to the salary for tax purposes, but if specified as FBT, they had to be paid by the employer and not the employee.
In regard to government employees, the new valuation rules may be the same for all except for those on deputation, who will have to cough up a higher amount as tax.
"The residential accommodation allowances of the government employees on deputation will be taxed higher as if they are of a private company. Generally private companies pay residential rentals at the market price, while the valuation government accommodation is much lower than the market rates," said Singh.
Divestment money to be used for capital expenditure!The central government Monday said it will use the proceeds from divestment of public sector undertakings in capital investment for the
The policy change was prompted by a financial crunch, Disinvestment Secretary Sunil Mitra said.
Till now the government was utilising 75 percent of the interest amount from the National Investment Fund, raised from the divestment proceeds, for social sector projects like mid-day meals in schools. The remaining amount was spent in meeting capital expenses, he said.
"Now, the fund will be used directly for capital expenditure for three years," he said, adding market regulator Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) had given the go-ahead for selling 65 percent of shares on the divestment table through auctions.
SEBI could also put a cap on the maximum number of shares that an institution could buy.
"We will sell the shares through auctions instead of a price-sensitive formula," the bureaucrat said.
Between 1991 and 2009, the central government had collected Rs.58,000 crore from disinvestment of public sector undertakings shares, he said.
Of this amount, Rs 37,000 crore had been raised through minority sales and the rest from strategic sales.
"India imports nearly 70 percent of its total defence related requirement. We want to reverse that trend in the next five to 10 years time," Pallam Raju said at a seminar organized by the Confederation of Indian Industry (CII).
Talking about the country's aerospace engineering segment, he said Indian companies had a lot of potential to cater to the domestic as well as international markets.
"Global aerospace companies have started looking at India as an outsourcing hub for technology and development," the minister said.
"Currently, the aerospace industry worldwide spends about $60 billion globally on engineering, with India accounting for less than one percent of this, as compared to 12 percent offshoring of the overall engineering services."
According to Pallam Raju, the value of offshored engineering services in aerospace in India was estimated at $700-800 million.
"This figure is expected to grow to $3 billion by 2020. If manufacturing is also included, this can also jump up to $10-12 billion," he said.
"When our investigation is complete, we will file a chargesheet in an Indian court. After filing the chargesheet, we will take a warrant of arrest. After getting the warrant of arrest, we will approach America (for extradition)," he told reporters here on way to Darjeeling yesterday.
Headley, a 49-year-old American-Pakistani, has been in custody in the US since October three for plotting terror attacks. His accomplice Canadian-Pakistani Tahawwur Rana was subsequently arrested by the FBI.
Pillai is in Darjeeling to participate the tripartite talks among the Centre, West Bengal government and the Gorkha Janmukti Morch on the Gorkhaland issue.
The Maharashtra government Monday tabled in the legislature the report of the Ram Pradhan-V Balachandran Committee that inquired into the November 26-29 Mumbai terror attacks with the Opposition demanding a probe into its alleged leak to the media.
The Opposition clamoured for an inquiry by the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI), saying the report had leaked to the media even before it was tabled in the house.
Chief Minister Ashok Chavan rejected the demand saying that the report had not leaked though the opposition members said that there were "similarities" between the "leaked report" and the one presented before the house today.
However, there was no discussion on the report with the government setting up a 16-member committee headed by Chavan that will go into all aspects of the report and recommend further action.
Last week, following an uproar, Home Minister R R Patil had assured that the report would be tabled today (Dec. 21). But it would not be appropriate to make it public as there were many "sensitive issues" mentioned in it.
The two-member committee had gone into the entire gamut of the circumstances leading to the 26/11 attacks which left 166 people dead and submitted its report last May 27.
In the brief monsoon session of the state legislature, the government had tabled only a part of the report and an Action To Be Taken Report, but the opposition demanded the entire contents of the report be placed before the house.
If the media only purveys their viepoint, who will speak for the silent majorities?" he said at an awards-giving function here. Noting that the media has a vital role to play, Singh said "we cannot live in a society where millions are outside the shop, on the pavement, looking into the glitzy world they can never hope to enter".
The media, he said, cannot be just a window to an unattainable world. "It should seek to open the door to an attainable and a sustainable future for each one of us," Singh added.
He said there should be an introspection whether the media does justice in portraying the divesrity and complexity of issues of the day. "The country is proud of its vibrant media.
But we should introspect whether the media does justice in portraying the divesrity and complexity of the issues of the day and whether there is adequate balance in the purveying of ideas and information".
Indian Holocaust Continues as the Ruling Zionist Brahaminical Hegemony is taken over by Galaxy Order of TRI IBLIS Satanic Order of War Economy and Indian Periphery of US Corporate Imperialism has transformed Indian Ocean Peace Zone into HORROR Field of Mass Destruction. Biological, Chemical and Nuclear warfare target majority Aboriginal and Indigenous Communities to Capture Natural resources and India Incs takes over Governance, Legislation, People`s Movement and even, RESISTANCE as all Ideologies have turned Hypocrisy Infinite and the STATE Power has been reduced into a COMPUTED ROBOTIC Machinery of Ethnic Cleansing Infinite with Military Option and Zero Tolerance.Gandhian Conspiracy to transfer Power intoBRAHMIN BANIA Hegemony caused the Partition of the Subcontinent resultant in Bloody Population Transfer. Indian Power Politics and Prostitution have become just TWO sides of the same coin as Parliament, Constitution and all Democratic Institutions have been made Irrelevant to accomplish Economic reforms. Refugee Problem is not resolved as yet while so called Development has made Refugees Within most. Rural India and Original Livelihood and Production system based in Indian Culture, Folk and Agriculture have been ELIMINATED. Media works as the best agency of Strategic Marketing! Intelligentsia turned into CIVIL Society plusNGO which Implements World Bank and IMF agenda. Even the Maoist Ideology of Revolution is used to defend CORPORATE interest. The result is LPG Age of Robotics! Dehumanisation, Alienation, GlobalHindutva, Communal ism, Ethnonationalism , Insurgency, Terrorism, Displacement and Exodus! Black Untouchables have to be wiped out as IT has become the only way of sustenance. Purchasing Power is Sovereignty! Trade Unions work for the Builders, Realty and Promoters!Aboriginal, Indigenous and Minority Communities are Branded as either Terrorists or Extremists. India is Seized Within. Nationality Problem is never addressed andNeo Liberalism kills the Constitutional Safeguards secured by Dr. Ambedkar even after Puna Pact signed. Free Market democracy promoted by war Monger United States of America has made India an Infinite Killing Field of Persecution, Human Trafficking,Genocide Culture, Prostitution, Crime, Corruption, Manipulation, Hypocrisy, Betrayal, Repression, Ethnic Cleansing, Conflicts, Hatred, Insurgency, Poverty, Food Insecurity, Death Processions, JOB Loss and Starvation!Pst Modern Manusmriti is the Ultimate Rule of this part of world with prevalent Untouchability, Injustice, Inequality, Discrimination and Apartheid!
For me, Indian Power Politics and Prostitution are just Two Sides of the same coin! Politicians are at best Manipulators, Hypocrites, Traitors, Corrupt, Anti National, Corporate Salves and masters of Genocide! The Sex Workers, at least, are not that DISHONEST!If politicians do everything to ensure Free Market democracy killing all Values, Social barriers and cultural discipline to gain personal mileage, then why the SEX Workers should be denied to run their business on the line of SEX Tourism as Knowledge Economy and War Industry are quite in Vogue. At least the Sex workers are not genetically modified nor the transfer Biological, chemical and Nuclear Technology to kill the Humanity!
I have to return Home every night from my workplace in BBD Bagh, Kolkata late in the night via CR Avenue across SONAGACHHI and have to witness HUMANITY gang raped daily! Woman and Child Trafficking have become the post modern lifestyle spinning money fastest and most. Human Scapes and land scapes alienated starve and opt for EXODUS landing into the Human Meat market!
What Moral and ethical right we have to deny the Sex Workers as we have OPTED for FREE MARKET Democracy and have decoupled ourselves with anything Indian in the largest Periphery of US Corporate war Economy?
Our Maoist Friends are angry with me as I challenged their strategy to defend the Corporate and MNC interest in Got Up games with ruling Hegemony. They have written letters to Samayantar and raised the issue on different forum.I have got a letter from Rajasthan which alleges that I stand to defend the Revisionist Marxists. Latest Maoist action to blow up a passenger train itself justifies that the Maoist leadership is not at all CONCERNED with the Masses as it tries DIE Hard to showcase. It is as projected as any NGO. Let me see that the Maoists strike against Corporate and MNC interest anywhere in those Maoist Frontiers captured by Corporates. Economic Times has published a story today, BRAND Final and analysed that the companies which focused on Local marketing, have gained more. RIL leading. It proves that Rural strategic marketing has paid DIVIDENDS most and Maoists Never did try to stop this MOW menace. The Richest Peasantry based state remains Haryana, where no less than One Hundred SEZ have been proposed. One Crore Strength Kisan Sabha is silent. Vidarbha crisis is subverted by False Ethnonationalism called Maratha Manush.While Shetkari kamgar Union leader Sharad Joshi has joined Shivsena.
"In the last 10 years, around 3,000 Indians died due to landmines and over 2,000 were injured. Most casualties occurred in Jammu and Kashmir, followed by Manipur," according to Landmine Monitor Report 2009, which will be released Saturday.
Major Barve from Mumbai confirmed that the Demonstration against SEZ led by Woman is all set to put Mumbai on standstill on 22nd November, But Medha Patkar has ultimately planned to protest against SEZ on 25 , 26 November while Navi Mumbai is given away with the false movement.The Government Employees are sleeping and Twenty percent disinvestment targeted in 1009 itself in all profitable PSUs would not awaken them. They still depend on Marxist led trade Unions.On the other hand, The Congress is campaigning hard in Jharkhand for the coming assembly polls, with party chief Sonia Gandhi addressing two rallies in the state Friday and party general secretary Rahul Gandhi set to address four meetings Saturday.
This morning APDR Activist and leader Dr Manas Joardar called me and we had a good chat. Dr, Joardar informed me that BANDI Mukti committee would have a meeting i HB Town this Evening. I had to miss as I had prior engagement. But we discussed the Issues raised by Kabir Suman and he agreed that the issues are genuine.
I asked him if we Oppose the Economic reforms, Monopolistic aggression and Chidambaram`s war against the masses , why should we tag us with the Ruling Hegemony as it is quite Clear that the Marxist would not Return to Writers in 2011 ? Why do we support Dr. Manmohan Singh and his Mass destruction Agenda supporting Mamata Banerjee, the second partner in UPA?
He clarified that only a faction of the Intelligentsia and civil Society support Mamata!
But other are SILENT and waiting for Opportune tie to respond suitably. I said,` Civil Society and Intelligentsia are replicating the World bank agenda only and represent the Market Dominating communities in the Free Market democracy!
DR Joardar agreed to discus it some time!
India is Tagged with US War Economy and Indo US Nuke deal Operationalised killed the Anti Imperialist Resistance led by the Communists in India with Sensex shining India emerging as a Super Power nuclear Hindu Rashtra indulged in US Promoted Free Market Democracy and war against Terror , Insurgency. Indo Russia Nuke Deal in US shadow reminds us Nehruvian Indira foreign Relations, Economics and Diplomacy! Communists supported Nehru and Indira just because they had been closer to Moscow. CPI supported EMERGENCY as it could not go against the wishes of MOSCOW.This Phenomenon may be best understood if we see things with the eyes of Greatest showman ion Indian Cinema, Raj kappor. Indian Leaders have proved themselves bunch of Jokers, Nothing else. Indian Polity may not SURVIVE without COLONISATION as we inherit Enslavement in our Genes. I may sound very rough and Global Hindutva may dismiss the Idea as it is rooted in Zionism. India, Russia after Soviet demise and United states of America are ruled by Hegemonies Zionst. and it is the Common link which creates the Nuclear Dealing Ink!
Suicide Zone is on BOIL but it is nothing to do with Agrarian Crisis or starving Indian Peasantry. It is all about Sponsored Corporate ETHNONATIONALISM in Full STEAM as Pro-Vidarbha activists halt train! The old demand for carving out a separate state of Vidarbha from Maharashtra was intensified Monday when some activists stopped the Vidarbha Express near Nagpur.According to a Central Railway official, around 200 activists of the Youth Front halted the Mumbai-Nagpur Vidarbha Express on the outskirts of the state's second capital Nagpur by lying down across the railway tracks. While the KEY Stone in the Brahaminical satanic Zionist Corporate Indian State Power Equation, De facto Prime Minister, elite Kayastha Brahmin from Bengal plays the GAME very safe for the Ruling Zionist Dynasty as Finance Minister Pranab Mukherjee said the Telangana issue cannot be discussed in Lok Sabha unless the Andhra Pradesh Assembly passes a resolution for a separate state. This was conveyed by the Finance Minister to a delegation of 17 MPs from coastal Andhra Pradesh and Rayalseema. On the other hand, Natural resources have been RESERVED for Indian Incs as the Government of Indian Incs on Monday clarified that to make the forest areas out of bound for mining and to protect them against illegal mining, the forest areas are being demarcated by erecting permanent boundary pillars. Marking at appropriate points would aid to segregate forest land from other areas, the ministry said.
BABRI PAIN INVOKED as UPA Plays the OLD CARD of COMMUNAL DIVIDE to Accomplish the TASK REFORM with Potential SUBVERSION Drive within the Parliament and Outside! ECONOMIC Survey Heralds UNPRECEDENTED Man Made Calamity and ETHNIC CLEANSING!
India has said government officials will be banned from holding posts in religion-oriented institutions, as it tabled a report on the razing of a mosque 17 years ago that caused widespread riots.
Today, one of my friends in ONGC, a Exploration scientist called me at home and wanted to meet me. I called him in my Office in the Evening. He came with with a Bamcef Vodkar Activist, Sanjay Das based in Lucknow and entrusted with the task of Mobilisation in Bengal. The Scientists informed me that the ONGC explored the KG basin but RIL has got the maximum benefit.He was worried of Disinvestment Drive in PSUS, listing of Oil companies and we also discussed the Auction of Oil Fields. Mr Das invited me for their Seminar to be held on 29th. We discussed a little bit Ideology and I had to warn the young friends that there would not be any so called social Movement once Reservation and Quota FINISHED. beause the Ambedkarites have nothing to do the Ambedkarite Ideology and Reluctant to involve themselves in Resistance at any level. They gather just to harvest the Benefit of the Constitutional safeguards and NEVER do understand the Economy and Hegemony. In Bengal, the SC and OBC Communities have reduced themselves as Converted Brahamins and I see no scope for any Change whatsoever in Bengal in near Future! Rather I am intersted in Mobilising all Social and Producive forces including the Ambedkarites and nationality Movements altogether.
During my travel in Princep Ghat Down local this evening I had the normal interactions with daily commuters who were rather interested in Card Playing.We were talking of Price rising and market scenario. Everything is available in Open Market Provided you have the Purchasing Power. Nothing is Prohibited. You May get Rs Seven Hundred KILO Tortoise meat in Open Market. Drugs and Wine available and human Trafficking is quite Profitable as SONAGACHHI Extends day by day. Even HUMAN Meat might be available and the Marketing government would be pleased to cater it to the Consumers of shining Sensex India!
My readers sometimes criticise me as Psyche.
Yes, I have to be as a SUB Human! We do not belong to the intelligentsia and we are not that Academic. diction and spells may be also defective.
As all of us, the Black Untouchables worldwide have been deprived of Knowledge under Zionist Manusmriti Apartheid Galaxy Order. Post Modern knowledge Economy deprives us the Constitutional Opportunities!
Whenever I raise the Voice for the Dalit Bengali Partition victims resettled in India , IRRITATED so called self styled Patriots suggest me to go to Bangladesh!I am as much as a Bonafied citizen as anyone else and commit no crime to go back to my roots. Who ever does not want to read our stories, he may simply opt out. Why does he kill my right to Experience. In fact,the Brahaminical hegemony and its SLAVE are INTOLERANT enough and Justify Ethnic Cleansing, Mass Destruction and the Hegemony itself to sustain the Manusmriti apartheid Order. They have Prescribed their Version of Humanity and we have not to calim our VERSION! This Intolerance rejects nationalities, Identities and the existence of the SC, ST , OBC , Refugee and Minority communities as they CELEBRATE Babri Mosque Demolition and at the same time they pose as the best defenders of democracy and Human Rights!
The Gods predestined us to suffer from Injustice, Inequality, starvation, humiliation, ethnic cleansing, exodus and holocaust. I just humbly try to point out the highlights of Violations of Human Rights, Civil Rights and sanctity of nature!I basically belong to my Mother`s Home despite being attached to PC but our CRITICS, the Best Defenders of the Galaxy satanic order Never belong to the Original Roots and represent Bastardised Americanised culture and they brand us Psyche when we talk about our day to day Experiences and dare to challenge the Hegemony. I have been Facing and living with Such Friends for decades.
India emerged as Nuclear Hindu Superpower as the Aboriginal, Indigenous, Minority Communities had to be slaughtered or ejected out of their Home Land in an UNDOCUMENTED Indian Holocaust manipulated by Bengali Brahmins aligned with MK Gandhi, JL Nehru and the Hegemony within. Bengali Brahmin leaders did everything to destroy the SC communities in East Bengal who not only elected DR BR Ambedkar to the Constitutional Assembly, but led the Indian Peasant Movement throughout the Colonial Rule aligned with Aboriginal Tribes and Muslims and finally deprived the Bengali Brahmins the transfer of Power until 1947 as all Governments in Bengal were consisted of Muslim Dalit Combination! The SC Communities in East Bengal led by Harichand Thakur led the Historical CHANDAL Movement right in Nineteenth Century beside Indigo Revolt and the Untouchibility Abolition Movement began in form of Dalit Renaissance in East Bengal. Bengali Brahmins conspired with Nehru, Mountbatten and Redcliff to exclude Hindu Dominated SC areas of East Bengal and ejected out millions of them. The BC Roy govt. as well as Govt.of India Never recognised them as Refugee but were obliged to resettle them. Afraid of Muslim Dalit alignment to upset the apple cart once again, the SC Refugees were forcibly ousted from Bengal and had been Scattered all over the Country in Dense forest areas inhibited by aboriginal Tribes. It was the Most Grand Demographic manipulation to pit the Most Militant Dalit refugees against the Tribals, specially in Central India. The Brahmin Hegemony never did voice against the Persecution of Minorities in East Bengal and Never did initiate any diplomatic initiative to stop the Refugee Influx which continues even today.
Now armed with Citizenship Amendment Act and INfosis Nilekani`s Unique identity Number Project , the National Zionist Brahaminical hegemony has launched a nationwide Deportation Drive against these Resettled refugees branding all of them as Bangladeshi Immigrants. But the New citizenship Law is implemented in Natural resource Affluent areas, primarily in Central India and Dandakaranya, where coincidentally Chettiar Chidambaram has Declared a CORPORATE War against the Indigenous Tribe to make ground for the Monopolistic capture for the India Incs, MNCs, builders and promoters! I have visited the Coastal Orissa districts which has been chosen for Unique Identity Number Pilot project around Paradip and kalingnagar where SEZ areas have to be developed for Pasco and Tatas.
The Government of India Incs has not to resolve the pending refugee problem rather it has selected all the Partition Victims for Ethnic Cleansing along with the TAMIL and Chakma Refugees! On the other hand, the Ruling Hegemony has Destroyed the Aboriginal Indigenous Production system, Livelihood and Life on the name of Development and Infrastructure. The hegemony made the Tribal People BONDED Labour and drove them from their villages all on the name of Development since 1947. The Tribes have NO right to Land and lost their traditional rights to Natural resources for which they had been fighting since Mohanjodoro Harappa days.
DVC Project Refugees , Bhakhra Nangal Dam, Steel Plat, Mines and the Refugees within since Fifties have not been resettled as yet. Most of the Tribal Villages are Never registered as Revenue Villages and So Called development and Flagship Welfare Programmes so hyped had always been IRRELEVANT for our Black Untouchable Original Kith and Kin! I have seen it in Uttarakhand , Bihar and UP with my experiences of Tharu Buksha Tribal People. I have seen it all over in North east and central India inflicted by Maoist Menace!
I was involved in intense discussion with my daily Commuter Friends in Princep Ghat down local this evening as we indulged ourselves into Economic reforms, development, Human resource Management, Growth rate, Inflation, food Insecurity, displacement and exodus with the Priorities in the colonial Economy! We discussed the Different was and Paradox of Growth in China and India comparatively.
India has Opted for IT and Technology killing its Agriculture while China emphasised in production while our economic activities reduced into services and Marketing. We Produce nothing. china is well ahead in Total factor Growth rate than the rest of the world including the so called Developed Block. We have opted for First Language English education and passing in Mother language, the second language is optional. Wiping out mother tongue and folk culture, we kill all Aboriginal Indigenous Communities who may not purchase Education and skill in the Imported Knowledge Economy in Disastrous Free market economy and our World has been put on Fire! We have destroyed nature and handed over Natural Resources to Corporate Imperialism denying any democratic opposition of so called economic reforms. We Black Out Information and Mind Control Machinery is in full cry. We have become Habitual in spilling BLOOD on the name of nationalism, Hindutva, patriotism, Ethnonationalism, national security and integrity killing constitution, democratic institutions and the sovereignty of the Individual as well as nation!
The face of the Child is MUTILATED in Knowledge Economy!India is ranked 102 out of 129 countries, immediately below Kenya and Nicaragua, in UNESCO's 2009 Education for All Development Index that scores nations on the spread, gender balance and quality of primary education and adult literacy. India will introduce by March legislation to increase the quality and reach of higher education, Human Resources Minister Kapil Sibal said. The government will seek to create an independent accreditation agency that will set benchmarks for all universities and colleges in the country, Sibal said. It will also draw up laws to govern the entry of foreign educational institutions and a regulator for higher education, he said. "The whole structural framework is going to change," the minister said.
The Rural World is eliminated as agriculture and the natural ways of Livelihood local in mother language for the uneducated unskilled Humanity have been SHUTTERED down. The unskilled labour have to migrate and concentrate in Urban, semi urban and metro campus creating the Population Pressure as we never tried to deal with Human Resource Management scientifically and the Zionist Colonial fascist Brahaminical State Power has diverted National Revenue in the Killer Money machine. nationality Problem is Never Addressed and Ethnonationalism AOUSED to sustain Manusmriti Rule to keep on Enslavement, bondage and Divide within the society. Our education system has reduced in a syllabus to create a Consumer world without Purchasing Power while the Resurgence of Affluent Sensex Class has the pass word for ATM, DEBIT and Credit card to make Currency irrelevant and Plastic Money ejects out Black Untouchables from their Home, Land and Livelihood.
DE RESERVATION was also the topic highly Volatile as LPG mafia has taken over the Country and Ambedkarites have indulged themselves in One point Agenda of Share in power without Empowerment and Internal democracy. While Privatisation and disinvestment have made RESERVATION Irrelevant. In west Bengal it is Never Easy to get a caste Certificate. thousands of candidates roam around having passed different exams for job but the Reservation and quota Posts lie VACANT as Worthy candidate are always Unavailable and suddenly those Posts being DE RESERVED caste Hindu candidates get the appointment. In Other parts of India, DE RESERVATION is quite in Vogue. Only last day, some members in the parliament raised the issue during Zero Hour. Twenty Eight Lac reserve posts are alleged to be DE RESERVED. But it is denied by the government. FEES have been Multiplied ten times while the Creamy layer cut off remains the same. Hence, reservation in IIT, IIM and other elite educational Institutions have become irrelevant. last week , West Bengal Assembly passed a BILL to declare everyone getting Eighteen thousand as CREAMY layer. he and His OFFSPRINGS have no right to get Reservation benefit. The News remains blacked out.
On the other hand,United Liberation Front of Assam (ULFA) chairman Arabinda Rajkhowa on Saturday claimed that he had not surrendered and that he would never surrender under any circumstances. Rajkhowa, who was produced before the chief judicial magistrate here on Saturday evening, said this as he got down from a bus under tight security and was taken into the court building. "Surrender nai kora, nakaro, (I have not surrendered, and I will never do so)," he said.On Friday, Home Secretary G K Pillai had said in New Delhi that Rajkhowa had surrendered. According to the government, the ULFA leader surrendered to the BSF on the Indo-Bangladesh border.
This evening Dr. Subodh Roy called me on my cell phone while I was in Princep Ghat Down! He had been contacted by our Marxist Friends to join the Opposition of Disinvestment and economic reforms! No body did not contact me. Meanwhile, Girraj kishore, an Eminent Gandhian Writer, the editor of AKAAR, a little mag has published my Lalgarh ROZNAMCHA, Diary in Twenty Two Pages. my Stance is clarified and I am treated as sworn ENEMY by the Brahaminical system! Since I criticise the Ambedkarites and the Matua Headquarter now clubbed with Matua Mamata Banerjee, I am not Popular amongst my people. I stand somewhere near Albert Camus and Voltaire who sought equality and justice in Violence for the Change! neither of Maoist or Marxist friends do understand my stance while I am seized in the Enemy camp but I reject to be BONDED or HOSTAGE!
Whenever our India Incs affiliated Intelligentsia, Politicians, Policy Makers and the worst of the lot, so called ECONOMISTS talk on Resilient Economy and Decoupling Hypothesis is made, it reminds the Myth of Sisyphus immediately!In Greek mythology, Sisyphus (pronounced /?s?s?f?s/; Greek: ??????? sísyp^(h)os Ell-Sisyfos.ogg [?sisifos] (help·info)) was a king punished in Tartarus by being cursed to roll a huge boulder up a hill, only to watch it roll back down, and to repeat this throughout eternity. It may be seen in SENSEX Tug of war in Indian Economy. While involving ourselves with the Corporate Imperialist Zionist Fate of Galaxy war Economy and getting all kind of Foreign capital Inflow, putting on everything on Sell Off , from Natural resources to PSUs and everything tagged as Government. Agriculture is destroyed as destroyed are Indigenous Production system and Aboriginal Livelihood. FIIs Rule the Economy. Monetary and Fiscal Policies are modified in accordance with the dictation from IMF , World bank and USA. Economic reforms accomplished introducing Genocide Culture and SEZ drive created Foreign Territories and defenders of Foreign interest with Nuclear, Biological and chemical Warfare. Constitution is killed as India Incs take over Governance, Policy making and Legislation led by Extra constitutional elements while Parliamentary Politics bastardised with Human Face and so called flag Ship Programme to be implemented with Foreign funded NGO partnership and the resistance and Mass movements also go Projected. It reminds me Sisyphus.
The Myth of Sisyphus is a philosophical essay by Albert Camus. It comprises about 120 pages and was published originally in 1942 in French as Le Mythe de Sisyphe; the English translation by Justin O'Brien followed in 1955.In our Nainital Days, our Economist Friend and Professor who later joined UP Planning Commission and died untimely, DR. Chandresh Shastri, a regular contributor in Naintal Samachar, our original space used to explain the SISyphus Phenomenon in Indian Political Economy. We miss you, Dr. Shastri, but we may not forget the formula to analyse the Economic growth and Sensex economy in Glittering India with Enslaved, Starving , Chosen to be killed Majority Masses!
Earlier, in the space of two weeks, India had signed two economic agreements, a broad-based trade, services and investment pact with South Korea and a free trade agreement with the ASEAN group of ten countries. The successful ratification of the two agreements preceded India's renewed engagement in the WTO Doha Development Round. The informal ministerial meeting hosted by India shows its commitment to resolve the deadlock in the Doha round of trade negotiations.
Though India's growth has not been affected to the same extent as other economies of the world, yet its exports have suffered a steep decline since last October due to a contraction in demand in the traditional markets. Considering this, the challenge that India faces going forward is to sustain and enhance its global engagements. Therefore, the Ministry of Commerce has aptly followed an enhanced market access and diversification policy for exports in its 2009-14 Foreign Trade policy.
As economic indicators are pointing to a mild recovery, our trade continues to fall, although the steepness of the free fall seems to have been arrested, said Mr Anand Sharma. Whether this turnaround will be durable is to be seen in the coming months.
The Indian economy has undergone a considerable change since economic reforms began in 1991, during which India's integration into the world economy has been very rapid. India's healthy growth story and pro investment climate have helped it attract huge investment inflows, especially since the last decade. Although the previous year has seen significant flight of capital due to the global economic crisis, investment inflows, both direct and portfolio, have seen a robust comeback in 2009.
The economic and financial crisis has also lead to a change in the global political and economic architecture, said Mr Anand Sharma. The G-20, instead of G-8, is better suited to represent the economic realties of the present day world. Thus a rule based, fair and equitable global multilateral trading regime which has development as its core objective is what will benefit the entire world economy, expressed the Minister.
FREE Market democracy has killed Indian Agriculture and Peasants are VICTIMISED in genocide culture. Economic Reforms do all the tasks of Mass destruction and Indian Economy has nothing for the Peasants. Indian politicians, the agents of corporates and MNCs have nothing to do for RURAL India and they happen to be tagged with SENSEX Shining Superpower Nuclear India. But our people allow them to decorate our forum. SHAME! Shame! shame!
In 1971 , I myself had to BURN sugar cane grown on ACRES of Land as we could not afford the labour Cost. The Mills would not take sugar cane and we had to go down to the CRASHERS to get Just Rs Four per quintle. I Understand the Problem and support the Peasants on the streets. But at the same time, the Parliamentary Drama seems to me rather as a SUPER DUPER Subversion once again!
Political Betrayals Enhance the AGRARIAN Crisis as Politicians Have No Sympathy with Indian Peasantry and Push for Economic Reforms Despite Intense Parliamentary Drama!Framers may not save Life and Land for their Mobile Vote Bank! even today, No Political leader is a little bit Concerned with the Ethnic Cleansing, Modified genetic seed Package, Land Acquisition indiscriminate, Exodus from the Villages , Monopolistic Aggression against Indian farmers, Retail Chain, Chemical Disaster,Strategic Rural Marketing ! While they use the Sugar Cane Issue to mobilise the Vote Banks respectively, they NEVER tried to mobilise a Peasant Movement. The Kisan sabha, an organisation of CPIM has members more than ONE CRORE but the Party itself has adopted Capitalist ways and is indulged in Mass destruction in Rural Bengal, for which the Red Citadel is Threatened as never before!
It has always been the same story even during Colonial Rule and so called Renaissance and struggle for Freedom as the Politicians always Supported the Foreign Rulers whenever Indian Aboriginal Indigenous Peasants indulged themselves in Uprising and Insurrections. Just trace the History of Indigo Revolt, Sanyasi Vidroh, Santhal and Munda Insurrection as so on.
Even during last Six decades it has always been the History of Great Betrayals. Peasant insurrections in Telengana, Shrikakulam, Dhimri Block and Naxal Bari have been CRUSHED without addressing the Agrarian Crisis and the Marxists who originally led all these insurrections betrayed the Peasants. My father led the Dhimri Block Uprising and we have the flames burning in our heart.
Great failure of Green revolution ignited the Punjab crisis which was subverted in Khalisatani movement just because Political parties never stood with the peasants. Sikh Identity with Akali movement led to the tragedy of Operation Blue star and we had to witness Unprecedented Indian Holocaust repeated once again in SIKH GENOCIDE. Hindutva forces along with the congress govt. in the centre did everything to crush the Peasants.
I had been in Meerut during Bharatiya kisan Union Movement led by Mahendra Singh Tikait
while farmers from Uttar Pradesh have Seized the National Capital Zone! What happened? What did Mr Tikait do? He along with his supporters were used to balance the Vote Bank Equations.
During Eighties itself, Sharad Joshi led the Shetkari kamgar Union created waves!Where is Mr. Joshi today while the Peasants in Western India , specially in Maharashtra and all over South India have no escape route but to commit suicide! reportedly he has joined Hindutva forces!
We all know about Chowdhari Charan Singh. He was then Home Minister and led the Military repression of Dhimri block and denied the incident in the assembly. As my father Pulin Babu believed in democratic Set Up, he always accepted Chowdhari Charan Singh as the leader of Indian Peasantry. My Father was in the national executive of Bharatiya Krishak samaj led by Chowdhari charan Singh during Green revolution days!Later, the Chowdhari became the Prime Minister of India. I have heard the story in Meerut.The suffering Sugar cane Peasants from Bagpat,his home constituency and Western Up visited the prime Minster to tell their Grievances. Charan Singh Scolded them saying, MERI TOPI PE GANNA Lagao! Plant Sugar cane in my cap!
My father used to tell that Chowdhari always responded with a typical phrase, ` MAIN TO BAHARA HOON' I am Deaf! Whenever the peasants reached him! I have worked in Meerut as a Journalist during 1984 to 1990. I realised that the Great leader and his worthy son Chowdhari Ajit Singh did NOTHING for the Peasants. Chowdhari Devilal and his son Omprakash chowtala followed suit.
Meanwhile,alQuaeda Hype exposed in an interstening way!The US has not had any good intelligence on Osama bin Laden's whereabouts in years, Defence Secretary Robert Gates told ABC News' This Week programme. Gates also couldn't confirm reports this week that a detainee in Pakistan claimed to have information on where bin Laden, the leader of the Al Qaeda terrorist network, was.
USA created OSAMA and Taliban. The Zionist have nothing to do with Peace, human Rights and are interested to promote Free Market democracy in the Third world to capture all natural resources. Their concern for nature, Global Warming, Bio Cycle, environment, Wild Life, ecology and Climate Change is as much as genuine as it would have been for Vasco De Gama, Columbus and captain cook, the whole lot of SEA Pirates.
US interests would be defended with the Total destruction of India, Pakistan and China!
Asked whether Pakistan had done enough to go after bin Laden, Gates said: "Well, we don't know for a fact where Osama bin Laden is. If we did, we'd go get him."
In London this week, Pakistani Prime Minister Yousuf Raza Gilani claimed bin Laden was "not in Pakistan" and insisted that his government's security forces had been "extremely successful" in tackling terrorism within its borders.
President Asif Ali Zardari said in April that bin Laden's whereabouts were unknown and there were unconfirmed reports from local intelligence agencies that he might be dead.
The Al Qaeda leader is believed to be ailing. Some analysts suspect that he is hiding in Pakistan's tribal areas near the border with Afghanistan.
India and Russia have reached a broad agreement to break the logjam over the protracted price renegotiation over Admiral Gorshkov aircraft carrier and the two sides are expected to sign a landmark civil nuclear pact during summit talks between Prime Minister Manmohan Singh and President Dmitry Medvedev on Sunday. Seeking to resolve the Gorshkov price issue, an irritant in bilateral ties, the two countries had worked out a general agreement, sources said. A pact in this regard, however, is unlikely to be signed during Singh's visit .
The Prime Minister arrived MOSCOW on a three-day visit, his sixth trip to Russia since 2004, that will also see the inking of three agreements in the field of defence, including one for ending ad-hocism in servicing Russian military equipment.
As a special gesture, the Russian President will host a private dinner for Singh and his wife Gursharan Kaur at his countryside residence in Barvikha outside Moscow.
The path-breaking civil nuclear pact is significant as it will ensure uninterrupted uranium fuel supplies from Russia in the event of termination of bilateral ties in this field for any reason, the sources said.
The agreement is considered by India as a "major improvement" over the 123 pact with the US which provides for not just termination of ongoing cooperation but also for the return to the country of already supplied components and fuel in the event of the accord being scrapped.
AMIT BHADURI writes well in
Predatory Growth
Just see:
Over the last two decades or so, the two most populous, large countries in the world, China and India, have been growing at rates considerably higher than the world average. In recent years the growth rate of national product of China has been about three times, and that of India approximately two times that of the world average. This has led to a clever defence of globalisation by a former chief economist of IMF (Fisher, 2003). Although China and India feature as only two among some 150 countries for which data are available, he reminded us that together they account for the majority of the poor in the world. This means that, even if the rich and the poor countries of the world are not converging in terms of per capita income, the well above the average world rate of growth rate of these two large countries implies that the current phase of globalisation is reducing global inequality and poverty at a rate as never before.
Statistical half truths can be more misleading at times than untruths. And this might be one of them, in so far as the experiences of ordinary Indians contradict such statistical artefact. Since citizens in India can express reasonably freely their views at least at the time of elections, their electoral verdicts on the regime of high growth should be indicative. They have invariably been negative. Not only did the 'Shining India' image crash badly in the last general election, even the present prime minister, widely presented as the 'guru' of India's economic liberalisation in the media, could never personally win an election in his life. As a result, come election time, and all parties talk not of economic reform, liberalisation and globalisation, but of greater welfare measures to be initiated by the state. Gone election times, and the reform agenda is back. Something clearly needs to be deciphered from such predictable swings in political pronouncement.
Politicians know that ordinary people are not persuaded by statistical mirages and numbers, but by their daily experiences. They do not accept high growth on its face value as unambiguously beneficial. If the distribution of income turns viciously against them, if the opportunities for reasonable employment and livelihood do not expand with high growth, the purpose of higher growth would be widely questioned in a democracy. This is indeed what is happening, and it might even appear to some as paradoxical. The festive mood generated by high growth is marinated in popular dissent and despair, turning often into repressed anger. Like a malignant malaise, a sense of political unease is spreading insidiously along with the near double digit growth. And, no major political party, irrespective of their right or left label, is escaping it because they all subscribe to an ideology of growth at any cost.
What exactly is the nature of this paradoxical growth that increases output and popular anger at the same time? India has long been accustomed to extensive poverty coexisting with growth, with or without its 'socialist pattern'. It continues to have anywhere between one-third and one-fourth of its population living in sub-human, absolute poverty. The number of people condemned to absolute poverty declined very slowly in India over the last two decades, leaving some 303 million people still in utter misery. In contrast China did better with the number of absolutely poor declining from 53 per cent to 8 percent, i.e. a reduction of some 45 percentage points, quite an achievement compared to India's 17 percentage points. However, while China grew faster, inequality or relative poverty also grew faster in China than in India. Some claim that the increasing gap between the richer and the poorer sections in the Chinese society during the recent period has been one of the worst in recorded economic history, perhaps with the exception of some former socialist countries immediately after the collapse of the Soviet Union. The share in national income of the poorest 20 per cent of the population in contemporary China is 5.9 percent, compared to 8.2 per cent in India. This implies that the lowest 20 per cent income group in China and in India receives about 30 and 40 percent of the per capita average income of their respective countries. However, since China has over two times the average per capita income of India in terms of both purchasing power parity, and dollar income, the poorest 20 percent in India are better off in relative terms, but worse off in absolute terms. The Gini coefficient, lying between 0 and 1, measures inequality, and increases in value with the degree of inequality. In China, it had a value close to 0.50 in 2006, one of the highest in the world. Inequality has grown also in India, but less sharply. Between1993-94 and 2004-5, the coefficient rose from 0.25 to 0.27 in urban, and 0.31 to 0.35 in rural areas. Every dimension of inequality, among the regions, among the professions and sectors, and in particular between urban rural areas has also grown rapidly in both counties, even faster in China than in India. In short, China has done better than India in reducing absolute poverty, but worse in allowing the gap to grow rapidly between the rich and the poor during the recent period of high growth.
I spent my childhood in the Terai of Nainital in UP. I belong to a Dalit Bengali Resettled Refuge family Partition Victim ejected out of its Homeland during the Population Transfer. Our People who Voted Dr.Ambedkar to enter in the Constitution Assembly while Congress closed all Doors and windows! In an Revenge full act the areas inhibited by SC Communities in East Bengal were gifted to Pakistan and the ejected People were not allowed to stay in West Bengal lest they would kill the Brahaminical Hegemony aligning with Muslims as they did before transfer of power. They killed our Political Power and Constitutional rights scattering our people countrywide from the Himalayas to the Deep Sea in Andaman Nicobar Islands. From Northeast toRajsthan and all over DANDAKARANYA ! They resettled our people in Tribal Areas into deep Forest. I witnessed the Deforestation myself. They pitted us against aboriginal tribes everywhere.InUttarakhand, UP and Bihar, the THARU and Buksha Communities have no Right to their land which they inherited for thousands of years. Their Villages are not registered as Revenue Villages. No development work is meant for them. No Flagship Welfare Programme is meant for them. It is the same case countrywide.
Citizenship Amendment Act is meant for Deportation of Partition Victims, Five Crore resettled Bengali Refugees along with the Tamil Refugees. But I have visited the areas targeted as deportation map as in Kendrapara where Pasco and TatasSEZ marked. Six Coastal Districts of Orissa have been chosen for the Pilot Nilekani`s Unique Identity Number Project. The New Law is that you have to prove your citizenship. Hence Two Hundred Families in Lucknow were evicted from Prime land as branded as Bangladeshi while all of them belong to the Neighbourhood of Lucknow and None of them is Bengali at all!This law is meant to evacuate the Prime Property captured by Slum dogs as Slum Abolition enactment is in progress despite the fact that half of the Urban and Semi urban Population lives in Slums!DHARAVI in Mumbai is being targeted while Agricultural land is acquired indiscriminately for so called Industrialisation, Urbanisation, Realty Boom, Infrastructure, Big Dams, Mining legal as well illegal,SEZ, Chemical Hubs and Nuclear parks. This is the Neoliberalism which means all round Destruction and Exodus! Rule. Project for
However inequality is increasing for another reason. Its ideology often described as neo-liberalism, is easily visible at one level; but the underlying deeper reason is seldom discussed. The increasing openness of the Indian economy to international finance and capital flows, rather than to trade in goods and services, has had the consequence of paralysing many pro-poor public policies. Despite the fact that we continue to import more than we export (unlike China), India's comfortable foreign reserves position, crossing 230 billion U.S dollars in 2008, is mostly the result of accumulated portfolio investments and short term capital inflows from various financial institutions. To keep the show going in this way, the fiscal and the monetary policies of the government need to comply with the interests of the financial markets. That is the reason why successive Indian governments have willingly accepted the Financial Responsibility and Budget Management Act (2003) restricting deficit spending. Similarly, the idea has gained support that the government should raise resources through privatisation and so-called public-private partnership, but not through raising fiscal deficit, or not imposing a significant turnover tax on transactions of securities. These measures rattle the 'sentiment' of the financial markets, so governments remain wary of them. The hidden agenda, vigorously pursued by governments of all colours has been to keep the large private players in the financial markets in a happy mood. Since the private banks and financial institutions usually take their lead from the IMF and the World Bank, this bestows on these multilateral agencies considerable power over the formulation of government policies. However, the burden of such policies is borne largely by the poor of this country. This has had a crippling effect on policies for expanding public expenditure for the poor in the social sector. Inequality and distress grow as the state rolls back public expenditure in social services like basic health, education, and public distribution and neglects the poor, while the 'discipline' imposed by the financial markets serves the rich and the corporations. This process of high growth traps roughly one in three citizens of India in extreme poverty with no possibility of escape through either regular employment growth or relief through state expenditure on social services. The high growth scene of India appears to them like a wasteland leading to the Hell described by the great Italian poet Dante. On the gate of his imagined Hell is written, "This is the land you enter after abandoning all hopes".
Extremely slow growth in employment and feeble public action exacerbates inequality, as a disproportionately large share of the increasing output and income from growth goes to the richer section of the population, not more than say the top 20 per cent of the income receivers in India. At the extreme ends of income distribution the picture that emerges in one of striking contrasts. According to the Forbes Magazine list for 2007, the number of Indian billionaires rose from 9 in 2004 to 40 in 2007, much richer counties like Japan had only 24, France had 14 and Italy 14. Even China, despite its sharply increasing inequality, had only 17 billionaires. The combined wealth of Indian billionaires increased from US dollars 106 billion to 170 billion in the single year, 2006-07. This 60 per cent increase in wealth would not have been possible, except through transfer on land from the state and central governments to the private corporations in the name of 'public purpose', for mining, industrialisation and special economic zones (SEZ). Estimates based on corporate profits suggest that, since 2000-01 to date, each additional per cent growth of GDP has led on an average to some 2.5 per cent growth in corporate profits. India's high growth has certainly benefited the corporations more than anyone else.
After several years of high growth along these lines, India of the twenty first century has the distinction of being only second to the United States in terms of the combined total wealth of its corporate billionaires coexisting with the largest number of homeless, ill-fed, illiterates in the world. Not surprisingly, for ordinary Indians at the receiving end, this growth process is devoid of all hope for escape. Nearly half of Indian children under 6 years suffer from under-weight and malnutrition, nearly 80 per cent from anaemia, while some 40 per cent of Indian adults suffer from chronic energy deficit. Destitution, chronic hunger and poverty kill and cripple silently thousands picking on systematically the more vulnerable. The problem is more acute in rural India, among small children, pregnant females, Dalits and Adivasis, especially in the poorer states, while market oriented policies and reforms continue to widen the gap between the rich and the poor, as well as among regions.
Holocaust Continues: Refugees Within, Alienation, Repression, Ethnic Cleansing and ECONOMIC Reforms!
Indian Holocaust Continues as the Ruling Zionist Brahaminical Hegemony is taken over by Galaxy Order of TRI IBLIS Satanic Order of War Economy and Indian Periphery of US Corporate Imperialism has transformed Indian Ocean Peace Zone into HORROR Field of Mass Destruction. Biological, Chemical and Nuclear warfare target majority Aboriginal and Indigenous Communities to Capture Natural resources and India Incs takes over Governance, Legislation, People`s Movement and even, RESISTANCE as all Ideologies have turned Hypocrisy Infinite and the STATE Power has been reduced into a COMPUTED ROBOTIC Machinery of Ethnic Cleansing Infinite with Military Option and Zero Tolerance.Gandhian Conspiracy to transfer Power intoBRAHMIN BANIA Hegemony caused the Partition of the Subcontinent resultant in Bloody Population Transfer. Indian Power Politics and Prostitution have become just TWO sides of the same coin as Parliament, Constitution and all Democratic Institutions have been made Irrelevant to accomplish Economic reforms. Refugee Problem is not resolved as yet while so called Development has made Refugees Within most. Rural India and Original Livelihood and Production system based in Indian Culture, Folk and Agriculture have been ELIMINATED. Media works as the best agency of Strategic Marketing! Intelligentsia turned into CIVIL Society plusNGO which Implements World Bank and IMF agenda. Even the Maoist Ideology of Revolution is used to defend CORPORATE interest. The result is LPG Age of Robotics! Dehumanisation, Alienation, GlobalHindutva, Communal ism, Ethnonationalism , Insurgency, Terrorism, Displacement and Exodus! Black Untouchables have to be wiped out as IT has become the only way of sustenance. Purchasing Power is Sovereignty! Trade Unions work for the Builders, Realty and Promoters!Aboriginal, Indigenous and Minority Communities are Branded as either Terrorists or Extremists. India is Seized Within. Nationality Problem is never addressed andNeo Liberalism kills the Constitutional Safeguards secured by Dr. Ambedkar even after Puna Pact signed. Free Market democracy promoted by war Monger United States of America has made India an Infinite Killing Field of Persecution, Human Trafficking,Genocide Culture, Prostitution, Crime, Corruption, Manipulation, Hypocrisy, Betrayal, Repression, Ethnic Cleansing, Conflicts, Hatred, Insurgency, Poverty, Food Insecurity, Death Processions, JOB Loss and Starvation!Pst Modern Manusmriti is the Ultimate Rule of this part of world with prevalent Untouchability, Injustice, Inequality, Discrimination and Apartheid!
For me, Indian Power Politics and Prostitution are just Two Sides of the same coin! Politicians are at best Manipulators, Hypocrites, Traitors, Corrupt, Anti National, Corporate Salves and masters of Genocide! The Sex Workers, at least, are not that DISHONEST!If politicians do everything to ensure Free Market democracy killing all Values, Social barriers and cultural discipline to gain personal mileage, then why the SEX Workers should be denied to run their business on the line of SEX Tourism as Knowledge Economy and War Industry are quite in Vogue. At least the Sex workers are not genetically modified nor the transfer Biological, chemical and Nuclear Technology to kill the Humanity!
I have to return Home every night from my workplace in BBD Bagh, Kolkata late in the night via CR Avenue across SONAGACHHI and have to witness HUMANITY gang raped daily! Woman and Child Trafficking have become the post modern lifestyle spinning money fastest and most. Human Scapes and land scapes alienated starve and opt for EXODUS landing into the Human Meat market!
What Moral and ethical right we have to deny the Sex Workers as we have OPTED for FREE MARKET Democracy and have decoupled ourselves with anything Indian in the largest Periphery of US Corporate war Economy?
Our Maoist Friends are angry with me as I challenged their strategy to defend the Corporate and MNC interest in Got Up games with ruling Hegemony. They have written letters to Samayantar and raised the issue on different forum.I have got a letter from Rajasthan which alleges that I stand to defend the Revisionist Marxists. Latest Maoist action to blow up a passenger train itself justifies that the Maoist leadership is not at all CONCERNED with the Masses as it tries DIE Hard to showcase. It is as projected as any NGO. Let me see that the Maoists strike against Corporate and MNC interest anywhere in those Maoist Frontiers captured by Corporates. Economic Times has published a story today, BRAND Final and analysed that the companies which focused on Local marketing, have gained more. RIL leading. It proves that Rural strategic marketing has paid DIVIDENDS most and Maoists Never did try to stop this MOW menace. The Richest Peasantry based state remains Haryana, where no less than One Hundred SEZ have been proposed. One Crore Strength Kisan Sabha is silent. Vidarbha crisis is subverted by False Ethnonationalism called Maratha Manush.While Shetkari kamgar Union leader Sharad Joshi has joined Shivsena.
"In the last 10 years, around 3,000 Indians died due to landmines and over 2,000 were injured. Most casualties occurred in Jammu and Kashmir, followed by Manipur," according to Landmine Monitor Report 2009, which will be released Saturday.
Major Barve from Mumbai confirmed that the Demonstration against SEZ led by Woman is all set to put Mumbai on standstill on 22nd November, But Medha Patkar has ultimately planned to protest against SEZ on 25 , 26 November while Navi Mumbai is given away with the false movement.The Government Employees are sleeping and Twenty percent disinvestment targeted in 1009 itself in all profitable PSUs would not awaken them. They still depend on Marxist led trade Unions.On the other hand, The Congress is campaigning hard in Jharkhand for the coming assembly polls, with party chief Sonia Gandhi addressing two rallies in the state Friday and party general secretary Rahul Gandhi set to address four meetings Saturday.
This morning APDR Activist and leader Dr Manas Joardar called me and we had a good chat. Dr, Joardar informed me that BANDI Mukti committee would have a meeting i HB Town this Evening. I had to miss as I had prior engagement. But we discussed the Issues raised by Kabir Suman and he agreed that the issues are genuine.
I asked him if we Oppose the Economic reforms, Monopolistic aggression and Chidambaram`s war against the masses , why should we tag us with the Ruling Hegemony as it is quite Clear that the Marxist would not Return to Writers in 2011 ? Why do we support Dr. Manmohan Singh and his Mass destruction Agenda supporting Mamata Banerjee, the second partner in UPA?
He clarified that only a faction of the Intelligentsia and civil Society support Mamata!
But other are SILENT and waiting for Opportune tie to respond suitably. I said,` Civil Society and Intelligentsia are replicating the World bank agenda only and represent the Market Dominating communities in the Free Market democracy!
DR Joardar agreed to discus it some time!
India is Tagged with US War Economy and Indo US Nuke deal Operationalised killed the Anti Imperialist Resistance led by the Communists in India with Sensex shining India emerging as a Super Power nuclear Hindu Rashtra indulged in US Promoted Free Market Democracy and war against Terror , Insurgency. Indo Russia Nuke Deal in US shadow reminds us Nehruvian Indira foreign Relations, Economics and Diplomacy! Communists supported Nehru and Indira just because they had been closer to Moscow. CPI supported EMERGENCY as it could not go against the wishes of MOSCOW.This Phenomenon may be best understood if we see things with the eyes of Greatest showman ion Indian Cinema, Raj kappor. Indian Leaders have proved themselves bunch of Jokers, Nothing else. Indian Polity may not SURVIVE without COLONISATION as we inherit Enslavement in our Genes. I may sound very rough and Global Hindutva may dismiss the Idea as it is rooted in Zionism. India, Russia after Soviet demise and United states of America are ruled by Hegemonies Zionst. and it is the Common link which creates the Nuclear Dealing Ink!
Suicide Zone is on BOIL but it is nothing to do with Agrarian Crisis or starving Indian Peasantry. It is all about Sponsored Corporate ETHNONATIONALISM in Full STEAM as Pro-Vidarbha activists halt train! The old demand for carving out a separate state of Vidarbha from Maharashtra was intensified Monday when some activists stopped the Vidarbha Express near Nagpur.According to a Central Railway official, around 200 activists of the Youth Front halted the Mumbai-Nagpur Vidarbha Express on the outskirts of the state's second capital Nagpur by lying down across the railway tracks. While the KEY Stone in the Brahaminical satanic Zionist Corporate Indian State Power Equation, De facto Prime Minister, elite Kayastha Brahmin from Bengal plays the GAME very safe for the Ruling Zionist Dynasty as Finance Minister Pranab Mukherjee said the Telangana issue cannot be discussed in Lok Sabha unless the Andhra Pradesh Assembly passes a resolution for a separate state. This was conveyed by the Finance Minister to a delegation of 17 MPs from coastal Andhra Pradesh and Rayalseema. On the other hand, Natural resources have been RESERVED for Indian Incs as the Government of Indian Incs on Monday clarified that to make the forest areas out of bound for mining and to protect them against illegal mining, the forest areas are being demarcated by erecting permanent boundary pillars. Marking at appropriate points would aid to segregate forest land from other areas, the ministry said.
BABRI PAIN INVOKED as UPA Plays the OLD CARD of COMMUNAL DIVIDE to Accomplish the TASK REFORM with Potential SUBVERSION Drive within the Parliament and Outside! ECONOMIC Survey Heralds UNPRECEDENTED Man Made Calamity and ETHNIC CLEANSING!
India has said government officials will be banned from holding posts in religion-oriented institutions, as it tabled a report on the razing of a mosque 17 years ago that caused widespread riots.
Today, one of my friends in ONGC, a Exploration scientist called me at home and wanted to meet me. I called him in my Office in the Evening. He came with with a Bamcef Vodkar Activist, Sanjay Das based in Lucknow and entrusted with the task of Mobilisation in Bengal. The Scientists informed me that the ONGC explored the KG basin but RIL has got the maximum benefit.He was worried of Disinvestment Drive in PSUS, listing of Oil companies and we also discussed the Auction of Oil Fields. Mr Das invited me for their Seminar to be held on 29th. We discussed a little bit Ideology and I had to warn the young friends that there would not be any so called social Movement once Reservation and Quota FINISHED. beause the Ambedkarites have nothing to do the Ambedkarite Ideology and Reluctant to involve themselves in Resistance at any level. They gather just to harvest the Benefit of the Constitutional safeguards and NEVER do understand the Economy and Hegemony. In Bengal, the SC and OBC Communities have reduced themselves as Converted Brahamins and I see no scope for any Change whatsoever in Bengal in near Future! Rather I am intersted in Mobilising all Social and Producive forces including the Ambedkarites and nationality Movements altogether.
During my travel in Princep Ghat Down local this evening I had the normal interactions with daily commuters who were rather interested in Card Playing.We were talking of Price rising and market scenario. Everything is available in Open Market Provided you have the Purchasing Power. Nothing is Prohibited. You May get Rs Seven Hundred KILO Tortoise meat in Open Market. Drugs and Wine available and human Trafficking is quite Profitable as SONAGACHHI Extends day by day. Even HUMAN Meat might be available and the Marketing government would be pleased to cater it to the Consumers of shining Sensex India!
My readers sometimes criticise me as Psyche.
Yes, I have to be as a SUB Human! We do not belong to the intelligentsia and we are not that Academic. diction and spells may be also defective.
As all of us, the Black Untouchables worldwide have been deprived of Knowledge under Zionist Manusmriti Apartheid Galaxy Order. Post Modern knowledge Economy deprives us the Constitutional Opportunities!
Whenever I raise the Voice for the Dalit Bengali Partition victims resettled in India , IRRITATED so called self styled Patriots suggest me to go to Bangladesh!I am as much as a Bonafied citizen as anyone else and commit no crime to go back to my roots. Who ever does not want to read our stories, he may simply opt out. Why does he kill my right to Experience. In fact,the Brahaminical hegemony and its SLAVE are INTOLERANT enough and Justify Ethnic Cleansing, Mass Destruction and the Hegemony itself to sustain the Manusmriti apartheid Order. They have Prescribed their Version of Humanity and we have not to calim our VERSION! This Intolerance rejects nationalities, Identities and the existence of the SC, ST , OBC , Refugee and Minority communities as they CELEBRATE Babri Mosque Demolition and at the same time they pose as the best defenders of democracy and Human Rights!
The Gods predestined us to suffer from Injustice, Inequality, starvation, humiliation, ethnic cleansing, exodus and holocaust. I just humbly try to point out the highlights of Violations of Human Rights, Civil Rights and sanctity of nature!I basically belong to my Mother`s Home despite being attached to PC but our CRITICS, the Best Defenders of the Galaxy satanic order Never belong to the Original Roots and represent Bastardised Americanised culture and they brand us Psyche when we talk about our day to day Experiences and dare to challenge the Hegemony. I have been Facing and living with Such Friends for decades.
India emerged as Nuclear Hindu Superpower as the Aboriginal, Indigenous, Minority Communities had to be slaughtered or ejected out of their Home Land in an UNDOCUMENTED Indian Holocaust manipulated by Bengali Brahmins aligned with MK Gandhi, JL Nehru and the Hegemony within. Bengali Brahmin leaders did everything to destroy the SC communities in East Bengal who not only elected DR BR Ambedkar to the Constitutional Assembly, but led the Indian Peasant Movement throughout the Colonial Rule aligned with Aboriginal Tribes and Muslims and finally deprived the Bengali Brahmins the transfer of Power until 1947 as all Governments in Bengal were consisted of Muslim Dalit Combination! The SC Communities in East Bengal led by Harichand Thakur led the Historical CHANDAL Movement right in Nineteenth Century beside Indigo Revolt and the Untouchibility Abolition Movement began in form of Dalit Renaissance in East Bengal. Bengali Brahmins conspired with Nehru, Mountbatten and Redcliff to exclude Hindu Dominated SC areas of East Bengal and ejected out millions of them. The BC Roy govt. as well as Govt.of India Never recognised them as Refugee but were obliged to resettle them. Afraid of Muslim Dalit alignment to upset the apple cart once again, the SC Refugees were forcibly ousted from Bengal and had been Scattered all over the Country in Dense forest areas inhibited by aboriginal Tribes. It was the Most Grand Demographic manipulation to pit the Most Militant Dalit refugees against the Tribals, specially in Central India. The Brahmin Hegemony never did voice against the Persecution of Minorities in East Bengal and Never did initiate any diplomatic initiative to stop the Refugee Influx which continues even today.
Now armed with Citizenship Amendment Act and INfosis Nilekani`s Unique identity Number Project , the National Zionist Brahaminical hegemony has launched a nationwide Deportation Drive against these Resettled refugees branding all of them as Bangladeshi Immigrants. But the New citizenship Law is implemented in Natural resource Affluent areas, primarily in Central India and Dandakaranya, where coincidentally Chettiar Chidambaram has Declared a CORPORATE War against the Indigenous Tribe to make ground for the Monopolistic capture for the India Incs, MNCs, builders and promoters! I have visited the Coastal Orissa districts which has been chosen for Unique Identity Number Pilot project around Paradip and kalingnagar where SEZ areas have to be developed for Pasco and Tatas.
The Government of India Incs has not to resolve the pending refugee problem rather it has selected all the Partition Victims for Ethnic Cleansing along with the TAMIL and Chakma Refugees! On the other hand, the Ruling Hegemony has Destroyed the Aboriginal Indigenous Production system, Livelihood and Life on the name of Development and Infrastructure. The hegemony made the Tribal People BONDED Labour and drove them from their villages all on the name of Development since 1947. The Tribes have NO right to Land and lost their traditional rights to Natural resources for which they had been fighting since Mohanjodoro Harappa days.
DVC Project Refugees , Bhakhra Nangal Dam, Steel Plat, Mines and the Refugees within since Fifties have not been resettled as yet. Most of the Tribal Villages are Never registered as Revenue Villages and So Called development and Flagship Welfare Programmes so hyped had always been IRRELEVANT for our Black Untouchable Original Kith and Kin! I have seen it in Uttarakhand , Bihar and UP with my experiences of Tharu Buksha Tribal People. I have seen it all over in North east and central India inflicted by Maoist Menace!
I was involved in intense discussion with my daily Commuter Friends in Princep Ghat down local this evening as we indulged ourselves into Economic reforms, development, Human resource Management, Growth rate, Inflation, food Insecurity, displacement and exodus with the Priorities in the colonial Economy! We discussed the Different was and Paradox of Growth in China and India comparatively.
India has Opted for IT and Technology killing its Agriculture while China emphasised in production while our economic activities reduced into services and Marketing. We Produce nothing. china is well ahead in Total factor Growth rate than the rest of the world including the so called Developed Block. We have opted for First Language English education and passing in Mother language, the second language is optional. Wiping out mother tongue and folk culture, we kill all Aboriginal Indigenous Communities who may not purchase Education and skill in the Imported Knowledge Economy in Disastrous Free market economy and our World has been put on Fire! We have destroyed nature and handed over Natural Resources to Corporate Imperialism denying any democratic opposition of so called economic reforms. We Black Out Information and Mind Control Machinery is in full cry. We have become Habitual in spilling BLOOD on the name of nationalism, Hindutva, patriotism, Ethnonationalism, national security and integrity killing constitution, democratic institutions and the sovereignty of the Individual as well as nation!
The face of the Child is MUTILATED in Knowledge Economy!India is ranked 102 out of 129 countries, immediately below Kenya and Nicaragua, in UNESCO's 2009 Education for All Development Index that scores nations on the spread, gender balance and quality of primary education and adult literacy. India will introduce by March legislation to increase the quality and reach of higher education, Human Resources Minister Kapil Sibal said. The government will seek to create an independent accreditation agency that will set benchmarks for all universities and colleges in the country, Sibal said. It will also draw up laws to govern the entry of foreign educational institutions and a regulator for higher education, he said. "The whole structural framework is going to change," the minister said.
The Rural World is eliminated as agriculture and the natural ways of Livelihood local in mother language for the uneducated unskilled Humanity have been SHUTTERED down. The unskilled labour have to migrate and concentrate in Urban, semi urban and metro campus creating the Population Pressure as we never tried to deal with Human Resource Management scientifically and the Zionist Colonial fascist Brahaminical State Power has diverted National Revenue in the Killer Money machine. nationality Problem is Never Addressed and Ethnonationalism AOUSED to sustain Manusmriti Rule to keep on Enslavement, bondage and Divide within the society. Our education system has reduced in a syllabus to create a Consumer world without Purchasing Power while the Resurgence of Affluent Sensex Class has the pass word for ATM, DEBIT and Credit card to make Currency irrelevant and Plastic Money ejects out Black Untouchables from their Home, Land and Livelihood.
DE RESERVATION was also the topic highly Volatile as LPG mafia has taken over the Country and Ambedkarites have indulged themselves in One point Agenda of Share in power without Empowerment and Internal democracy. While Privatisation and disinvestment have made RESERVATION Irrelevant. In west Bengal it is Never Easy to get a caste Certificate. thousands of candidates roam around having passed different exams for job but the Reservation and quota Posts lie VACANT as Worthy candidate are always Unavailable and suddenly those Posts being DE RESERVED caste Hindu candidates get the appointment. In Other parts of India, DE RESERVATION is quite in Vogue. Only last day, some members in the parliament raised the issue during Zero Hour. Twenty Eight Lac reserve posts are alleged to be DE RESERVED. But it is denied by the government. FEES have been Multiplied ten times while the Creamy layer cut off remains the same. Hence, reservation in IIT, IIM and other elite educational Institutions have become irrelevant. last week , West Bengal Assembly passed a BILL to declare everyone getting Eighteen thousand as CREAMY layer. he and His OFFSPRINGS have no right to get Reservation benefit. The News remains blacked out.
On the other hand,United Liberation Front of Assam (ULFA) chairman Arabinda Rajkhowa on Saturday claimed that he had not surrendered and that he would never surrender under any circumstances. Rajkhowa, who was produced before the chief judicial magistrate here on Saturday evening, said this as he got down from a bus under tight security and was taken into the court building. "Surrender nai kora, nakaro, (I have not surrendered, and I will never do so)," he said.On Friday, Home Secretary G K Pillai had said in New Delhi that Rajkhowa had surrendered. According to the government, the ULFA leader surrendered to the BSF on the Indo-Bangladesh border.
This evening Dr. Subodh Roy called me on my cell phone while I was in Princep Ghat Down! He had been contacted by our Marxist Friends to join the Opposition of Disinvestment and economic reforms! No body did not contact me. Meanwhile, Girraj kishore, an Eminent Gandhian Writer, the editor of AKAAR, a little mag has published my Lalgarh ROZNAMCHA, Diary in Twenty Two Pages. my Stance is clarified and I am treated as sworn ENEMY by the Brahaminical system! Since I criticise the Ambedkarites and the Matua Headquarter now clubbed with Matua Mamata Banerjee, I am not Popular amongst my people. I stand somewhere near Albert Camus and Voltaire who sought equality and justice in Violence for the Change! neither of Maoist or Marxist friends do understand my stance while I am seized in the Enemy camp but I reject to be BONDED or HOSTAGE!
Whenever our India Incs affiliated Intelligentsia, Politicians, Policy Makers and the worst of the lot, so called ECONOMISTS talk on Resilient Economy and Decoupling Hypothesis is made, it reminds the Myth of Sisyphus immediately!In Greek mythology, Sisyphus (pronounced /?s?s?f?s/; Greek: ??????? sísyp^(h)os Ell-Sisyfos.ogg [?sisifos] (help·info)) was a king punished in Tartarus by being cursed to roll a huge boulder up a hill, only to watch it roll back down, and to repeat this throughout eternity. It may be seen in SENSEX Tug of war in Indian Economy. While involving ourselves with the Corporate Imperialist Zionist Fate of Galaxy war Economy and getting all kind of Foreign capital Inflow, putting on everything on Sell Off , from Natural resources to PSUs and everything tagged as Government. Agriculture is destroyed as destroyed are Indigenous Production system and Aboriginal Livelihood. FIIs Rule the Economy. Monetary and Fiscal Policies are modified in accordance with the dictation from IMF , World bank and USA. Economic reforms accomplished introducing Genocide Culture and SEZ drive created Foreign Territories and defenders of Foreign interest with Nuclear, Biological and chemical Warfare. Constitution is killed as India Incs take over Governance, Policy making and Legislation led by Extra constitutional elements while Parliamentary Politics bastardised with Human Face and so called flag Ship Programme to be implemented with Foreign funded NGO partnership and the resistance and Mass movements also go Projected. It reminds me Sisyphus.
The Myth of Sisyphus is a philosophical essay by Albert Camus. It comprises about 120 pages and was published originally in 1942 in French as Le Mythe de Sisyphe; the English translation by Justin O'Brien followed in 1955.In our Nainital Days, our Economist Friend and Professor who later joined UP Planning Commission and died untimely, DR. Chandresh Shastri, a regular contributor in Naintal Samachar, our original space used to explain the SISyphus Phenomenon in Indian Political Economy. We miss you, Dr. Shastri, but we may not forget the formula to analyse the Economic growth and Sensex economy in Glittering India with Enslaved, Starving , Chosen to be killed Majority Masses!
Earlier, in the space of two weeks, India had signed two economic agreements, a broad-based trade, services and investment pact with South Korea and a free trade agreement with the ASEAN group of ten countries. The successful ratification of the two agreements preceded India's renewed engagement in the WTO Doha Development Round. The informal ministerial meeting hosted by India shows its commitment to resolve the deadlock in the Doha round of trade negotiations.
Though India's growth has not been affected to the same extent as other economies of the world, yet its exports have suffered a steep decline since last October due to a contraction in demand in the traditional markets. Considering this, the challenge that India faces going forward is to sustain and enhance its global engagements. Therefore, the Ministry of Commerce has aptly followed an enhanced market access and diversification policy for exports in its 2009-14 Foreign Trade policy.
As economic indicators are pointing to a mild recovery, our trade continues to fall, although the steepness of the free fall seems to have been arrested, said Mr Anand Sharma. Whether this turnaround will be durable is to be seen in the coming months.
The Indian economy has undergone a considerable change since economic reforms began in 1991, during which India's integration into the world economy has been very rapid. India's healthy growth story and pro investment climate have helped it attract huge investment inflows, especially since the last decade. Although the previous year has seen significant flight of capital due to the global economic crisis, investment inflows, both direct and portfolio, have seen a robust comeback in 2009.
The economic and financial crisis has also lead to a change in the global political and economic architecture, said Mr Anand Sharma. The G-20, instead of G-8, is better suited to represent the economic realties of the present day world. Thus a rule based, fair and equitable global multilateral trading regime which has development as its core objective is what will benefit the entire world economy, expressed the Minister.
FREE Market democracy has killed Indian Agriculture and Peasants are VICTIMISED in genocide culture. Economic Reforms do all the tasks of Mass destruction and Indian Economy has nothing for the Peasants. Indian politicians, the agents of corporates and MNCs have nothing to do for RURAL India and they happen to be tagged with SENSEX Shining Superpower Nuclear India. But our people allow them to decorate our forum. SHAME! Shame! shame!
In 1971 , I myself had to BURN sugar cane grown on ACRES of Land as we could not afford the labour Cost. The Mills would not take sugar cane and we had to go down to the CRASHERS to get Just Rs Four per quintle. I Understand the Problem and support the Peasants on the streets. But at the same time, the Parliamentary Drama seems to me rather as a SUPER DUPER Subversion once again!
Political Betrayals Enhance the AGRARIAN Crisis as Politicians Have No Sympathy with Indian Peasantry and Push for Economic Reforms Despite Intense Parliamentary Drama!Framers may not save Life and Land for their Mobile Vote Bank! even today, No Political leader is a little bit Concerned with the Ethnic Cleansing, Modified genetic seed Package, Land Acquisition indiscriminate, Exodus from the Villages , Monopolistic Aggression against Indian farmers, Retail Chain, Chemical Disaster,Strategic Rural Marketing ! While they use the Sugar Cane Issue to mobilise the Vote Banks respectively, they NEVER tried to mobilise a Peasant Movement. The Kisan sabha, an organisation of CPIM has members more than ONE CRORE but the Party itself has adopted Capitalist ways and is indulged in Mass destruction in Rural Bengal, for which the Red Citadel is Threatened as never before!
It has always been the same story even during Colonial Rule and so called Renaissance and struggle for Freedom as the Politicians always Supported the Foreign Rulers whenever Indian Aboriginal Indigenous Peasants indulged themselves in Uprising and Insurrections. Just trace the History of Indigo Revolt, Sanyasi Vidroh, Santhal and Munda Insurrection as so on.
Even during last Six decades it has always been the History of Great Betrayals. Peasant insurrections in Telengana, Shrikakulam, Dhimri Block and Naxal Bari have been CRUSHED without addressing the Agrarian Crisis and the Marxists who originally led all these insurrections betrayed the Peasants. My father led the Dhimri Block Uprising and we have the flames burning in our heart.
Great failure of Green revolution ignited the Punjab crisis which was subverted in Khalisatani movement just because Political parties never stood with the peasants. Sikh Identity with Akali movement led to the tragedy of Operation Blue star and we had to witness Unprecedented Indian Holocaust repeated once again in SIKH GENOCIDE. Hindutva forces along with the congress govt. in the centre did everything to crush the Peasants.
I had been in Meerut during Bharatiya kisan Union Movement led by Mahendra Singh Tikait
while farmers from Uttar Pradesh have Seized the National Capital Zone! What happened? What did Mr Tikait do? He along with his supporters were used to balance the Vote Bank Equations.
During Eighties itself, Sharad Joshi led the Shetkari kamgar Union created waves!Where is Mr. Joshi today while the Peasants in Western India , specially in Maharashtra and all over South India have no escape route but to commit suicide! reportedly he has joined Hindutva forces!
We all know about Chowdhari Charan Singh. He was then Home Minister and led the Military repression of Dhimri block and denied the incident in the assembly. As my father Pulin Babu believed in democratic Set Up, he always accepted Chowdhari Charan Singh as the leader of Indian Peasantry. My Father was in the national executive of Bharatiya Krishak samaj led by Chowdhari charan Singh during Green revolution days!Later, the Chowdhari became the Prime Minister of India. I have heard the story in Meerut.The suffering Sugar cane Peasants from Bagpat,his home constituency and Western Up visited the prime Minster to tell their Grievances. Charan Singh Scolded them saying, MERI TOPI PE GANNA Lagao! Plant Sugar cane in my cap!
My father used to tell that Chowdhari always responded with a typical phrase, ` MAIN TO BAHARA HOON' I am Deaf! Whenever the peasants reached him! I have worked in Meerut as a Journalist during 1984 to 1990. I realised that the Great leader and his worthy son Chowdhari Ajit Singh did NOTHING for the Peasants. Chowdhari Devilal and his son Omprakash chowtala followed suit.
Meanwhile,alQuaeda Hype exposed in an interstening way!The US has not had any good intelligence on Osama bin Laden's whereabouts in years, Defence Secretary Robert Gates told ABC News' This Week programme. Gates also couldn't confirm reports this week that a detainee in Pakistan claimed to have information on where bin Laden, the leader of the Al Qaeda terrorist network, was.
USA created OSAMA and Taliban. The Zionist have nothing to do with Peace, human Rights and are interested to promote Free Market democracy in the Third world to capture all natural resources. Their concern for nature, Global Warming, Bio Cycle, environment, Wild Life, ecology and Climate Change is as much as genuine as it would have been for Vasco De Gama, Columbus and captain cook, the whole lot of SEA Pirates.
US interests would be defended with the Total destruction of India, Pakistan and China!
Asked whether Pakistan had done enough to go after bin Laden, Gates said: "Well, we don't know for a fact where Osama bin Laden is. If we did, we'd go get him."
In London this week, Pakistani Prime Minister Yousuf Raza Gilani claimed bin Laden was "not in Pakistan" and insisted that his government's security forces had been "extremely successful" in tackling terrorism within its borders.
President Asif Ali Zardari said in April that bin Laden's whereabouts were unknown and there were unconfirmed reports from local intelligence agencies that he might be dead.
The Al Qaeda leader is believed to be ailing. Some analysts suspect that he is hiding in Pakistan's tribal areas near the border with Afghanistan.
India and Russia have reached a broad agreement to break the logjam over the protracted price renegotiation over Admiral Gorshkov aircraft carrier and the two sides are expected to sign a landmark civil nuclear pact during summit talks between Prime Minister Manmohan Singh and President Dmitry Medvedev on Sunday. Seeking to resolve the Gorshkov price issue, an irritant in bilateral ties, the two countries had worked out a general agreement, sources said. A pact in this regard, however, is unlikely to be signed during Singh's visit .
The Prime Minister arrived MOSCOW on a three-day visit, his sixth trip to Russia since 2004, that will also see the inking of three agreements in the field of defence, including one for ending ad-hocism in servicing Russian military equipment.
As a special gesture, the Russian President will host a private dinner for Singh and his wife Gursharan Kaur at his countryside residence in Barvikha outside Moscow.
The path-breaking civil nuclear pact is significant as it will ensure uninterrupted uranium fuel supplies from Russia in the event of termination of bilateral ties in this field for any reason, the sources said.
The agreement is considered by India as a "major improvement" over the 123 pact with the US which provides for not just termination of ongoing cooperation but also for the return to the country of already supplied components and fuel in the event of the accord being scrapped.
AMIT BHADURI writes well in
Predatory Growth
Just see:
Over the last two decades or so, the two most populous, large countries in the world, China and India, have been growing at rates considerably higher than the world average. In recent years the growth rate of national product of China has been about three times, and that of India approximately two times that of the world average. This has led to a clever defence of globalisation by a former chief economist of IMF (Fisher, 2003). Although China and India feature as only two among some 150 countries for which data are available, he reminded us that together they account for the majority of the poor in the world. This means that, even if the rich and the poor countries of the world are not converging in terms of per capita income, the well above the average world rate of growth rate of these two large countries implies that the current phase of globalisation is reducing global inequality and poverty at a rate as never before.
Statistical half truths can be more misleading at times than untruths. And this might be one of them, in so far as the experiences of ordinary Indians contradict such statistical artefact. Since citizens in India can express reasonably freely their views at least at the time of elections, their electoral verdicts on the regime of high growth should be indicative. They have invariably been negative. Not only did the 'Shining India' image crash badly in the last general election, even the present prime minister, widely presented as the 'guru' of India's economic liberalisation in the media, could never personally win an election in his life. As a result, come election time, and all parties talk not of economic reform, liberalisation and globalisation, but of greater welfare measures to be initiated by the state. Gone election times, and the reform agenda is back. Something clearly needs to be deciphered from such predictable swings in political pronouncement.
Politicians know that ordinary people are not persuaded by statistical mirages and numbers, but by their daily experiences. They do not accept high growth on its face value as unambiguously beneficial. If the distribution of income turns viciously against them, if the opportunities for reasonable employment and livelihood do not expand with high growth, the purpose of higher growth would be widely questioned in a democracy. This is indeed what is happening, and it might even appear to some as paradoxical. The festive mood generated by high growth is marinated in popular dissent and despair, turning often into repressed anger. Like a malignant malaise, a sense of political unease is spreading insidiously along with the near double digit growth. And, no major political party, irrespective of their right or left label, is escaping it because they all subscribe to an ideology of growth at any cost.
What exactly is the nature of this paradoxical growth that increases output and popular anger at the same time? India has long been accustomed to extensive poverty coexisting with growth, with or without its 'socialist pattern'. It continues to have anywhere between one-third and one-fourth of its population living in sub-human, absolute poverty. The number of people condemned to absolute poverty declined very slowly in India over the last two decades, leaving some 303 million people still in utter misery. In contrast China did better with the number of absolutely poor declining from 53 per cent to 8 percent, i.e. a reduction of some 45 percentage points, quite an achievement compared to India's 17 percentage points. However, while China grew faster, inequality or relative poverty also grew faster in China than in India. Some claim that the increasing gap between the richer and the poorer sections in the Chinese society during the recent period has been one of the worst in recorded economic history, perhaps with the exception of some former socialist countries immediately after the collapse of the Soviet Union. The share in national income of the poorest 20 per cent of the population in contemporary China is 5.9 percent, compared to 8.2 per cent in India. This implies that the lowest 20 per cent income group in China and in India receives about 30 and 40 percent of the per capita average income of their respective countries. However, since China has over two times the average per capita income of India in terms of both purchasing power parity, and dollar income, the poorest 20 percent in India are better off in relative terms, but worse off in absolute terms. The Gini coefficient, lying between 0 and 1, measures inequality, and increases in value with the degree of inequality. In China, it had a value close to 0.50 in 2006, one of the highest in the world. Inequality has grown also in India, but less sharply. Between1993-94 and 2004-5, the coefficient rose from 0.25 to 0.27 in urban, and 0.31 to 0.35 in rural areas. Every dimension of inequality, among the regions, among the professions and sectors, and in particular between urban rural areas has also grown rapidly in both counties, even faster in China than in India. In short, China has done better than India in reducing absolute poverty, but worse in allowing the gap to grow rapidly between the rich and the poor during the recent period of high growth.
I spent my childhood in the Terai of Nainital in UP. I belong to a Dalit Bengali Resettled Refuge family Partition Victim ejected out of its Homeland during the Population Transfer. Our People who Voted Dr.Ambedkar to enter in the Constitution Assembly while Congress closed all Doors and windows! In an Revenge full act the areas inhibited by SC Communities in East Bengal were gifted to Pakistan and the ejected People were not allowed to stay in West Bengal lest they would kill the Brahaminical Hegemony aligning with Muslims as they did before transfer of power. They killed our Political Power and Constitutional rights scattering our people countrywide from the Himalayas to the Deep Sea in Andaman Nicobar Islands. From Northeast toRajsthan and all over DANDAKARANYA ! They resettled our people in Tribal Areas into deep Forest. I witnessed the Deforestation myself. They pitted us against aboriginal tribes everywhere.InUttarakhand, UP and Bihar, the THARU and Buksha Communities have no Right to their land which they inherited for thousands of years. Their Villages are not registered as Revenue Villages. No development work is meant for them. No Flagship Welfare Programme is meant for them. It is the same case countrywide.
Citizenship Amendment Act is meant for Deportation of Partition Victims, Five Crore resettled Bengali Refugees along with the Tamil Refugees. But I have visited the areas targeted as deportation map as in Kendrapara where Pasco and TatasSEZ marked. Six Coastal Districts of Orissa have been chosen for the Pilot Nilekani`s Unique Identity Number Project. The New Law is that you have to prove your citizenship. Hence Two Hundred Families in Lucknow were evicted from Prime land as branded as Bangladeshi while all of them belong to the Neighbourhood of Lucknow and None of them is Bengali at all!This law is meant to evacuate the Prime Property captured by Slum dogs as Slum Abolition enactment is in progress despite the fact that half of the Urban and Semi urban Population lives in Slums!DHARAVI in Mumbai is being targeted while Agricultural land is acquired indiscriminately for so called Industrialisation, Urbanisation, Realty Boom, Infrastructure, Big Dams, Mining legal as well illegal,SEZ, Chemical Hubs and Nuclear parks. This is the Neoliberalism which means all round Destruction and Exodus! Rule. Project for
However inequality is increasing for another reason. Its ideology often described as neo-liberalism, is easily visible at one level; but the underlying deeper reason is seldom discussed. The increasing openness of the Indian economy to international finance and capital flows, rather than to trade in goods and services, has had the consequence of paralysing many pro-poor public policies. Despite the fact that we continue to import more than we export (unlike China), India's comfortable foreign reserves position, crossing 230 billion U.S dollars in 2008, is mostly the result of accumulated portfolio investments and short term capital inflows from various financial institutions. To keep the show going in this way, the fiscal and the monetary policies of the government need to comply with the interests of the financial markets. That is the reason why successive Indian governments have willingly accepted the Financial Responsibility and Budget Management Act (2003) restricting deficit spending. Similarly, the idea has gained support that the government should raise resources through privatisation and so-called public-private partnership, but not through raising fiscal deficit, or not imposing a significant turnover tax on transactions of securities. These measures rattle the 'sentiment' of the financial markets, so governments remain wary of them. The hidden agenda, vigorously pursued by governments of all colours has been to keep the large private players in the financial markets in a happy mood. Since the private banks and financial institutions usually take their lead from the IMF and the World Bank, this bestows on these multilateral agencies considerable power over the formulation of government policies. However, the burden of such policies is borne largely by the poor of this country. This has had a crippling effect on policies for expanding public expenditure for the poor in the social sector. Inequality and distress grow as the state rolls back public expenditure in social services like basic health, education, and public distribution and neglects the poor, while the 'discipline' imposed by the financial markets serves the rich and the corporations. This process of high growth traps roughly one in three citizens of India in extreme poverty with no possibility of escape through either regular employment growth or relief through state expenditure on social services. The high growth scene of India appears to them like a wasteland leading to the Hell described by the great Italian poet Dante. On the gate of his imagined Hell is written, "This is the land you enter after abandoning all hopes".
Extremely slow growth in employment and feeble public action exacerbates inequality, as a disproportionately large share of the increasing output and income from growth goes to the richer section of the population, not more than say the top 20 per cent of the income receivers in India. At the extreme ends of income distribution the picture that emerges in one of striking contrasts. According to the Forbes Magazine list for 2007, the number of Indian billionaires rose from 9 in 2004 to 40 in 2007, much richer counties like Japan had only 24, France had 14 and Italy 14. Even China, despite its sharply increasing inequality, had only 17 billionaires. The combined wealth of Indian billionaires increased from US dollars 106 billion to 170 billion in the single year, 2006-07. This 60 per cent increase in wealth would not have been possible, except through transfer on land from the state and central governments to the private corporations in the name of 'public purpose', for mining, industrialisation and special economic zones (SEZ). Estimates based on corporate profits suggest that, since 2000-01 to date, each additional per cent growth of GDP has led on an average to some 2.5 per cent growth in corporate profits. India's high growth has certainly benefited the corporations more than anyone else.
After several years of high growth along these lines, India of the twenty first century has the distinction of being only second to the United States in terms of the combined total wealth of its corporate billionaires coexisting with the largest number of homeless, ill-fed, illiterates in the world. Not surprisingly, for ordinary Indians at the receiving end, this growth process is devoid of all hope for escape. Nearly half of Indian children under 6 years suffer from under-weight and malnutrition, nearly 80 per cent from anaemia, while some 40 per cent of Indian adults suffer from chronic energy deficit. Destitution, chronic hunger and poverty kill and cripple silently thousands picking on systematically the more vulnerable. The problem is more acute in rural India, among small children, pregnant females, Dalits and Adivasis, especially in the poorer states, while market oriented policies and reforms continue to widen the gap between the rich and the poor, as well as among regions.
Mon, Dec 21 05:14 PM
Pakistani gunman Ajmal Kasab on Monday denied in the special court that he shot police officers Hemant Karkare, Ashok Kamte and Vijay Salasakar on the night of 26/11, claiming he was not present at the site.
"There is no question of me shooting at them as I was not present on the site," he told the special court. Kasab said that he was not present at CST, Cama Hospital or Girgaum Chowpati (where he was nabbed by police) during Mumbai attack, because he was already in police custody when the terror attack took place.
After the attack, he was taken out by Crime Branch officers in a police vehicle, and was shown the sites, he said.
"They are police, they need an accused. So they framed me up," he alleged.
When the court asked him how he received a bullet injury on his hand, Kasab alleged that when he was in custody, police gave him local anaesthesia in his hands, and shot him.
Earlier, when proceedings began in the court, he told Judge M L Tahaliyani that he was not feeling well, and requested that recording of his statement be adjourned. But the judge said that there would be no adjournment, though if Kasab did not want to say anything, he was free to do so. Proceedings would continue after the lunch break.
Just hours before the findings of the Ram Pradhan Committee that probed the 26/11 Mumbai terror attacks was to be tabled in the Maharashtra Assembly, Deshmukh said that ministers took moral responsibility for the attacks and had resigned, but no action has been taken against officers.
Speaking to reporters here, he said: "Taking moral responsibility after 26/11, ministers resigned. That does not mean that we were responsible for the attacks. When there is public anger, the state government has to bear the brunt of it. But, I have never heard or read if any cop has been questioned in the 26/11 case."
According to sources, the report says the Mumbai Police initially responded to the terror attacks like any everyday law and order situation. The processing of intelligence inputs at the state level was mechanical and confused.
The report has criticized Mumbai Police for poor co-ordination and supervision, besides poor and inadequate infrastructure support.
The report also criticises former Mumbai Police Commissioner Hasan Gafoor for poor leadership and admires the Director General of Police (DGP) for giving off his best despite the area being out of his jurisdiction.
The report praises Joint Police Commissioner Rakesh Maria for handling the police control room to the best of his ability.
The report also lashes out at the confusion over intelligence alerts, saying proper operational procedures were not followed.
Meanwhile, Ignoring objections by the Jammu and Kashmir government, the World Bank today defended as "routine" its controversial "disclaimer" that funding for a project in the "disputed" border state will not be seen as recognition of India''s territorial claim on it. "The World Bank is an apolitical international development organisation.
It cannot take a position on border disputes. It is therefore required to add a disclaimer clause for all projects that seek to uplift the lives of poor people in areas disputed by sovereign states," a World Bank spokesperson said in a statement here.
The disclaimer clause states "By supporting the project, the World Bank does not intend to make any judgement on the legal or other status of the territories concerned or to prejudice the final determination of the parties'' claims." "The activation of this clause is routine.
It has been done in the past for projects that operate in the disputed areas of India and Pakistan (separately)," the Bank said, adding it is "mandatory". The Jammu and Kashmir Government has raised the issue of disclaimer with the Centre, which has promised to resolve the matter "very soon", a senior state minister said.
The proposed Participatory Watershed Management project aims to reverse the land degradation process (through catchment treatments) and enhance rain-fed agricultural production systems with active community participation. "The project has already identified and prioritised selected degraded patches in three regions --Jammu, Kashmir and Ladakh areas.
The passage of a civil nuclear liability bill is one of last steps in implementation of the landmark US-India civil nuclear agreement. The text was approved by the cabinet Nov 20 and it is expected to be tabled in parliament in the next session.
A copy of the draft Civil Liability for Nuclear Damage Bill 2009 bill, which is yet to be made public, is with IANS.
It stipulates in Chapter 2, section 6, that while the "maximum amount of liability in respect of each nuclear incident" shall be Rs.2,208 crore (300 million special drawing rights or $471.38 million), the operator's legal responsibility for damages is capped Rs.300 crore. If the operator liability exceeds Rs.300 crore, then the central government will have to pay the rest of it, noted the subsequent section in the bill.
It added that while the government could increase or decrease this operator liability by notification "having regard to the extent of risk involved in a nuclear installation", the amount of liability could not be less than Rs.100 crore.
The exceptions listed for an operator not to be liable was when a 'nuclear incident' was caused by grave national disaster of "exceptional character", armed conflict or act of terrorism and suffered by person on account of his own negligence.
The thorny issue of capping liability has already got vocal critics. Greenpeace India commissioned former Attorney General Soli Sorabjee for his opinion, who said that there was "no warrant or justification for capping nuclear liability".
"Any such move will be in defiance of Supreme Court judgments and will be contrary to the interest of people of India and their fundamental rights under Article 21 of the constitution," he said.
On Friday, Communist Party of India-Marxist (CPI-M) general secretary Prakash Karat said in Kolkata that all political parties must oppose the civil nuclear liability bill - echoing his earlier stormy opposition to the US India nuclear deal.
Currently, the Atomic Energy Act 1962 only allows the state-run Nuclear Power Corp India Ltd to operate nuclear power plants in the country. After the Nuclear Suppliers Group's September 2008 decision to allow India into the international nuclear trade, the country set an ambitious target of increasing installed capacity of nuclear power by 60,000 MW by 2030.
While foreign firms will not be allowed to operate plants till the law is changed, foreign suppliers of technology and services are rushing to grab a slice of the multi-billion dollar Indian nuclear market.
The Ministry of Defence today called on the private sector to take advantage of its Offset Policy which will throw up a Rs 40,000 crore
"Our anticipation is that the Offset opportunity will grow to Rs 40,000 crore (about USD 10 bn) in the next five years. This offers a tremendous opportunity (for the private sector)," Minister of State for Defence M M Pallam Raju told a press conference here.
The Defence Offset Policy stipulates that foreign contractors catering to the Armed Forces source systems and components from local vendors for at least 30 per cent of the value of orders of more than Rs 300 crore.
For a multi-role combat aircraft, the Offset value is 50 per cent, Raju said.
Most global aerospace industries have started looking towards India as a hub for development of technology, he said, adding the primary driver for this outsourcing of Aerospace Engineering and Manufacturing was the Offset Policy.
"There are many steps which we suggested to curb price rise. If the government takes those steps like banning futures (forward) trade in essential commodities, things would stabilize. Otherwise multinational companies and big business houses would continue to exploit the situation," CPI-M general secretary Prakash Karat said while addressing a party rally here.
"Price rise is an issue that we cannot allow to continue and, hence, all the Left parties would launch an agitation in March," Karat said.
Criticising the statehood demands raised in many parts of the country, he said: "We don't want fragmentation of states as it would be detrimental to the interests of the country. We want a strong federal system where states become strong."
About Maoists threats, he said the Maoists are playing into the hands of the state governments by trying to target the Marxists. "We are taking a pledge not to bow down to their threats."
The Left leader also called for unconditional peace talks between the outlawed United Liberation Front of Asom (ULFA) and the government. "Let the government take the initiative and begin peace talks. There should be no preconditions from either side," he said.
On being asked about his views on the Bill in light of the austerity drive of the Centre, Chidambaram said "please read the Bill, it has no financial implications at all."
The minister, however, did not elaborate further. Chidambaram said this while speaking to reporters on the sidelines of the 46th raising day celebrations of the Sashastra Seema Bal (SSB) in the national capital.
The government last week introduced the Salaries and Allowances of Ministers (Amendment) Bill, 2009 in Lok Sabha to provide free air travel for companions or relatives of Union ministers, a facility which only their family members got till now, on lines of the privilege enjoyed by MPs.
The Bill, which was piloted by Chidambaram, was later approved by the Lower House. It entitles ministers to take along "any number of companions or relatives" by air at the same rates at which travelling allowances were payable to them and their family.
"A minister shall be entitled to an amount equal to the fare for a single journey performed by him, during each year, within India, either alone or along with spouse or legitimate or step children, residing with and wholly dependent on him, or any number of companions or relatives, at the same rates at which travelling allowances is payable to such Minister, subject to a maximum of 48 such fares per year," it said.
21 Dec 2009, 1902 hrs IST, Mayur Shah & Harshal Kamdar,
The Reserve Bank of India (RBI), continuing its dynamic streak of balanced liberalisation, recently announced some more good news for expatriatesThis has given some cheer in these times to my friends, Nick Duxbury, a UK citizen and an investment banker who is on deputation to an Indian subsidiary of his foreign employer and his wife who is employed by an Indian consulting company.
So what has changed???
The new RBI Notification allows individuals like Nick, who are employed by a foreign company and are on deputation to an Indian branch, office, subsidiary or joint venture of such employer, to receive 100 percent of his post-tax salary directly in a bank account outside India in foreign currency and to retain such salary outside India. Prior to this change, Nick could only receive and retain 75 percent of his salary outside India. This notification also allows Nick's colleague Vaidyanathan, an Indian citizen employed abroad and on a similar deputation to receive and retain 100 percent of his post tax salary outside India.
Also, earlier, only the foreign company could pay such salary outside India and the new Notification does not impose any such restriction which implies that the Indian entity also could remit the salary to the deputationist outside India.
It also allows non-Indian citizens like Nick's wife who is on employment with an Indian company to remit 100 percent of her post-tax salary income from her Indian rupee bank account to her overseas bank account.
The RBI, over the last few years, has been pursuing the twin objectives of liberalisation and simplification, consistently and effectively. While the new Notification intends to liberalize the salary receipt or remittance for the expatriate employees but the fine print leaves room for interpretation on certain aspects.
No consensus on Gorkhaland, talks to continue
Mon, Dec 21 10:20 PM
Darjeeling (West Bengal), Dec 21 (IANS) There was no consensus on a Gorkhaland state but discussions to solve the problem would continue, union Home Secretary G.K. Pillai said here after a three-hour tripartite meeting, marked by sharp differences, with the West Bengal government and the Gorkha Janamukti Morcha Monday.
'We had detailed discussions with the Gorkha Janamukti Morcha and state government representatives regarding the formation of a separate Gorkhaland state and various other issues. We'll continue to hold discussions on this to find a solution to the Gorkhaland problem,' Pillai said at a press conference here after the parleys.
He said GJM representatives wanted the next round of discussions to be held at the political level solely on Gorkhaland.
'Both the centre and the state government representatives will place their request to the respective governments and will come back to the GJM within 45 days. There is no such agreement at all for a separate Gorkhaland state.'
The meeting, which began at 11 a.m., was attended by a central government team led by Pillai and a six-member state government side headed by Chief Secretary Ashok Mohan Chakraborty.
The GJM fielded a 16-member delegation, led by the party's general secretary Roshan Giri, for the talks held at the private Mayfair resort in the heart of this hill town.
Lt. Gen (retd.) Vijay Madan, the central government-appointed interlocutor, was also present during the meeting.
The GJM general secretary termed the meeting as 'positive' and said it would relax the indefinite hunger strike in the hills till Christmas. He said the strike would again resume from Dec 26 and continue till Dec 31 on the National Highway (NH)-31.
'We will continue our movement democratically to achieve a separate Gorkhaland state curved out of the region. We'll carry out peaceful agitation till our demand is met,' Giri said.
'Gorkhaland is a century-old demand and the problem will not be resolved till it is addressed,' Giri said, reiterating the demand for a separate state.
Giri said 'only the Gorkhaland issue was deliberated upon in the meeting', but the state government contested this.
'There was no such discussion on forming a new state. And though the GJM wanted this, there was no decision on the next set of discussions being held at the political level on forming Gorkhaland,' Chakraborty said.
The central government had in 2005 conferred the Sixth Schedule status on the Gorkha National Liberation Front (GNLF)-led Darjeeling Gorkha Hill Council (DGHC), ensuring greater autonomy to the governing body.
The GJM has been spearheading a movement for a Gorkhaland state carved out of northern West Bengal, and has been opposing special status for the hill's governing body DGHC.
The Amra Bangali, Bangla Bhasha O Bhasha Banchao Committee, a local outfit protesting the GJM's demand for a separate state, also started a relay hunger strike in Siliguri plains from Sunday, saying that they oppose the 'unconstitutional' dialogue with some 'aliens' from Nepal.
'Altogether 45 people were arrested as people opposing the Gorkhaland demand were observing a shutdown in the plains of Darjeeling to protest the tripartite talks. No major incident was reported during the agitations staged by anti-Gorkhaland outfit members,' Inspector General of Police (North Bengal) K.L Tamta told IANS by phone.
He said that a group of people also pelted stones at a State Roadways bus in Jalpaiguri district.
'Three people were arrested in connection with the case. No one was injured,' Tamta said.
Without going into the numbers game that was played at the summit, let us understand clearly that countries the world over, both rich and poor, still define their aspirations in terms of economic growth. Proactive measures to mitigate climate change impacts based on reduction in emissions, however, require tempering of growth aspirations which no country is yet willing to undertake. To resolve this conundrum, we need a new approach so that the world trundles along on a business-as-usual basis.
While it is natural for the developing world to promote economic growth, the reasons for rich countries pursuing the same are more subtle. While all rich countries enjoy a very high level of per-capita income, by definition, incomes are still unevenly distributed and unemployment is rampant. Thus, even with the present high levels of average income, the level of satisfaction of wants is still low.
If people concentrated in the lower half of the income distribution are to pursue their economic dreams, these countries would have to continue growing as drastic redistribution is politically infeasible. This tendency is reinforced by multinationals and other business players continuing to measure success in terms of financial turnovers. To add to this, the immediate effects of climate change are being felt almost entirely by poor tropical and island economies.
In fact, in near future, it is expected that life in the more prosperous temperate zone will become more productive as well as pleasant, though temporarily so.
In other words, the present circumstances are not ideal for rich countries offering to make sacrifices at the world stage for the sake of global welfare. Hence the tension at Copenhagen. For emerging and developing economies, even the levels of per-capita income do not correspond to a satisfactory quality of life.
This makes non-acceptance of the burden of mitigation measures justifiable both from a moral and practical point of view. It is quite clear that governments, whose fortunes are tied to the aspirations of local constituencies, cannot afford to cooperate with each other in pursuing domestic agenda that collectively contribute to global good while seemingly sacrificing narrow national interest.
The Copenhagen talks were based on the assumption that a top-down mechanism of signalling works. Thus, it was envisaged that a consortium of global representatives could persuade individual countries to get producers operating within their boundaries to reduce their emissions.
However, this plan underestimated the lobbying power that big businesses and the electorates have with national governments. Thus, Copenhagen outcomes turned out to be more a reflection of what powerful domestic stakeholders wanted rather than unencumbered opinion of national representatives open to influence at the world stage.
Given that the top-down signalling mechanism has failed at Copenhagen and promises to do so again and again in near future, what are the options? The obvious one pertains to the use of bottom-up processes for influencing consumer and, in turn, business preferences.
Mon, Dec 21 09:50 PM
Hitting back at Agriculture Minister Sharad Pawar who sought to put the onus for checking inflation on state governments, Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Mayawati on Monday alleged the price rise was the result of "wrong" economic policies of the Centre.
"The sky rocketing price is due to the Centre's wrong economic policies that were framed keeping in view interests of the capitalists and industrialists. These policies had nothing to do with the interest of the common people," Mayawati said here in continued blame game between the Centre and states as prices of essential goods soar.
She alleged the central government had reduced prices of petrol and diesel just before Lok Sabha elections in to gain political mileage.
"Once the elections were over, the Centre effected a hefty hike in petrol and diesel prices with the sole objective of benefitting capitalists and industrialists," she alleged. The CM said hike in prices of petrol and diesel was a major factor behind inflation.
"Keeping in mind the possible shortfall in paddy production, the Centre should have imposed a ban on export of rice but under the pressure of economic criminals and blackmarketeers it allowed the export," she said.
Mayawati said monthly wholesale price index of edible items which was 246 in November last year and increased to 287.1 last month.
"This indicated that price of edible items had increased by 20 per cent in the last one year. Are the state governments responsible for this?" she said.
Mon, Dec 21 07:57 PM
Hyderabad, Dec 21 (IANS) Prime Minister Manmohan Singh is expected to make a statement Tuesday in a bid to resolve the crisis over the issue of separate Telangana state, an MP from Andhra Pradesh said after meeting him in New Delhi.
A delegation of Congress MPs from the coastal Andhra and Rayalaseema regions met the prime minister Monday to once again convey their opposition to the proposed division of the state.
K. Sambasiva Rao, who led the delegation, told reporters after the meeting that the prime minister assured them that he would make a statement by Tuesday evening.
'We hope that his statement will be acceptable to people of all three regions of the state,' he said.
The MPs apprised the PM of the situation prevailing in coastal Andhra and Rayalaseema regions following the Dec 9 statement of Home Minister P. Chidambaram on initiating the process for formation of Telangana state.
The MPs claimed that the people of the state were for a unified state. 'We requested him that there is a need to allay the apprehensions of the people at the earliest in view of the prevailing situation,' Rao said.
The delegation included union Minister of State for Textiles Panabaka Lakshmi, Rajya Sabha member K.V.P. Ramachandra Rao and Tirupati MP Chinta Mohan.
264,000 South Asians lost jobs in Gulf: Survey
Thiruvananthapuram: About 264,000 people from South Asia have lost jobs in the Middle-East on account of the global meltdown, city-based think tank Centre for Development Studies (CDS) has found.
Presenting the study here Monday, S. Irudayarajan and D. Narayana of CDS said the financial crisis that originated in the US impacted the Gulf Cooperation Council countries soon after.
"The impact of the global crisis on the Gulf Cooperation Council ( GCC) economies has been analysed in terms of sectors affected and changes in GDP growth and employment of expatriate labourers," said Irudayarajan.
Study teams visited the six GCC countries and Malaysia to interview labourers as well as employers in various sectors.
It found that the global crisis affected the GCC economies by impacting oil prices, depressing property and equity prices, lowering investor confidence, and reversing of capital flows.
The study was funded by the Asian Development Bank, the overseas Indian affairs ministry, the central government and the state government's Department of Non-Resident Keralite Affairs.
It found out that the construction boom in GCC countries has come to a halt with 20-30 percent of bookings getting cancelled, the bulk of it in Dubai.
The phenomenal growth in employment over the past five or six years has come to a halt and about 40 percent of workers affected.
Expatriates did not leave in large numbers, the study noted, but added that there were salary cuts, freezing of increments, and scrapping of benefits and perks.
"We found that about 61,000 emigrants from Kerala have returned," said Irudayarajan. "Applying the methodology of the Kerala resurvey to South Asia as a whole, the return emigrants from the Gulf are estimated to be a maximum of 264,000."
Ironically, the study said, despite the crisis and job loss, demand for expatriates continues in the Gulf as is evident from the outflow of migrant workers from South Asia.
Except for a 35 percent fall in numbers from India, the flows in 2009 are comparable to those in 2008. But the direction of flow has changed, with UAE attracting less number of labourers whereas there is hardly any change for Saudi Arabia.
Source: IANS
Egghead Zoozoos to venture abroad
This year's Indian advertising rage will soon get audiences overseas to sit up and take notice.
Mumbai: The lovable Zoozoos, created by India's largest advertising agency Ogilvy & Mather, is all set to be exported abroad, courtesy Vodafone. The telecom company will be taking the iconic characters to allied markets in what is being seen as a clear thumbs-up to the creative concept that has taken the local advertising industry by storm since the campaign's launch earlier this year.
Piyush Pandey, Executive Chairman of Ogilvy & Mather, South Asia, says it's (taking Vodafone worldwide) a definite possibility and a lot of progress has been made on this front in the past one week. "I am keeping my fingers crossed," he says.
Into its second leg at the moment, the campaign with the egg-headed characters first surfaced during the second season of the Indian Premier League in April this year. Instead of the traditional repeat ads, Vodafone decided to launch a new film everyday during the league as it wanted to showcase its value added services. The characters, enacted by Marathi theatre actors, became endearing as they represented innocent people living in a simple world, says Pandey.
The campaign was conceived by Rajiv Rao, National Creative Director, O&M, and the film was directed by Nirvana Films.
Vodafone has been quick to cash in on the fever by launching exclusive Zoozoo merchandise in October this year. This was the first for an advertising concept in the country.
The second leg, called Power to You, is a continuation of the first, except that the ads now dwell on certain product attributes, in a Zoozoo way, of course. So, if Vodafone wishes to communicate that it has an exhaustive play-list to select from, in case a subscriber wishes to download a ringtone, then the Zoozoo adaptation of it would be as follows: A young Zoozoo girl is seen rushing from the end of a bench to the other desperately trying to catch up with the music being played out by her suitors who wish to woo her somehow. The manner in which she makes her entry, sits next to one of them, when he plays his music from his stereo, then rushes to the other who tries to woo her with his collection, is comical.
This is not the first time that an advertising concept has been taken overseas, though. The hugely popular Thanda Matlab Coca-Cola campaign, featuring Aamir Khan, was also taken abroad by the company. Launched in 2002, the campaign saw the versatile actor essaying six roles - the street-smart charlie from Mumbai, the Hyderabadi, the Punjabi farmer, the Nepali, the Bihari and the Bengali babumoshai.
Through 2002 and 2003, the campaign resonated the message - Thanda-Matlab Coca-Cola - loud and clear, instinctively cutting ice with people and ensuring that it bagged all the key awards during that period.
The multinational was so impressed with the campaign, which was created by Mccann-Erickson that it was felicitated with the company's most prestigious marketing award, the Don Keogh Marketing Mastery Award, in 2003. The campaign was adapted to markets such as China and South East Asia eventually.
Business Standard
Satyam, slowdown made 2009 hard for software industry
New Delhi: The Satyam Computer accounting scam, slowdown and resultant hiring freeze by many made 2009 a forgettable year for the Indian Information Technology industry.
There was never a dull moment for bad news during the year, given the fact that Satyam's founder B Ramalinga Raju came out of the closet with an accounting fraud on January 7. The scam tarnished the credibility of India's IT story, requiring others to do a lot of convincing to retain clients.
As dramatic it was, the World Bank, within a week of the Satyam scam coming to light, announced it had banned, besides Satyam, Wipro and Megasoft from working for it for allegedly "providing improper benefits to the Bank staff" during the course of their projects with it. While the cases dated back to mid-2007, the timing of the disclosures only helped compound the woes of the IT industry.
To give the government its due credit, it acted swiftly by superseding the Satyam Board, which brought in new auditors to restate accounts, and ascertained employee count and within months found a new owner in Tech Mahindra. Satyam has since been renamed Mahindra Satyam.
Multiple agencies probed the scam, whose size was initially estimated at Rs 7,800 crore, and Raju, once a celebrated IT icon, is in custody awaiting trial.
2009 also saw the software exporting community trying hard to keep their margins as clients cut down on IT spends. The huge forex losses due to fluctuation of rupee didn't help them either.
Bulk of IT companies' revenue comes from the US and Europe and they earn more when the dollar is stronger.
Although the dollar was stronger, many of them had hedged against a stronger rupee - which it was in 2007 - thus losing out any which way.
The fallout of this was that top Indian IT companies, which used to hire up to 25,000 people annually, put recruitment on hold.
Many of them, including Infosys, postponed campus recruitments.
Talking of Infosys, its poster-boy Nandan Nilekani left the IT company he helped found to join the government for a project to give every Indian citizen a unique identity number.
Globally, the industry saw a few mergers and acquisitions. In April, US business software company Oracle Corporation announced that it would buy its Silicon Valley rival Sun Microsystems for $7.4 billion in cash.
The takeover has moved Oracle, the world's second-largest software maker, into the server and storage computers market, placing it against IBM and Hewlett-Packard.
In September, the world's second largest PC maker Dell Inc entered into an agreement to acquire computer services firm Perot Systems for about $3.9 billion, making it one of the biggest deals in the IT space since the global financial turmoil hit the sector. The acquisition was aimed at helping Dell foray into the software space.
Copier major Xerox Corporation announced that it will acquire outsourcing entity Affiliated Computer Services (ACS) for about $6.4 billion in a cash and stock deal.
Indian IT industry is passing through a difficult phase. Shrinking budgets, pressure on revenues and bottomline, competition from global bigwigs are staring at the home-grown software multinationals who have to adjust to a new scenario than the one they have been used to so far. In a way, the game is just beginning now.
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