John Kaminski: A tail of two traitors
". . . our historians have only one goal, to obscure the past and prevent us from realizing the nature of the forces at work." -- Eustace Mullins, The Curse of Canaan, p. 27
"We need to make the enemy burn and bleed in every way." -- Winston Churchill in 1941
"People jumped into the canals and waterways and remained swimming or standing up to their necks for hours until the heat died down. Even these suffered burns to the head. The firestorm swept over the water with its showers of sparks so that even thick wooden posts burned down to the level of the water. Children were torn away from their parents' hands by the force of the hurricane and whirled into the fire." -- Written by the police chief of Hamburg, Germany in 1943.
The first thing the Jewish pawn Oliver Cromwell did after capturing command of the newly formed English Republic in 1649 was to give his army, which had finally toppled a succession of befuddled kings, something to do. What Cromwell did then was to go to Ireland and butcher everyone in sight, thus starting a neverending war of Protestants and Catholics, conceived and executed by this maniacal puppet of the Jewish bankers in Holland.
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Palash Biswas
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