From: Dr. Awatar S. Sekhon <>
Date: Fri, Feb 19, 2010 at 7:59 AM
Subject: [bangla-vision] FW: OPEN LETTER: (To Mr Badal) The Sikh Leadership & The Sikh Nation, PUNJAB, Khalistan, under the occupation of the ŒBrahmins-Hindus¹ apartheid practicing, devious, divisive alleged Indian Democracy -Dr Awatar Singh Sekhon (Machaki)
To:, "" <>,,, Bangla Vision <>
The Sikh Leadership & The Sikh Nation, PUNJAB, Khalistan, under the occupation of the 'Brahmins-Hindus' apartheid practicing, devious, divisive alleged Indian Democracy
Mr Prakash (Hanera/Darkness) Sinh Badal
Chief Minister of the Sikh Nation, PUNJAB, Khalistan
(Under the alleged Indian democracy, since 15th August, 1947)
Chief, Akali Dal-Badal (Faction) Private Limited Incorporation
Controlling the Sikhs' apex Institutions, with the aid of the anti-Sikh
And anti-House of Guru Baba Nanak Sahib
Mr Badal,
I am writing this letter to you without any salutation, as I do not think that a person with your 'selfish' motives and blind with the political power and the Chair (office) of the Chief Minister deserves any salutation, at least from the person like the writer of this 'open letter' to you. It is not that I ever wished to communicate with a 'criminal of the House of Guru Baba Nanak Sahib' especially since "An Undeclared War on the Sikh Nation, Punjab, in the form of a brutal and military "Operation Bluestar" of June 1984." An undeclared war took place, because you were one of the parties, who made the Sikh youth in particular and the innocent Sikhs in general to die mercilessly. This had been the as little role of you which I could speak of. Before that, Mr Badal you were the person, sitting on the Chair of Chief Minister of the Sikhs' Punjab, and brought the massacre of innocent Sikhs on the Revelation Day of the Khalsa (1978).
Indeed, I gave very serious considerations for sometime before approaching this writing to you, because none of the Sikh historian, Sikh politicians, Sikh political scientists, or highly educated Sikhs or my brothers, sisters, youth, elders of the rural areas could write a word to you, merely because of 'psychosis of fear' created by the corrupt, criminal and subjugate family of the 'civil or otherwise personnel' of Punjab, the brave Sikhs of Punjab, serving a power hungry, money hungry, morally, ethically and mentally bankrupt person who is the head of their pseudo-political system for some decades. What a tragedy! What a tragedy of the Sikh Nation that a 'turbaned Hindus' in 'The Sikh Identity' does not know his Sikh History from the Sikhs point of view. This person is under the 'tight control' of the jathedars of the Sikhs' apex institutions. For example, the Darbar Sahib Complex, the Supreme Seat of Sikh Polity, The Akal Takht Sahib, the executives and presidents of the Akali Dal-Badal Private Limited Incorporation, the Shiromani Gurdwara Prabhandhak Committee (SGPC), which appoint the jathedars, so to speak. In fact, Mr Badal, no jathedar or any personnel who will be paid from the coffer of the 'Guru Khalsa Panth' may be appointed without your consent. Prime examples are Puran Sinh of Luv and Kush, now a jathedar in the Darbar Sahib Complex, formerly one of the Custodians of the Akal Takht Sahib, and a member of the Rashtriya Sikh Sangat, a child of the Rashtriya Swamsewak Sangh, maybe a member of the Bhartiya Janta Party (BJP), and more recently the five jathedars, including Gurbachan Sinh, Custodian, Supreme Seat of Sikh polity appointed with your blessings to relieve Vedanti Joginder Sinh Saran from his post as head of the Supreme Seat of Sikh Polity. These jathedars in the Darbar Sahib Complex, including Avtar Sinh Makkar, etc., they have to take your permission even before visiting the 'Men's room'. This is the highly sad situation of the 'House of Guru Baba Nanak Sahib' in the Sikh Nation, Punjab, Khalistan. Simple reason is you do not know the Sikh History from the Sikhs' point of view, Mr Badal. I have no regrets to write that Mr Badal himself has become one of the "joe boys" of the 'Hindus and Brahmins' of the apartheid practicing alleged Indian democracy.
It were you and the 'Guru Khalsa Panth traitors' who made the brave Sikh Nation, which had been the first 'Sovereign and Secular Nation' of a Sikh monarch Ranjit Singh, 1799 to 14th March, 1849, of the South Asia, a 'Concentration Camp' during "Undeclared War in 1984 in the form of a brutal military "Operation Bluestar" of June, 1984. Shame on you Mr Badal, your Akali Dal-Badal Private Limited Incorporation. You are a disgrace to Baba Deep Singh, the Sikh General Banda Singh Bahadar, who established the first 'Sovereign Sikh Nation' under the order of the 10th Master of Sikhs, Sahib Guru Gobind Singh ji, General Bhaghel Singh, who hoisted the Sikh Sovereignty Flag at the Redfort, Delhi, a Sikh (Bibi) General, under her command, the Sikhs defeated the 'Marathas' in Kota (now Rajasthan).
Mr Badal, you became a "joe boy" of the deceitful Brahmins-Hindus and started wearing a 'Hindus' Mukat over the Guru Khalsa Panth's Dastaar, which is, in fact, a Sikh's crown as one of tenets of the Guru Khalsa Panth (Sabat Surat Dastaar Sira in the Sikhs' Holy Scripture, Guru Granth Sahib).
Would you explain, Mr Badal, the Punjab, Sikh Nation's coffer is Rupees 75,000-cror in red (deficit) and prove me wrong if your own assets are less than Rs 5,000-cror. Where did these Rs 5,000-cror come from, did your father handed over these Rs 5000-cror to you? If so, why does an ordinary citizen cannot drink a cup of a tea in the morning and provide just a bread and Dal (lantil soup) to his children? Isn't it that a deceitful 'Brahmin and Hindus' have also made you the enemy of the 'Guru Khalsa Panth, the Sikh Nation, Punjab of Sikhs'?
As I understand, your federal/centre administrations (JL Nehru alias Mobarak Ali to Manmohan Sinh) owe the Sikh Nation, PUNJAB, Khalistan, more than Rs 55,000-cror, as a payment, for the Punjab's River Waters. Have you recovered these Rs 55,000-cror from the alleged Indian administration? If you did, the Punjab's deficit would not had been Rs 75,000-cror as stated above. Additionally, the alleged Indian administration of New Delhi owes PUNJAB, the Sikh Nation, Khalistan, for the Punjab River Waters' by-products. I do not think that you have been given a single penny for the Punjab's River Waters and its by-products. Prove me wrong, Mr Badal, if you have received any penny.
On 15th August, 1947, the status of the Sikhs' Punjab was of 'annexed' to the British Empire. Ir was 'annexed' when the 'British Empire' made the 'Brahmins-Hindus' as a 'Sovereign' nation. The Sikhs were traded as the 'Slaves of the Brahmins-Hindus' and since then, you, the Akali Dal-Badal Private Limited Incorporation and other pro-Brahmins-Hindus are their 'slaves'. You, your 'joe boys and joe girls", the Akali Dal-Badal Private Limited Incorporation, jathedars, the Sikhs have no 'Constitutional Right', in accordance with the Constitution of India 1950. The master of your Akalis, Master Tara Singh, Panth Rattan, Betrayed the Sikh Nation, Punjab, see "Betrayal of Sikh Nation By Master Tara Singh With British Documents of Transfer of Power 1947 Written and Compiled by Ram Singh (United Kingdom), Second Edition, August 2008 ISBN 978-0-9811360-6-6."
You, Mr Badal, are the member and/or a collaborator with the Research and Analysis Wing (a spying agencies of the 'Brahmins-Hindus' alleged Indian democracy). You have failed to provide the elementary, junior high, high school, college, university, technical, higher education to the Sikhs and other citizens of PUNJAB, KHALISTAN, the SIKH NATION. You have brought the economic, social and political downfall of the Sikhs of PUNJAB, the Sikh Nation, Khalistan. You have been committing crimes against the Sikhs, being a Mukatdhari Hindu and controlling the Sikhs' apex institutions and genocide of Sikhs since the 'Revelation Day of Khalsa of 1978. You may think that you are a powerful politician. In fact, you are a criminal and who is ethically, mentally, morally, religiously (a Dastaardhari /turbanedBrahmin-Hindu in 'The Sikh Identity) bankrupt person.
You are liable to answer your sins to the Sikh Nation, PUNJAB, Khalistan.
The author (of the above letter),
Awatar Singh Sekhon (Machaki), Ph D, FIBA, RM (CCM)
Associate Professor (Retired), Medical Microbiology and Immunology
Director (Former), National Centre for Human Mycotic Diseases CANADA
Managing Editor and Editor in Chief
International Journal of Sikh Affairs ISSN 1481-5435
Palash Biswas
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