From: Dr. Awatar S. Sekhon <>
Date: Sat, Jan 23, 2010 at 2:52 AM
Subject: [bangla-vision] Would You Tolerate A Film Glorifying Hitler (Indira Gandhi)? http://www.sikhchic .com/1984/ By Gurmeet Kaur of ENSAAF Voices for Freedom
To:,,,,, Khalistan News <>, Habib Yousafzai <>,, Bangla Vision <>, "" <>,, "Dr. Jasbir Singh Mann USA" <>, Usman Khalid <>
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Fw: Would You Tolerate A Film Glorifying Hitler (Indira Gandhi)? http://www.sikhchic .com/1984/
Gurmeet Kaur
http://www.sikhchic .com/1984/ would_you_ tolerate_ a_film_glorifyin g_hitler
Would You Tolerate A Film Glorifying Hitler? [Here, Hitler is Indira Gandhi alias Maimuna Gandhi, the 'Mother of the 'Hindus-Brahmins' and waged 'An Undeclared War on The Sikh Nation, PUNJAB, Khalistan (under the occupation of the apartheid practicing, devious, divisive and the blood-thirsty alleged Indian democracy of the 'Brahmins-Hindus', since 15th August, 1947); adds Dr Awatar Singh Sekhon (Machaki) of CANADA], in form of brutal Military "Operation Bluestar" of June 1984 (see "25 Years After 1984 Assault on Durbar Sahib Laying the Foundation of Khalistan (ed) Dr Awatar Singh Sekhon ISBN 0-9548929-4-1, June 2009; a publication of London Institute of South Asia; Int J Sikh Affairs 18, 2008 ISSN 1481-5435)."by GURMEET KAUR (writes below)
After the amazing success of Slumdog Millionaire, Bollywood seems to have found a new romance in Hollywood. UCLA and Yale graduate of Indian origin, Hollywood and Broadway
acclaimed filmmaker Krishna Shah has recently announced an enormous epic that would be made in collaboration with the two largest film industries of the world: a sixty five million dollar film that Shah claims will be the realization of his life-long dream ... one that he has been working on for the last two decades. On the line and scale of Lord Attenborough' s Gandhi, he claims.
It will be called "Mother: The Indira Gandhi Story [alias Maimuna Gandhi, adds Dr Awatar Singh Sekhon (Machaki) of Canada]" Knowing the mindset, I can guarantee you that Sikhs will once again be shown as terrorists and traitors, not as the patriots and defenders of freedom and justice that they are. Invariably, the film will end with the "martyrdom" scene at the hands of her two Sikh bodyguards ... the world will leave the theatres with a lasting impression of Sikhs as such.
Like the intense and relentless media propaganda generated by the Indian government since the 80's, the world will once again be pelted with images that will put us all, collectively, in a bad light. A lot of Sikhs who have grown up beyond the reach of the mischievous propaganda to date will suddenly be ashamed of themselves ... and so will those who have barely recovered from the decades old trauma and stigma.
It does not help that this will be an international biopic directed by one of her biggest worshippers and fans. Shah has also announced the creation of an NGO - "Celebrating Indira Gandhi 'alias Maimuna Gandhi" ("CIG") aimed to propagate the ideals of Indira Gandhi through publication of books, seminars, competitions and cultural and educational programs.
I ask you two questions today.
1 Dare any director today make a film glorifying Hitler ?
2 The movie is going to glorify her - as "Maa Durga or Mother Durga, a blood thirsty, Violent Goddess, wearing a garland of skulls, with Eight or Ten hands, of more than 300,000 Gods and Goddesses of the 'Brahmins and Hindus" (a Hindu Goddess [a blood thirsty creature, adds Dr Awatar Singh Sekhon (Machaki) of Canada]). Has anybody regardless of cast, creed, religion, colour has seen a 'God/Goddess' with 8 to 10 hands, sitting on a tiger'?, asks Dr Awatar Singh Sekhon (Machaki) of Canada. If so, please do let me know. - in the filmmaker's own words and consequentially the Sikhs as - you guessed it ---the demons. If even the filmmaker was going to show some respect to the Sikhs [Note: I doubt it, says Dr Awatar Singh Sekhon (Machaki) of CANADA], the question is: "Where is the writer going to get his statistics and facts about the 1984 and preceding events for the whole world to see ?"
The answer is - from the same Indian Government reports that claim less than 700 fatalities in the army operation that, according to eye witness accounts, took thousands of innocent lives. [See Lost in History, 1984 Reconstructed, by Gunisha Kaur*]From the same reports that do not explain why 72 (official figure - 37) other Gurdwaras were attacked in those black days of June and several thousand additional innocents killed.
The same reports that claim the loss of a few hundred lives in the Delhi "riots", whereas we all know the figure exceeded several thousands. And that thousands more were killed in each major town and city in northern India under carefully planned government-sponsored d pogroms (they were not riots! NOTE: It was the 'State-sponsored 'Genocide of Sikhs'. Why? Because "Operation Bluestar" of June 1984" failed badly, according to the Editor in Chief, International Journal of Sikh Affairs ISSN 1481-5435; see page 41, NOVEMBER ISSUE 2009).
The same government reports that declared all amritdhari Sikhs as terrorist and justified the execution of all Sikh males between the ages of 15- 35 from thousands of villages in Punjab under the guise of 'encounters'. And PUNJAB, KHALISTAN, Sikhs' Holy and Historic Homeland was a 'CONCENTRATION CAMP' in "operation Bluestar" of June, 1984 era, writes Dr Awatar Singh Sekhon (Machaki) of CANADA (Int J Sikh Affairs 19, November Issue, 2009 ISSN 1481-5435).
Fillmamker Shah is already referring to Indira Gandhi [alias Maimuna Gandhi] as a martyr who gave her life in the interest of "National Unity". NOTE: What National Unity?, asks Dr Awatar Singh Sekhon (Machaki) of CANADA. Filmmaker Shah must not forget that there have been more than 30 Liberation movements have been going on since 15th August, 1947. These movements are suppressed at the gun points, using the Indian armed forces. These movements have been like the "Sikhs' Struggle for Sovereignty, Independence and Political Power," in PUNJAB, the Sikh Nation, KHALISTAN. The Sikhs' Struggle for Sovereignty has been going on since 14th March, 1849. For more details, see The Times published from London, U K, of 29th December, 1929. The Sikh leader, the 'uncrowned' King of Sikhs, Baba Kharak Singh, leading a procession of more than 500,000 citizens of The Sikh Raj, PUNJAB of the Sikh Raj, then under the occupation and 'annexed' to the British Empire. The Times, London, reported that "Such a peaceful demonstration never seen in the history of mankind."
My next question to you today is: "What? What are we going to do about it?" Ever since I heard about this news report, I have been trying to talk to Sikh leaders about it in order to find out if we are doing something over the issue and, shockingly, they are all either ignorant or complacent over it.
"We will see when the movie is released". " Yes, SGPC needs to do something about it", Please do not ever forget that the SGPC is under the 'Tight Control' of the 'Brahmins-Hindus' forces and the Akali Dal-Badal Private Limited Incorporation. Please be my guest and write to the 'government-controlled SGPC administration of Jathedars, who are appointed by those Dastaardhari people, who are the Hindus-Brahmins in 'The Sikh Identity'."Yes, Sikhs should write to the director"... are
the responses I get. I fear that the knee-jerk response by many will be to fume, demonstrate, boycott, burn the theatres and stage protests later on, after the release of the film - rather than to educate, negotiate, be proactive about things when there is time ? "Bibi Gurmeet Kaur ji, please forget about the future and you have to make your future plans based on your 'past and present History of Sikhs', writes Dr Awatar Singh Sekhon (Machaki) of CANADA. How can we rely on an organization such as the S.G.P.C. which has no muscle left (it miserably fails even at the local issues in Punjab), no soul left ( it has sold it out to the politicians) ; and no intellectual substance or integrity whatsoever?
Close to a 100 million dollars are already slated for this movie.
Names such as Tom Hanks and Tommy Lee Jones are already being tapped in for the roles of Lyndon Johnson and Richard Nixon. I say we need to wake up now, organize over this issue and start a lobby to portray Sikhs in the right light. Please 'do not' forget that about 99% Gurdwaras outside PUNJAB, the Sikhs' Holy and Historic Homeland, have been penetrated by the 'Brahmins-Hindus' and the intelligence agencies. For what? People need VISA of their enemies to visit their 'Motherland PUNJAB'. What an unfortunate and disappointing state to obtain VISA from his/her enemy to VISIT his holy and Historic Homeland, PUNJAB, The Sikh Nation, writes Dr Awatar Singh Sekhon (Machaki) of CANADA? Here is where I put a challenge to all the Sikh organizations who are active in the education/ documentation of the 1984 Sikh Genocide, including Sikhs for Justice.
Voices for Freedom
Palash Biswas
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